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The isolation and cultivation of rabbit bone marrow mononuclear phagocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rabbit bone marrow cells were cultured in a liquid medium in the presence of high concentrations of serum but in the absence of other added exogenous stimulating substances. Conditions were established that allow the selective proliferation of the precursor cells of the mononuclear phagocytes and their differentiation into macrophages. These cells were identified both on the basis of their morphological appearance as well as on several other properties (presence of Fc receptors at their surface, rapid phagocytosis of latex or India ink, continuous secretion of lysozyme). Their proliferation is preceded by the rapid degeneration of all the other cell types, including the granulocytes that are no longer found after 4 days of culture. Macrophage precursors (monoblasts and promonocytes) proliferate and persist in suspension until the 8th–10th day of culture when they become adherent. Essentially pure populations of macrophages could be maintained in culture for at least 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cells, harvested from fresh human bone marrow specimens by density gradient separation, were suspended in phosphate buffered saline and analyzed by flow cytometry in terms of the forward and right angle scattering of the incident light. The rectilinear distribution, obtained by plotting the intensity of light scattered in the forward and right angle directions, contained three regions of interest in which the percentage of cells (Mean ± standard deviation) with respect to the total was as follows: Region 1: 17.6±9.9; region 2: 5.3±1.4; region 3: 71.7±9.4. Cells from each region were sorted by flow cytometry and plated in semi-solid agar containing cell conditioned medium supportive of myeloid colony formation. Cells from region 2 contained the majority of progenitor cells that gave rise to such colonies at a plating efficiency that rose in proportion to the extent by which the region 2 cells in samples was increased through sorting. This increase in plating efficiency was 6 to 43 fold. Thus, region 2 of the cytometric distribution of cells from normal, unstained human bone marrows was a good source of myeloid progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Using a cytochemical assay we were able to show that the peritoneal macrophage population of normal nontreated mice (resident peritoneal macrophages) exhibits a heterogeneity with regard to the expression of the activity of the ecto-enzyme 5′-nucleotidase (5′-N). About 75% of the macrophages express high enzymic activity whereas the remaining 25% express low 5′-N activity. Macrophages accumulating in the peritoneum as a result of an inflammatory response are predominantly of the low activity type. In vitro activation of resident peritoneal macrophages by lymphokines does not result in a decrease in the number of macrophages expressing high enzymic activity though the level of the enzymic activity of these cells is reduced by about 36%. Bone marrow derived mononuclear phagocyte colonies developing in vitro, under liquid culture conditions, from bone marrows of normal mice can be divided into three types with respect to their expression of 5′-N activity: (1) high activity colonies–relatively small colonies in which all the cells express high 5′-N activity (about 20% of the colonies); (2) low activity colonies – relatively large colonies in which all the cells express low 5′-N activity (about 70% of the colonies); and (3) mixed colonies–relatively large colonies in which all the cells express low enzymic activity except for about 8% of cells located at the periphery of the colonies which express high enzymic activity (about 10% of the colonies). During an inflammatory response the frequency of the high activity colonies is significantly reduced. Our results provide evidence for distinct bone marrow precursors for mononuclear phagocytes expressing high and low 5′-N activity and suggest that (1) the resident macrophages derive from a subpopulation of bone marrow precursor cells developing in vitro into high 5′-N activity mononuclear phagocytes, and (2) during an inflammatory response there is a preferential expansion of clones of the low enzymic activity phenotype.  相似文献   

K Grossgebauer 《Blut》1979,39(4):281-283
A recently developed fluorochrome, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), is used to stain mononuclear phagocytes of the mouse. After addition of heparin, these cells showed a bright yellow outer ring.  相似文献   

Summary The goal of this study was to establish a generally applicable immunoenzymatic method for the simultaneous detection of cytokine and immunophenotype at the single cell level. Evaluating various cell preparations and staining protocols, we found that permeabilization by saponin (0.1%) is very efficient, in combination with glutaraldehyde (0.04%) as fixative. Among various staining procedures, sequential immunoperoxidase labelling of the cytokine by use of diaminobenzidine, and detection of the immunophenotype by use of 4-chloronaphthol proved most discriminative. The typical localization of the cytokine reaction product (Golgi staining) within the cell, and the ringlike staining for the immunophenotype on the cell surface, allowed precise identification of double-labelled cells. Primary monoclonal antibodies from the same species could be used without loss of sensitivity and specificity for either or both antigens. This method thus provides the opportunity to study morphology, cytokine and immunophenotype simultaneously at the single cell level with standard equipment. Its application for the analysis of tissue samples is in progress, and may allow us to incorporate the cytokine-type as a new parameter in histopathological diagnostics.  相似文献   

IL-4 inhibits superoxide production by human mononuclear phagocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The activation of mononuclear phagocytes (M phi) and their generation of oxidative products is influenced by various cytokines as well as by normal maturational changes. We examined the effects of IL-4 on superoxide (O2-) production (cytochrome c reduction) by cultured M phi and the modulation of these effects by IFN-gamma and IL-1. Incubation of IL-4 (200 U/ml) with M phi inhibited M phi PMA (100 ng/ml)-stimulated O2-. production by 23% at 24 h, 34% at 48 h, and 70 to 85% at 72 to 96 h. IL-4 similarly inhibited M phi O2-. production in response to zymosan. IL-4 did not affect M phi viability, adherence to microtiter plates, or ability to phagocytose boiled yeast. In comparison with M phi, neutrophil O2-. production was not inhibited after 4 to 20 h incubation with IL-4. When IL-4 was washed out as early as 1 h after the initiation of M phi culture, significant inhibition of O2-. production was observed 4 days later. Sequential addition of either IL-4 or IFN-gamma to cultures demonstrated reciprocal cytokine effects on M phi; IL-4 partially inhibited O2-. production by M phi previously treated with rIFN-gamma whereas rIFN-gamma partially augmented O2-. production by M phi previously treated with IL-4. Because IL-4 has been reported to inhibit IL-1 production, add-back experiments were performed; addition of IL-1 only partly reconstituted O2-. production in IL-4-treated cells. Further characterization showed that although M phi protein synthesis was enhanced by both rIFN-gamma and IL-4 treatment, acid phosphatase, a marker of maturation to the macrophage phenotype, was markedly increased at an earlier time point in IL-4-treated M phi, and correlated with a decline in O2-. production. The ability of IL-4 to suppress M phi O2-. production implicates IL-4 as an important regulator of this aspect of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Utilizing a panel of currently available monoclonal antibodies, the surface phenotype of a pure population of resting rat bone marrow-derived mononuclear phagocytes (BMM phi) was analyzed by means of flow cytometry. The present work provides an extensive list of surface markers expressed by BMM phi and also outlines advantages and limitations of flow cytometric analysis of this cell type. The results show that the majority of surface markers considered to be expressed selectively by T lymphocytes, such as Thy-1, CD2 and CD5 antigens, leukosialin (W3/13), or an alloantigen of peripheral T cells, are not expressed by BMM phi. On the other hand, the CD8 antigen and the leukocyte common antigen recognized by MRC OX-33, considered to represent specific markers of cytotoxic T cells and/or peripheral B cells, are expressed on a variable, often considerable proportion of BMM phi. Monoclonal antibodies W3/25, MRC OX-35, and MRC OX-38, directed against epitopes on the CD4 molecule, labeled a variable proportion of BMM phi. Among the 39 monoclonal antibodies examined, none appeared to recognize an epitope which is expressed selectively by mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a potent phospholipid mediator that may participate in inflammatory responses by virtue of its ability to activate platelets, leukocytes, and vascular cells. We examined the synthesis and release of PAF by human peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) isolated by countercurrent elutriation. PAF was produced after stimulation by calcium ionophore A23187 (IoA), opsonized zymosan (OpsZ), and PMA with a relative order of potency IoA much greater than OpsZ greater than PMA. The portion of PAF subsequently released from the cell was dependent on the specific agonist, the time of incubation, and the presence of albumin. Under optimal conditions, PBM released 67, 49 and 32% of the total PAF produced in response to IoA, OpsZ, and PMA, respectively. Changes in PAF metabolism were observed in PBM that were examined after short term adherence or differentiation into macrophages. Adherent PBM accumulated and released less PAF than suspended monocytes, and monocyte-derived macrophages produced less PAF than the parent PBM. The ability of monocytes to release significant amounts of newly synthesized PAF from the cell is unusual among human cell types, which in general retain the vast majority of the lipid, and may be of particular pathophysiologic importance.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid (AA), a fatty acid found in the human bone marrow plasma, is the precursor of eicosanoids that modulate bone marrow haematopoiesis. To further our understanding of the role of AA in the bone marrow physiology, we have assessed its incorporation in human bone marrow mononuclear cells. Gas chromatography analysis indicates the presence of AA in their fatty acid composition. In bone marrow mononuclear cells, [3H]-AA is incorporated into triglycerides and is later delivered into phospholipids, a result not observed with blood mononuclear cells. Prelabelling-chase experiments indicate a trafficking of labelled AA from phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine. Stimulation of prelabelled bone marrow mononuclear cells with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) results in the release of a part of the incorporated labelled AA. Finally, exogenous AA (up to 1 microM) has no significant effect on cell growth. In conclusion, human bone marrow mononuclear cells participate to the control of marrow AA concentrations by incorporating AA into phospholipids and triglycerides. In turn, bone marrow mononuclear cells can release AA in response to the potent haematopoietic growth factor GM-CSF.  相似文献   

These studies demonstrate the IgE-dependent production of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha by circulating blood monocytes. IL-1 beta production was demonstrated biologically as the stimulation of proliferation of the cloned IL-1-dependent murine T cell line D10.G4.1 in the presence of a submitogenic concentration of PHA. In a representative experiment, 3H-thymidine uptake increased from 57826 cpm in the presence of supernatants obtained from unstimulated cells to 200774 cpm with supernatants from monocytes stimulated by IgE/alpha IgE immune complexes. By ELISA, IgE complexes increased IL-1 beta production from 0.54 +/- 0.06 ng (per 10(6) monocytes) to 2.60 +/- 0.62 ng (p less than 0.01; mean of eight experiments) and TNF-alpha production from 0.17 +/- 0.10 ng to 3.00 +/- 0.54 ng (p less than 0.01; mean of four experiments). No IL-1 alpha secretion was observed. RNA hybridization analysis demonstrated that IL-1 beta production represented de novo synthesis of the cytokine. Stimulated RNA production was observed after a minimal 1/2-h incubation and was maximal at 2 h. The IgE-dependent secretion of these pro-inflammatory cytokines by mononuclear phagocytic cells may contribute to the inflammation characteristic of allergic responses.  相似文献   

S Gordon 《Federation proceedings》1978,37(13):2754-2758
Lysozyme and plasminogen activator (PA) are independently regulated secretion products of the macrophage. Lysozyme is released constitutively by all types of macrophage, whereas PA is induced during macrophage activation by nonspecific stimuli or by an immunologically specific pathway under control of sensitized T lymphocytes and antigen. Production of PA is closely related to the ability of the macrophage to proliferate in the presence of colony stimulating factor (CSF). Production of lysozyme is often extinguished after hybridization of macrophages with other cells, but may persist and serve as a useful marker for expression of the differentiated macrophage phenotype in somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

Vaccination therapy of AD animal models and patients strongly suggests an active role of brain mononuclear phagocytes in immune-mediated clearance of amyloid-beta peptides (Abeta) in brain. Although Abeta uptake by macrophages can be regulated by pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, their effects on macrophage-mediated Abeta degradation are poorly understood. To better understand this mechanism of degradation, we examined whether pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines affect the degradation of Abeta using primary cultured human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) and microglia using pulse-chase analysis of fibrillar and oligomer (125)I-Abeta40 and Abeta42. Initial uptake of fibrillar Abeta40 and Abeta42 was 40% and its degradation was saturated by 120 h in both MDM and microglia, compared with an initial uptake of oligomeric Abeta less than 0.5% and saturation of degradation within 24 h. IFN-gamma increased the intracellular retention of fibrillar Abeta40 and Abeta42 by inhibiting degradation, whereas IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta1, but not IL-13 and IL-27, enhanced degradation. Fibrillar Abeta degradation in MDM is sensitive to lysosomal and insulin degrading enzyme inhibitors but insensitive to proteasomal and neprilysin inhibitors. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha directly reduced the expression of insulin degrading enzyme and chaperone molecules (heat shock protein 70 and heat shock cognate protein 70), which are involved in refolding of aggregated proteins. Coculture of MDM with activated, but not naive T cells, suppressed Abeta degradation in MDM, which was partially blocked by a combination of neutralizing Abs against proinflammatory cytokines. These data suggest that proinflammatory cytokines suppress Abeta degradation in MDM, whereas select anti-inflammatory and regulatory cytokines antagonize these effects.  相似文献   

A type IV collagenolytic metalloproteinase secreted by human monocytes/macrophages has been isolated and characterized. Monocytes isolated from peripheral blood and cultured in vitro exhibited a high type IV collagenolytic activity during the first and second day, but such activity declined markedly over subsequent days. Type IV collagenolytic activity was also transiently elaborated by macrophages isolated from (a) bronchioalveolar lavage of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis, (b) primary human colostrum, and (c) peritoneal lavage of a patient with peritonitis. In contrast, macrophages isolated from the bronchioalveolar lavage of normal individuals, or from noninflammatory peritoneal fluids, failed to exhibit type IV collagenolytic activity. A type IV collagenolytic neutral proteinase was purified from macrophages isolated from inflammatory peritoneal fluid. The proteinase has a mass of 67 kDa on gel electrophoresis and is not altered in its migration under reducing conditions. It produces a characteristic 1/4-3/4 cleavage of type IV collagen, and its activity is abolished by treatment with EDTA but not phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride. The isoelectric pH of the proteinase is 5.2 as judged by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition of the proteinase was notable for a high content of serine, glutamic acid, glycine, and alanine and no detectable hydroxyproline, cysteine, or methionine residues. The carbohydrate content of the proteinase was 11.2%, and galactose was the most abundant monosaccharide (8.7%) released following acid hydrolysis, followed by glucose (1.3%), mannose (1.2%), and trace amounts of fucose and galactosamine. Such a type IV collagenolytic protease may play an important role during the traversal of the vascular basement membrane by extravasating monocytes. The biochemical characteristics and biologic function of the macrophage proteinase may be similar or identical to the type IV collagenolytic proteinase identified in metastatic tumor cells.  相似文献   

Expression of stress proteins in human mononuclear phagocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The heat shock/stress response is characterized by the induction of several highly evolutionarily conserved proteins during thermal stress, chemical stress, or glucose starvation. It has recently been recognized that members of the stress protein family are synthesized constitutively and subserve functions that are critical to protein folding during intracellular transport. In this study we examined the expression of heat shock/stress proteins in human mononuclear phagocytes, cells dependent on intracellular transport for Ag processing, Ag presentation, generation of reactive oxygen intermediates, and secretion of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory polypeptides. The results indicate that there are distinct patterns in expression of individual members of the highly homologous SP70, SP90, and ubiquitin gene families during different stress states. There is a marked increase in expression of the heat-inducible form of SP70 and SP90 in human monocytes during heat shock. Expression of GRP 78/BiP and GRP 94 increases predominantly during glucose starvation but also increases during heat shock. Ubiquitin gene expression increases during both heat shock and glucose starvation. There is no change in synthesis of the constitutive form of SP 70 or of the ubiquitin activating enzyme E1 during heat shock or glucose starvation. Synthesis of the constitutive form of SP 70 and novel SP 90-like polypeptides increase during endotoxin-mediated inflammatory activation. One intracellular transport process of the mononuclear phagocyte, secretion of specific proinflammatory and antiinflammatory polypeptides, is affected by glucose starvation and by heat shock.  相似文献   

The nonadherent (NA) population of bone-marrow-derived mononuclear cells (MNC) has been demonstrated to be a source of osteogenic precursors in addition to the plastic-adherent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). In the current study, two subpopulations of late adherent (LA) osteoprogenitors were obtained by subsequent replating of NA cells, and their phenotypic, functional, and molecular properties were compared with those of early adherent (EA) MSC. Approximately 35% of MNC were LA cells, and they acquired a homogeneous expression of MSC antigens later than EA cells. In EA-MSC, the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity increased significantly from time of seeding to the first confluence, whereas in LA cells it raised later, after the addition of mineralization medium. All subpopulations were able to produce type I collagen and to deposit extracellular matrix with organized collagen fibrils. The proportion of large colonies with more than 50% of ALP positive cells as well as the calcium content was higher in LA than in EA cells. Molecular analysis highlighted the upregulation of bone-related genes in LA-MSC, especially after the addition of mineralization medium. Our results confirm that bone marrow contains LA osteoprogenitors which exhibit a delay in the differentiation process, despite an osteogenic potential similar to or better than EA-MSC. LA cells represent a reservoir of osteoprogenitors to be recruited to gain an adequate bone tissue repair and regeneration when a depletion of the most differentiated component occurs. Bone tissue engineering and cell therapy strategies could take advantage of LA cells, since an adequate amount of osteogenic MSCs may be obtained while avoiding bone marrow manipulation and cell culture expansion.  相似文献   

It has been previously established in the guinea pig that the response of peritoneal macrophages to migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is enhanced by a macrophage glycolipid and that gangliosides reversibly bind MIF. This suggests that glycolipids function as cell surface receptors for MIF. In this report, it is demonstrated that the response of human peripheral blood monocytes to human MIF is augmented by preincubation of these cells with glycolipidenriched material extracted from the human macrophage-like cell line U937 or human peripheral blood monocytes and with a purified glycolipid from guinea pig peritoneal macrophages. In addition, a mixed ganglioside preparation from bovine brain shows the same effect. In contrast, the pure gangliosides, GM1 and GD1a, and glycolipids from the HL-60 cell line, which is a MIF-unresponsive cell line, were not able to enhance the response to human MIF. The specificity of enhancement by particular glycolipids could not be attributed to an increased uptake of only enhancing glycolipids since there was no significant difference between the association of monocytes with radioactive liposomes containing biologically active or inactive glycolipids. Pronase treatment did not affect the enhancing activity of the U937 glycolipidenriched material. Incubation of cells with glycolipids results in enhancement only if done at 37 °C and not at 4 °C. Therefore, the association of lipid with the monocyte surface appears to be dependent on temperature.Further evidence for the receptor nature of these enhancing glycolipids is provided by experiments involving affinity purification experiments. Coupling of bovine brain mixed gangliosides to agarose resulted in a matrix capable of reversibly binding MIF. GD1a-agarose was inactive in this respect.  相似文献   

Interactions between human haematopoietic and bone marrow stromal cells are governed by complex carbohydrate-mediated adhesion processes. In order to evaluate corresponding carbohydrate-binding sites on human myelo- and erythropoietic cells which were able to react with mono- or oligosaccharides, we established an immunocytochemical double-staining assay. In a first step, cell lineages were visualized using Lewisx (CD15) or glycophorin C-specific monoclonal antibodies. The second step included polyacrylamide-conjugated carbohydrate structures. According to our results, the carbohydrate-binding potential of granulopoietic cells increased during the process of maturation, contrasting a reduction of carbohydrate-binding sites on erythroid precursor cells during differentiation. With respect to previous in vitro studies, these findings shed some light on certain aspects of bone marrow homing as well as on the trafficking of mature cellular elements into circulation. It is tempting to speculate that carbohydrate-mediated adhesion mechanisms may be involved in the various functional defects of progenitor cells in chronic myelogenic leukaemia, especially regarding their complex interactions with the marrow microenvironment.  相似文献   

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