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SO2衍生物诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
研究SO2体内衍生物--亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠混合液(3:1 mmol·L-1/mmol·L-1)诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的效应。结果表明:SO2衍生物处理可诱发蚕豆根尖间期细胞微核和核芽,使分裂后期出现多种染色体异常,如断片、桥以及滞后染色体等。异常细胞中以微核细胞和染色体断裂细胞居多。在一定浓度范围内,细胞异常率与处理液浓度之间表现正的线性相关。这些研究结果表明,蚕豆根尖间期微核和后期染色体异常有可能用作检测SO2污染的生物剂量计。  相似文献   

伤胁迫对蚕豆叶片中茉莉酸分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在植物应对伤害等环境刺激的反应中,已知茉莉酸(JA)作为一种重要的信号分子在植物体内长距离运输,但目前对JA的细胞和亚细胞定位知之甚少。本研究用免疫荧光显微镜技术和免疫胶体金电镜技术证明茉莉酸分布在蚕豆叶片叶肉细胞的叶绿体、表皮细胞的细胞壁、保卫细胞的细胞壁、细胞质、叶绿体和细胞核上。其中保卫细胞的叶绿体和细胞核是JA分布的主要场所。叶片的局部灼伤可提高JA在质外体和气孔保卫细胞中的水平。由此推测,伤胁迫下JA分配的改变可能与植物体防御反应密切相关,并参与了对气孔运动的调控。  相似文献   

镉离子对蚕豆根尖细胞分裂的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
蚕豆根尖经不同浓度(0.1—10.0ppm)的CdCl_2溶液处理24~48小时后,根的生长受到不同程度的抑制.对根尖细胞分裂的毒害则表现为低毒的C-有丝分裂和高毒的染色体断裂、粘连和液化.此外,对Cd~( )的毒害机理进行了简略讨论.  相似文献   

蚕豆气孔运动中脱落酸对周质微管排列的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
气孔由一对保卫细胞组成,且其壁具有不均一加厚的特性(图1),并能敏感地感受内、外环境信号而调节K~ 等渗透调节物质进出保卫细胞引起膨压变化,从而控制气孔的大小、调节植物体与外界环境所进行的水分和气体交换。进一步研究发现,以K~ 为主的渗透调节物质引起的膨压变化受到许多因子的调控,如ABA可以中介Ca~(2 )作用抑制K~ 内向通道或直接作用于K~ 外向通道使K~ 外流,但ABA影响K~ 通道的信号转导途径仍是一个有待进一步探索的课题。大量研究表明,细胞运动与细胞骨架有关。如丝瓜卷须的卷曲运动、胞质环流、花粉管萌发与伸长、含羞草的感震性运动,以及细胞器的运动等都与细胞骨架有关。我们用植物微管特异性解聚剂——甲基胺草磷(APM)以及微丝专一性抑制剂——细胞松驰素B(CB)预处理蚕豆开放或关闭气孔后可明显地抑制Ca~(2 )、ABA、光、K~ 等引起的气孔运动,表明微管、微丝可能参与调节气孔的运动过程。Couot-Gastelier和Louguet经电镜观察证  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations on extension growth and respirationrate (oxygen consumption) of 2-mm. sections excised from theextension zone of roots of pea (Pisum sativum) growing in distilledwater and 0·5 per cent. sucrose have yielded resultsclosely similar to those of Brown and Sutcliffe (1950). Respirationrate is not obviously correlated with growth rate either inwater or in sucrose, but it is strongly correlated with sectionlength. Respiration rate per unit section length (¬per unitfresh weight) shows a marked downward drift during extensionand is affected little by growth conditions. Tentative suggestionsare advanced to account for the small differences between driftsin o·5 per cent. sucrose and those in distilled water. Medium agitation produces an immediate and sustained stimulationof growth but no stimulation of oxygen uptake until the latergrowth stages. Thus respiration per unit section length is unaffectedby agitation at any stage. A typical growth response to ß-indolylacetic acid(IAA) was obtained, with a maximum stimulation (of about 35per cent.) at 1 part in 1011 and inhibitions increasing progressivelywith concentration beyond the threshold of about i part in 109.Both percentage stimulation and percentage inhibition of growthwere independent of the presence of sucrose. Respiratory responses to ß-indolylacetic acid werecomplex. In water no immediate response could be detected witheither a growth-stimulatory (10–11) or a growth-inhibitory(10–-8) concentration, while in 0·5 per cent. sucrosethe inhibitory concentration prevented the small immediate respiratoryrise due to the sucrose, probably by impeding sugar entry. Duringthe subsequent period of rapid growth (up to 36 hours) the smallrespiratory responses observed closely followed the small growthresponses to both concentrations of IAA, suggesting that theformer are the direct result of the differences in section lengthinduced by the auxin. When growth ceases (at 48 hours) sectionswhich have grown considerably in sucrose show respiratory ratesstill closely correlated with section length, whereas in waterboth concentrations of auxin induce marked depressions in respirationrate. It is concluded that ß-indolylacetic acid in bothgrowth-stimulatory and growth- inhibitory concentrations hasno direct effect on the activity of the respiratory enzyme systemof growing root cells. The small respiratory responses are bestexplained as resulting from differential changes in sectionsize and correlated changes in the enzyme complements of thegrowing cell.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which the normal geotropic responsesof the roots of Pisum sativum seedlings have been compared withthose obtained in the presence of auxins (indole-3-acetic acidand 2:4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) in the external medium.The courses of positive curvature resulting from short exposures(40 minutes) and also subsequent recovery phenomena on a horizontalklinostat have been followed. A photographic recording techniqueallowed the determination of absolute growth-rates of both upperand lower sides of the root during the course of each experiment. Positive curvature started at its maximum rate (0.30–0.32deg./min.) after a reaction time of 11.5 minutes and continuedconstant at that rate for about 60 minutes after stimulationceased. Recovery took place at a similar rate of curvature andwas complete after a further 150–200 minutes. During thephase of positive curvature overall root growth-rates were considerablyreduced and were slowly restored to normal during recovery. Low concentrations (1 part in 1011) of both auxins increasedthe rate of positive curvature by 30–40 per cent. andshortened the reaction time roughly in proportion. The growth-ratesof both sides of the root were increased to the same extentduring both curvature and recovery. High concentrations (10–8IAA and 3.10–8 2: 4-D)reduced the rates of curvature by 50 per cent., lengthened thereaction time, and inhibited the growth of both sides of theroot during both curvature and recovery. Neither concentration of either auxin otherwise affected thetime course of response and recovery. It is suggested that geotropic response is due to the de novoproduction of an endogenous inhibitor in the extending cellsof the lower side of the root whence it may later spread tothe upper side. The complete independence of the growth actionsof this inhibitor and of the applied auxins suggests that itis not indole-3-acetic acid or any similar compound. Recoverymay be very largely independent of both inhibitor and auxinsand due to the action of another growth factor limiting celllength. The implications of these findings and of the attendant theoriesare fully discussed.  相似文献   

用胶体金免疫电镜技术对蚕豆 ( Vicia faba L.)根中 ABA的定位结果表明 ,在原分生组织金颗粒主要分布在细胞核。在基本分生组织或伸长区前部皮层细胞的质膜附近有较多的金颗粒标记 ,维管柱特别是维管组织的质外体中发现有大量金颗粒标记。伸长区中部及根毛区细胞也有较多的金颗粒标记。水分胁迫可导致初生分生组织或伸长区前部细胞金颗粒标记密度大增 ,伸长区中部及根毛区细胞的金颗粒密度也明显增加。对根中 ABA在超微结构水平上的分布及其与运输的关系进行了讨论 ,为 ABA有可能作为由根向地上部分传递的逆境信息提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

1. The changes of the rate of elongation of the stem of darkgrown Vicia faba seedlings, after illumination by white light,have been measured by auxanometer. 2. Illumination of the plumular hook region, including the apex,causes a reduction in the extension rate of the tissue below.This has been called the ‘primary phase’, and itis complete within three hours of illumination. In the rangeof exposure used, the new rate may be between 50 and 20 percent, of the original rate. 3. Illumination of the extending tissue alone causes a similarprimary phase, which is followed by a period of accelerationduring the third hour after illumination. This period has beencalled the ‘reaction phase’, and it reaches itspeak rate, which is of the order of 60 per cent. of the originalrate before treatment, about 4 hours after illumination. 4. Illumination of the whole plumule causes a primary phasefollowed by a reaction phase of more variable form and size. 5. The magnitude of the primary phase appears to increase withthe exposure. There is an optimum exposure for the productionof the reaction phase in the region of 200 foot-candle seconds. 6. The significance of these results in the interpretation ofetiolation phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

A technique is described whereby regular growth of roots isobtainable with good aeration. Decapitation at 05, 1, or 2 mm. behind the root-apex does notaccelerate the growth of the stump. An obvious retardation ofgrowth is recorded when 2 mm. of the root-tip is removed, aless conspicuous retardation, or no effect at all, is recordedwhen shorter parts are removed. The amount of retardation isaffected by the extent to which the apical meristem is removed. The growth of stumps reheaded with their own tips is similarto that of unreheaded stumps.  相似文献   

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