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D-amino acids are largely excluded from protein synthesis, yet they are of great interest in biotechnology. Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) can misacylate tRNA(Asp) with D-aspartate instead of its usual substrate, L-Asp. We investigate how the preference for L-Asp arises, using molecular dynamics simulations. Asp presents a special problem, having pseudosymmetry broken only by its ammonium group, and AspRS must protect not only against D-Asp, but against an "inverted" orientation where the two substrate carboxylates are swapped. We compare L-Asp and D-Asp, in both orientations, and succinate, where the ammonium group is removed and the ligand has an additional negative charge. All possible ammonium positions on the ligand are thus scanned, providing information on electrostatic interactions. As controls, we simulate a Q199E mutation, obtaining a reduction in binding free energy in agreement with experiment, and we simulate TyrRS, which can misacylate tRNA(Tyr) with D-Tyr. For both TyrRS and AspRS, we obtain a moderate binding free energy difference DeltaDeltaG between the L- and D-amino acids, in agreement with their known ability to misacylate their tRNAs. In contrast, we predict that AspRS is strongly protected against inverted L-Asp binding. For succinate, kinetic measurements reveal a DeltaDeltaG of over 5 kcal/mol, favoring L-Asp. The simulations show how chiral discriminations arises from the structures, with two AspRS conformations acting in different ways and proton uptake by nearby histidines playing a role. A complex network of charges protects AspRS against most binding errors, making the engineering of its specificity a difficult challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract manganese lipoxygenase (Mn-LO) oxygenates 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6 to bis-allylic 11S-hydroperoxy fatty acids, which are converted to 13R-hydroperoxy fatty acids. Other unsaturated C(16)-C(22) fatty acids, except 17:3n-3, are poor substrates, possibly because of ineffective enzyme activation (Mn(II)-->Mn(III)) by the produced hydroperoxides. Our aim was to determine whether unsaturated C(16)-C(22) fatty acids were oxidized by Mn(III)-LO. Mn(III)-LO oxidized C(16), C(19), C(20), and C(22) n-3 and n-6 fatty acids. The carbon chain length influenced the position of hydrogen abstraction (n-8, n-5) and oxygen insertion at the terminal or the penultimate 1Z,4Z-pentadienes. Dilinoleoyl-glycerophosphatidylcholine was oxidized by Mn-LO, in agreement with a "tail-first" model. 16:3n-3 was oxidized at the bis-allylic n-5 carbon and at positions n-3, n-7, and n-6. Long fatty acids, 19:3n-3, 20:3n-3, 20:4n-6, 22:5n-3, and 22:5n-6, were oxidized mainly at the n-6 and the bis-allylic n-8 positions (in ratios of approximately 3:2). The bis-allylic hydroperoxides accumulated with one exception, 13-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (13-HPETE). Mn(III)-LO oxidized 20:4n-6 to 15R-HPETE ( approximately 60%) and 13-HPETE ( approximately 37%) and converted 13-HPETE to 15R-HPETE. Mn(III)-LO G316A oxygenated mainly 16:3n-3 at positions n-7 and n-6, 19:3n-3 at n-10, n-8, and n-6, and 20:3n-3 at n-10 and n-8. We conclude that Mn-LO likely binds fatty acids tail-first and oxygenates many C(16), C(18), C(20), and C(22) fatty acids to significant amounts of bis-allylic hydroperoxides.  相似文献   

Earlier studies using affinity labeling reagents have suggested the existence of two nucleophilic groups at the active site of catechol-O-methyltransferase (S-adenosyl-L-methionine:catechol O-methyltransferase, EC Both nucleophilic residues are critical for catalytic activity. In an effort to elucidate the nature of these residues and to further characterize the relationship between the chemical structure and the catalytic function of this enzyme, inactivation studies using N-ethylmaleimide were undertaken. Inactivation of the enzyme by N-ethylmaleimide under pseudo first-order conditions exhibited a non-linear relationship between the log of the fraction of enzyme activity remaining and preincubation time. Kinetic analysis of this inactivation process suggested the modification by N-ethylmaleimide of two residues at the active site of the enzyme, both crucial for catalytic activity. Detailed analysis of the inactivation process including substrate protection studies, pH profiles of inactivation, and incorporation studies using N-ethyl[2,3-14C2]maleimide provided additional evidence to support this conclusion.  相似文献   

A series of chemical modification reactions have been carried out with rabbit pulmonary angiotensin converting enzyme (dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, EC in order to identify amino acid residues essential for its catalytic activity. The enzyme is rapidly inactivated by nitration with tetranitromethane and by O-acetylation with N-acetylimidazole. Deacylation with hydroxylamine restores activity to the acetylated enzyme, while the inhibitor, β-phenylpropionyl-L-phenylalanine, protects against acetylimidazole inactivation. These results indicate the presence of functional tyrosyl residues at the active site of the enzyme. Reaction with butanedione decreases activity, an effect that is markedly enhanced by the presence of borate, indicating essential arginyl residues. In addition, activity is diminished by the carboxyl reagent, cyclohexylmorpholinoethyl carbodiimide. Thus, the three functional residues long known to be components of the active site of bovine carboxypeptidase A, tyrosyl, arginyl, and glutamyl, have counterparts in the angiotensin converting enzyme. The effects of pyridoxal phosphate and a number of other reagents demonstrate that the converting enzyme also contains an important lysyl residue.  相似文献   

The in vitro reconstitution of molybdenum nitrogenase was manipulated to generate a chimeric enzyme in which the active site iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) is replaced by NifB-co. The NifDK/NifB-co enzyme was unable to reduce N2 to NH3, while exhibiting residual C2H4 and considerable H2 production activities. Production of H2 by NifDK/NifB-co was stimulated by N2 and was dependent on NifH and ATP hydrolysis. Thus, NifDK/NifB-co is a useful tool to gain insights into the catalytic mechanism of nitrogenase. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of D and K homologs indicates that several early emerging lineages, which contain NifB, NifH and NifDK encoding genes but which lack other genes required for processing NifB-co into FeMo-co, might encode an enzyme with similar catalytic properties to NifDK/NifB-co.  相似文献   

Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-succinyltransferase (DapD) catalyzes the succinyl-CoA-dependent acylation of L-2-amino-6-oxopimelate to 2-N-succinyl-6-oxopimelate as part of the succinylase branch of the meso-diaminopimelate/lysine biosynthetic pathway of bacteria, blue-green algae, and plants. This pathway provides meso-diaminopimelate as a building block for cell wall peptidoglycan in most bacteria, and is regarded as a target pathway for antibacterial agents. We have solved the X-ray crystal structures of DapD in ternary complexes with pimelate/succinyl-CoA and L-2-aminopimelate with the nonreactive cofactor analog, succinamide-CoA. These structures define the binding conformation of the cofactor succinyl group and its interactions with the enzyme and place its thioester carbonyl carbon in close proximity to the nucleophilic 2-amino group of the acceptor, in support of a direct attack ternary complex mechanism. The acyl group specificity differences between homologous tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyl- and N-succinyltransferases can be rationalized with reference to at least three amino acids that interact with or give accessible active site volume to the cofactor succinyl group. These residues account at least in part for the substrate specificity that commits metabolic intermediates to either the succinylase or acetylase branches of the meso-diaminopimelate/lysine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The three-component naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO) enzyme system carries out the first step in the aerobic degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas sp. strain NCIB 9816-4. The three-dimensional structure of NDO revealed that several of the amino acids at the active site of the oxygenase are hydrophobic, which is consistent with the enzyme's preference for aromatic hydrocarbon substrates. Although NDO catalyzes cis-dihydroxylation of a wide range of substrates, it is highly regio- and enantioselective. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to determine the contributions of several active-site residues to these aspects of catalysis. Amino acid substitutions at Asn-201, Phe-202, Val-260, Trp-316, Thr-351, Trp-358, and Met-366 had little or no effect on product formation with naphthalene or biphenyl as substrates and had slight but significant effects on product formation from phenanthrene. Amino acid substitutions at Phe-352 resulted in the formation of cis-naphthalene dihydrodiol with altered stereochemistry [92 to 96% (+)-1R,2S], compared to the enantiomerically pure [>99% (+)-1R,2S] product formed by the wild-type enzyme. Substitutions at position 352 changed the site of oxidation of biphenyl and phenanthrene. Substitution of alanine for Asp-362, a ligand to the active-site iron, resulted in a completely inactive enzyme.  相似文献   

DMSO reductase (DMSOR) from Rhodobacter capsulatus, well-characterised as a molybdoenzyme, will bind tungsten. Protein crystallography has shown that tungsten in W-DMSOR is ligated by the dithiolene group of the two pyranopterins, the oxygen atom of Ser147 plus another oxygen atom, and is located in a very similar site to that of molybdenum in Mo-DMSOR. These conclusions are consistent with W L(III)-edge X-ray absorption, EPR and UV/visible spectroscopic data. W-DMSOR is significantly more active than Mo-DMSOR in catalysing the reduction of DMSO but, in contrast to the latter, shows no significant ability to catalyse the oxidation of DMS.  相似文献   

N E Ward  C A O'Brian 《Biochemistry》1992,31(25):5905-5911
We recently reported that autophosphorylated protein kinase C (PKC) has an intrinsic Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-dependent ATPase activity and that the ATPase and histone kinase activities of PKC have similar metal-ion cofactor requirements and Km,app(ATP) values. We hypothesized that the intrinsic ATPase activity of PKC may represent the bond-breaking step of its protein kinase activity. The rate of the ATPase reaction is several times slower than the histone kinase reaction rate. At subsaturating concentrations, various peptide and protein substrates stimulate the ATPase reaction by as much as 1.5-fold. In contrast, non-phosphorylatable substrate analogs are not stimulatory. These observations support a mechanism of PKC catalysis in which the productive binding of phosphoacceptor substrates enhances the rate of phosphodonor substrate (ATP) hydrolysis at the active site of PKC. However, this mechanism contains an assumption that the ATPase activity of PKC is catalyzed at the active site. In fact, sequence analysis indicates that PKC contains a potential second nucleotide binding site outside of its active site. In this report, we provide a detailed analysis of the relationship between the active site of PKC and the intrinsic ATPase activity of the enzyme. We show that the regulatory and catalytic properties of the ATPase reactions of three PKC isozymes are similar, despite critical differences among the isozymes in their consensus sequences for the potential non-active-site nucleotide binding site in their catalytic domains. We also show that the ATPase and histone kinase reactions of each isozyme have similar Km,app(ATP) values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Detailed structure of the pepsin active site in the region of the active aspartic acid residues and substrate binding S1 and S1' sites is considered. At the active site of the enzyme crystals studied several molecules of ethanol were detected, which interact with active groups. The catalytic properties of aspartyl proteinases towards dipeptide substrates were explained on the base of the specific structure of S1 and S1' binding sites.  相似文献   

A highly thermostable pullulanase purified from Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum strain 39E displayed dual activity with respect to glycosidic bond cleavage. The enzyme cleaved alpha-1,6 bonds in pullulan, while it showed alpha-1,4 activity against malto-oligosaccharides. Kinetic analysis of the purified enzyme in a system which contained both pullulan and amylose as the two competing substrates were used to distinguish the dual specificity of the enzyme from the single substrate specificity known for pullulanases and alpha-amylases.  相似文献   

The evidence for and against the esterase and dehydrogenase active sites of aldehyde dehydrogenase being topologically distinct is examined. It is found that all the evidence (including all that previously amassed by others in favour of distinct binding domains) is actually consistent with, and in favour of, a single type of catalytic site having both activities. The existence of separate high-Km modulating sites for the enzyme is also questioned.  相似文献   

Spectral and kinetic studies of the interaction of N-methylnicotinamide chloride and nicotinamide with the enzyme thiosulphate sulphurtransferase (thiosulphate: cyanide sulfurtransferase, EC (also known as rhodanese) have been performed and compared with previous inhibition data obtained with N-1-(4-pyridyl)pyridinium chloride (NPP). Like NPP both N-methylnicotinamide chloride and nicotinamide are competitive inhibitors of rhodanese with respect to the substrate thiosulfate. Rhodanese binding of N-methylnicotinamide chloride gives rise to no charge transfer absorbtion band. In addition, the free energy of interaction (deltaG0) of NPP with rhodanese is approximately equal to the sum of the individual deltaG0 values of MNA and NA. These compounds are analogous to the two halves of the NPP structure. We conclude that NPP and N-methylnicotinamide chloride are not bound via a charge transfer mechanism. The major stabilizing influence appears to be an ionic interaction with an anionic enzyme site with accessory apolar stabilization. It is postulated that the ionized active site sulfhydryl group in rhodanese could provide the ionic site.  相似文献   

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