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Sulfobromophthalein (BSP) electrogenic transport activity in a plasma membrane vesicle preparation from rat liver is shown to depend on free sulfhydryl groups. These are organized in two classes, one of which does not react with the sulfhydryl group reagent 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate). The two classes appear to be involved in BSP transport independently. However, reactivity of one class can be shown to be affected by alkylation of the other. Hence, it is concluded that both classes are located on the same carrier system, which previous research has established to be the integral sinusoidal membrane protein bilitranslocase.  相似文献   

Incubation of inverted plasma membrane vesicles from rat liver with micromolar concentrations of S-dinitrophenylglutathione (DNP-SG) in the presence of ATP resulted in the uptake of DNP-SG into the vesicles. ATP-dependent DNP-SG accumulation was half-maximal with 9 μM DNP-SG, while the Km for ATP was 320 μM. Glutathione disulfide (GSSG), but not reduced glutathione, inhibited the ATP-dependent accumulation of DNP-SG by the vesicles, suggesting that the same, ATP-dependent transport system is responsible for the extrusion of glutathione conjugates and GSSG from liver cells.  相似文献   

Iodipamide, a cholecystographic agent, is known to be taken up by isolated hepatocytes by a mechanism similar or identical with the inward transport of bile salts (Petzinger, E., Joppen, C. and Frimmer, M. (1983) Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 322, 174-179). To elucidate its mode of transport, uptake of iodipamide was studied by rapid-filtration techniques on plasma membrane vesicles enriched in the sinusoidal fraction. Uptake was found to be dependent upon the temperature, the intravesicular volume, a gradient of monovalent cations (Na+, K+ or Li+) and the substrate concentration (saturation kinetics with respect to iodipamide: apparent Km = 70 microM, Vmax = 0.31 nmol per mg protein per min at 100 mM NaCl and 25 degrees C). Countertransport and transstimulation in tracer exchange experiments indicate that in vesicles, iodipamide uptake rather than binding occurs. Na+ could be replaced by K+ or Li+ in our system without any effect. However, in the presence of choline chloride a slight, but distinct reduction occurred. Iodipamide uptake was inhibited by cholate, phalloidin, 4,4'-diisothiocyanato-1,2-diphenylethane-2,2'-disulfonic acid and by bromosulfophthalein with inhibition being competitive in the case of cholate and non-competitive in the case of bromosulfophthalein. Alteration of the membrane potential by addition of NO3-, SCN- or SO4(2-) modified the uptake rate for iodipamide. The above results support our earlier hypothesis that the hepatocellular uptake of iodipamide is due to a carrier-mediated transport, probably similar to that of bile acids. However, translocation of iodipamide is assumed to be driven by the membrane potential only and not by Na+ contransport.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the mechanism for bilirubin transport in the liver, the uptake of bilirubin diglucuronide (BDG) into purified sinusoidal plasma membrane vesicles was investigated. BDG uptake was saturable, and was inhibited by sulfobromophthalein and unconjugated bilirubin, but was not affected by sodium taurocholate. BDG uptake was sodium-independent and was stimulated by intravesicular bilirubin or BDG (trans-stimulation). BDG transport showed strong potential sensitivity; vesicle inside-negative membrane potential created by different anion gradients inhibited BDG uptake whereas vesicle inside-positive membrane potential generated by potassium gradients and valinomycin markedly stimulated BDG transport. These data suggest that BDG, sulfobromophthalein, and probably unconjugated bilirubin share a common transporter in liver cells which is sodium independent, membrane-potential-dependent and capable of exchange. The direction of transport in vivo may be governed by the intracellular concentration of BDG and of other yet unidentified organic anions sharing this transporter.  相似文献   

The modifications in the hepatic transport of sulfobromophthalein (BSP) were studied after partial hepatectomy (p.h.) in Wistar rats. The biliary excretion of BSP, injected i.v. at 150 mumol/kg, decreased in the early periods after p.h., with a disappearance of the choleretic effect induced by the dye in sham-operated animals. The impairment in the biliary BSP excretion corresponded to the conjugated fraction and was accompanied by a lowered glutathione S-transferase activity in the liver.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric technique is described for the continuous recording of sulfobromophthalein uptake by isolated hepatocytes. The technique is based on the principle that sulfobromophthalein behaves as a pH-indicator and may be followed photometrically when moving from the medium at pH 7.8 into the interior of the cell. Data show that upon addition of cells to a sulfobromophthalein solution, an absorbance change can be recorded. The kinetics of the process is biphasic and the initial rate is linearly related to the amount of cells added. By this technique it was confirmed that the substrate dependence of the initial velocity of transport is a compound function including a saturable portion with an apparent Km in the mu molar region. Experiments carried out either in the presence of valinomycin or of high concentrations of potassium chloride indicate that the presence of a membrane potential opposes the entry of sulfobromophthalein into isolated hepatocytes. This finding is in agreement with previous observations in isolated plasma membrane vesicles and in liposomes reconstituted with purified bilitranslocase which indicate a rheogenic type of transport for the dye. Low concentrations of nicotinate (1.6 microM) efficiently inhibit the saturable transport. It is suggested, in addition, that the sensitivity of the transport to valinomycin could be used as an early indication of the functional integrity of cell preparations.  相似文献   

The uptake of lipids by rat liver cells   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. Unesterified cholesterol, cholesterol esters and triglycerides of chylomicrons were taken up at the same rate by isolated hepatic parenchymal cells. 2. On incubation of hepatic cells, isolated 2min. after the injection of chylomicrons in vivo, the chylomicron triglyceride associated with the cells underwent hydrolysis. 3. In cells isolated 5min. after the injection of chylomicrons, the chylomicron triglyceride bound to the hepatic cells was accessible to added clearing factor lipase. 4. ;Ghost' hepatic cells had the same binding capacity and lipolytic activity per cell as intact cells. 5. Of all subcellular fractions studied, the ;plasma membrane' fraction showed the greatest capacity per unit weight for non-esterified fatty acid and chylomicron triglyceride binding and for triglyceride hydrolysis. 6. Once non-esterified fatty acids entered the hepatic cell, they were apparently metabolized in the same manner, whether taken up from the circulation as such or derived from chylomicron triglyceride.  相似文献   

The presence of a sodium-stimulated, saturable uptake process for L-cystine is described in brushborder membrane vesicles isolated from rat jejunal mucosa. Concentration-dependence studies indicate the presence of a single transport system for cystine withK m=0.053 mM andV max=0.633 nmol/mg/15 s. Lysine completely inhibits the uptake of cystine.  相似文献   

The presence of a sodium-dependent, saturable uptake process is described in basolateral membranes of rat renal cortex for L-glutamine. Concentration-dependence studies indicate the presence of multiple transport systems withK m 1 of 0.032 mM and V1 of 0.028 nmol/mg of protein per min, andK m 2 of 17.6 mM and V2 of 17.6 nmol/mg of protein per min. Lysine completely inhibits the high-affinity, low-capacityK m system and partially inhibits the low-affinity, high-capacity system. Cystine and other dibasic amino acids also affect glutamine uptake.  相似文献   

Sinusoidal membrane vesicles from rat liver were employed to study the characteristics of GSH transport. Saturable concentration dependent uptake was best described by the sum of a high and low Km transport. Preloading with GSH markedly stimulated the initial uptake of GSH. GSH transport was electrogenic; uptake was enhanced by an inwardly directed K+ gradient which could be blocked by the K+-channel blocker, Ba2+. The other cations such as Na+, Li+ were poor substitutes for K+. These results therefore show that net GSH transport involves movement of K+.  相似文献   

The uptake of spermine by isolated rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles was studied. Uptake was biphasic, with an initial rapid uptake followed by a prolonged slower phase. Spermine uptake was not affected by a Na+ electrochemical gradient. The equilibrium uptake of spermine was considerably dependent upon the medium pH. At pH 7.5 the degree of uptake was higher than that at pH 6.5 and was inversely proportional to the extravesicular osmolarity with a relatively high binding, which was estimated by extraporation to infinite extravesicular osmolarity (zero intravesicular space), while the uptake at pH 6.5 was not altered under the various medium osmolarities. A kinetic analysis of the initial uptake rate of spermine at 37 degrees C gave a Km of 24.2 microM and Vmax of 206.1 pmol/mg protein per min. Furthermore, the uptake at 4 degrees C was nonlinear, providing evidence for saturability. These findings suggest that spermine was associated with intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles in two ways, by binding to the outside and inside of membrane vesicles. The interaction of spermine and the apical membrane can be a contributory factor in the accumulation of this polyamine in the intestine of the intact animal.  相似文献   

In single-pass perfused rat liver, the sinusoidal uptake of infused 3H-labelled leukotriene (LT) C4 (10 nmol.l-1) was inhibited by sulfobromophthalein. Inhibition was half-maximal at sulfobromophthalein concentrations of approximately 1.2 mumol.l-1 in the influent perfusate and leukotriene uptake was inhibited by maximally 34%. Sulfobromophthalein (20 mumol.l-1) also decreased the uptake of infused [3H]LTE4 (10 nmol.l-1) by 31%. Indocyanine green (10 mumol.l-1) inhibited the sinusoidal [3H]LTC4 uptake by 19%. Replacement of sodium in the perfusion medium by choline decreased the uptake of infused [3H]LTC4 (10 nmol.l-1) by 56%, but was without effect on the uptake of sulfobromophthalein. The canalicular excretion of LTC4, LTD4 and N-acetyl-LTE4 was inhibited by sulfobromophthalein. In contrast, the proportion of polar omega-oxidation metabolites recovered in bile following the infusion of [3H]LTC4 was increased. Taurocholate, which had no effect on the sinusoidal leukotriene uptake, increased bile flow and also the biliary elimination of the radioactivity taken up. With increasing taurocholate additions, the amount of LTD4 recovered in bile increased at the expense of LTC4. Following the infusion of [3H]LTD4 (10 nmol.l-1), a major biliary metabolite was LTC4 indicating a reconversion of LTD4 to LTC4. In the presence of taurocholate (40 mumol.l-1), however, this reconversion was completely inhibited. The findings suggest the involvement of different transport systems in the sinusoidal uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes. LTC4 uptake is not affected by bile acids and has a sodium-dependent and a sodium-independent component, the latter probably being shared with organic dyes. Sulfobromophthalein also interferes with the canalicular transport of LTC4, LTD4 and N-acetyl-LTE4, but not with the excretion of omega-oxidized cysteinyl leukotrienes. The data may be relevant for the understanding of hepatic leukotriene processing in conditions like hyperbilirubinemia or cholestasis.  相似文献   

The movement of sulfobromophthalein is measured in rat liver plasma-membrane vesicles by direct dual-wavelength spectrophotometry. The technique is based on the principle that the dye, when entering a more acidic compartment, changes its absorption in the visible region. From this study it may be concluded that, among the different cellular subfractions, only liver plasma-membrane vesicles can catalyze electrogenic transport of sulfobromophthalein. Plasma membranes from erythrocytes are unable to perform such a function. The movement follows the distribution pattern of (Na++K+-ATPase and it is therefore concluded that this process occurs exclusively at the sinusoidal membrane level. Inhibition studies confirm that the process is catalyzed by bilitranslocase.  相似文献   

Basolateral membranes from rat jejunal enterocytes have been obtained by self-orienting Percoll-gradient centrifugation. Bicarbonate and L-glucose uptake into osmotically active basolateral membrane vesicles has been studied by a rapid filtration technique. In closed vessels and at pH 8.2 the uptake kinetics of both [14C]bicarbonate and L[3H]glucose have been followed for 30 min at 18 degrees C. Bicarbonate uptake seems to be fast and in efflux experiments SITS and DIDS effect is negligible. This work demonstrates that it is possible to determine bicarbonate flux across basolateral membrane vesicles at pH and temperature values close to usual experimental conditions.  相似文献   

ATP-stimulated uptake of S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione with a high activity of 0.35 nmol/min per mg protein is found in a rat liver plasma membrane vesicle preparation enriched in sinusoidal marker enzymes. Transport takes place into an osmotically active space. Vanadate and S-(azidophenacyl)glutathione inhibit transport, whereas Ca2+, EGTA and ouabain are without effect.  相似文献   

1. Rat liver mitochondria can accumulate choline against a concentration gradient. Maximally about 30 nmol choline per mg mitochondrial protein are found in the matrix space. 2. The process of choline uptake is biphasic. After a rapid uptake of 1.5-15 nmol per mg protein, a slower uptake occurs if an energy supply is present. In the absence of energy, only the rapid uptake is found. 3. The inhibition of uncoupler-stimulated choline oxidation by cations is the result of an inhibition of choline uptake.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles from rat liver transported L-lactate into the inner vesicular space. Kinetic analysis of L-lactate uptake gave a Km value of approx. 2.9 mM. Selective inhibition was found in a similar pattern to that described for the hepatic lactate carrier. L-Lactate transport was enhanced when a pH gradient was created across the plasma membrane. Vesicles obtained from fasted rats showed a higher uptake of L-lactate than those from fed rats, when incubated with physiological concentrations of L-lactate.  相似文献   

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