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Isolated rat liver nuclei were incubated under conditions when RNA polymerase I or RNA polymerase II was preferentially active. It was shown that [gamma-32P] ATP and [gamma-32P] GTP were incorporated into phenol extractable, TCA-precipitable material. RNase, actinomycin D, heparin and, in the case of RNA-polymerase II, alpha-amanitine inhibited precursor incorporation. These data are interpreted as evidence in favour of the initiation of RNA synthesis in isolated rat liver nuclei.  相似文献   

The population of RNA molecules synthesized in isolated rat liver nucleiin vitro in the presence of [3H]CTP and Hg-UTP was succesfully fractionated into at least two subfractions containing various proportions of mercury label. Fractionation was achieved either by step-wise chromatography of Hg-RNA on thiopropyl-Sepharose columns or by density gradient centrifugation in metrizamide. The fraction of RNA heavily labeled with Hg-UTP was composed mainly of 4-18S RNA and contained virtually all radioactivity derived from [-32P]ATP or [-32P]GTP. The slightly mercurated RNA fraction consisted mainly of longer RNA molecules (12->28S) and was not labeled with [-32P]ATP or [-32P]GTP. Labeling with -32P nucleoside triphosphates was sensitive both to rifamycin AF/013 and heparin whereas labeling with [3H]CTP was fully resistant to the inhibitors and showed sensitivity to low doses of -amanitin. We assume that the observed subpopulation of heavily mercurated RNAs consists of RNA molecules initiated in vitro.  相似文献   

By continuous perfusion of columns containing isolated immobilized rat liver nuclei with media containing labeled RNA precursors, the in vitro synthesis and release of RNA was studied. The combined reaction of synthesis and release could be adjusted to proceed at a constant rate. The reaction rate responded to variation of termperature, ionic conditions, nucleoside triphosphate concentration and to the addition of RNA polymerase inhibitors. During 60 min perfusion approximately equal amounts of radioactive low molecular weight RNA and of ribonucleoproteins were released. Pulse-chase experiments showed that the low molecular weight RNA was synthesized throughout the perfusion and released immediately after formation. The ribonucleoproteins were primarly labeled during the first period of perfusion and were gradually released. Synthesis of RNA contained in the ribonucleoproteins was inhibited by low alpha-amanitin concentrations, indicating that it was catalyzed by RNA polymerase II. The in vitro labeled ribonucleoproteins exhibited properties of the stable nuclear particles which can be extracted from isolated nuclei after rapid in vivo labeling of RNA. They had a buoyant density of 1.41--1.43 in CsCl, were partially unstable in 1% deoxycholate, but stable in 0.1% deoxycholate, in 100 mM NaCl and in 10 mM EDTA. Due to the dilution by the perfusion medium, the ribonucleoproteins sedimented with a peak at 22--27 S, and not at 30--45 S. The RNA synthesized in the immobilized nuclei was not degraded during the perfusion. Less than 20% was gradually released, whereby the 20--30 S peak zone was reduced. While the properties of the in vitro labeled ribonucleoproteins and of rapidly in vivo labeled ribonucleoproteins were the same, the kinetics of their release differed.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis has been studied in isolated nuclei of HeLa cells. The incubation medium has been optimized for RNA synthesis and the requirements for the presence of specific components previously used by other investigators has been examined. Nuclei isolated by centrifugation through 2 M sucrose synthesize RNA linearly for at least 1 h only at low temperature (25°C). Low molecular weight RNA is found in the supernatant fraction after incubation; this RNA accounts for about 10% of the RNA synthesized. The RNA which remains within nuclei is of high molecular weight and processing of this RNA into molecules of the size of cytoplasmic mRNA does not seem to occur in isolated nuclei. We have studied the effect of an inhibitor of protein-nucleic acid interaction — aurintricarboxylic acid — on RNA synthesis by isolated nuclei. At concentrations below 0.1 mM, this drug does not inhibit RNA synthesis effectively, whereas at concentrations above 0.1 mM it inhibits RNA synthesis by about 80%. In view of the proposed mechanism of action of aurintricarboxylic acid, we suggest that completion of nucleotide chains initiated before nuclei isolation accounts for 20% of the RNA synthesized in our system by isolated nuclei, whereas nucleotide chains initiated during the in vitro incubation account for 80% of the RNA synthesized.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis in intact rat liver nuclei   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Using a wide spectrum of criteria, the isozyme composition of hexokinase from sarcoma M-1 reinoculated to rat m. gastrocnemius was studied. The structural, physicochemical and functional properties of the homogeneous enzyme which is represented in sarcoma M-1 by one molecular form, were investigated. Some properties of the enzyme (amino acid composition, resistance to mild proteolysis, Mr, pH-dependence of enzyme activity, electrophoretic mobility, kinetic behaviour) indicate that sarcoma M-1 hexokinase is a specific form of the enzyme which differs markedly from other known isozymes of mammalian hexokinase. The observed peculiarities of sarcoma M-1 hexokinase are discussed in terms of present-day concepts on the structure of isozymic spectra of enzymes in neoplastic tissues.  相似文献   

Purified rat liver nuclei were incubated at 4°C. After different intervals of incubation aliquots of the nuclear suspension were taken and DNA was extracted by a common SDS-phenol-chloroform procedure. The fractionation of DNA by agar gel electrophoresis revealed large DNA fragments. It was shown that the well-known DNA degradation to monomers and its multiples is preceeded by an earlier breakdown of DNA into characteristic large fragments.  相似文献   

Methylation of chromatin DNA in rat liver cell nuclei incubated in a medium with [3H]CH3-S-adenosyl methionine was studied. It was shown that under the given experimental conditions DNA methylation and chromatin degradation by endogenous nuclear nuclease (nucleases) with a formation of chromatin structural subunits occur simultaneously. An analysis of methylated chromatin DNA degradation products based on a number of approaches demonstrated a predominant methylation of extra-nucleosomal DNA. The data obtained suggest that chromatin of isolated nuclei contain sites with supermethylated DNA fragments incorporating not less than 400 nucleotide pairs. These sites possess an increased sensitivity to endogenous nuclease.  相似文献   

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