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Fgf8 controls regional identity in the developing thalamus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertebrate thalamus contains multiple sensory nuclei and serves as a relay station to receive sensory information and project to corresponding cortical areas. During development, the progenitor region of the diencephalon is divided into three parts, p1, p2 (presumptive thalamus) and p3, along its longitudinal axis. Besides the local expression of signaling molecules such as sonic hedgehog (Shh), Wnt proteins and Fgf8, the patterning mechanisms of the thalamic nuclei are largely unknown. Using mouse in utero electroporation to overexpress or inhibit endogenous Fgf8 at the diencephalic p2/p3 border, we revealed that it affected gene expression only in the p2 region without altering overall diencephalic size or the expression of other signaling molecules. We demonstrated that two distinctive populations in p2, which can be distinguished by Ngn2 and Mash1 in early embryonic diencephalon, are controlled by Fgf8 activity in complementary manner. Furthermore, we found that FGF activity shifts thalamic sensory nuclei on the A/P axis in postnatal brain. Moreover, gene expression analysis demonstrated that FGF signaling shifts prethalamic nuclei in complementary manner to the thalamic shift. These findings suggest conserved roles of FGF signaling in patterning along the A/P axis in CNS, and reveal mechanisms of nucleogenesis in the developing thalamus.  相似文献   

MicroRNAS (miRNAs) are small endogenous non-coding RNAs that play important roles in many different biological processes including proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis through silencing of target genes. Emerging evidence indicates that miRNAs are key players in mammalian development that, when altered, contribute to tumorigenesis. However, only a few studies to date have focused on the role of miRNAs in medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor. These tumors arise in the cerebellum and may attribute their origins to deregulated proliferation of neural progenitor cells during development. Understanding the interplay between normal brain development and medulloblastoma pathogenesis is necessary in order for more efficient, less toxic targeted therapies to be developed and implemented. MiRNA expression profiling of both mouse and human medulloblastomas has led to the identification of signatures correlating with the molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma, tumor diagnosis and response to treatment, as well as novel targets of potential clinical relevance. This review summarizes the recent miRNA literature in both medulloblastoma and normal brain development.  相似文献   

The vertebrate Fgf8 gene produces multiple protein isoforms by alternative splicing. Two evolutionarily conserved spliceforms, Fgf8a and Fgf8b, exhibit distinct bioactivities, with Fgf8b having a more potent inductive activity due to higher affinity for Fgf receptors. To investigate the in vivo requirement for Fgf8b, we created a splice-site mutation abolishing Fgf8b expression in mice. Analysis of this mutant has uncovered a novel function of Fgf8 signaling before the onset of gastrulation. We show that the loss of Fgf8b disrupts the induction of the brachyury gene in the pregastrular embryo and, in addition, disrupts the proper alignment of the anteroposterior axis with the shape of the embryo and the uterine axes at embryonic day (E) 6.5. Importantly, Fgf8-null embryos display the same phenotype as Fgf8b-deficient embryos at E6.5, demonstrating that signaling by Fgf8b is specifically required for development of the pregastrular embryo. By contrast, during gastrulation, Fgf8a can partially compensate for the loss of Fgf8b in mesoderm specification. We show that an increased level of Fgf8a expression, which leads to Fgf4 expression in the primitive streak, can also promote mesoderm migration in the absence of Fgf8b. Therefore, different Fgf signals may have distinct requirements for the morphogenesis and gene regulation before and during gastrulation. Importantly, our findings implicate Fgf8 in the morphogenetic process that establishes the defined relationship between the axes of the embryo and the uterus at the beginning of gastrulation, a perplexing phenomenon discovered two decades ago.  相似文献   

The TGF-beta's are multifunctional, pleiotropic molecules with major effects in control of cellular migration, cellular proliferation, and elaboration of extracellular matrix. Thus far, five distinct isoforms of TGF-beta have been described, each approximately 65-85% homologous and containing the characteristic 9 positionally conserved cysteine residues. Although the actions of the activated mature forms of the different isoforms on cells are qualitatively similar in most cases, there are a few examples of distinct activities. For example, TGF-beta's 1 and 3, but not TGF-beta 2, inhibit the growth of large vessel endothelial cells, and TGF-beta's 2 and 3, but not TGF-beta 1, inhibit the survival of cultured embryonic chick ciliary ganglionic neurons. In addition, selective targeting of the latent forms of the TGF-beta's is suggested by the observation that latent TGF-beta 2 is the prominent isoform found in body fluids such as amniotic fluid, breast milk, and the aqueous and vitreous humor of the eye; it is noteworthy in this regard that TGF-beta 2 is unique among various isoforms in that it lacks a RGD integrin-binding sequence in its precursor. The most dramatic differences in the TGF-beta isoforms are seen at the level of expression, where there is now a wealth of data demonstrating both spatially and temporally distinct expression of both the mRNAs and proteins in developing tissues, regenerating tissues, and in pathologic responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The inner ear is a complex sensorial structure with hearing and balance functions. A key aim of developmental biology is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the induction, patterning and innervation of the vertebrate inner ear. These developmental events could be mediated by the expression of regulating genes, such as the members of the family of Fibroblast Growth Factors (Fgfs). This work reports the detailed spatial and temporal patterns of Fgf19 expression in the developing inner ear from otic cup (stage 14) to 8 embryonic days (stage 34). In the earliest stages, Fgf19 and Fgf8 expressions determine two subdomains within the Fgf10-positive proneural-sensory territory. We show that, from the earliest stages, the Fgf19 expression was detected in the acoustic-vestibular ganglion and the macula utriculi. The Fgf19 gene was also strongly, but transiently, expressed in the macula lagena, whereas the macula neglecta never expressed this gene in the period analysed. The Fgf19 expression was also clearly observed in some borders of various sensory elements. These results could be useful from further investigations into the role of FGF19 in otic patterning.  相似文献   

Tbx1 has been implicated as a candidate gene responsible for defective pharyngeal arch remodeling in DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial syndrome. Tbx1(+/-) mice mimic aspects of the DiGeorge phenotype with variable penetrance, and null mice display severe pharyngeal hypoplasia. Here, we identify enhancer elements in the Tbx1 gene that are conserved through evolution and mediate tissue-specific expression. We describe the generation of transgenic mice that utilize these enhancer elements to direct Cre recombinase expression in endogenous Tbx1 expression domains. We use these Tbx1-Cre mice to fate map Tbx1-expressing precursors and identify broad regions of mesoderm, including early cardiac mesoderm, which are derived from Tbx1-expressing cells. We test the hypothesis that fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) functions downstream of Tbx1 by performing tissue-specific inactivation of Fgf8 using Tbx1-Cre mice. Resulting newborn mice display DiGeorge-like congenital cardiovascular defects that involve the outflow tract of the heart. Vascular smooth muscle differentiation in the great vessels is disrupted. This data is consistent with a model in which Tbx1 induces Fgf8 expression in the pharyngeal endoderm, which is subsequently required for normal cardiovascular morphogenesis and smooth muscle differentiation in the aorta and pulmonary artery.  相似文献   

We have investigated the nature and locations of isoforms of starch synthase in the developing endosperm of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). There are three distinct granule-bound isoforms of 60 kDa (the Waxy gene product), 77 kDa and 100–105 kDa. One of these isoforms, the 77-kDa protein, is also present in the soluble fraction of the endosperm but it contributes only a small proportion of the total soluble activity. Most of the soluble activity is contributed by isoforms which are apparently not also granule-bound. The 60-kDa and 77kDa isoforms of wheat are antigenically related to isoforms of very similar size in the developing pea embryo, but the other isoforms in the endosperm appear to have no counterparts in the pea embryo. The significance of these results in terms of the diversity of isoforms of starch synthase and their locations is discussed.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - GBSS granule-bound starch synthase - NT nullisomictetrasomic We are grateful to the late John Hawker (University of Adelaide, Australia) and to John Snape (John Innes Centre, UK) for useful discussions during the course of this work, to John Snape and Catherine Chinoy (John Innes Centre, UK) for the gift of the NT lines and to Richard Batt (University of Adelaide, Australia) for technical assistance.  相似文献   

The anterior part of the embryonic telencephalon gives rise to several brain regions that are important for animal behavior, including the frontal cortex (FC) and the olfactory bulb. The FC plays an important role in decision‐making behaviors, such as social and cognitive behavior, and the olfactory bulb is involved in olfaction. Here, we show the organizing activity of fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) in the regionalization of the anterior telencephalon, specifically the FC and the olfactory bulb. Misexpression of Fgf8 in the most anterior part of the mouse telencephalon at embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) by ex utero electroporation resulted in a lateral shift of dorsal FC subdivision markers and a lateral expansion of the dorsomedial part of the FC, the future anterior cingulate and prelimbic cortex. Fgf8‐transfected brains had lacked ventral FC, including the future orbital cortex, which was replaced by the expanded olfactory bulb. The olfactory region occupied a larger area of the FC when transfection efficiency of Fgf8 was higher. These results suggest that Fgf8 regulates the proportions of the FC and olfactory bulb in the anterior telencephalon and has a medializing effect on the formation of FC subdivisions.  相似文献   

Fgf3 has long been implicated in otic placode induction and early development of the otocyst; however, the results of experiments in mouse and chick embryos to determine its function have proved to be conflicting. In this study, we determined fgf3 expression in relation to otic development in the zebrafish and used antisense morpholino oligonucleotides to inhibit Fgf3 translation. Successful knockdown of Fgf3 protein was demonstrated and this resulted in a reduction of otocyst size together with reduction in expression of early markers of the otic placode. fgf3 is co-expressed with fgf8 in the hindbrain prior to otic induction and, strikingly, when Fgf3 morpholinos were co-injected together with Fgf8 morpholinos, a significant number of embryos failed to form otocysts. These effects were made manifest at early stages of otic development by an absence of early placode markers (pax2.1 and dlx3) but were not accompanied by effects on cell division or death. The temporal requirement for Fgf signalling was established as being between 60% epiboly and tailbud stages using the Fgf receptor inhibitor SU5402. However, the earliest molecular event in induction of the otic territory, pax8 expression, did not require Fgf signalling, indicating an inductive event upstream of signalling by Fgf3 and Fgf8. We propose that Fgf3 and Fgf8 are required together for formation of the otic placode and act during the earliest stages of its induction.  相似文献   

Complex spatiotemporal expression patterns of fgf3 and fgf8 within the developing zebrafish forebrain suggest their involvement in its regionalisation and early development. These factors have unique and combinatorial roles during development of more posterior brain regions, and here we report similar findings for the developing forebrain. We show that Fgf8 and Fgf3 regulate different aspects of telencephalic development, and that Fgf3 alone is required for the expression of several telencephalic markers. Within the diencephalon, Fgf3 and Fgf8 act synergistically to pattern the ventral thalamus, and are implicated in the regulation of optic stalk formation, whereas loss of Fgf3 alone results in defects in ZLI development. Forebrain commissure formation was abnormal in the absence of either Fgf3 or Fgf8; however, most severe defects were observed in the absence of both. Defects were observed in patterning of both the midline territory, within which the commissures normally form, and neuronal populations, whose axons comprise the commissures. Analysis of embryos treated with an FGFR inhibitor suggests that continuous FGF signalling is required from gastrulation stages for normal forebrain patterning, and identifies additional requirements for FGFR activity.  相似文献   

The Fgf8 gene encodes a series of secreted signalling molecules important in the normal development of the face, brain and limbs. The genomic structure of the chick Fgf8 gene has been analysed and compared to the human and mouse sequences. Divergence between the chick, human and mouse genomic structure was observed. Data indicates that the long alternatively spliced form of exon 1b observed in mouse and exon 1c observed in human and mouse do not exist in the chick Fgf8 gene. RT-PCR analysis indicates that chick Fgf8, like its mouse and human counterpart is alternatively spliced. This data along with the genomic structure data indicates that in the chick there are only two isoforms of Fgf8. This is in contrast to the human and mouse, where evidence suggests that there are 4 and 8 isoforms, respectively. Approximately 400 bp of intron 1d is highly conserved between chick, human and mouse genomic sequences. Using TRANSFAC possible conserved regulatory element binding sites within this domain were identified.  相似文献   

Regulation of avian cardiogenesis by Fgf8 signaling   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The avian heart develops from paired primordia located in the anterior lateral mesoderm of the early embryo. Previous studies have found that the endoderm adjacent to the cardiac primordia plays an important role in heart specification. The current study provides evidence that fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling contributes to the heart-inducing properties of the endoderm. Fgf8 is expressed in the endoderm adjacent to the precardiac mesoderm. Removal of endoderm results in a rapid downregulation of a subset of cardiac markers, including Nkx2.5 and Mef2c. Expression of these markers can be rescued by supplying exogenous Fgf8. In addition, application of ectopic Fgf8 results in ectopic expression of cardiac markers. Expression of cardiac markers is expanded only in regions where bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signaling is also present, suggesting that cardiogenesis occurs in regions exposed to both Fgf and Bmp signaling. Finally, evidence is presented that Fgf8 expression is regulated by particular levels of Bmp signaling. Application of low concentrations of Bmp2 results in ectopic expression of Fgf8, while application of higher concentrations of Bmp2 result in repression of Fgf8 expression. Together, these data indicate that Fgf signaling cooperates with Bmp signaling to regulate early cardiogenesis.  相似文献   

Tetrapods have two pairs of limbs, each typically with five digits, each of which has a defined number of phalanges derived from an archetypal formula. Much progress has been made in understanding vertebrate limb initiation and the patterning processes that determine digit number in developing limb buds, but little is known about how phalange number is controlled. We and others previously showed that an additional phalange can be induced in a chick toe if sonic hedgehog protein is applied in between developing digit primordia. Here we show that formation of an additional phalange is associated with prolonged Fgf8 expression in the overlying apical ridge and that an Fgf Receptor inhibitor blocks its formation. The additional phalange is produced by elongation and segmentation of the penultimate phalange, suggesting that the digit tip forms when Fgf signaling ceases by a special mechanism, possibly involving Wnt signaling. Consistent with this, Fgfs inhibit tip formation whereas attenuation of Fgf signaling induces tip formation prematurely. We propose that duration of Fgf signaling from the ridge, responsible for elongation of digit primordia, coupled with a characteristic periodicity of joint formation, generates the appropriate number of phalanges in each digit. We also propose that the process that generates the digit tips is independent of that which generates more proximal phalanges. This has implications for understanding human limb congenital malformations and evolution of digit diversity.  相似文献   

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