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Dynamins have a well-established role in the fission of vesicles at sites of endocytosis. In phagocytosis, however, a role for certain dynamin isoforms has been reported in the full extension of pseudopods during phagosome formation, not in fission of the phagocytic vacuole. Recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans have now uncovered a new function of dynamin in phagosome maturation.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a debate in the palaeoarchaeological community about the major time-lag between the origin of anatomically modern humans and the appearance of typically human cultural behaviour. Why did humans take so long—at least 100 000 years—to become ‘behaviourally modern’? The transition is often explained as a change in the intrinsic cognitive competence of modern humans: often in terms of a new capacity for symbolic thought, or the final perfection of language. These cognitive breakthrough models are not satisfactory, for they fail to explain the uneven palaeoanthropological record of human competence. Many supposed signature capacities appear (and then disappear) before the supposed cognitive breakthrough; many of the signature capacities disappear again after the breakthrough. So, instead of seeing behavioural modernity as a simple reflection of a new kind of mind, this paper presents a niche construction conceptual model of behavioural modernity. Humans became behaviourally modern when they could reliably transmit accumulated informational capital to the next generation, and transmit it with sufficient precision for innovations to be preserved and accumulated. In turn, the reliable accumulation of culture depends on the construction of learning environments, not just intrinsic cognitive machinery. I argue that the model is (i) evolutionarily plausible: the elements of the model can be assembled incrementally, without implausible selective scenarios; (ii) the model coheres with the broad palaeoarchaeological record; (iii) the model is anthropologically and ethnographically plausible; and (iv) the model is testable, though only in coarse, preliminary ways.  相似文献   

Americans' recent weight gains have been widely described as an "obesity epidemic." Such a characterization, however, has many problems: the average American weight gain has been relatively low (eight to 12 pounds over the last 20 years), and the causal linkages between adiposity, morbidity, and mortality are unclear. Nevertheless, the media and numerous health officials continue to sound dire warnings that obesity has become an epidemic disease. In this article, I examine how and why America's growing weight became an "obesity epidemic." I find the disease characterization has less to do with the health consequences of excess weight and more with the various financial and political incentives of the weight loss industry, medical profession, and public health bureaucracy. This epidemic image was also assisted by the method of displaying information about weight gain with maps in PowerPoint slides. Such characterizations, I argue, are problematic. Given the inconclusive scientific evidence and the absence of a safe and effective weight loss regimen, calling America's growing weight an epidemic disease is likely to cause more harm than good.  相似文献   

The phagosome proteome: insight into phagosome functions   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Phagosomes are key organelles for the innate ability of macrophages to participate in tissue remodeling, clear apoptotic cells, and restrict the spread of intracellular pathogens. To understand the functions of phagosomes, we initiated the systematic identification of their proteins. Using a proteomic approach, we identified >140 proteins associated with latex bead-containing phagosomes. Among these were hydrolases, proton pump ATPase subunits, and proteins of the fusion machinery, validating our approach. A series of unexpected proteins not previously described along the endocytic/phagocytic pathways were also identified, including the apoptotic proteins galectin3, Alix, and TRAIL, the anti-apoptotic protein 14-3-3, the lipid raft-enriched flotillin-1, the anti-microbial molecule lactadherin, and the small GTPase rab14. In addition, 24 spots from which the peptide masses could not be matched to entries in any database potentially represent new phagosomal proteins. The elaboration of a two-dimensional gel database of >160 identified spots allowed us to analyze how phagosome composition is modulated during phagolysosome biogenesis. Remarkably, during this process, hydrolases are not delivered in bulk to phagosomes, but are instead acquired sequentially. The systematic characterization of phagosome proteins provided new insights into phagosome functions and the protein or groups of proteins involved in and regulating these functions.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis by neutrophils, macrophages, and other professional phagocytes requires rapid remodeling of actin. Early phagosomes are surrounded by a rim of F-actin that is disassembled during phagosomoal maturation. Breakdown of periphagosomal F-actin and phagolysosome fusion are calcium dependent processes in neutrophils interacting with serum-opsonized prey, but appears to be calcium independent in macrophages interacting with serum- or IgG-opsonized prey. In the present study, we found that calcium was necessary for phagocytosis, breakdown of periphagosomal F-actin, and phagosomal maturation in J774 macrophages interacting with unopsonized prey. We also observed that lipophosphoglycan (LPG) from Leishmania donovani promastigotes required calcium to exert its inhibitory effect on macrophage phagocytosis and periphagosomal F-actin breakdown. We conclude that calcium is essential for phagocytosis, depolymerization of periphagosomal F-actin, and phagosomal maturation in J774 macrophages interacting with unopsonized prey, as well as for proper functioning of LPG.  相似文献   

Actin-based phagosome motility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Despite abundant evidence of actin's involvement at the particle internalization stage of phagocytosis, little is known about whether phagosomes undergo the same type of actin-based motility as observed with endocytic vesicles or such intracellular pathogens as Listeria and Shigella. By employing video microscopy to follow the fate of latex bead-containing phagosomes within the cytoplasm of bone marrow macrophages, we have made the novel observation of actin-based phagosome motility. Immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed that phagosomes containing IgG-opsonized, bovine serum albumin (or BSA) -coated or uncoated latex beads all formed actin-rich rocket tails that persisted only during a brief, 1-2 min period of actin-based motility. Average speeds of actin-based phagosome motility were 0.13 +/- 0.06 microm/s for IgG-coated beads, 0.14 +/- 0.04 microm/s for BSA-coated beads, and 0.11+/- 0.03 microm/s for uncoated beads. Moreover, the speeds and motile-phase duration of each type of phagosome were comparable to the behavior of pinosomes [Merrifield et al., 1999: Nat. Cell Biol. 1:72-74.]. Determination of optimal conditions for observing and analyzing actin-based phagosome motility should facilitate future investigations of phagocytosis and phagosome maturation.  相似文献   

Chloroquine and the fungal phagosome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The antimalarial drug chloroquine accumulates inside the macrophage phagolysosome by ion trapping where it exerts potent antifungal activity against Histoplasma capsulatum and Cryptococcus neoformans by distinct mechanisms. Chloroquine inhibits growth of H. capsulatum by pH-dependent iron deprivation, whereas it is directly toxic to C. neoformans. Clearly, clinical studies are required to document the potential therapeutic efficacy of chloroquine or related congeners as adjuvant therapy in fungal disease. Moreover, the diversity of pathogenic microorganisms inhibited and/or killed by chloroquine makes this drug an attractive candidate for prophylactic therapy.  相似文献   

Most of the contributions to Cooperation and Its Evolution grapple with the distinctive challenges presented by the project of explaining human sociality. Many of these puzzles have a ‘chicken and egg’ character: our virtually unparalleled capacity for large-scale cooperation is the product of psychological, behavioural, and demographic changes in our recent evolutionary history, and these changes are linked by complex patterns of reciprocal dependence. There is much we do not yet understand about the timing of these changes, and about the order in which different aspects of human social psychology (co-)evolved. In this review essay, I discuss four such puzzles the volume raises. These concern punishment and norm-psychology, moral judgement and the moral emotions, hierarchy and top-down coercion, and property rights and legal systems.  相似文献   

A characteristic, well-studied feature of the pathogenic protists belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae is the compartmentalisation of the major part of the glycolytic pathway in peroxisome-like organelles, hence designated glycosomes. Such organelles containing glycolytic enzymes appear to be present in all members of the Kinetoplastea studied, and have recently also been detected in a representative of the Diplonemida, but they are absent from the Euglenida. Glycosomes therefore probably originated in a free-living, common ancestor of the Kinetoplastea and Diplonemida. The initial sequestering of glycolytic enzymes inside peroxisomes may have been the result of a minor mistargeting of proteins, as generally observed in eukaryotic cells, followed by preservation and its further expansion due to the selective advantage of this specific form of metabolic compartmentalisation. This selective advantage may have been a largely increased metabolic flexibility, allowing the organisms to adapt more readily and efficiently to different environmental conditions. Further evolution of glycosomes involved, in different taxonomic lineages, the acquisition of additional enzymes and pathways - often participating in core metabolic processes - as well as the loss of others. The acquisitions may have been promoted by the sharing of cofactors and crucial metabolites between different pathways, thus coupling different redox processes and catabolic and anabolic pathways within the organelle. A notable loss from the Trypanosomatidae concerned a major part of the typical peroxisomal H(2)O(2)-linked metabolism. We propose that the compartmentalisation of major parts of the enzyme repertoire involved in energy, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism has contributed to the multiple development of parasitism, and its elaboration to complicated life cycles involving consecutive different hosts, in the protists of the Kinetoplastea clade.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is an important non-specific defense mechanism. Uterine phagocytosis is reviewed emphasizing factors which may alter the uterine phagocytic responses including the estrous cycle, pregnancy and the puerperium, and the presence of an intrauterine device. Implications of phagocytosis in therapy of and recovery from intrauterine infections are considered.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is the process of recognition and engulfment of microorganisms or tissue debris that accumulate during infection, inflammation or wound repair. This ingestion, which is performed most efficiently by migrating, bone marrow-derived cells called ‘professional phagocytes’, is essential for successful host defense. Ingestion results when an invading microorganism is recognized by specific receptors on the phagocyte surface and requires multiple, successive interactions between the phagocyte and the target. Each of these interactions results in a signal transduction event, which is confined to the membrane and cytoskeleton around the ligated receptor and which is required for successful phagocytosis. Many molecules found at sites of inflammation or infection stimulate phagocytosis, so that efficient ingestion is confined to the site of infection or inflammation, which in turn limits the proinflammatory and tissue-destructive processes that accompany phagocytosis. This review summarizes current understanding of this critical component of host defense and of its regulation.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When phagocytes have engulfed particles of sufficient size, the percentages of phagocytic cells containing 0, 1, 2, 3… particles can be measured by microscopic count. Two complementary models yield theoretical formulae for these percentages and these are checked with some experimental data. It is concluded that these models give a fair account of experimental results, and can provide us with a new kind of knowledge concerning phagocytosis.  相似文献   


The Druze community occupies a distinctive niche in the broader context of Israel/Palestine, one which is located in the interstices of various socio-political cross-currents, notably Jewish/Arab and Israeli/Palestinian. Druze Israeli identity is built around a politics of difference and separation from all other population groups residing in this area, yet it is an ambivalent and contradictory designation. This article focuses on those Druze who, through their service in the army, have been used as translators in the military courts in the occupied territories. The preference of Druze for this role relates to the fact that they have both bilingual skills (Hebrew and Arabic) and a socio-political status as 'non-Arab Arabs'. Following a general discussion of the politicization of Druze identity, I analyse the state's uses of Druze bilingualism for the purposes of maintaining and legitimizing the occupation, and the effects that fulfilling such a role have had on those who have functioned in this capacity.  相似文献   

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