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A murine recombinant Neo(r) retrovirus encoding the SV40 small t antigen was used to infect Balb/c 3T3 CIA31 cells. From analyses of G418-resistant clones containing at least as much intact t as Cos-1 cells, we found that t, alone, had no detectable A31 transforming activity. In contrast, we noted that SV40 large T promoted A31 agar colony formation when present over a 5- to 7.5-fold concentration range. However, at the low end of the spectrum, its transforming effect was manifest inefficiently except in the presence of t. Thus a major role for t in the SV40 transforming mechanism is to enhance directly or indirectly the transforming function of T.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of SV40 early pre-mRNA in vitro.   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

RNA unwinding activity of SV40 large T antigen   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
M Scheffner  R Knippers  H Stahl 《Cell》1989,57(6):955-963
Large T antigen, the regulatory protein encoded by simian virus 40, has DNA helicase activity and unwinds double-stranded DNA at the expense of ATP. T antigen also functions as an RNA helicase separating duplex regions in partially double-stranded RNA substrates. Surprisingly, T antigen RNA helicase activity requires UTP, CTP, or GTP as a cofactor, whereas ATP is an inefficient energy source for the RNA unwinding reaction. Accordingly, T antigen has both an intrinsic non-ATP NTPase activity that is stimulated by single-stranded RNA and an ATPase activity stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Thus, it appears that the bound nucleotide determines whether T antigen acts as an RNA helicase or as a DNA helicase.  相似文献   

SV40 T antigen binds to SV40 DNA. Using a series of purified SV40 DNA restriction fragments, we have obtained evidence indicating that the antigen preferentially binds to three specific regions. These binding regions are contained within Endo R-Hin d(II + III) A, B, and C.  相似文献   

We have purified the 36 and 63 kd cellular proteins known to associate with polyomavirus middle and small tumor (T) antigens and SV40 small t antigen. Microsequencing of the 36 kd protein indicated that it was probably identical to the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Identity was confirmed by comigration on two-dimensional (2D) gels and by 2D analysis of complete chymotryptic digests. In addition, PP2A-like phosphatase activity was detected in immunoprecipitates of wild-type middle T. Immunoblotting experiments, comigration on 2D gels, and 2D analysis of limit chymotryptic digests demonstrated that the 63 kd protein, present in the middle T complex in approximately equimolar ratio to the 36 kd protein, is a known regulatory subunit of the PP2A holoenzyme. Finally, the 36 kd PP2A catalytic subunit can be immunoprecipitated by anti-pp60c-src antisera only from cells expressing wild-type middle T. These results suggest that complex formation between PP2A and T antigens may be important for T antigen-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Essential nucleotide contacts between the SV40 large T (tumor) antigen and binding sites I and II on the SV40 genome have been inferred from in vitro methylation- and ethylation-interference experiments. Each site contains two clusters of guanine residues that reduce the specific binding of T antigen when modified. Methylation at any one of nine guanines within site I or any one of five guanines within site II severely interferes with the interaction of T antigen with each respective site. Methylation at any one of a second group of five guanines within site II results in an appreciably weaker effect on the binding of T antigen. A similar inhibitory effect on binding is observed upon ethylation of adjacent phosphate residues. Although there are significant differences in the nucleotide sequence of the two binding sites, the pattern of protein contacts is strikingly similar between sites I and II. Three-dimensional projection reveals that the guanine contacts within each binding site are localized so that the specific binding interactions are accessible from only one face of the DNA helix.  相似文献   

Crude and highly purified SV40 large T antigen has been found to exist in forms of various sizes Immunoreactive structures of 5.5S (80-85 kd), 7S (or approximately 150 kd) and 15.5S (325-340 kd) have been identified by zonal sedimentation and gel filtration. They appear to correspond to monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric species of T, respectively, and are free of detectable 55 kd NVT by specific immunoprecipitation analyses. While highly purified monomer appears relatively inactive in SV40 DNA-binding and ATPase assays, both the dimer and tetramer display these activities. By contrast, all three comigrate with casein kinase activity. These data suggest that the protein can exist as a monomer and in various homoaggregated forms. In addition, it appears that it must aggregate to be an active DNA-binding element and an ATPase.  相似文献   

Role of small t antigen in the acute transforming activity of SV40   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
A plasmid, pHR402, containing SV40 sequences that include a truncated early region bearing an intact t-coding sequence and a functionally intact late region, was introduced into thymidine kinase deficient (tk-) mouse L cells by cotransformation with a cloned tk gene. tk+ cotransformants synthesized SV40 t but not T antigen, and no truncated T-coding sequence products were detected. The viral sequences of pHR402 were reconstituted as a virus in COS1 cells, and acute infection of untransformed mouse cells with this viral stock (SV402) also led to the appearance of t but not T or a truncated T. Abortive transformation assays of such infected cells were negative, as were those performed on the same cells infected with either of two viral mutants (dl883 and dl884), each of which leads to T but not t synthesis. However, mixed infection with SV402 and either dl883 or dl884 led to a clear abortive and permanent transformation response. Thus, at least in part, t and T appear to function in a complementary fashion in eliciting transformation expression by SV40-infected cells.  相似文献   

M Loeken  I Bikel  D M Livingston  J Brady 《Cell》1988,55(6):1171-1177

The infection of monkey kidney (CV-1) cells with simian virus 40 (SV40) stimulates the cells into successive rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis, leading to the acquisition of a >G2 DNA content. To elucidate the role of small t antigen in cell cycle progression and in viral replication during infection, studies were performed using an SV40 mutant (dl888) that lacks the ability to produce small t. Initially dl888-infected cells move through the first S phase at roughly the same rate as wild-type infected cells. Upon reaching G2, however, the dl888-infected cells progressed to >G2 at a reduced rate relative to wild-type. The slower rate of entry into >G2 of dl888-infected cells is associated with a decrease in total pRb and an increase in the ratio of hypophosphorylated to hyperphosphorylated pRb. The expression of cyclin D1 and p27(kip1) were elevated in dl888-infected cells compared to wild-type-infected CV-1 cells. Taken together, these results indicate that small t antigen plays a role in stimulating entry into >G2 in SV40-infected CV-1 cells, possibly by affecting the regulation of key cell cycle proteins.  相似文献   

Mutations at multiple sites within the simian virus 40 (SV40) early region yield large T antigens which interfere trans dominantly with the replicative activities of wild-type T antigen. A series of experiments were conducted to study possible mechanisms of interference with SV40 DNA replication caused by these mutant T antigens. First, the levels of wild-type T antigen expression in cells cotransfected with wild-type and mutant SV40 DNAs were examined; approximately equal levels of wild-type T antigen were seen, regardless of whether the cotransfected mutant was trans dominant or not. Second, double mutants that contained the mutation of inA2827, a strong trans-dominant mutation with a 12-bp linker inserted at the position encoding amino acid 520, and various mutations in other parts of the large-T-antigen coding region were constructed. The trans-dominant interference of inA2827 was not affected by second mutations within the p105Rb binding site or the amino or carboxy terminus of large T antigen. Mutation of the nuclear localization signal partially reduced the trans dominance of inA2827. The large T antigen of mutant inA2815 contains an insertion of 4 amino acids at position 168 of large T; this T antigen fails to bind SV40 DNA but is not trans dominant for DNA replication. The double mutant containing the mutations of both inA2815 and in A2827 was not trans dominant. The large T antigen of dlA2433 lacks amino acids 587 to 589, was unstable, and failed to bind p53. Combining the dlA2433 mutation with the inA2827 mutation also reversed the trans dominance completely, but the effect of the dlA2433 mutation on trans dominance can be explained by the instability of this double mutant protein. In addition, we examined several mutants with conservative point mutations in the DNA binding domain and found that most of them were not trans dominant. The implications of the results of these experiments on possible mechanisms of trans dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

A small subclass of SV40 T antigen binds to the viral origin of replication   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
A Scheller  L Covey  B Barnet  C Prives 《Cell》1982,29(2):375-383
We examined the affinities of SV40 large T antigen for unique viral DNA sequences by binding SV40 Bst NI DNA fragments in extracts of infected or transformed cells, and then immunoprecipitating the T antigen-DNA complex. The G fragment, which spans the viral origin of replication (ori) was quantitatively bound to T antigen. A T-antigen-specific monoclonal antibody (McI 7), which recognized only 5%-10% of the T antigen from infected or transformed cells, immunoprecipitated the majority of the ori-binding activity. This suggests that only a minor subclass of wild-type T antigen is active in binding to the origin. C6 cells contain a replication-defective mutant T antigen that when tested in the DNA-binding immunoassay, showed no affinity for the ori fragment. McI 7 not only failed to immunoprecipitate ori binding in C6 cells, but also did not detect any labeled C6 T antigen whatever. Thus McI 7 recognizes an immunologically distinct subset of wild-type 7 antigen that comprises the origin-binding form of the viral protein, which is absent in the C6 T antigen population. McI 122, which recognizes a 53 kilodalton host protein that complexes with T antigen, immunoprecipitated ori-binding activity from extracts of infected or transformed cells, but not from C6 cells. Thus wild-type T antigen can bind ori sequences even when complexed to the host protein. These data suggest that T antigen consists of different subpopulations with different functions.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of the large T antigens encoded by simian virus 40 (SV40) mutants with deletions at DdeI sites in the SV40 A gene were determined. Mutant large T antigens containing only the first 138 to 140 amino acids were unable to bind to the SV40 origin of DNA replication as were large T antigens containing at their COOH termini 96 or 97 amino acids encoded by the long open reading frame located between 0.22 and 0.165 map units (m.u.). All other mutant large T antigens were able to bind to the SV40 origin of replication. Mutants with in-phase deletions at 0.288 and 0.243 m.u. lacked ATPase activity, but ATPase activity was normal in mutants lacking origin-binding activity. The 627-amino acid large T antigen encoded by dlA2465, with a deletion at 0.219 m.u., was the smallest large T antigen displaying ATPase activity. Mutant large T antigens with the alternate 96- or 97-amino acid COOH terminus also lacked ATPase activity. All mutant large T antigens were found in the nuclei of infected cells; a small amount of large T with the alternate COOH terminus was also located in the cytoplasm. Mutant dlA2465 belonged to the same class of mutants as dlA2459. It was unable to form plaques on CV-1p cells at 37 or 32 degrees C but could form plaques on BSC-1 monolayers at 37 degrees C but not at 32 degrees C. It was positive for viral DNA replication and showed intracistronic complementation with any group A mutant whose large T antigen contained a normal carboxyl terminus. These findings and those of others suggest that both DNA binding and ATPase activity are required for the viral DNA replication function of large T antigen, that these two activities must be located on the same T antigen monomer, and that these two activities are performed by distinct domains of the polypeptide. These domains are distinct and separable from the domain affected by the mutation of dlA2465 and indicate that SV40 large T antigen is made up of at least three separate functional domains.  相似文献   

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