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R West 《Biopolymers》1987,26(5):607-608

A series of oligonucleotides of different sequences have been cloned to study DNA curvature. Several DNA fragments containing these oligonucleotides in various numbers of repeats were analyzed in 10% polyacrylamide gels. A strong gel migration anomaly was found for dA4 sequences; a comparably very small but clearly detectable anomaly was observed for dA3 (both in a repeat length of 10 base-pairs). The temperature and salt (NaCl, MgCl2) dependence of the gel migration anomaly of these DNA fragments was measured. While a similar behaviour of all sequences is observed for the addition of NaCl, the temperature and MgCl2 dependence of the anomaly varies with the oligonucleotide sequence. These data are interpreted in terms of local DNA structure changes induced by changes in the temperature and the MgCl2 concentration which affect the planarity of the curved DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Several antibiotics, netropsin, distamycin A, actinomycin D, Hoechst 33258 and olivomycin, which demonstrate base specificity in their DNA binding properties have been found to alter the electrophoretic mobility of DNA restriction fragments in native polyacrylamide gels. The antibiotics mostly reduced the migration of larger DNA fragments, but netropsin and Hoechst 33258 were observed to increase the migration rate of several DNA fragments of intermediate size. DNA fragments of similar molecular weight which comigrate as a single gel band can at times be separated as the result of differential mobility shifts promoted by antibiotic DNA complex formations.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic method for mapping DNA replicons.   总被引:18,自引:12,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
We describe in detail a method which allows determination of the directions of replication fork movement through segments of DNA for which cloned probes are available. The method uses two-dimensional neutral-alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis followed by hybridization with short probe sequences. The nascent strands of replicating molecules form an arc separated from parental and nonreplicating strands. The closer a probe is to its replication origin or to the origin-proximal end of its restriction fragment, the shorter the nascent strands that are detected by the probe. The use of multiple probes allows determination of directions of replication fork movement, as well as locations of origins and termini. In this study, we used simian virus 40 as a model to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, and we discuss its applicability to other systems.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in superhelical DNA.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of superhelicity on the base-pair opening probability and on the probability of occurrence of cruciform states in palindromic regions is theoretically treated. The calculations show that below the superhelix density value of -sigma=0.05 superhelicity does not appreciably affect the characteristics of DNA secondary structure fluctuations. In the range of physiological superhelix densities sigma (-sigma=0.05-0.09) the base-pair opening probability markedly increases. However, within this range of sigma the base-pairs are opened only transiently and permanently open regions are not formed. Permanently opened regions appear at higher negative superhelix densities (-sigma greater than 0.10). At the values of -sigma higher than 0.06 a cruciform structure in the palindromic region centred in position 3965 proves to be the most probable fluctuational disturbance in the 0x174 duplex DNA. Different experimental approaches used for probing the fluctuations in superhelical DNA have been analysed. The results suggest that most direct quantitative information can be derived from data on the nicking of closed DNA by single strand-specific endonucleases. Such data (Wang, 1974) accord with the results of theoretical calculations. Calculations show that, due to base-pair opening, the total free energy of superhelical DNA should depend parabolically on sigma only up to some critical value of sigma=sigmac. If negative superhelicity exceeds this critical value, which under physiological conditions proves to be -sigma=0.085, the free energy should increase linearly with -sigma. The biological role of supercoiling is discussed in the light of obtained results.  相似文献   

The dependence of the electrophoretic mobility of small DNA rings on topological constraint was investigated in acrylamide or agarose gels as a function of DNA size (from approximately 350 to 1400 base-pairs), gel concentration and nucleotide sequence. Under appropriate adjustment between the size of the DNA and the gel concentration, this dependence was found to be V-shaped in a limited interval around constraint O, the minimum mobility at the apex of the V being obtained for relaxed DNA. Analysis of the DNA size dependence of the V suggests that it is the result of a modulated compaction of the DNA rings by the gel matrix. Compaction appears to be maximum upon relaxation, and to decrease with increase in supercoiling. Consistent with this interpretation, gels were found to oppose structural departures from the B helix, such as Z transition and cruciform extrusion, which tend to relax the DNA molecule and make it more expanded. In contrast, when DNA size or gel concentration are large enough relative to one another, U shapes are observed instead of Vs, as a consequence of an increase in the mobility of the rings closer to relaxation. The relevance of these results to the situation of superhelical DNA in vivo is discussed. Application of the V to the measurement of the DNA helical twist is mentioned.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurement of DNA migration in gel electrophoresis requires precisely controlled homogeneous electric fields. A new electrophoresis system has allowed us to explore several parameters governing DNA migration during homogeneous field pulsed field gel (PFG) electrophoresis. Migration was measured at different switch times, temperatures, agarose concentrations, and voltage gradients. Conditions which increase DNA velocities permit separation over a wider size range, but reduce resolution. We have also varied the angle between the alternating electric fields. Reorientation angles between 105 degrees and 165 degrees give equivalent resolution, despite significant differences in DNA velocity. Separation of DNA fragments from 50 to greater than 7000 kilobases (Kb) can easily be optimized for speed and resolution based on conditions we describe.  相似文献   

In this work, boundary element modeling is used to study the transport of highly charged rod-like model polyions of various length under a variety of different aqueous salt conditions. Transport properties considered include free solution electrophoretic mobility, translational diffusion, and the components of the "tether force" tensor. The model parameters are chosen to coincide with transport measurements of duplex DNA carried out under six different salt/temperature conditions. The focus of the analysis is on the length dependence of the free solution electrophoretic mobility. In a solution containing 0.04 M Tris-acetate buffer at 25 degrees C, calculated mobilities using straight rod models show a stronger dependence on fragment length than that observed experimentally. By carrying out model studies on curved rod models, it is concluded that the "leveling off" of mobility with fragment length is due, in part at least, to the finite curvature of DNA. Experimental mobilities of long duplex DNA in monovalent alkali salts are reasonably well explained once account is taken of long-range bending and the simplifying assumptions of the model studies.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA from 5 isolates of Cryptosporidium parvum and 1 of C. baileyi were compared by field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). FIGE analyses of parasite DNA prepared from purified sporozoites versus intact oocysts showed no observable differences. Chromosomal DNA migration patterns of the 5 C. parvum isolates were indistinguishable, whereas similar but distinct differences were evident between C. baileyi and the isolates of C. parvum. Oocyst-reactive monoclonal antibodies differentiated oocysts of C. parvum from those of C. baileyi but were unable to distinguish oocysts of 1 isolate of C. parvum from another.  相似文献   

Boundary element methods are used to model the free solution electrophoretic mobility of short DNA fragments. The Stern surfaces of the DNA fragments are modeled as plated cylinders that reproduce translational and rotational diffusion constants. The solvent-accessible and ion-accessible surfaces are taken to be coincident with the Stern surface. The mobilities are computed by solving simultaneously the coupled Navier–Stokes, Poisson, and ion-transport equations. The equilibrium electrostatics are treated at the level of the full Poisson–Boltzmann equation and ion relaxation is included. For polyions as highly charged as short DNA fragments, ion relaxation is substantial. At .11 M KCl, the simulated mobilities of a 20 base pair DNA fragment are in excellent agreement with experiment. At .04 M Tris acetate, pH = 8.0, the simulated mobilities are about 10–15% higher than experimental values and this discrepancy is attributed to the relatively large size of the Tris counterion. The length dependence of the mobility at .11 M KCl is also investigated. Earlier mobility studies on lysozyme are reexamined in view of the present findings. In addition to electrophoretic mobilities, the effective polyion charge measured in steady state electrophoresis and its relationship to the preferential interaction parameter γgG is briefly considered. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 359–373, 1998  相似文献   

PCR products were characterized by electrophoresis, blotting and hybridization. In addition to the bands of expected size, bands of slower electrophoretic mobility were often detected. The slower bands completely disappeared when the PCR products were subjected to slow cooling, treated with S1 nuclease or run on an alkaline gel, whereas the bands of expected size were unaffected. The slower bands are therefore likely to contain single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Howard R. Reese 《Biopolymers》1994,34(10):1349-1358
DNA molecules ranging in size from 1 to 630 kilobase pair and intercalated with either ethidium bromide (EtBr) or propidium iodide (PI) were electrophoresed in 1% agarose at four different electric field strengths. The extent of intercalation of EtBr under the conditions of our electrophoresis experiments was determined by a spectroscopic technique, whereas the extent of intercalation of PI was inferred from previous studies. The effects of the increase in DNA contour length and the concomitant decrease of linear charge density were separated based on our analysis of the mobility data. We conclude that the main factor responsible for the reduced electrophoretic mobility of intercalated DNA is the diminished linear charge density and not the increased contour length. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, fluorescent end-labeling of DNA fragments has evolved into the preferred method of DNA detection for a wide variety of applications, including DNA sequencing and PCR fragment analysis. One of the advantages inherent in fluorescent detection methods is the ability to perform multi-color analyses. Unfortunately, labeling DNA fragments with different fluorescent tags generally induces disparate relative electrophoretic mobilities for the fragments. Mobility-shift corrections must therefore be applied to the electrophoretic data to compensate for these effects. These corrections may lead to increased errors in the estimation of DNA fragment sizes and reduced confidence in DNA sequence information. Here, we present a systematic study of the relationship between dye structure and the resultant electrophoretic mobility of end-labeled DNA fragments. We have used a cyanine dye family as a paradigm and high-resolution capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) as the instrumentation platform. Our goals are to develop a general understanding of the effects of dyes on DNA electrophoretic mobility and to synthesize a family of DNA end-labels that impart identically matched mobility influences on DNA fragments. Such matched sets could be used in DNA sequencing and fragment sizing applications on capillary electrophoresis instrumentation.  相似文献   

DNA nanotechnologies have been highlighted as a promising synthetic tool for the creation of new shaped materials. They have developed a variety of materials in different shapes and sizes [1]. Inspired by these advancements, we sought to design a ring-shaped DNA nanostructure connected by X-DNA blocks. Six XDNA blocks were ligated together to form a circular nanostructure with a diameter of approximately 30 nm. Each DNA block possesses different overhang sequences in its terminal. It was sequentially built up onto each block platform in the line and later clipped into a necklace shape via enzymatic ligation. It was finally evaluated by a gel electrophoretic migration shift assay. It was concluded that the complete set of the necklace shaped DNA nanostructure was the most slowly retarded relative to other forms of incompleteness.  相似文献   

Computation of the electrophoretic mobility of proteins.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A scheme is presented for computing the electrophoretic mobility of proteins in free solution, accounting for the details of the protein shape and charge distribution. The method of Teubner is implemented using a boundary integral formulation within which the velocity distribution, the equilibrium electrical potential around the molecule, and the potential distribution due to the applied field are solved for numerically using the boundary element method. Good agreement of the numerical result is obtained for spheres with the corresponding semi-analytical specialization of Henry's analysis. For protein systems, the method is applied to lysozyme and ribonuclease A. In both cases, the predicted mobility tensors are fairly isotropic, with the resulting scalar mobilities being significantly smaller than for spheres of equal volume and net charge. Comparisons with previously published experimental results for ribonuclease show agreement to be excellent in the presence of a net charge, but poorer at the point of zero charge. The approach may be useful for evaluating approximate methods for estimating protein electrophoretic mobilities and for using electrophoretic measurements to obtain insight into charge distributions on proteins.  相似文献   

An investigation of the mobility of short duplexes of DNA -octamers and decamers-on polyacrylamide gels is presented, showing that molecules containing less than one helical turn exhibit sequence dependent mobilities. Analysis of chains with different sequences indicates that any arrangement of two or more adjacent A.T base pairs causes a duplex to move more slowly than does any combination of isolated A.T pairs This behavior appears to be an intrinsic property of these sequences, since the anomaly persists in the absence of magnesium or presence of spermine and is not due to strand dissociation. In two decamers we studied, the position of A.T tracts within a duplex can be shown to influence mobility: the sequence GA4T4C associated with bending or curvature of the helix axis when ligated into polymers migrates more slowly than the corresponding sequence GT4A4C, polymers of which migrate as linear B DNA.  相似文献   

A highly purified amylase protein inhibitor from the kernels of hexaplois wheat, designated 0.19 according to its gel electrophoretic mobility, has been characterized according to its circular dichroism spectra determined at different pH values and in the presence or absence of dissociating and reducing agents. The 0.19 albumin has also been characterized according to the specificity with which it inhibits 21 alpha-amylases from different origins and according to its sensitivity to a number of chemical and enzymatic treatments of its inhibitory action on human saliva and Tenebrio molitor L. larval midgut alpha-amylases. Inhibitory activity of 0.19 toward human saliva amylase significantly increased when the inhibitor was incubated with the enzyme before the addition of starch, but it was not affected by the preincubation of 0.19 with starch. Maltose reversed the inhibition of human saliva by 0.19 and showed some inhibitory activity toward the enzyme. However, maltose concentrations that only slightly affected amylase activity were very effective in restoring the amylase activity inhibited by 0.19. The inhibitory action of 0.19 on human saliva and T. molitor L. amylases were equally resistant to trypsin and thermal treatments, but 0.19 was readily inactivated by incubation with pepsin or by reduction of disulfide bonds. The inhibition of the mammalian amylase by 0.19 was adversely affected by a treatment with CNBr (1:100 ratio of methionine residues to CNBr) whereas the inhibition of the insect amylase was not. As shown by circular dichroism measurements in the far ultraviolet, 0.19 is a protein with about 50% of ordered structure. Significant and largely reversible changes have been observed in the aromatic CD spectrum of 0.19 at alkaline pH values or in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. These changes, which were associated with a partial loss of inhibitory activity, indicate that ionizable tyrosine groups contribute significantly to the ellipticity bands of 0.19 in the near ultraviolet.  相似文献   

The B-A transition in superhelical DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Relaxation of a DNA superhelical stress due to the B to A transition induced by trifluoroethanol has been studied by assessing the change of DNA orientation in a flow gradient. Using DNAs of different superhelical densities, a decrease in the winding angle during the B----A shift of DNA was found to be 1.5 degrees per base pair in solution. Accepting the winding angle for B-DNA in solution to be 34.1 degrees, that for A-DNA must have a value of 32.6 degrees which agrees with the X-ray data for A-DNA in the condensed state. The date obtained within the B-A transition interval make it possible to conclude that there is an increase in winding at each B/A junction, which is about 5 degrees per one junction.  相似文献   

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