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团头鲂原是一种野生的草食性淡水鱼类,从1960年起对它进行了一系列的观察试验,肯定它有以下六个优点:(1)在池养条件下,性腺能发育成熟;(2)以各种草类为主要食料;(3)抗病力强、成活率高;(4)容易捕捞、起水率高;(5)含肉量高,脂多、味美;(6)一年半可长至商品规格。试验结果证明团头鲂可以作为新的养殖对象,同时也提供了一套繁殖、饲养管理方法。1964年到1973年已有二十一个省市先后进行移殖饲养,有的已就地繁殖、推广。本文系历年试验和部分移殖经验的总结。  相似文献   

池沼公鱼移殖放流试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于1984—1986年进行了池沼公鱼移殖放流试验研究,移入水库的池沼公鱼已能自然产卵繁殖,形成了经济群体。本文论及了移殖放流的理论依据、移殖放流技术、移殖放流效果、移殖池沼公鱼的生态效益的分析和池沼公鱼的资源管理。  相似文献   

近十年来,银鱼的移殖驯化工作有了一定的进展。笔者根据各种银鱼的不同生物学特性,从中挑选了一种大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius(Abbott)作为向北方地区移殖的研究对象,它的繁殖期温度为2—6℃,有一定的耐盐性能,生长迅速,生命周期为一年,繁殖快且生长后期吞食小型鱼类,有一定的竞争能力,在改造鱼类区系中,它是一种难得的耐寒、名贵小型经济鱼类。将它向北方移殖驯化,成功的可能性较大。在具体移殖工作中为克服北方冰冻季节的自然障碍,对大银鱼胚胎作了低温保存研究,结果见表1:  相似文献   

草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus(Cuv.et Val.)是我国劳动人民发现的并久经饲养的一种淡水鱼类养殖对象。它有生长快,草食性等优点。但抗病力低,特别是在鱼种阶段死亡率高,一般在60%左右,严重的可达80%以上。为了解决这一生产上的问题,在文化大革命初期(1966年)我们和本所官桥试验场的工人同志一起,做了草鱼(♀)×团头鲂((?))(Megalobrama amblycephala Yih.)的杂交试验。1968年又进行了草鱼(♀)×团  相似文献   

孟氏隐唇瓢虫引进福建后的繁殖和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 1955年自苏联引进我国一批孟氏隐唇瓢虫(Cryp-tolaemus montrouzieri Muls.),先在广东进行了研究(蒲蛰龙等1957,1961)于1956年由华南农学院引进在福建农学院进行饲养繁殖,迄今已六年多。在饲养繁殖过程中,观察了这种瓢虫在福州地区的生活习性,并初步进行散放驯化试验,供进一步研究粉蚧生物防除的参考。  相似文献   

团头鲂精子寿命的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)已在我国许多地区饲养,人工繁殖工作也普遍开展。了解团头鲂精子在何种条件下活力最好,存活最长,就可以更合理的利用精液,帮助提高受精率和孵化率,获得更多的苗种。 我们于1980年6月3—5日、1981年5月28—29日对团头鲂精子的寿命进行了初步观察。  相似文献   

鳙团移核鱼LDH,MDH同工酶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对二龄鳙鱼细胞核和团头鲂细胞质配合的核质杂种鱼--鳙团移核鱼及其亲本,供核体鳙鱼和受核体团头鲂肌组织LDH、MDH同工酶进行了研究试验。鳙团移核鱼和供核体鳙鱼肌组织LDH同工酶均具有LdhA2B2一条谱带;受核体团头鲂的则具有LdhA2、LdhA2B1、LdhA2B2、LdhA1B3、LdhB4等五条谱带。移核鱼和供核体鳙鱼肌组织的MDH同工酶都各具有二条谱带:S-mdhA2、S-mdhAB;受核  相似文献   

以2n团头鲂为对照,对诱导产生的同源四倍体、自繁后代(4n-F1)和倍间交配后代(正交3n和反交3n)的染色体组型及形态遗传特征进行比较分析。结果发现:(1)团头鲂四倍体(包括4n和4n-F1)和正反倍间交配三倍体的染色体众数分别为96和72,是2n团头鲂的2倍和1·5倍;在四倍体团头鲂组型排列中,sm1的四条较大的染色体明显可见,可视为标记染色体;(2)9个比例性状的测量结果显示,多倍体的体长/体高、体长/头长比例值显著小于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);而对于背棘长/体长比例值,多倍体则显著大于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);(3)29个参数的主成分分析结果表明,团头鲂同源4n、4n-F1、倍间交配3n及2n团头鲂等5个不同倍性群体的传统形态差别很大部分是由躯干部的形态差异,主要是体长/体高引起的,可作为团头鲂多倍体与二倍体群体鉴别的形态依据;(4)聚类结果显示,正交3n和反交3n相聚类,亲缘关系最近,然后,它们与4n-F1聚类后,再与4n奠基群体聚类,与二倍体群体的聚类关系较远[动物学报51(3):455-461,2005]。  相似文献   

李春启  张力  郭富  张桂琴 《遗传》1979,1(4):27-28
林木组织培养是国内外新近出现的一种繁 殖技术,具有快速、多量、遗传性状较均一等特 点。前此,新西兰已用此法对黑杨派和青杨派 成功地进行了繁殖试验,但对不易生根的白杨 派的繁殖正在试验,迄今未见报道。  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎移殖技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哺乳动物的胚胎移殖技术已有一百年的历史。1935年利特尔(Littlc)首次报道小鼠胚胎移殖成功,以后麦克拉仑(McLaren)、马斯克(Marsk)、塔科斯基(Tarkowski)、盖特(Gates)、霍恩斯坦(Hornstein)以及迪克曼(Dickmann)等也相继报道了这方面的研究。 近年来,我国王培生、吕容真等也对小鼠  相似文献   

鲫鱼的人工和天然雌核发育   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
用照射处理的草鱼或华南鲤的精液授精的鲫鱼卵为单倍体雌核发育;所有单倍体胚胎都是畸形,并在孵化前死亡。如果用照射精液授精的鲫鱼卵在18—19℃的水中放置2分钟,然后在0—3℃的冰水中放置20分钟,再放回室温水中孵化,可以从每百颗受精卵中得到4.5—11.9(平均8.34)尾成活的二倍体仔鱼。根据38尾银鲫(其中33尾捕自黑龙江省方正县双凤水库)的细胞学和胚胎学检查,证实它们是雌核发育繁殖的。    相似文献   

本文分析了葛洲坝枢纽截流后,大坝上、下游草、青、鲢、鳙的繁殖条件,产卵场位置,产卵规模,鱼卵、鱼苗成色以及4种鱼的群体组成等。指出除原宜昌产卵场发生变化外,其余产卵场基本存在,并在上游新发现了几处产卵场。讨论了大坝对4种鱼的影响程度和上游存在草鱼地方性群体,论证了4种鱼不必过坝产卵的理由。    相似文献   

Hybrid grass carp fry ( Ctenopharyngodon idella × Aristichthys nobilis ) were stocked into 0·04 ha ponds with and without paddlewheel aeration. Fish in the paddlewheel and non-paddlewheel pond, preyed upon identical organisms, but in different proportions. Fish in the paddlewheel ponds grew at significantly greater rates.  相似文献   

本文对鲮鱼的食性、年龄、生长和繁殖进行了研究,并对渔业生产提出了建议。鲮鱼以浮游植物为主要食料。在水温14.6—29.4℃时食欲旺盛。当水中溶氧量0.24—0.65毫克/升时,绝大部分个体停止摄食,而溶氧量在0.99毫克/升以上时,摄食强度很大。见到的最大个体:雌鱼体长595毫米,体重4,100克,10龄;雄鱼体长580毫米,体重3,850克,9龄。鲮鱼能在大王滩水库中自然繁殖。鲮鱼人工繁殖季节以5月初至6月中旬较适宜;催产时水温以22—29℃为好,注射催产剂的效应时间一般为4.5—6小时。见到的性成熟最小个体:郁江鲮鱼雌体长273毫米,体重525克,雄体长275毫米,体重415克;池养鲮鱼雌体长247毫米,体重366克,雄体长235毫米,体重291克。根据群众经验,一般池塘中鲮鱼每亩放养1,000尾,鲮与鲢的放养比例以3∶1较好,以鲮鱼为主体的池塘则每亩放养1,500—2,000尾较好。    相似文献   

幼草鱼鳞片环纹,以孵出后第二个月生长最快,往后生长减慢,冬季停止生长。幼鱼体长一般在47—70毫米形成幼轮。鳞片的“切割相”是区别年轮和幼轮的标志。幼鱼在饥饿时,环片不仅不增长,反而出现环片被吸收的现象。鳞片上各种副轮标记的形成与摄食条件的变化有关。计算了体长与鳞径、环纹数以及鳞径与环纹数的迴归方程,它们之间都呈直线正相关,相关显著性均在99%以上。    相似文献   

选取湖泊养殖的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)和团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)为研究对象, 通过对其消化道细菌群落16S rDNA进行细菌群落聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)分析, 比较了其消化道微生物群落结构。在两种草食性鱼类消化道中分别检测到不同的谱带, 其中草鱼的平均谱带数为(33.32.8)条, 团头鲂的平均谱带数为(38.02.5)条。基于所得PCR-DGGE指纹图谱谱带丰度值数据的UPGMA聚类分析和PCA排序均显示草鱼消化道微生物群落并没有与团头鲂消化道微生物群落分开; 相比于草鱼和团头鲂消化道微生物群落之间的差异, 草鱼和团头鲂个体间差异更加明显, 而且草鱼消化道微生物群落的个体分化更为明显。对特定条带的切胶回收测序结果显示, 草鱼和团头鲂消化道内检测到的菌群都主要来自-变形菌门、梭杆菌门和厚壁菌门, 另外草鱼消化道中还检出少量拟杆菌门细菌。以上结果表明同一生境中食性相同的野生草鱼与团头鲂消化道微生物群落组成不存在显著差异, 条带回收测序检测到相似的微生物种类。研究结果补充了人们在食性对消化道微生物群落结构影响方面的认识, 同时也暗示草鱼和团头鲂消化道内微生物群落对营养物质的代谢方式类似, 这为深入研究草食性鱼类消化道微生物菌群参与营养物质代谢积累了资料。    相似文献   

Summary The grass carp is one of the largest members of the family Cyprinidae. In their native habitat, grass carp typically reach weights of 30–36 kg, but fish have been reported up to 181 kg. Successful reproduction is a function of temperature, age/size, and water conditions. Fish reach maturity when about 4 years old (4–5 kg). Spawning occurs when water temperature rises above 20°C. Because grass carp eggs are semipelagic, current during spawning is required to keep eggs in suspension while they incubate. In general, successful spawning takes place under rising water conditions in very long rivers. Fecundity is very high in normal diploid individuals; females may produce over one million eggs in a season. In triploid fish, eggs and sperm are produced, but the incidence of viable offspring (even when mated with diploids) is very low.Grass carp fry begin feeding on microscopic animals and gradually switch to plant material as they grow. Adult diploids, triploids, and hybrids ( grass carp x bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Cyprinidae)) are all herbivorous. Feeding is strongly affected by temperature. Active feeding begins as temperatures rise above 7–8°C and consumption peaks at 20–26°C. Whereas triploids feed at nearly the same rate as diploids, hybrids feed at substantially lower rates. Therefore, vegetation control is most efficiently achieved with diploid or triploid fish. These fish may consume more than their own weight in plant material each day. However, feeding rate (and hence vegetation control) is affected by the forage that is available. Grass carp exhibit strong preferences for different macrophyte species depending on the aquatic system (i.e. the same plant species is not always the most preferred). Hydrilla verticillata and similar species are almost always among the most preferred species, and control or elimination is usually assured if adequate stocking densities are used. Vegetation control has been reported with stocking densities as low as six fish per vegetated ha.Grass carp currently appear to be the most effective biological control on aquatic vegetation. However, in order to avoid ecological disaster, care should be taken to limit their use to sterile forms and to prevent their invasion of ecologically sensitive areas, such as waterfowl staging areas and threatened or endangered species habitat.  相似文献   

In aquarium experiments common invertebrates from streams and ponds were offered to O-group grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.) in the presence of palatable plants. When there was no cover for the prey to hide under, the carp ate many of the invertebrates, but when stones were provided, considerably more invertebrates escaped. Rainbow trout eggs were not eaten, but trout fry were taken as soon as they had emerged from artificial spawning redds. While searching for food, grass carp never disturbed the stones covering possible food organisms.  相似文献   

Fish raised in aquaculture ponds may get infected with fishborne zoonotic trematodes (FZT) during the nursing stage. Freshwater snails serve as intermediate hosts for FZT and we wanted to explore the possibility of controlling snails by stocking nursery ponds with a few juvenile specimens of the mollusc-eating fish, black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus). Obviously, the risk that black carp might also prey on the juvenile fishes in nursery ponds should first be assessed. Laboratory trials showed that all size classes of juvenile black carp consumed fry of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) even when offered snails as food; the odds of survival of fry from tanks with medium sized and large black carp was 5.6% and 39.9%, respectively of that of fry in tanks with small sized black carp. Since the large black carp also consumed fewer snails than medium sized fish, we believe that large specimens were stressed in the experimental aquaria. Under semi-field conditions, presence of the black carp had no effect on survival of fry of Oreochromis niloticus and C. carpio both in the absence and presence of snails as alternative food. The black carp consumed most snails offered with the exception of some of the large snails. We conclude that under field conditions, predation by black carp on fish fry is minimal and field trials in nursery ponds are warranted. Due to the risks that black carp pose to native imperiled snails and other molluscs, trials should be restricted to ponds within the fish’s native or existing range.  相似文献   

综合养鱼高产池塘的溶氧变化周期   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
根据1979—1984年对主养鲢、鳙、非鲫,主养青、草鱼,主养青鱼3种养殖结构类型高产鱼池溶氧变化周期的系统研究,揭示了高产养鱼池塘溶氧的昼夜、垂直、水平变化及季节变化周期,分析了光合作用、呼吸作用、扩散作用在高产养鱼池塘溶氧动力学上的地位和作用。对高产养鱼池塘的溶氧收入、支出及平衡情况进行了定量研究,在主要饲养季节,测得晴到多云天、晴天的溶氧来源分别为:浮游植物光合产氧占86.0和95.3%,大气扩散溶入占14.0和4.7%;氧的消耗分别为:“水呼吸”消耗氧占72.0和72.0%,鱼类呼吸消耗氧占22.0和13.1%,淤泥中生物呼吸消耗氧占2.9、5.5%,扩散逸出占3.1、8.8%。文中还对溶氧变化周期与养鱼池塘管理的环境控制、结构控制之间的关系进行了分析。    相似文献   

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