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Gao T  Knecht D  Tang L  Hatton RD  Gomer RH 《Eukaryotic cell》2004,3(5):1176-1184
Little is known about how individual cells can organize themselves to form structures of a given size. During development, Dictyostelium discoideum aggregates in dendritic streams and forms groups of approximately 20,000 cells. D. discoideum regulates group size by secreting and simultaneously sensing a multiprotein complex called counting factor (CF). If there are too many cells in a stream, the associated high concentration of CF will decrease cell-cell adhesion and increase cell motility, causing aggregation streams to break up. The pulses of cyclic AMP (cAMP) that mediate aggregation cause a transient translocation of Akt/protein kinase B (Akt/PKB) to the leading edge of the plasma membrane and a concomitant activation of the kinase activity, which in turn stimulates motility. We found that countin- cells (which lack bioactive CF) and wild-type cells starved in the presence of anticountin antibodies (which block CF activity) showed a decreased level of cAMP-stimulated Akt/PKB membrane translocation and kinase activity compared to parental wild-type cells. Recombinant countin has the bioactivity of CF, and a 1-min treatment of cells with recombinant countin potentiated Akt/PKB translocation to membranes and Akt/PKB activity. Western blotting of total cell lysates indicated that countin does not affect the total level of Akt/PKB. Fluorescence microscopy of cells expressing an Akt/PKB pleckstrin homology domain-green fluorescent protein (PH-GFP) fusion protein indicated that recombinant countin and anti-countin antibodies do not obviously alter the distribution of Akt/PKB PH-GFP when it translocates to the membrane. Our data indicate that CF increases motility by potentiating the cAMP-stimulated activation and translocation of Akt/PKB.  相似文献   

Many cells appear to secrete factors called chalones that limit their proliferation, but in most cases the factors have not been identified. We found that growing Dictyostelium cells secrete a 60 kDa protein called AprA for autocrine proliferation repressor. AprA has similarity to putative bacterial proteins of unknown function. Compared with wild-type cells, aprA-null cells proliferate faster, while AprA overexpressing cells proliferate slower. Growing wild-type cells secrete a factor that inhibits the proliferation of wild-type and aprA- cells; this activity is not secreted by aprA- cells. AprA purified by immunoprecipitation also slows the proliferation of wild-type and aprA- cells. Compared with wild type, there is a higher percentage of multinucleate cells in the aprA- population, and when starved, aprA- cells form abnormal structures that contain fewer spores. AprA may thus decrease the number of multinucleate cells and increase spore production. Together, the data suggest that AprA functions as part of a Dictyostelium chalone.  相似文献   

Developing Dictyostelium cells form structures containing approximately 20,000 cells. The size regulation mechanism involves a secreted counting factor (CF) repressing cytosolic glucose levels. Glucose or a glucose metabolite affects cell-cell adhesion and motility; these in turn affect whether a group stays together, loses cells, or even breaks up. NADPH-coupled aldehyde reductase reduces a wide variety of aldehydes to the corresponding alcohols, including converting glucose to sorbitol. The levels of this enzyme previously appeared to be regulated by CF. We find that disrupting alrA, the gene encoding aldehyde reductase, results in the loss of alrA mRNA and AlrA protein and a decrease in the ability of cell lysates to reduce both glyceraldehyde and glucose in an NADPH-coupled reaction. Counterintuitively, alrA- cells grow normally and have decreased glucose levels compared with parental cells. The alrA- cells form long unbroken streams and huge groups. Expression of AlrA in alrA- cells causes cells to form normal fruiting bodies, indicating that AlrA affects group size. alrA- cells have normal adhesion but a reduced motility, and computer simulations suggest that this could indeed result in the formation of large groups. alrA- cells secrete low levels of countin and CF50, two components of CF, and this could partially account for why alrA- cells form large groups. alrA- cells are responsive to CF and are partially responsive to recombinant countin and CF50, suggesting that disrupting alrA inhibits but does not completely block the CF signal transduction pathway. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy indicates that the concentrations of several metabolites are altered in alrA- cells, suggesting that the Dictyostelium aldehyde reductase affects several metabolic pathways in addition to converting glucose to sorbitol. Together, our data suggest that disrupting alrA affects CF secretion, causes many effects on cellular metabolism, and has a major effect on group size.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking of the precursor of Spitz (Spi), the major Drosophila EGF receptor (EGFR) ligand, is facilitated by the chaperone Star, a type II transmembrane protein. This study identifies a novel mechanism for modulating the activity of Star, thereby influencing the levels of active Spi ligand produced. We demonstrate that Star can efficiently traffic Spi even when present at sub-stoichiometric levels, and that in Drosophila S(2)R(+) cells, Spi is trafficked from the endoplasmic reticulum to the late endosome compartment, also enriched for Rhomboid, an intramembrane protease. Rhomboid, which cleaves the Spi precursor, is now shown to also cleave Star within its transmembrane domain both in cell culture and in flies, expanding the repertoire of known Rhomboid substrates to include both type I and type II transmembrane proteins. Cleavage of Star restricts the amount of Spi that is trafficked, and may explain the exceptional dosage sensitivity of the Star locus in flies.  相似文献   

Much remains to be understood about how a group of cells or a tissue senses and regulates its size. Dictyostelium discoideum cells sense and regulate the size of groups and fruiting bodies using a secreted 450-kDa complex of proteins called counting factor (CF). Low levels of CF result in large groups, and high levels of CF result in small groups. We previously found three components of CF (D. A. Brock and R. H. Gomer, Genes Dev. 13:1960-1969, 1999; D. A. Brock, R. D. Hatton, D.-V. Giurgiutiu, B. Scott, R. Ammann, and R. H. Gomer, Development 129:3657-3668, 2002; and D. A. Brock, R. D. Hatton, D.-V. Giurgiutiu, B. Scott, W. Jang, R. Ammann, and R. H. Gomer, Eukaryot. Cell 2:788-797, 2003). We describe here a fourth component, CF60. CF60 has similarity to acid phosphatases, although it has very little, if any, acid phosphatase activity. CF60 is secreted by starving cells and is lost from the 450-kDa CF when a different CF component, CF50, is absent. Although we were unable to obtain cells lacking CF60, decreasing CF60 levels by antisense resulted in large groups, and overexpressing CF60 resulted in small groups. When added to wild-type cells, conditioned starvation medium from CF60 overexpressor cells as well as recombinant CF60 caused the formation of small groups. The ability of recombinant CF60 to decrease group size did not require the presence of the CF component CF45-1 or countin but did require the presence of CF50. Recombinant CF60 does not have acid phosphatase activity, indicating that the CF60 bioactivity is not due to a phosphatase activity. Together, the data suggest that CF60 is a component of CF, and thus this secreted signal has four different protein components.  相似文献   

The development of Dictyostelium discoideum is a model for tissue size regulation, as these cells form groups of approximately 2 x 10(4) cells. The group size is regulated in part by a negative feedback pathway mediated by a secreted multipolypeptide complex called counting factor (CF). CF signal transduction involves decreasing intracellular CF glucose levels. A component of CF, countin, has the bioactivity of the entire CF complex, and an 8-min exposure of cells to recombinant countin decreases intracellular glucose levels. To understand how CF regulates intracellular glucose, we examined the effect of CF on enzymes involved in glucose metabolism. Exposure of cells to CF has little effect on amylase or glycogen phosphorylase, enzymes involved in glucose production from glycogen. Glucokinase activity (the first specific step of glycolysis) is inhibited by high levels of CF but is not affected by an 8-min exposure to countin. The second enzyme specific for glycolysis, phosphofructokinase, is not regulated by CF. There are two corresponding enzymes in the gluconeogenesis pathway, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase. The first is not regulated by CF or countin, whereas glucose-6-phosphatase is regulated by both CF and an 8-min exposure to countin. The countin-induced changes in the Km and Vmax of glucose-6-phosphatase cause a decrease in glucose production that can account for the countin-induced decrease in intracellular glucose levels. It thus appears that part of the CF signal transduction pathway involves inhibiting the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase, decreasing intracellular glucose levels and affecting the levels of other metabolites, to regulate group size.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum counting factor (CF), a secreted approximately 450-kDa complex of polypeptides, inhibits group and fruiting body size. When the gene encoding countin (a component of CF) was disrupted, cells formed large groups. We find that recombinant countin causes developing cells to form small groups, with an EC(50) of approximately 3 ng/ml, and affects cAMP signal transduction in the same manner as semipurified CF. Recombinant countin increases cell motility, decreases cell-cell adhesion, and regulates gene expression in a manner similar to the effect of CF. However, countin does not decrease adhesion or group size to the extent that semipurified CF does. A 1-min exposure of developing cells to countin causes an increase in F-actin polymerization and myosin phosphorylation and a decrease in myosin polymerization, suggesting that countin activates a rapid signal transduction pathway. (125)I-Labeled countin has countin bioactivity, and binding experiments suggest that vegetative and developing cells have approximately 53 cell-surface sites that bind countin with a K(D) of approximately 1.5 ng/ml or 60 pm. We hypothesize that countin regulates cell development through the same pathway as CF and that other proteins within the complex may modify the activity of countin and/or have independent size-regulating activities.  相似文献   

We are studying cell differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum by examining the regulation of genes that are preferentially expressed in different cell types. A system has been established in which prestalk- and prespore-cell-specific genes are expressed in single cells in response to culture conditions. We confirm our previous results showing that cyclic AMP induces prestalk genes and now show that it is also required for prespore gene induction. The expression of both classes of genes is additionally dependent on the presence of a factor(s) secreted by developing cells which we call conditioned medium factor(s). An assay for conditioned medium factor(s) shows that it is detectable within 2.5 h after the onset of development. Conditioned medium factor(s) also promotes the expression of genes induced early in development, but has no detectable effect on the expression of actin genes and a gene expressed maximally in vegetative cells. In the presence of conditioned medium factor(s), exogenous cyclic AMP at the onset of starvation fails to induce the prespore and prestalk genes. The addition of cyclic AMP between 2 and 12 h of starvation results in rapid prestalk gene expression, whereas prespore genes are induced at an invarient time (approximately 18 h after the onset of starvation). These data suggest that cyclic AMP and conditioned medium factor(s) are sufficient for prestalk gene induction, whereas an additional parameter(s) is involved in the control of prespore gene induction. In contrast to several previous studies, we show that multicellularity is not essential for the expression of either prespore or prestalk genes. These data indicate that prespore and prestalk genes have cell-type-specific as well as shared regulatory factors.  相似文献   

The regulation of tissue and organism size plays an essential, but poorly understood, role in multicellular development. Genes have been identified that affect body and organ size in a number of animals. Two recently identified genes, smlA and countin, are required for the proper function of a cell-counting mechanism that regulates organism size in the eukaryotic microorganism Dictyostelium discoideum. The discovery of this process now allows the study of size regulation in a simple multicellular system.  相似文献   

Developing Dictyostelium cells form aggregation streams that break into groups of approximately 2 x 10(4) cells. The breakup and subsequent group size are regulated by a secreted multisubunit counting factor (CF). To elucidate how CF regulates group size, we isolated second-site suppressors of smlA(-), a transformant that forms small groups due to oversecretion of CF. smlA(-) sslA1(CR11) cells form roughly wild-type-size groups due to an insertion in the beginning of the coding region of sslA1, one of two highly similar genes encoding a novel protein. The insertion increases levels of SslA. In wild-type cells, the sslA1(CR11) mutation forms abnormally large groups. Reducing SslA levels by antisense causes the formation of smaller groups. The sslA(CR11) mutation does not affect the extracellular accumulation of CF activity or the CF components countin and CF50, suggesting that SslA does not regulate CF secretion. However, CF represses levels of SslA. Wild-type cells starved in the presence of smlA(-) cells, recombinant countin, or recombinant CF50 form smaller groups, whereas sslA1(CR11) cells appear to be insensitive to the presence of smlA(-) cells, countin, or CF50, suggesting that the sslA1(CR11) insertion affects CF signal transduction. We previously found that CF reduces intracellular glucose levels. sslA(CR11) does not significantly affect glucose levels, while glucose increases SslA levels. Together, the data suggest that SslA is a novel protein involved in part of a signal transduction pathway regulating group size.  相似文献   

Tomato fruit growth parameters, cell number and cell size, and hormone levels [IAA, abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin (Z)/zeatin riboside (ZR), isopentenyladenosine (i-Ado)/isopentenlyadenine (i-Ade)], in the wild-type ( Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Mill.) and a semi-isogenic mutant (mutant III) differing in fruit size were investigated during fruit development. An image-processing system was used for the determination of cell number and single cell size per fruit and hormone levels were measured by radioimmuno-assay (RIA). The bigger fruits of mutant III showed higher cell numbers throughout fruit development and cells enlarged faster than in wild-type fruits. During the first 10 days of fruit growth, the main cell division period after fertilization, high concentrations of cytokinins were found, these being correlated with high cell division activity. There were only slight differences in IAA and ABA levels in the different sized fruits. The results emphasized the importance of the cell number per fruit at anthesis as a determining factor of final fruit size in tomatoes. A possible relationship between cytokinins and subsequent fruit development is discussed.  相似文献   

N Mazurek  G Weskamp  P Erne  U Otten 《FEBS letters》1986,198(2):315-320
Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces degranulation of rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMC) in a dose-dependent manner, providing direct evidence for its action on non-neuronal tissues. Activation of RPMC by NGF depends on lysophosphatidylserine and extracellular calcium. NGF-mediated RPMC degranulation is not coupled to a transient increase in intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i). It is suggested that NGF has a unique mode of action independent of [Ca2+]i and presumably also without involving protein kinase C activation as indicated by the effects of phorbol esters and NGF on antigen-evoked [Ca2+]i rise.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum form groups of approximately 2 x 10(4) cells. The group size is regulated in part by a negative feedback pathway mediated by a secreted multipolypeptide complex called counting factor (CF). The CF signal transduction pathway involves CF-repressing internal glucose levels by increasing the K(m) of glucose-6-phosphatase. Little is known about how this enzyme is regulated. Glucose-6-phosphatase is associated with microsomes in both Dictyostelium and mammals. We find that the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in crude microsomes from cells with high, normal, or low CF activity had a negative correlation with the amount of CF present in these cell lines. In crude cytosols (supernatants from ultracentrifugation of cell lysates), the glucose-6-phosphatase activity had a positive correlation with CF accumulation. The crude cytosols were further fractionated into a fraction containing molecules greater than 10 kDa (S>10K) and molecules less than 10 KDa (S<10K). S>10K from wild-type cells strongly repressed the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in wild-type microsomes, whereas S>10K from countin(-) cells (cells with low CF activity) significantly increased the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in wild-type microsomes by decreasing K(m). The regulatory activities in the wild-type and countin(-) S>10Ks are heat-labile and protease-sensitive, suggesting that they are proteins. S<10K from both wild-type and countin(-) cells did not significantly change glucose-6-phosphatase activity. Together, the data suggest that, as a part of a pathway modulating multicellular group size, CF regulates one or more proteins greater than 10 KDa in crude cytosol that affect microsome-associated glucose-6-phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

All insect ovaries are composed of functional units called ovarioles, which contain sequentially developing egg chambers. The number of ovarioles varies between and within species. Ovariole number is an important determinant of fecundity and thus affects individual fitness. Although Drosophila oogenesis has been intensively studied, the genetic and cellular basis for determination of ovariole number remains unknown. Ovariole formation begins during larval development with the morphogenesis of terminal filament cells (TFCs) into stacks called terminal filaments (TFs). We induced changes in ovariole number in Drosophila melanogaster by genetically altering cell size and cell number in the TFC population, and analyzed TF morphogenesis in these ovaries to understand the cellular basis for the changes in ovariole number. Increasing TFC size contributed to higher ovariole number by increasing TF number. Similarly, increasing total TFC number led to higher ovariole number via an increase in TF number. By analyzing ovarian morphogenesis in another Drosophila species we showed that TFC number regulation is a target of evolutionary change that affects ovariole number. In contrast, temperature-dependent plasticity in ovariole number was due to changes in cell-cell sorting during TF morphogenesis, rather than changes in cell size or cell number. We have thus identified two distinct developmental processes that regulate ovariole number: establishment of total TFC number, and TFC sorting during TF morphogenesis. Our data suggest that the genetic changes underlying species-specific ovariole number may alter the total number of TFCs available to contribute to TF formation. This work provides for the first time specific and quantitative developmental tools to investigate the evolution of a highly conserved reproductive structure.  相似文献   

Captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were exposed to the stress of handling and restraint while corticosterone, glucose, and triglyceride concentrations were monitored in blood plasma. In saline-injected controls, basal samples were taken within 3 min of disturbance with subsequent samples taken at 40, 70, and 150 min. This was repeated at two times during the daily cycle (day and night) on two different photoperiods: short and long days. During both photoperiods, corticosterone concentrations approximately tripled (compared with a sixfold increase in free-living starlings) and triglyceride concentrations decreased 25-45% in response to stress at both times of the day, whereas an approximately 25% stress-induced hyperglycemia occurred only at night. Exogenous corticosterone (200 microg), 1.0 or 4.0 IU/kg of insulin, or a combination of corticosterone with each insulin dose was then separately administered to alter the above responses. Insulin did not affect corticosterone or triglyceride concentrations but resulted in a dose-dependent hypoglycemia of 10-40%. Injected corticosterone resulted in supraphysiological corticosterone concentrations (three- to fivefold higher than normal), yet it did not affect the already altered plasma glucose or triglyceride concentrations. This suggests that glucose output and triglyceride decreases were already maximal in response to handling and restraint. However, the low glucose concentrations resulting from exogenous insulin returned to basal quicker with exogenous corticosterone but only during the day. No response to either hormone showed photoperiodic differences. These data suggest that corticosterone's role in metabolism changes to meet varying energetic demands throughout the day.  相似文献   

A secreted counting factor (CF), regulates the size of Dictyostelium discoideum fruiting bodies in part by regulating cell-cell adhesion. Aggregation and the expression of adhesion molecules are mediated by relayed pulses of cAMP. Cells also respond to cAMP with a short cGMP pulse. We find that CF slowly down-regulates the cAMP-induced cGMP pulse by inhibiting guanylyl cyclase activity. A 1-min exposure of cells to purified CF increases the cAMP-induced cAMP pulse. CF does not affect the cAMP receptor or its interaction with its associated G proteins or the translocation of the cytosolic regulator of adenylyl cyclase to the membrane in response to cAMP. Pulsing streaming wild-type cells with a high concentration of cAMP results in the formation of small groups, whereas reducing cAMP pulse size with exogenous cAMP phosphodiesterase during stream formation causes cells to form large groups. Altering the extracellular cAMP pulse size does not phenocopy the effects of CF on the cAMP-induced cGMP pulse size or cell-cell adhesion, indicating that CF does not regulate cGMP pulses and adhesion via CF's effects on cAMP pulses. The results suggest that regulating cell-cell adhesion, the cGMP pulse size, or the cAMP pulse size can control group size and that CF regulates all three of these independently.  相似文献   

Popular academic ideas linking physiological adaptations to social behaviors are spreading disconcertingly into wider societal contexts. In this article, we note our skepticism with one particularly popular—in our view, problematic—supposed causal correlation between neocortex size and social group size. The resulting Dunbar's Number, as it has come to be called, has been statistically tested against observed group size in different primate species. Although there may be reason to doubt the Dunbar's Number hypothesis among nonhuman primate species, we restrict ourselves here to the application of such an explanatory hypothesis to human, culture-manipulating populations. Human information process management, we argue, cannot be understood as a simple product of brain physiology. Cross-cultural comparison of not only group size but also relationship-reckoning systems like kinship terminologies suggests that although neocortices are undoubtedly crucial to human behavior, they cannot be given such primacy in explaining complex group composition, formation, or management.  相似文献   

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