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Genetic variability for regeneration ability was evaluated by studying direct organogenesis from cotyledons of thirteen genotypes including three cytoplasmic male sterile, three maintenor, three restorer inbred lines, and four F1 hybrids obtained by crosses between some of these inbred lines. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with three replications. A high genetic variability for organogenesis parameters between genotypes was observed in this study. Evidence of cytoplasmic effect and nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction for some of regeneration parameters was observed. The data also showed the importance of additive genetic control for organogenesis parameters in most genotypes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. The diurnal cycling of leaf water potential (Ψleaf) in field-grown sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) was used to investigate the cause of water deficitinduced limitation of net photosynthesis. Daily midafternoon decreases in Ψleaf of up to 1.5 MPa and in net photosynthesis of up to 50% were typical for irrigated sunflower during seed filling. These midafternoon values were lowered an additional 0.6 to 0.8 MPa by prolonged drought treatment. There was a nearly linear relationship between the decline in net photosynthesis and reductions in leaf conductance over the course of the day. Thus, it was unexpected to find that the low, midafternoon rates of photosynthesis were associated with the highest intercellular CO2 concentrations. These and other observations suggest that the daily decline in photosynthesis represents a 'down regulation' of the biochemical demand for CO2 that is coordinated with the diurnally developing need to conserve water, thus establishing a balanced limitation of photosynthesis involving both stomatal and non-stomatal factors. There were no indications that either short term (i.e. diurnal declines in Ψleaf) or long term (i.e. drought treatment) water deficits caused any damage or malfunctioning of photosynthesis. Rather, both the daily declines in photosynthesis and the nearly 25% decrease in leaf area induced by prolonged drought appeared to be well-controlled adaptive responses by field-grown sunflower plants to limited water availability.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl-derived callus from the Helianthus annuus L. inbred line SS415B regenerated significantly more plants if the seedlings were grown in the light. The difference between light- and dark-grown seedlings was not correlated with differences in seedling ethylene production, but seemed to be due to a difference in sensitivity to ethylene at a specific time during seedling growth. Treating 3-day-old dark-grown seedlings with 10 μ M aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) effectively inhibited ethylene production for at least 7 days. Hypocotyl callus derived from AVG-treated seedlings gave the same amount of regeneration as callus from light-grown seedlings. Promotion of regeneration by AVG was not seen unless the 3-day-old seedlings were grown for 4 additional days prior to culturing hypocotyl explants. The effects of AVG could be reversed by treatment with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) during these 4 days. After the 4 days, ACC was no longer effective.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of a slow stress and recovery cycle on the pattern of leaf expansion in four diverse sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was studied in a glasshouse. Stress had no significant effect on the time of flower bud emergence and anthesis, or on final leaf number, but delayed the appearance of leaves at high insertions in all cultivars except Hysun 31.
Leaf expansion was markedly reduced as the predawn leaf water potential decreased from −0.35 to −0.60 MPa, and the predawn turgor pressure decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 MPa, and expansion ceased at a predawn leaf water potential of about −1.0 MPa, i.e. when the predawn turgor pressure reached zero.
The leaves most reduced in final size when water was withheld were those at the insertions which grew the most rapidly in unstressed plants. The maximum reduction in final leaf size of 25–35% was similar in all cultivars and was due to retardation of the rate of leaf expansion: the duration of leaf expansion was actually increased by stress. However, leaves that were initiated during stress, but emerged after rewatering, had final leaf areas at least equal to those in the unstressed plants: in the cultivar Seneca, the final size of leaves of high insertion was significantly greater in stressed than unstressed plants, whereas in the three other cultivars the final leaf sizes were similar in both treatments. All four cultivars examined adjusted osmotically to the same degree, but leaf water potentials in one, Seneca, increased more rapidly after rewatering than in the other three, and this may have contributed to the greater relative leaf size in the leaves of high insertion in this cultivar.  相似文献   

While ethylene is suspected to be one of the many factors that play a role in rooting, some studies have found that ethylene can promote rooting, while others show it to inhibit this process or to have no effect. Using seedlings of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Dahlgren 131) we carried out observations on the rates of ethylene production and the levels of the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-l-car-boxylic acid (ACC), and ACC conjugate, l-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-l-car-boxylic acid (MACC), during the process of root initiation. The changes in these substances in the base of the hypocotyls (the portion that produces roots) were compared to the changes that occurred in the top of the hypocotyls (non-rooting portion). We also supplied a number of presumptive inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis and inhibitors of ethylene action for short periods during the early and critical stages of root formation. Their effects on ethylene action, synthesis and rooting were examined. We conclude that the wound-induced increase in ethylene, seen within 3 h of production of the cuttings, is a key stimulatory factor in the formation of root primordia. When this increase in ethylene is localized in the lower portion of the hypocotyl, there is a promotion of rooting. On the other hand, higher concentrations in the top of the hypocotyls (as compared to the bottom) may inhibit rooting.  相似文献   

Characteristics of action potentials in Helianthus annuus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The action potentials induced by nondamaging electrical stimuli in 16- to 22-day-old plants of Helianthus annuus were examined. Typical recordings are presented. Mean values of their amplitudes and conduction velocities in the stem, the strength-duration relation, the 'all-or-none' law and the refractory periods have been determined. The amplitude and velocity of propagation were essentially identical in the upward and downward direction, but greater in the upper than in the lower half. In 'electrically active' plants, the rheobase value is 2 V, the minimum period for stimulation is 1.8 s. and the chronaxie 2.3 s. It is noted that the excitability level between similar plants on the same day and in the same plant on different days is highly variable and undergoes periodic changes.  相似文献   

Both carbon dioxide and ethylene can affect the rate of root elongation. Carbon dioxide can also promote ethylene biosynthesis by enhancing the activity of 1-aminocylopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase. Since the amount of CO2 in the soil air, and in the atmosphere surrounding roots held in enclosed containers, is known to vary widely, we investigated the effects of varying CO2 concentrations on ethylene production by excised and intact sunflower roots (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Dahlgren 131). Seedlings were germinated in an aeroponic system in which the roots hung freely in a chamber and were misted with nutrient solution. This allowed for treatment, manipulation and harvest of undamaged and minimally disturbed roots. While exposure of excised roots to 0.5% CO2 could produce a small increase in ethylene production (compared to roots in ambient CO2), CO2 concentrations of 2% and above always inhibited ethylene evolution. This inhibition of ethylene production by CO2 was attributed to a reduction in the availability of ACC: however, elevated CO2 had no effect on ACC oxidase activity. ACC levels in excised roots were depressed by CO2 at a concentration of 2% (as compared to ambient CO2), but n-malonyl-ACC (MACC) levels were not affected. Treating intact roots with 2% CO2 inhibited elongation by over 50%. Maximum inhibition of elongation occurred 1 h after the CO2 treatment began, but elongation rates returned to untreated values by 6 h. Supplying these same intact roots with 2% CO2 did not alter ethylene evolution. Thus, in excised sunflower roots 2% CO2 treatment reduces ethylene evolution by lowering the availability of ACC. Intact seedlings respond differently in that 2% CO2 does not affect ethylene production in roots. These intact roots also temporarily exhibit a significantly reduced rate of elongation in response to 2% CO2.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the time-dependent formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes in the roots, stems and leaves of an arsenic-nontolerant plant (Helianthus annuus) during exposure to 66 mol l(-1) arsenite (As(III)) or arsenate (As(V)). We used our previously developed method of simultaneous element-specific (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS) and molecular-specific (electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry, ES-MS) detection systems interfaced with a suitable chromatographic column and eluent conditions, which enabled us to identify and quantify As-PC complexes directly. Roots of As-exposed H. annuus contained up to 14 different arsenic species, including the complex of arsenite with two (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly molecules [As((III))-(PC(2))(2)], the newly identified monomethylarsonic phytochelatin-2 or (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly CH(3)As (MA((III))-PC(2)) and at least eight not yet identified species. The complex of arsenite with (gamma-Glu-Cys)(3)-Gly (As((III))-PC(3)) and the complex of arsenite with glutathione (GSH) and (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly (GS-As((III))-PC(2)) were present in all samples (roots, stems and leaves) taken from plants exposed to As. The GS-As((III))-PC(2) complex was the dominant complex after 1 h of exposure. As((III))-PC(3) became the predominant As-PC complex after 3 h, binding up to 40% of the As present in the exposed plants. No As-PC complexes were found in sap (mainly xylem sap from the root system), in contrast to roots, stems and leaves, which is unequivocal evidence that As-PC complexes are not involved in the translocation of As from root to leaves of H. annuus.  相似文献   

A method is described for the culture and regeneration of plants from callus of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) andH. annuus x H. tuberosus hybrids. Immature embryos proved to be the only explant which consistently gave regenerable cultures in all genotypes. The most responsive embryos were approximately 12 mm2 in area. Genotype had a significant effect on the capacity of cultures to regenerate. Some regeneration was also obtained from cultures of tuber tissue but only from one genotype,H. tuberosus x H. annuus cross 200. None of theH. annuus accessions gave regenerable callus from root tissue. Difficulties included the premature initiation of flowering of regenerating shoots and the frequent occurence of "vitreous" plantlets which could not be transplanted successfully to soil. Some amelioration of both these problems was achieved by replacing inorganic nitrogen partially with amino acids. More effective reduction of these difficulties was accomplished by the addition of 10, 30 and 100 M phloridzin, esculin or naringin.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine; zeatin, trans-6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl) aminopurine; kinetin, 6-furfurylaminopurine - IAA indole-acetic acid - NAA naphthyl acetic acid  相似文献   

The effect of drought on transport and metabolism of radioactive abscisic acid (ABA) in roots and shoots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Russian) was observed. Radioactivity from ABA moved freely all over the plants. Young shoot tissues, such as the growing apical bud or axillary buds released from apical dominance, were strong sinks for ABA. Mature tissues were effective exporters. Drought-induced alterations in the pattern of transport of radioactivity do not appear to be a major factor in the control of drought-induced changes in ABA levels. Metabolism of ABA occurred in all organs examined in stressed and unstressed plants. Labelled ABA and its metabolites moved in the xylem. Drought altered the quantity of radioactive metabolites and reduced the amount of radioactive ABA in extracts from the stressed plants.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of endogenous auxin on adventitious rooting in hypocotyls of derooted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. var. Dahlgren 131) seedlings. Endogenous free and conjugated indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were measured in three segments of hypocotyls of equal length (apical, middle, basal) by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with [13C6]-IAA as an internal standard. At the time original roots were excised (0 h), the free IAA level in the hypocotyls showed an acropetally decreasing gradient, but conjugated IAA level increased acropetally; i.e. free to total IAA ratio was highest in the basal portion of hypocotyls. The basal portion is the region where most of root primordia were found. Some primordia were seen in this region within 24 h after the roots were excised. The quantity of free IAA in the middle portion of the hypocotyl increased up to 15 h after excision and then decreased. In this middle region there were fewer root primordia, and they could not be seen until 72 h. In the apical portion the amount of free IAA steadily increased and no root primordia were seen by 72 h. Surgical removal of various parts of the hypocotyl tissues caused adventitious root formation in the hypocotyl regions where basipetally transported IAA could accumulate. Reduction in the basipetal flow of auxin by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid and 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid resulted in fewer adventitious roots. The fewest root primordia were seen if the major sources of endogenous auxin were removed by decapitation of the cotyledons and apical bud. Exogenous auxins promoted rooting and were able to completely overcome the inhibitory effect of 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid. Exogenous auxins were only partially able to overcome the inhibitory effect of decapitation. We conclude that in sunflower hypocotyls endogenously produced auxin is necessary for adventitious root formation. The higher concentrations of auxin in the basal portion may be partially responsible for that portion of the hypocotyl producing the greatest number of primordia. In addition to auxins, other factors such as wound ethylene and lowered cytokinin levels caused by excision of the original root system cuttings must also be important.  相似文献   

向日葵是观察生殖核(雄配子)的好材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向日葵(Helianthus annuns)的小孢子是具三细胞(核)的小孢子体(花粉),2个生殖核(细胞)细而长,1个营养核呈椭圆形,三核同时存在的时间长,容易区分,是观察三核小孢子体的一种好材料。  相似文献   

The cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the most important oil crops in the world. The importance of sunflower oil in human nutrition and in the chemical industry makes the sunflower a major research interest. An essential element for genomic libraries is the preparation of high molecular weight (HMW) DNA. We developed 2 methods for isolating HMW sunflower DNA. We prepared the DNA from nuclei and from protoplasts isolated from mesophyll tissue with the enzymes cellulase RS and pectolyase Y23. The HMW DNA was digested with restriction endonucleases. The ethidium bromide-stained gel suggested the DNA to be completely digested. These results were confirmed by Southern analysis using a radiolabeled RFLP marker. Both methods made it possible to generate sufficient quantities of megabase-size sunflower DNA suitable for bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) cloning.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant lateral organs such as leaves arise from a group of initial cells within the flanks of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Alterations in the initiation of lateral organs are often associated with changes in the dimension and arrangement of the SAM as well as with abnormal hormonal homeostasis. A mutation named stem fasciated (stf) that affects various aspects of plant development, including SAM shape and auxin level, was characterized in sunflower (Helianthus annuus). METHODS: F1, F2 and F3 generations were obtained through reciprocal crosses between stf and normal plants. For the genetic analysis, a chi2 test was used. Phenotypic observations were made in field-grown and potted plants. A histological analysis of SAM, hypocotyl, epicotyl, stem and root apical meristem was also conducted. To evaluate the level of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring analysis was performed. KEY RESULTS: stf is controlled by a single nuclear recessive gene. stf plants are characterized by a dramatically increased number of leaves and vascular bundles in the stem, as well as by a shortened plastochron and an altered phyllotaxis pattern. By histological analysis, it was demonstrated that the stf phenotype is related to an enlarged vegetative SAM. Microscopy analysis of the mutant's apex also revealed an abnormal enlargement of nuclei in both central and peripheral zones and a disorganized distribution of cells in the L2 layer of the central zone. The stf mutant showed a high endogenous free IAA level, whereas auxin perception appeared normal. CONCLUSIONS: The observed phenotype and the high level of auxin detected in stf plants suggest that the STF gene is necessary for the proper initiation of primordia and for the establishment of a phyllotactic pattern through control of both SAM arrangement and hormonal homeostasis.  相似文献   

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