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In situ management and domestication of plants in Mesoamerica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ethnobotanical studies in Mexico have documented that Mesoamerican peoples practise systems of in situ management of wild and weedy vegetation directed to control availability of useful plants. In situ management includes let standing, encouraging growing and protection of individual plants of useful species during clearance of vegetation, which in some cases may involve artificial selection. The aim of this study was to review, complement and re-analyse information from three case studies which examined patterns of morphological, physiological and genetic effects of artificial selection in plant populations under in situ management in the region. METHODS: Information on wild and in situ managed populations of the herbaceous weedy plants Anoda cristata and Crotalaria pumila, the tree Leucaena esculenta subsp. esculenta and the columnar cacti Escontria chiotilla, Polaskia chichipe and Stenocereus stellatus from Central Mexico was re-analysed. Analyses compared morphology and frequency of morphological variants, germination patterns, and population genetics parameters between wild and managed in situ populations of the species studied. Species of columnar cacti are under different management intensities and their populations, including cultivated stands of P. chichipe and S. stellatus, were also compared between species. KEY RESULTS: Significant differences in morphology, germination patterns and genetic variation documented between wild, in situ managed and cultivated populations of the species studied are associated with higher frequencies of phenotypes favoured by humans in managed populations. Genetic diversity in managed populations of E. chiotilla and P. chichipe is slightly lower than in wild populations but in managed populations of S. stellatus variation was higher than in the wild. However, genetic distance between populations was generally small and influenced more by geographic distance than by management. CONCLUSIONS: Artificial selection operating on in situ managed populations of the species analysed is causing incipient domestication. This process could be acting on any of the 600-700 plant species documented to be under in situ management in Mesoamerica. In situ domestication of plants could be relevant to understand early processes of domestication and current conditions of in situ conservation of plant genetic resources.  相似文献   

In this investigation, detection dogs are trained and used in identifying red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and their nests. The methodology could assist in reducing the frequency and scope of chemical treatments for red imported fire ant management and thus reduce labor costs and chemical use as well as improve control and quarantine efficiency. Three dogs previously trained for customs quarantine were retrained to detect the scents of red imported fire ants. After passing tests involving different numbers of live red imported fire ants and three other ant species--Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, Paratrechina longicornis Latreille, and Pheidole megacephala F.--placed in containers, ajoint field survey for red imported fire ant nests by detection dogs and bait traps was conducted to demonstrate their use as a supplement to conventional detection methods. The most significant findings in this report are (1) with 10 or more red imported fire ants in scent containers, the dogs had >98% chance in tracing the red imported fire ant. Upon the introduction of other ant species, the dogs still achieved on average, a 93% correct red imported fire ant indication rate. Moreover, the dogs demonstrated great competence in pinpointing emerging and smaller red imported fire ant nests in red imported fire ant-infested areas that had been previously confirmed by bait trap stations. (2) Along with the bait trap method, we also discovered that approximately 90% of red imported fire ants foraged within a distance of 14 m away from their nests. The results prove detection dogs to be most effective for red imported fire ant control in areas that have been previously treated with pesticides and therefore containing a low density of remaining red imported fire ant nests. Furthermore, as a complement to other red imported fire ant monitoring methods, this strategy will significantly increase the efficacy of red imported fire ant control in cases of individual mount treatment.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the identification of bacterial cells using 16S rRNA-directed, fluorescently tagged oligonucleotide probes has been developed. The parameters evaluated for their effect on labeling intensity included storage time, type of fixative, time of fixation, treatment time with methanol:formaldehyde and treatment time with borohydride. The results of tests using a variety of microorganisms, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative, are presented. Using this method, cells are spotted onto slides and stored desiccated until hybridized. This method may be especially applicable to environmental samples, which comprise diverse cell types and frequently require storage prior to examination.  相似文献   

Human spermatozoa were studied with a nonradioactive in situ hybridization method. Using a chemically modified DNA probe and immunocytochemical reactions for visualization, it was possible to obtain hybridization signals in 31 of 32 semen samples. Positive hybridization reactions, depending on cell accessibility, varied from 40% to over 90% for the different samples. Using a chromosome 1-specific DNA probe, disomy for this chromosome was found in 0.67% of all accessible sperm cells.  相似文献   



In view of ethylene''s critical developmental and physiological roles the gaseous hormone remains an active research topic for plant biologists. Progress has been made to understand the ethylene biosynthesis pathway and the mechanisms of perception and action. Still numerous questions need to be answered and findings to be validated. Monitoring gas production will very often complete the picture of any ethylene research topic. Therefore the search for suitable ethylene measuring methods for various plant samples either in the field, greenhouses, laboratories or storage facilities is strongly motivated.


This review presents an update of the current methods for ethylene monitoring in plants. It focuses on the three most-used methods – gas chromatography detection, electrochemical sensing and optical detection – and compares them in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, time response and price. Guidelines are provided for proper selection and application of the described sensor methodologies and some specific applications are illustrated of laser-based detector for monitoring ethylene given off by Arabidopsis thaliana upon various nutritional treatments.


Each method has its advantages and limitations. The choice for the suitable ethylene sensor needs careful consideration and is driven by the requirements for a specific application.Key words: Ethylene, Arabidopsis thaliana, gas sampling, gas chromatography, electrochemical sensing, laser-based detector  相似文献   

We have established a novel method, in situ phage screening (ISPS), to identify proteins in tissue microstructures. The method is based on the selection of repertoires of phage-displayed antibody fragments with small samples of tissues microdissected using a laser. Using a human muscle frozen section with an area of 4800 microm2 as a model target, we successfully selected monoclonal antibody fragments directed against three major (myosin heavy chain, actin, and tropomyosin-alpha) and one minor (alpha-actinin 2) muscle constituent proteins. These proteins were present in the sample in amounts less than one nanogram, and the antibodies were used to visualize the proteins in situ. This shows that the use of ISPS can obtain monoclonal antibodies for histochemical and biochemical purposes against minute amounts of proteins from microstructures with no requirement for large amounts of samples or biochemical efforts.  相似文献   

In situ hybridisation techniques for localisation of specific RNAs in plant tissues are examined. The resolution and sensitivity achieved using several different methods are compared. Use of radiolabelled probes on semi-thin cryosections is considered to be the most sensitive application for in situ hybridisation in plants. Finer resolution can be achieved using thin sections of material embedded in either wax or plastic. Preliminary studies demonstrate that ultrastructural resolution can be achieved by electron microscopic in situ hybridisation using biotin-labelled probes in conjunction with electron opaque markers.  相似文献   

In situ detection of heavy metal substituted chlorophylls in water plants   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The in vivo substitution of magnesium, the central atom of chlorophyll, by heavy metals (mercury, copper, cadmium, nickel, zinc, lead) leads to a breakdown in photosynthesis and is an important damage mechanism in heavy metal-stressed plants. In this study, a number of methods are presented for the efficient in situ detection of this substitution (i.e. in whole plants or in chloroplasts). While macroscopic observations point to the formation of heavy metal chlorophylls at higher concentrations, fluorescence microscopy enables the detection of this reaction at very low substitution rates. Therefore, the course of the reaction can be followed by continuously measuring the fluorescence of whole plants. Furthermore absorbance spectroscopy of whole cells or isolated chloroplasts also enables the in situ detection of heavy metal chlorophylls. These methods provide practicable approaches in detecting the formation of these compounds in situ, avoiding artefacts that might occur using extraction methods based on polar solvents. In addition to the new methods for in situ detection, an extreme heterogeneity in the reaction of cells in the same tissue upon heavy metal stress was observed: while some cells are already disintegrating, others still show normal fluorescence and photosynthetic activity. Measurements of fluorescence kinetics gave a further hint that in high light intensity a substitution of Mg by heavy metals might take place specifically in PS II reaction centres.  相似文献   

Citrus leaves, banana squash and lemon fruit, labelled by photosynthesis, have been used as a source of 14C for red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.). The distribution of the isotope amongst the constituents of these plants has been studied using chemical methods of separation and chromatography.In citrus leaves, whether they were labelled as discs in the laboratory or in situ in the field, activity occurred as sucrose initially, but within 5 days a comparable amount was present in the amino acid, proline, and also in the insoluble carbohydrates, the proportions remaining fairly stable for long periods. Although the total activity of the leaf discs did not decrease with time, the activity of successive groups of newly hatched red scale larvae which fed on these discs for 10 days, fell significantly. It is suggested that due to the interaction of the insects' saliva with plant tissue, areas where red scale fed became depleted in activity. Sap obtained from the labelled discs contained activity in the form of sucrose and proline, but the body fluid from the mature female red scale contained activity in sucrose only.In banana squash and in lemons most of the activity occurred in the form of sugars, principally sucrose, with glucose taking up a greater proportion in the lemons; there was no appreciable activity in amino acids and a much smaller fraction in the insoluble carbohydrates.
Résumé On a utilisé des feuilles de citronnier, des courges () et des fruits de citronnier, marqués par photosynthèse, comme source de 14C pour la cochenille rouge, Aonidiella aurantii. La distribution de l'isotope parmi les constituants des tissus végétaux, c'est-à-dire, les sucres, les acides aminés et les hydrates de carbone insolubles, a été étudiée en utilisant des méthodes chimiques de séparation et de chromatographie.Les feuilles de citronnier furent marquées soit sous forme de disques au laboratoire, soit à l'état de feuilles intactes sur une branche d'arbre vivant. Dans les deux cas la radioactivité était présente d'abord sous forme de sucrose, mais après 5 jours une quantité comparable était présente dans un acide aminé, la proline, et dans les hydrates de carbone insolubles, et cela dans des proportions restant assez stables pendant de longues périodes. Le suc extrait des disques marqués, sur lesquels se sont nourries les cochenilles rouges, montre une radioactivité du sucrose et de la proline, mais le liquide de l'hémocoele de la femelle mûre de la cochenille rouge ne se révèle radioactif que sous forme de sucrose.Bien que la radioactivité totale des disques de feuilles de citronnier ne diminue que très lentement à la longue, l'activité moyenne obtenue par des groupes successifs de larves de cochenilles rouges récemment écloses, se nourrissant sur ces disques pendant 10 jours, diminue beaucoup plus rapidement. La différence ne peut être expliquée ni par le transport de l'isotope des fractions solubles aux fractions insolubles du tissu de feuille, ni par son prélèvement par les insectes suceurs; on considère comme probable que cette différence traduit la réaction de la plante à l'injection de salive par les insectes, ce qui conduirait à une respiration augmentée et une photosynthèse diminuée dans les régions du tissu foliaire où se nourrissaient les insectes.Chez les courges l'activité se maintient dans les régions qui ont été exposées à la lumière pendant la photosynthèse; cependant une quantité minuscule est transportée vers d'autres parties du fruit. L'activité est concentrée dans le sucrose et, dans une mesure moins importante, dans le glucose; il n'y a pas d'activité appréciable dans les acides aminés, et une fraction minime dans les hydrates de carbone insolubles, comparée à l'activité dans les feuilles de citronnier.Chez les citrons la quantité absorbée pendant la photosynthèse dépend d'une façon marquée de la maturité des citrons: les citrons verts absorbent une activité presque 10 fois supérieure à celle absorbée par des citrons mûrs. L'activité est partagée entre le sucrose et le glucose, et il n'y a pas d'activité appréciable dans les autres fractions.


In order to analyze male sterility caused by deletion of SRY and DAZ, we examined the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of a modified primed in situ labeling (PRINS) technique for detection of single-copy genes. Peripheral blood samples were collected from 50 healthy men; medium-term cultured lymphocytes from these samples were suspended in fixative solution and then spread on clean slides. We used four primers homologous to unique regions of the SRY and DAZ regions of the human Y-chromosome and incorporated reagents to increase polymerase specificity and to enhance the hybridization signal. PRINS of SRY and DAZ gave bands at Yp11.3 and Yq11.2, respectively, in all 50 metaphase spreads. The PRINS SRY signals were as distinct as those obtained using traditional fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This new method is ideal for rapid localization of single-copy genes or small DNA segments, making PRINS a cost-effective alternative to FISH. Further enhancement of PRINS to increase its speed of implementation may lead to its wide use in the field of medical genetics.  相似文献   

In an experiment with controlled freezing, strawberry plants were exposed to 0, ?8, ?12, ?16 and ?20°C at a freeze and thaw rate of 2 °C/hour in March/April 1996. Crowns from the cultivar ‘Korona’ were examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), showing a gradual increase of signal intensity from the centre of the crowns, as a result of the temperature drop, which might be caused by lipids. The increase in signal intensity was in accordance with the tissue browning of crowns, which increased substantially when the temperature dropped below ?12 °C. A similar reaction was shown in a field experiment comparing wintercovered and not wintercovered strawberry plants. The plants which had been exposed to temperatures between ?10 and ?16 °C were severely injured. This demonstrates that MRI has a potential as an objective method to determine freeze injury in the field, by «calibrating» the MRI instrument to freezing profiles in controlled experiments.  相似文献   

The photoinduced dimerization of adjacent pyrimidines in DNA is influenced in predictable ways by DNA conformation. A method is described for determining patterns of pyrimidine dimer formation under conditions in which the chromatin is minimally perturbed. The relation of such patterns to the conformation of nucleosomal core DNA and linker DNA, as well as the interaction of histone H1 with nucleosomal DNA, is presented. Such data indicate that sharp bends in the path of DNA seen in crystals of isolated nucleosome core particles are also present in intact chromatin. They also indicate that most of the linker has very little curvature except for a small bend at its junction with the nucleosome core. The linker path inferred from such experiments supports models in which the chromatin fiber consists of a zigzag chain of nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Exposure of the red alga Porphyra perforata or leaves of Phytolacca americana and Echinodorus sp. to white light equivalent to full sunlight for short periods induced large decreases of variable fluorescence measured at 695 nm at 77K. This change was not produced by photoinhibition but rather appeared to result from an inorease in the rate constant of radiationless transition in the reaction centers of photosystem II. It is proposed that this increase is related to the formation of the high energy state which serves as a photoprotective mechanism in plants.  相似文献   

Exposures of Pleistocene coastal sediments in South Carolina illustrate red bed development in progress. Iron pigmentation in the clays is developed from the oxidation of authigenic pyrite in the drab clays by the action of oxygenated ground waters. Migration of ferrous iron upward, with subsequent oxidation and precipitation higher in the section, gives rise to the red and yellow clays. It is also suggested that this mechanism may be possible in other marine-influenced depositional environments where authigenic sulphides form, such as tidal flat, back barrier, lagoon, etc., or in lithified sediments. Red beds formed in this manner have no paleoclimatic or source are implications.  相似文献   

Small RNAs have crucial roles in numerous aspects of plant biology. Despite our current understanding of their biogenesis and mechanisms of action, the biological function of small RNAs, particularly miRNAs, remains largely unknown. To decipher small RNA function, knowledge about their spatiotemporal patterns of expression is essential. Here we report an in situ hybridization method for the precise localization of small RNAs in plants by using locked nucleic acid (LNA) oligonucleotide probes. This method has been adapted from protocols used to detect messenger RNAs in formaldehyde-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections, but it includes essential optimizations in key prehybridization, hybridization and posthybridization steps. Most importantly, optimization of probe concentration and hybridization temperature is required for each unique LNA probe. We present the detailed protocol starting from sectioned tissues, and we include troubleshooting tips and recommended controls. This method has been used successfully in several plant species and can be completed within 2-6 d.  相似文献   

Although cleaning interactions are deemed a textbook example of mutualism, there is limited evidence that clients benefit from cleaning in terms of reduced ectoparasite loads. The proximate causes of cleaning behaviour are also contentious. We examined the effect of ectoparasite load (i.e. the number of larval gnathiid isopods) on client behaviour under natural conditions. Diel variation in gnathiid loads of longfin damselfish, Stegastes diencaeus, a common coral reef fish client of cleaning gobies (Elacatinus spp.), was correlated with variation in gnathiid emergence from the substratum at sites in both Puerto Rico and St John, northeastern Caribbean. Both benthic emergence of gnathiids and their infestation on damselfish peaked in the morning. Concomitantly, clients spent significantly more time posing for and being inspected by cleaners in the morning than at other times of day. Our results corroborate recent experimental results on captive clients and are consistent with the mutualistic interpretation of cleaning symbioses.  相似文献   

In situ collagen gelation is a method that combines a static three-dimensional culture technique with rotating bioreactors. This method was designed for large dense tissue engineering ex vivo. To challenge the current limitations on size, we combined the static collagen gel embedding method with high-aspect ratio rotating bioreactors. Rat calvarial cells in gelated collagens were cultured in rotating vessels with 5 mM beta-glycerophosphate-containing medium for 1, 2, or 3 wk and then analyzed for cell morphology, cell distribution, and viability, as well as for contraction of the collagen gel. The size of collagen gels with rat calvarial cells averaged 2.8 cm in diameter x 0.25 cm in thickness at the end of 3 wk. Scanning electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy of collagen gels revealed a homogeneous distribution of living cells. Despite the barrier effects from induced calcification, in collagen gels, cell metabolic activity (alkaline phosphatase assay and 3-[4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl]-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide assay) increased over the 3 wk, and cell viability (trypan blue exclusion and flow cytometry analysis) remained at about 90% at the end of 3 wk. Based on our results, we determined that in situ collagen gelation provides a feasible method for engineering large dense tissue ex vivo.  相似文献   

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