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Global conservation priorities have often been identified based on the combination of species richness and threat information. With the development of the field of systematic conservation planning, more attention has been given to conservation costs. This leads to prioritizing developing countries, where costs are generally low and biodiversity is high. But many of these countries have poor governance, which may result in ineffective conservation or in larger costs than initially expected. We explore how the consideration of governance affects the selection of global conservation priorities for the world's mammals in a complementarity-based conservation prioritization. We use data on Control of Corruption (Worldwide Governance Indicators project) as an indicator of governance effectiveness, and gross domestic product per capita as an indicator of cost. We show that, while core areas with high levels of endemism are always selected as important regardless of governance and cost values, there are clear regional differences in selected sites when biodiversity, cost or governance are taken into account separately. Overall, the analysis supports the concentration of conservation efforts in most of the regions generally considered of high priority, but stresses the need for different conservation approaches in different continents owing to spatial patterns of governance and economic development.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of protection from human activities and effects of tourist hunting on densities of 21 large mammal species in Tanzania. Aerial censuses revealed that mammal biomass per km2 was highest in National Parks. Densities of nine ungulate species were significantly higher in National Parks and Game Reserves than in areas that permitted settlement; these tended to be the larger species favoured by poachers. The presence of tourist hunters had little positive or negative impact on ungulate densities, even for sought-after trophy species; limited ground censuses confirmed these results. Our analyses suggest that prohibition of human activity, backed up by on-site enforcement, maintains ungulate populations at relatively high densities, and challenge the idea that enforcement is only effective when spending is high.  相似文献   

A major challenge for contemporary conservation policies and practices is formulating workable compromises between wildlife conservation and the people who live with wildlife. We strongly support the view that anthropology has a critical role to play in contributing to our understanding of human-environment interactions. The study of complex biophysical and human systems can be greatly assisted by appropriate simulation models that integrate what is known about ecological and human decision-making processes. We have developed an integrated modeling system for assessing scenarios in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in northern Tanzania to modify the situation there to improve human welfare without compromising conservation value. We present the results of some scenarios that indicate that the current situation there is not sustainable, and that tough policy decisions need to be taken if household well-being of the pastoralists who live there is to be improved or even sustained.  相似文献   

  • 1 The importance of taxonomy to the determination of conservation priorities and actions is widely accepted. It should be not surprising therefore that the taxonomic treatment of mammal species that have been subject to human actions in antiquity may well influence the contemporary assessment of conservation priorities at various levels.
  • 2 As a result of early extinctions caused by humans and protohistoric and historic introductions, we suggest that the Mediterranean Basin and its islands are particularly prone to misdirection of efforts towards biodiversity conservation.
  • 3 The two main risks associated with the failure to use an evolutionary and palaeoecological approach to conservation efforts are (i) an underestimation of the conservation importance of distinctive continental taxa vs. the apparent endemicity of island taxa; and (ii) a serious risk for native and endemic island species when anthropochorous mammals, especially ungulates, misguidedly become the focus of conservation actions, particularly inside protected areas.
  • 4 Urgent measures, including refinement of mammal taxonomy, the exclusion of known anthropochorous taxa from conservation lists and implementation of protective legislation, are necessary to maintain the uniqueness and richness of the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.

优先保护区识别对受威胁物种的多样性保护具有重要价值。基于GIS空间分析、管理及预测能力,以中国受威胁陆栖哺乳动物为对象,建立受威胁物种的分布二值网格系统;利用Dobson算法对研究区3810个网格单元进行筛除,确定全国范围下受威胁物种的优先保护区域;结合中国主要的自然保护地分布数据(国家公园和自然保护区),采用保护空缺方法分析优先保护区内受威胁动物的保护现状。研究发现,29个50km×50km的网格单元就包含了全部的受威胁陆栖哺乳物种,其中位于喜马拉雅山东南区等地的10个网格区域覆盖有80%以上的物种,其所处的10组县级行政区内被主要自然保护地保护的土地面积占25.9%,物种数占83.6%,存在一定的保护空缺。本文采用Dobson排除算法,以小面积规则网格为基本单元,顾及到了实验结果的客观性,有助于提高优先保护区的识别效率。  相似文献   

Aim To explore the usefulness of Spatially Explicit Population Models (SEPMs), incorporating dispersal, as tools for animal conservation, as illustrated by the contrasting cases of four British mammals. Methods For each of the four species (American mink, Mustela vison, pine marten, Martes martes, dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius and water vole, Arvicola terrestris) a spatial dynamics model was developed based on an integrated geographical information system (GIS) population model that linked space use to the incidence of the species. Each model had, first, a GIS, which stored environmental, habitat and animal population information, and secondly, an individual‐based population dynamics module, which simulated home range formation, individual life histories and dispersal within the GIS‐held landscape. Results The four models illustrated different interactions between species life‐history variables and the landscape, particularly with respect to dispersal. As water voles and dormice occupy home ranges that are small relative to blocks of their habitat, they were most effectively modelled in terms of the dynamics of local populations within habitat blocks but linked by dispersal. In contrast, because the home ranges of American mink and pine marten are large relative to blocks of habitat, they were best modelled as individuals moving through a landscape of more or less useful patches of habitat. For the water vole, the most significant predictors of population size were the carrying capacity of each habitat and the annual number of litters. For the dormouse, the likelihood of catastrophe and the upper limit to dispersal movement were the key variables determining persistence. Adult mortality and home‐range size were the only significant partial correlates of total population size for the American mink. Adult mortality was also a significant correlate of total population size in the pine marten, as were litter size and juvenile mortality. In neither the marten nor the mink was dispersal distance a significant factor in determining their persistence in the landscape. Main conclusions At a landscape scale it is difficult to measure animal distributions directly and yet conservation planning often necessitates knowledge of where, and in what numbers, animals are found, and how their distributions will be affected by interventions. SEPMs offer a useful tool for predicting this, and for refining conservation plans before irreversible decisions are taken in practice.  相似文献   

自然保护区被公认为是生物多样性就地保护最有效的方式之一。基于全国自然保护区基础调查,通过分析我国自然保护区内野生哺乳动物种群数量的分布情况,在全国尺度上对自然保护区内591种哺乳动物的就地保护状况进行了评估。根据评价指标体系,将我国哺乳动物就地保护水平划分为"有效保护""较好保护""一般保护""较少保护""未受保护""保护状况不明""未予评价"等7个等级。结果表明,除未予评价的35种外,其余参评的556种物种中,共有534种在自然保护区内得到一定程度的保护,占总数的90.36%。其中有效保护、较好保护、一般保护、较少保护的物种分别有145、60、100种和229种,分别占总数的24.53%、10.15%、16.92%和38.75%。此外,有22种物种保护状况不明。针对不同保护体系中的哺乳动物的就地保护状况进行评价,研究共涉及国家重点保护野生动物140种和列入中国物种红色名录的427种,其中分别有109种和409种在保护区内得到不同程度的保护。总体来说,虽然有90.36%的哺乳动物在保护区内得到不同程度的保护,但保护状况良好(包括有效保护和较好保护)的比例明显较低,保护状况仍然不容乐观,保护力度有待加强;对于保护状况不明的物种,有必要对保护区开展更加全面、细致的科学考察以进一步确定其保护现状;对于确未受到自然保护区就地保护的物种,需要通过完善保护区网络,将其纳入自然保护体系之中。  相似文献   

As defaunation spreads through the world, there is an urgent need for restoring ecological interactions, thus assuring ecosystem processes. Here, we define the new concept of credit of ecological interactions, as the number of interactions that can be restored in a focal area by species colonization or reintroduction. We also define rewiring time, as the time span until all the links that build the credit of ecological interactions of a focal area have become functional again. We expect that the credit will be gradually cashed following refaunation in rates that are proportional to (1) the abundance of the reintroduced species (that is expected to increase in time since release), (2) the abundance of the local species that interact with them, and (3) the traits of reintroduced species. We illustrated this approach using a theoretical model and an empirical case study where the credit of ecological interactions was estimated. This new conceptual framework is useful for setting reintroduction priorities and for evaluating the success of conservation initiatives that aim to restore ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The shift in emphasis from single species to ecosystem conservation is revealing how community interactions can potentially influence single species viability and conservation. Although there is much theory and empirical data concerning the dynamic consequences of exploitative interactions, there is still a very poor understanding of the effects of interference interactions. Recent studies, as shown in this review, have documented widespread effects of such interactions among mammalian carnivores. Harassment, loss of kills and intraguild predation have been documented in a wide range of species. The demonstrated effects also include avoidance of larger carnivores in both time and space and reductions in one species density or even total exclusion from certain habitats or regions. Our review of the literature thus provides a range of empirical examples that together demonstrate that these interactions have very important implications on carnivore demography. We believe that the effects of interference might differ strongly from the effects of exploitative competition. This is because interference might have the potential to affect population growth in an inverse density-dependent manner and thereby also reduce population growth at low densities, therefore increasing extinction probabilities. These factors need to be considered when planning future multi-species conservation. Further research into the temporal and spatial aspects of co-existence are required if diverse guilds and communities are to be conserved.  相似文献   

1. This paper reviews and compares the effects of forest fire and timber harvest on mammalian abundance and diversity, throughout successional time in the boreal forest of North America. 2. Temporal trends in mammal abundance and diversity are generally similar for both harvested and burned stands, with some differences occurring in the initiation stage (0–10 years post disturbance). 3. Small mammals and ungulates are most abundant immediately post disturbance, and decrease as stands age. Lynxes and hares utilize mid-successional stands, but are rare in young and old stands. Bats, arboreal sciurids and mustelids increase in abundance with stand age, and are most abundant in old growth. 4. Substantial gaps in the data exist for carnivores; the response of these species to fire and harvest requires research, as predator–prey interactions can affect mammal community structure in both early and late successional stages. 5. The lack of explicit treatment of in-stand forest structure post disturbance, in the reviewed literature made comparisons difficult. Where forest structure was considered, the presence of downed woody material, live residual trees and standing dead wood were shown to facilitate convergence of mammal communities to a pre-disturbance state for both disturbance types. 6. Mammalian assemblages differed considerably between successional stages, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stands of each successional stage on the landscape when implementing forest management strategies.  相似文献   

High population growth and deteriorating economic conditions imperil Africa's natural environment. Conservationists are trying to cope with the threat by working in rural communities. Yet it is unclear whether they can be effective when social and economic change in rural areas is so rapid. Northeast Swaziland provides a case study. The landscape has been transformed since the 1950s, and conservationists are the only people now giving nature conservation a high priority. Land uses incompatible with local nature reserves are supported because they provide jobs. Thus, conservationists find themselves facing a world where wildlife is increasingly devalued as the forces of change accelerate. This paper concludes: (1) conservationists must expand their influence into rural communities, (2) an integrated development and conservation plan is required for northeastern Swaziland, and (3) only the alleviation of poverty will secure the future of nature conservation in Swaziland as well as the rest of Africa.  相似文献   

Conservation planning in the Cape Floristic Region, a recognized world plant diversity hotspot, required systematic information on the estimated distributions and spatial requirements of the medium- to large-sized mammals within each of 102 Broad Habitat Units delineated according to key biophysical parameters. As a consequence of a general lack of data, we derived a pragmatic approach for obtaining estimates of these two parameters. Distribution estimates were based on a combination of a literature survey (with emphasis on early texts) and the ecological requirements of the species. Spatial requirement estimates were derived from a simple spreadsheet model that is based on forage availability estimates and the metabolic requirements of the mammals in question. Our analysis incorporated adaptations of the agriculture-based Large Stock Unit or Animal Unit approach. The predictions of the model were tested by comparing them with actual density data. The outcomes provided realistic estimates of the two parameters. However, they should be considered as testable hypotheses and the concept of adaptive management — or management by hypothesis — must apply. Examples of the outcomes are provided in the form of maps and tables.  相似文献   

Parrot populations in Africa and Madagascar are declining and the need for conservation actions to address threats is increasingly recognised. Effective conservation requires a robust knowledge base on which decisions over appropriate actions can be made, yet at present there is no current and readily accessible synthesis of the status of populations, the threats they face and knowledge gaps. Here we begin to address this shortfall for the larger species in the region belonging to the genera Coracopsis, Poicephalus, Psittacus and Psittacula. We review developments since the production of the IUCN Parrot Action Plan published in 2000, identify areas where critical knowledge is lacking and highlight opportunities to address them. While advances have been made over the last decade, progress has not been evenly spread, with a strong bias towards populations in southern Africa. To date much research has focused on describing aspects of ecology and behaviour and there remains a need for studies determining the current status of populations and the factors limiting distributions and abundance. This review aims to provide a basis upon which progress towards an improved understanding of the conservation needs of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar can be made.  相似文献   

Aim Evolutionary theory predicts that levels of genetic variation in island populations will be positively correlated with island area and negatively correlated with island isolation. These patterns have been empirically established for oceanic islands, but little is known about the determinants of variation on habitat islands. The goals of this study were twofold. Our first aim was to test whether published patterns of genetic variation in mammals occurring on montane habitat islands in the American Southwest conformed to expectations based on evolutionary theory. The second aim of this research was to develop simple heuristic models to predict changes in genetic variation that may occur in these populations as a result of reductions in available mountaintop habitat in response to global warming. Location Habitat islands of conifer forest on mountaintops in the American Southwest. Methods Relationships between island area and isolation with measures of allozyme variation in four species of small mammal, namely the least chipmunk (Tamias minimus), Colorado chipmunk (Tamias quadrivittatus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and Mexican woodrat (Neotoma mexicana), were determined using correlation and regression techniques. Significant relationships between island area and genetic variation were used to develop three distinct statistical models with which to predict changes in genetic variation following reduction in insular habitat area arising from global warming. Results Patterns of genetic variation in each species conformed to evolutionary predictions. In general, island area was the most important determinant of heterozygosity, while island isolation was the most important determinant of polymorphism and allelic diversity. The heuristic models predicted widespread reductions in genetic variation, the extent of which depended on the population and model considered. Main conclusions The results support a generalized pattern of genetic variation for any species with an insular distribution, with reduced variation in smaller, more isolated populations. We predict widespread reductions in genetic variation in isolated populations of montane small mammals in the American Southwest as a result of global warming. We conclude that climate‐induced reductions in the various dimensions of genetic variation may increase the probability of population extinction in both the short and long term.  相似文献   

We investigate the conservation of amino acid residue sequences in 21 DNA-binding protein families and study the effects that mutations have on DNA-sequence recognition. The observations are best understood by assigning each protein family to one of three classes: (i) non-specific, where binding is independent of DNA sequence; (ii) highly specific, where binding is specific and all members of the family target the same DNA sequence; and (iii) multi-specific, where binding is also specific, but individual family members target different DNA sequences. Overall, protein residues in contact with the DNA are better conserved than the rest of the protein surface, but there is a complex underlying trend of conservation for individual residue positions. Amino acid residues that interact with the DNA backbone are well conserved across all protein families and provide a core of stabilising contacts for homologous protein-DNA complexes. In contrast, amino acid residues that interact with DNA bases have variable levels of conservation depending on the family classification. In non-specific families, base-contacting residues are well conserved and interactions are always found in the minor groove where there is little discrimination between base types. In highly specific families, base-contacting residues are highly conserved and allow member proteins to recognise the same target sequence. In multi-specific families, base-contacting residues undergo frequent mutations and enable different proteins to recognise distinct target sequences. Finally, we report that interactions with bases in the target sequence often follow (though not always) a universal code of amino acid-base recognition and the effects of amino acid mutations can be most easily understood for these interactions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the distribution of species richness, rarity and endemicity of European land mammals (bats and introduced species excluded). The highest level of species richness was in Central Europe, while Southern areas had the highest rarity and endemicity scores. The distribution of richness was affected by the location of sampling points in islands and peninsulas. After excluding these sampling points, richness continued to decrease Westward suggesting the existence of a large-scale peninsular effect on mammal distribution. These patterns of continental distribution of richness, rarity and endemicity could be the result of the distribution of refuge areas in the southern Mediterranean peninsulas, and the Pleistocene advances and retreats of mammals throughout the Western Palearctic. Thus, European mammal distribution can be interpreted on the basis of two different patterns of abundance distribution in which Palearctic species reduce their abundance from central-Europe outwards, while endemic, rare species show a similar depletion in the North. It should be useful to evaluate the role of the different regions in Europe in conserving the demographic interactions between central and peripheral populations of mammal species. Given the restricted distribution and potential small size of population, these endemic species are most likely to be susceptible to anthropogenic environmental degradation.  相似文献   

本文根据历史记载对比和皮张收购资料分析研究了舟山群岛大中型兽的受威胁状态。结果显示,舟山群岛曾有大中型兽16种,5种已绝灭,3种处于濒危状态,3种分布区缩小(一种种群数量正在下降),3种种群保持稳定,2种种群动态不明;食肉动物的绝灭率大于食草动物;大型动物绝灭率较高;岛屿物种绝灭率高于邻近大陆。文章还比较了确定种群趋势的几种方法。  相似文献   



Species require sufficiently large and connected areas of suitable habitat to support populations that can persist through change. With extensive alteration of unprotected natural habitat, there is increasing risk that protected areas (PAs) will be too small and isolated to support viable populations in the long term. Consequently, this study addresses the urgent need to assess the capacity of PA estates to facilitate species persistence.




We undertake the first assessment of the capacity of the Australian National Reserve System (NRS) to protect 90 mammal species in the long term, given the size and distribution of individual PAs across the landscape relative to species’ habitat and minimum viable area (MVA) requirements and dispersal capabilities.


While all mammal ranges are represented within the NRS, the conservation capacity declined notably when we refined measures of representation within PAs to include species’ habitat and area requirements. The NRS could not support any viable populations for between three and seven species, depending on the MVA threshold used, and could support less than 10 viable populations for up to a third of the species. Planning and managing PAs for persistence emerged as most important for species with large MVA requirements and limited dispersal capabilities.

Main conclusions

The key species characteristics we identify can help managers recognize species at risk within the current PA estate and guide the types of strategies that would best reduce this risk. We reveal that current representation‐based assessments of PA progress are likely to overestimate the long‐term success of PA estates, obscuring vulnerabilities for many species. It is important that conservation planners and managers are realistic and explicit regarding the role played by different sizes and distributions of PAs, and careful in assuming that the representation of a species within a PA equates to its long‐term conservation.

Swaziland is a small, topographically diverse southern Africa country whose mammalian fauna has been poorly studied. The distributions of small mammals in Swaziland were surveyed at 39 localities. A total of 15 species of rodents and ten species of insectivores were captured during the survey. The number of species of insectivore captured at a locality was positively correlated with mean annual rainfall, while the number of rodent species captured was negatively correlated with altitude. The number of rodent species captured was lower on Swazi Nation Land compared with privately owned land or protected land (reserves). This was probably due to the radical habitat alteration that had taken place on Swazi Nation Land, inter alia overgrazing by livestock, cultivation of maize and deforestation. The effect of this habitat alteration on the number of rodent species was more pronounced in high-lying areas of Swaziland. This may have been due to the fact that a large number of the rodent species inhabiting high-lying areas require thick, tall grassland habitats, whereas many of the low-lying species prefer more open habitats with less grass cover. Since grazing acts to reduce grass cover, it is suggested that the species inhabiting high-lying areas would be more affected by overgrazing, than low-lying species.  相似文献   

Although funds for livestock conservation are limited there is little known about the optimal allocation of conservation funds. A new algorithm was used to allocate Mio US$ 1, 2, 3, 5 or unlimited funds, discounted over 50 years, on 23 African cattle breeds conserved with four different possible conservation programs. Additionally, Mio US$ 1 was preferably allocated to breeds with special traits. The conceptional in situ conservation programs strongly involve breeders and give them part of the responsibility for the conservation of the breed. Therefore, the pure in situ conservation was more efficient than cryoconservation or combined in situ and cryoconservation. The average annual discounted conservation cost for a breed can be as low as US$ 1000 to US$ 4400 depending on the design of the conservation program and the economic situation of the country of conservation. The choice of the breeds and the optimal conservation program and the amount of money allocated to each breed depend on many factors such as the amount of funds available, the conservation potential of each breed, the effects of the conservation program as well as its cost. With Mio US$ 1, 64% of the present diversity could be maintained over 50 years, which is 13% more than would be maintained if no conservation measures were implemented. Special traits could be conserved with a rather small amount of the total funds. Diversity can not be conserved completely, not even with unlimited funds. A maximum of 92% of the present diversity could be conserved with Mio US$ 10, leaving 8% of the diversity to unpredictable happenings. The suggested algorithm proved to be useful for optimal allocation of conservation funds. It allocated the funds optimally among breeds by identifying the most suited conservation program for each breed, also accounting for differences in currency exchange rates between the different countries.  相似文献   

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