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The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris was used to express Drosophila melanogaster type 1beta serine/threonine phosphoprotein phosphatase catalytic subunit (PP1beta9C). A construct encoding PP1beta9C with a short NH(2)-terminal fusion including six histidine residues was introduced into the X-33 and KM71H strains of P. pastoris by homologous recombination. Recombinant protein was purified from cell free extracts 24 h after methanol induction. PP1beta9C was purified to a specific activity of 12,077 mU/mg by a three-step purification method comprising (NH(4))(2)SO(4)-ethanol precipitation followed by Ni(2+)-agarose affinity chromatography and Mono Q anion-exchange chromatography. This purification scheme yielded approximately 80 microg of active, soluble PP1beta9C per 1 L of culture. In contrast to recombinant PP1beta9C overexpressed in bacteria, which differs from native PP1c in several biochemical criteria including the requirement for divalent cations, sensitivity to vanadate, and p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) phosphatase activity, recombinant PP1beta9C produced in P. pastoris has native-like properties. P. pastoris thus provides a reliable and convenient system for the production of active, native-like recombinant PP1beta9C.  相似文献   

Protein ser/thr phosphatase 2A family members (PP2A, PP4, and PP6) are implicated in the control of numerous biological processes, but our understanding of the in vivo function and regulation of these enzymes is limited. In this study, we investigated the role of Tap42, a common regulatory subunit for all three PP2A family members, in the development of Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs. RNAi-mediated silencing of Tap42 using the binary Gal4/UAS system and two disc drivers, pnr- and ap-Gal4, not only decreased survival rates but also hampered the development of wing discs, resulting in a remarkable thorax cleft and defective wings in adults. Silencing of Tap42 also altered multiple signaling pathways (HH, JNK and DPP) and triggered apoptosis in wing imaginal discs. The Tap42(RNAi)-induced defects were the direct result of loss of regulation of Drosophila PP2A family members (MTS, PP4, and PPV), as enforced expression of wild type Tap42, but not a phosphatase binding defective Tap42 mutant, rescued fly survivorship and defects. The experimental platform described herein identifies crucial roles for Tap42?phosphatase complexes in governing imaginal disc and fly development.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit was released from its endogenous regulatory subunits by ethanol precipitation and purified by anion exchange and microcystin affinity chromatography. The enzyme was identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry from a tryptic digest of the purified protein as a mixture of PP1 isoforms (TOPP 1-6) indicating that at least 4-6 of the eight known PP1 proteins are expressed in sufficient quantities for purification from A. thaliana suspension cells. The enzyme had a final specific activity of 8950 mU/mg using glycogen phosphorylase a as substrate, had a subunit molecular mass of 35 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and behaved as a monomeric protein of approx. 39 kDa on Superose 12 gel filtration chromatography. Similar to the mammalian type 1 protein phosphatases, the A. thaliana enzyme was potently inhibited by Inhibitor-2 (IC(50)=0.65 nM), tautomycin (IC(50)=0.06 nM), microcystin-LR (IC(50)=0.01 nM), nodularin (IC(50)=0.035 nM), calyculin A (IC(50)=0.09 nM), okadaic acid (IC(50)=20 nM) and cantharidin (IC(50)=60 nM). The enzyme was also inhibited by fostriecin (IC(50)=22 microM), NaF (IC(50)=2.1 mM), Pi (IC(50)=9.5 mM), and PPi (IC(50)=0.07 mM). Purification of the free catalytic subunit allowed it to be used to probe protein phosphatase holoenzyme complexes that were enriched on Q-Sepharose and a microcystin-Sepharose affinity matrix and confirmed several proteins to be PP1 targeting subunits.  相似文献   

PPYR1, the product of the CG15031 gene, was identified as a protein phosphatase Y (PPY) interacting protein in Drosophila melanogaster using a yeast two-hybrid screen. PPYR1 displays a biphasic expression pattern: the maternal protein is abundant in the developing egg chambers and in the early embryos, while the zygotic protein appears later in development and is localized specifically in the testes of the males. The maternal and zygotic gene products differ from each other in their size having apparent molecular masses of 47 and 66 kDa, respectively. The maternal PPYR1 is localized in the cytoplasm of the follicular and nurse cells and is deposited as a ribonucleoprotein complex in the oocyte. In the early embryos, the PPYR1 is distributed evenly, and it gradually diminishes during embryonic development. Zygotic PPYR1 is expressed exclusively in the testes, predominantly in the cytoplasm of the spermatocytes. PPY is localized in the nuclei of the same cells. Our results suggest that PPYR1 has two distinct developmental isoforms: a maternal protein the expression of which is independent of PPY and a zygotic protein which is co-expressed with PPY.  相似文献   

Kiger JA  Eklund JL  Younger SH  O'Kane CJ 《Genetics》1999,152(1):281-290
We have initiated an analysis of protein kinase A (PKA) in Drosophila using transgenic techniques to modulate PKA activity in specific tissues during development. We have constructed GAL4/UAS-regulated transgenes in active and mutant forms that encode PKAc, the catalytic subunit of PKA, and PKI(1-31), a competitive inhibitor of PKAc. We present evidence that the wild-type transgenes are active and summarize the phenotypes produced by a number of GAL4 enhancer-detector strains. We compare the effects of transgenes encoding PKI(1-31) with those encoding PKAr*, a mutant regulatory subunit that constitutively inhibits PKAc because of its inability to bind cyclic AMP. Both inhibitors block larval growth, but only PKAr* alters pattern formation by activating the Hedgehog signaling pathway. Therefore, transgenic PKI(1-31) should provide a tool to investigate the role of PKAc in larval growth regulation without concomitant changes in pattern formation. The different effects of PKI(1-31) and PKAr* suggest two distinct roles, cytoplasmic and nuclear, for PKAc in Hedgehog signal transduction. Alternatively, PKAr* may target proteins other than PKAc, suggesting a role for free PKAr in signal transduction, a role inhibited by PKAc in reversal of the classical relationship of these subunits.  相似文献   

The Drosophila testis has proven to be a valuable model organ for investigation of germline stem cell (GSC) maintenance and differentiation as well as elucidation of the genetic programs that regulate differentiation of daughter spermatogonia. Development of germ cell specific GAL4 driver transgenes has facilitated investigation of gene function in GSCs and spermatogonia but specific GAL4 tools are not available for analysis of postmitotic spermatogonial differentiation into spermatocytes. We have screened publically available pGT1 strains, a GAL4‐encoding gene trap collection, to identify lines that can drive gene expression in late spermatogonia and early spermatocytes. While we were unable to identify any germline‐specific drivers, we did identify an insertion in the chiffon locus, which drove expression specifically in early spermatocytes within the germline along with the somatic cyst cells of the testis. genesis 50:914–920, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Liu  Yanchen  Zhang  Mingming  Liu  Zhao  Li  Shuiming  Liu  Hangfei  Huang  Rongzhong  Yi  Faping  Zhou  Jian 《Amino acids》2023,55(2):263-273

Comprehensive knowledge of the intracellular protein interactions of cell-surface receptors will greatly advance our comprehension of the underlying trafficking mechanisms. Hence, development of effective and high-throughput approaches is highly desired. In this work, we presented a strategy aiming to tailor toward the analysis of intracellular protein interactome of cell-surface receptors. We used α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors subunit GluA1 as an example to illustrate the methodological application. To capture intracellular proteins that interact with GluA1, after surface biotinylation of the prepared hippocampal neurons and slices, the non-biotinylated protein components as intracellular protein-enriched fraction were unconventionally applied for the following co-immunoprecipitation. The co-immuno-precipitated proteins were then analyzed through mass spectrometry-based proteomics and bioinformatics platforms. The detailed localizations indicated that intracellular proteins accounted for up to 93.7 and 90.3% of the analyzed proteins in the neurons and slices, respectively, suggesting that our protein preparation was highly effective to characterize intracellular interactome of GluA1. Further, we systematically revealed the protein functional profile of GluA1 intracellular interactome, thereby providing complete overview and better comprehension of diverse intracellular biological processes correlated with the complex GluA1 trafficking. All experimental results demonstrated that our methodology would be applicable and useful for intracellular interaction proteomics of general cell-surface receptors.


The cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and the type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) are broad-specificity signaling enzymes with opposing actions that catalyze changes in the phosphorylation state of cellular proteins. Subcellular targeting to the vicinity of preferred substrates is a means of restricting the specificity of each enzyme [1] [2]. Compartmentalization of the PKA holoenzyme is mediated through association of the regulatory subunits with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs), whereas a diverse family of phosphatase-targeting subunits directs the location of the PP1 catalytic subunit (PP1c) [3] [4]. Here, we demonstrate that the PKA-anchoring protein, AKAP220, binds PP1c with a dissociation constant (KD) of 12.1 +/- 4 nM in vitro. Immunoprecipitation of PP1 from cell extracts resulted in a 10.4 +/- 3.8-fold enrichment of PKA activity. AKAP220 co-purified with PP1c by affinity chromatography on microcystin sepharos Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that the kinase, the phosphatase and the anchoring protein had distinct but overlapping staining patterns in rat hippocampal neurons. Collectively, these results provide the first evidence that AKAP220 is a multivalent anchoring protein that maintains a signaling scaffold of PP1 and the PKA holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Filamins are highly conserved actin-crosslinking proteins that regulate organization of the actin cytoskeleton. As key components of versatile signaling scaffolds, filamins are implicated in developmental anomalies and cancer. Multiple isoforms of filamins exist, raising the possibility of distinct functions for each isoform during development and in disease. Here, we provide an initial characterization of jitterbug (jbug), which encodes one of the two filamin-type proteins in Drosophila. We generate Jbug antiserum that recognizes all of the spliced forms and reveals differential expression of different Jbug isoforms during development, and a significant maternal contribution of Jbug protein. To reveal the function of Jbug isoforms, we create new genetic tools, including a null allele that deletes all isoforms, hypomorphic alleles that affect only a subset, and UAS lines for Gal4-driven expression of the major isoforms. Using these tools, we demonstrate that Jbug is required for viability and that specific isoforms are required in the formation of actin-rich protrusions including thoracic bristles in adults and ventral denticles in the embryo. We also show that specific isoforms of Jbug show differential localization within epithelia and that maternal and zygotic loss of jbug disrupts Crumbs (Crb) localization in several epithelial cell types.  相似文献   

Neurabin I, a neuronal actin-binding protein, binds protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and p70 ribosomal S6 protein kinase (p70S6K), both proteins implicated in cytoskeletal dynamics. We expressed wild-type and mutant neurabins fused to green fluorescent protein in Cos7, HEK293, and hippocampal neurons. Biochemical and cellular studies showed that an N-terminal F-actin-binding domain dictated neurabin I localization at actin cytoskeleton and promoted disassembly of stress fibers. Deletion of the C-terminal coiled-coil and sterile alpha motif domains abolished neurabin I dimerization and induced filopodium extension. Immune complex assays showed that neurabin I recruited an active PP1 via a PP1-docking sequence,(457)KIKF(460). Mutation of the PP1-binding motif or PP1 inhibition by okadaic acid and calyculin A abolished filopodia and restored stress fibers in cells expressing neurabin I. In vitro and in vivo studies suggested that the actin-binding domain attenuated protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation of neurabin I. Modification of a major PKA site, serine-461, impaired PP1 binding. Finally, p70S6K was excluded from neurabin I/PP1 complexes and required the displacement of PP1 for recruitment to neurabin I. These studies provided new insights into the assembly and regulation of a neurabin I/PP1 complex that controls actin rearrangement to promote spine development in mammalian neurons.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of type 1 serine/threonine protein phosphatase (PP1c) was shown to bind trithorax (TRX) in the yeast two-hybrid system. Interaction between PP1c and TRX was confirmed in vivo by co-immunoprecipitation from Drosophila extracts. An amino-terminal fragment of TRX, containing a putative PP1c-binding motif, was shown to be sufficient for binding to PP1c by in vitro glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays using recombinant protein and fly extracts expressing epitope tagged PP1c. Disruption of the PP1c-binding motif abolished binding, indicating that this motif is necessary for interaction with PP1. On polytene chromosomes, PP1c is found at many discrete bands, which are widely distributed along the chromosomes. Many of the sites that stain strongly for PP1c correspond to sites of TRX, consistent with a physical association of PP1c with chromatin-bound TRX. Homeotic transformations of haltere to wing in flies mutant for trx are dominantly suppressed by PP1c mutants, indicating that PP1c not only binds TRX, but is a physiologically relevant regulator of TRX function in vivo.  相似文献   

Recombinant I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) did not affect the activity of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1(C)) with (32)P-labeled myelin basic protein, histone H1, and phosphorylase when assayed in the absence of divalent cations. However, in the presence of Mn(2+), I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) stimulated PP1(C) activity by 15-20-fold with myelin basic protein and histone H1 but not phosphorylase. Half-maximal stimulation occurred at 2 and 4 nM I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A), respectively. Moreover, I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) reduced the Mn(2+) requirement by about 30-fold to 10 microM. In contrast, PP1(C) activity was unaffected by I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) in the presence of Co(3+) (0.1 mM), Mg(2+) (2 mM), Ca(2+) (0.5 mM), and Zn(2+) (0.1 mM). Following gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-200 in the presence of Mn(2+), PP1(C) coeluted with I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) in the void volume. However, when I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) or Mn(2+) were omitted, PP1(C) emerged with a V(e)/V(0) of approximately 1.6. The results demonstrate that I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) associate with and modify the substrate specificity of PP1(C) in the presence of physiological concentrations of Mn(2+). A novel role is suggested for I(1)(PP2A) and I(2)(PP2A) in the reciprocal regulation of two major mammalian serine/threonine phosphatases, PP1 and PP2A.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Binding modes of a series of aryloxymethylphosphonates and monoanionic biosteres of phosphate group from a series of benzylic alpha,alpha-diflluoro phosphate and its biosteres as protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) inhibitors have been identified by molecular modeling techniques. We have performed docking and molecular dynamics simulations of these inhibitors with PTP 1B enzyme. The initial conformation of the inhibitors for docking was obtained from simulated annealing technique. Solvent accessible surface area calculations suggested that active site of PTP 1B is highly hydrophobic. The results indicate that for aryloxymethylphosphonates, in addition to hydrogen bonding interactions, Tyr46, Arg47, Asp48, Val49, Glu115, Lys116, Lys120 amino acid residues of PTP 1B are responsible for governing inhibitor potency of the compounds. The sulfonate and tetrazole functional groups have been identified as effective monoanionic biosteres of phosphate group and biphenyl ring system due to its favorable interactions with Glu115, Lys116, Lys120 residues of PTP 1B found to be more suitable aromatic functionality than naphthalene ring system for benzylic alpha,alpha-diflluoro phosphate and its biosteres. The information generated from the present study should be useful in the design of more potent PTP 1B inhibitors as anti diabetic agents.  相似文献   

Isolation and expression of a maize type 1 protein phosphatase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dephosphorylation of phosphoproteins by protein phosphatases represents an important mechanism for regulating specific cellular processes in eukaryotic cells. The aim of the present study was to examine the structural and biochemical characteristics of a specific class of protein Ser/Thr phosphatases (type 1 protein phosphatases) which have received very little attention in higher plants. A cDNA clone (ZmPP1) was isolated from a maize (Zea mays L.) cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence is 80% identical with a 292-amino acid core region of rabbit and yeast type 1 protein phosphatase catalytic subunit. Southern blot analysis indicates that ZmPP1 may belong to a family of related genes in maize. ZmPP1 RNA was present in all maize tissues examined, indicating that it may play a fundamental role in cellular homeostasis. To demonstrate that ZmPP1 encodes an active protein phosphatase and, in an effort to characterize this gene product biochemically, high levels of ZmPP1 were expressed in Escherichia coli. Active ZmPP1 enzyme dephosphorylates rabbit phosphorylase a and is strongly inhibited by okadaic acid and by the mammalian inhibitor-2. These data show that ZmPP1 is structurally and biochemically very similar to the corresponding enzyme in animal cells. These results also suggest that the function and regulation of the higher plant type 1 protein phosphatases may be similar to the mammalian protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

Helps NR  Cohen PT 《FEBS letters》1999,450(1-2):72-76
Two genome sequences of Escherichia coli K-12 substrains, one partial W3110 and one complete MG1655, have been determined by Japanese and American genome projects, respectively. In order to estimate the rate of nucleotide changes, we directly compared 2 Mb of the nucleotide sequences from these closely-related E. coli substrains. Given that the two substrains separated about 40 years ago, the rate of nucleotide changes was estimated to be less than 10(-7) per site per year. This rate was supported by a further comparison between partial genome sequences of E. coli and Shigella flexneri.  相似文献   

Kirchner J  Gross S  Bennett D  Alphey L 《Genetics》2007,176(1):273-281
Protein serine/threonine phosphatase type 1 (PP1) has been found in all eukaryotes examined to date and is involved in the regulation of many cellular functions, including glycogen metabolism, muscle contraction, and mitosis. In Drosophila, four genes code for the catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1c), three of which belong to the PP1α subtype. PP1β9C (flapwing) encodes the fourth PP1c gene and has a specific and nonredundant function as a nonmuscle myosin phosphatase. PP1α87B is the major form and contributes ~80% of the total PP1 activity. We describe the first mutant alleles of PP1α96A and show that PP1α96A is not an essential gene, but seems to have a function in the regulation of nonmuscle myosin. We show that overexpression of the PP1α isozymes does not rescue semilethal PP1β9C mutants, whereas overexpression of either PP1α96A or PP1β9C does rescue a lethal PP1α87B mutant combination, showing that the lethality is due to a quantitative reduction in the level of PP1c. Overexpression of PP1β9C does not rescue a PP1α87B, PP1α96A double mutant, suggesting an essential PP1α-specific function in Drosophila.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify novel microbial inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). METHODS AND RESULTS: 750 actinomycetes and 408 microfungi were isolated from Sabah forest soils and screened for production of potential PP1 inhibitors using an in vivo screening system, in which candidate inhibitors were identified through mimicking the properties of PP1-deficient yeast cells. Acetone extracts of two fungi, H9318 (Penicillium) and H9978 (non-Penicillium) identified in this way showed inhibitory activity towards both mammalian PP1 and PP2A in an in vitro phosphatase assay, while extract from H7520 (Streptomyces) inhibited PP2A but not PP1. Consistently, using a drug-induced haploinsufficiency test, strains with either reduced PP1 or PP2A function were hypersensitive to H9318 and H9978 extracts whereas only the latter strain showed hypersensitivity to H7250 extract. H9318 extract was fractionated using RP-HPLC into two active peaks (S1 and S2). A yeast strain with reduced PP1 function showed hypersensitivity to fraction S2 whereas a strain with reduced PP2A function was hypersensitive to fraction S1. However, S1 and S2 inhibited both PP1 and PP2A activities to a similar extent. CONCLUSION: Three candidate PP inhibitors have been identified. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Further development may generate useful research tools and ultimately therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation catalyzed by kinases and phosphatases is a major form of posttranslational regulation that plays a central role in regulating many signaling pathways. While large families of both protein kinases and protein phosphatases have been identified in plants, kinases outnumber phosphatases. This raises the question of how a relatively limited number of protein phosphatases can maintain protein phosphorylation homeostasis in a cell. Recent studies have shown that Arabidopsis FyPP1 (Phytochrome-associated serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1) and FyPP3 encode the catalytic subunits of protein phosphatase 6 (PP6), and that they directly binds to the A subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2AA proteins), and SAL (SAPS domain-like) proteins to form the heterotrimeric PP6 holoenzyme complex. Emerging evidence is suggesting that PP6, acts in opposition with multiple classes of kinases, to regulate the phosphorylation status of diverse substrates and subsequently numerous developmental processes and responses to environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

The protein kinase activity of the DNA-PKcs (DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit) and its autophosphorylation are critical for DBS (DNA double-strand break) repair via NHEJ (non-homologous end-joining). Recent studies have shown that depletion or inactivation of DNA-PKcs kinase activity also results in mitotic defects. DNA-PKcs is autophosphorylated on Ser2056, Thr2647 and Thr2609 in mitosis and phosphorylated DNA-PKcs localize to centrosomes, mitotic spindles and the midbody. DNA-PKcs also interacts with PP6 (protein phosphatase 6), and PP6 has been shown to dephosphorylate Aurora A kinase in mitosis. Here we report that DNA-PKcs is phosphorylated on Ser3205 and Thr3950 in mitosis. Phosphorylation of Thr3950 is DNA-PK-dependent, whereas phosphorylation of Ser3205 requires PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1). Moreover, PLK1 phosphorylates DNA-PKcs on Ser3205 in vitro and interacts with DNA-PKcs in mitosis. In addition, PP6 dephosphorylates DNA-PKcs at Ser3205 in mitosis and after IR (ionizing radiation). DNA-PKcs also phosphorylates Chk2 on Thr68 in mitosis and both phosphorylation of Chk2 and autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs in mitosis occur in the apparent absence of Ku and DNA damage. Our findings provide mechanistic insight into the roles of DNA-PKcs and PP6 in mitosis and suggest that DNA-PKcs’ role in mitosis may be mechanistically distinct from its well-established role in NHEJ.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is a MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) that activates the JNK and p38 MAP kinase cascades and is activated in response to oxidative stress such as hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). A yeast two-hybrid screening identified a serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) as a binding partner of ASK1. PP5 directly dephosphorylated an essential phospho-threonine residue within the kinase domain of ASK1 and thereby inactivated ASK1 activity in vitro and in vivo. The interaction between PP5 and ASK1 was induced by H(2)O(2) treatment and was followed by the decrease in ASK1 activity. PP5 inhibited not only H(2)O(2)-induced sustained activation of ASK1 but also ASK1-dependent apoptosis. Thus, PP5 appears to act as a physiological inhibitor of ASK1-JNK/p38 pathways by negative feedback.  相似文献   

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