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地鳖虫对小鼠免疫功能的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐庆峰  戴银  刘雪兰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(1):156-159
研究中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker免疫调节作用。经口给予小鼠1.89、3.78、7.56g/kg/d地鳖虫水煎萃取物,观察其对4周喂养小鼠免疫调节作用。地鳖虫水煎萃取物对小鼠廓清指数和吞噬指数明显增高;血清溶血素抗体滴度水平增加,小鼠脾细胞抗体生成有促进作用;中、高剂量组NO含量极显著高于空白对照组,碱性磷酸酶和酸性磷酸酶活性只有高剂量组高于对照。试验结果表明地鳖虫对机体免疫有提高的作用,说明地鳖虫具有免疫调节功能,具有较高的资源开发利用价值。  相似文献   

部分营养素与免疫   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
机体的营养状况与免疫机能有重要关系,脂肪酸、蛋白质和氨基酸酸、维生素以及锌、硒等微量元素在适当剂量时峄体液免疫和细胞免疫有促进影响,但过量或不足却起抑制作用。  相似文献   

甲状腺激素对小鼠免疫功能的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正常昆明种成年小鼠每天给予一定量的甲状腺激素可使其抗体生成能力、淋巴细胞转化能力、迟发型超敏反应和巨噬细胞的吞噬功能明显增强,外周血成熟 T 细胞数量亦明显增加。而每天给予抗甲状腺药物则使其抗体生成能力、淋巴细胞转化能力和迟发型超敏反应明显降低。切除甲状腺亦使抗体生成能力下降。这些结果提示甲状腺激素参与免疫功能的生理性调节。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨胁迫下钙对龙眼光合功能的调节作用   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
以福建省主栽品种乌龙岭龙眼为材料研究了模拟酸雨胁迫下钙对龙眼光合功能的调节作用 .结果表明 ,叶绿体的反应介质中Ca2 + 浓度在 0~ 5mmol·L-1范围内可增加其光还原活性 ,以 3 .5mmol·L-1的活性最高 ,比对照增加 41.90 % ;而 2mmol·L-1EGTA会使其活性下降 2 6 .0 6 % ;Mn2 + 和Mg2 + 对光还原活性均有抑制作用 .0~ 6mmol·L-1的Ca2 + 可提高叶绿体的光合磷酸化活性 ,最适的浓度为 4.5mmol·L-1;0~ 8mmol·L-1的Ca2 + 可提高叶绿体超氧物歧化酶 (SOD)活性 ,最适浓度为 6mmol·L-1.pH 3 .0的酸雨胁迫下 ,10mmol·L-1和 15mmol·L-1Ca(NO3) 2 均可减缓叶绿素的降解 ,稳定叶圆片的膜结构 ,降低膜透性 ,以 15mmol·L-1的效果较佳 ;Ca(NO3) 2 浓度超过 2 0mmol·L-1加剧了酸雨对叶片的伤害作用 .喷15mmol·L-1Ca(NO3) 2 可增加叶片光合速率 ,表现出模拟酸雨胁迫下钙对龙眼叶片的良好保护作用 .  相似文献   

应激对免疫功能的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应激(stress)可产生广泛的、复杂的生物学效应,如神经内分泌系统功能的改变、心血、管反应,以及心理和行为方面的变化等。长期在应激状态下生活可导致机体抗病能力下降,从而产生多种疾病,这可能是机体免疫功能下降的一种反映。近年来已有许多学者报道应激可通过神经内分泌系统的作用影响机体的免疫功能。一、应激与疾病的关系应激对于多种疾病的发病、演变以至结局都有密切的关系,这是由于应激可使机体产生复杂的生理和心理反应。关于机体在应激过程中所表现出的各种反应机制,众说不一,早期  相似文献   

神经营养素脑内功能及其表达调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经营养素(neurotrophin,NT)是与神经生长因子同源的一类神经营养因子,它们在神经系统的分化和发育过程中起着重要作用,并具有治疗某些脑疾病的潜在应用价值.文章较全面地阐述了NT在脑内既相互交叉又有各自特性的生理功能,并系统地介绍了脑内NT表达调节方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

黄连素(berberine)是在中国传统医药中广泛应用的广谱抗菌药物,临床上主要用于治疗肠道细菌感染性疾病。肠道黏膜免疫是机体防止感染的第一道防线,并在宿主与外环境间黏膜稳态的建立和维持上发挥着重要作用。近年来,中医药对肠道黏膜免疫的研究已成为国内外学者的研究热点,现就黄连素在肠道黏膜免疫中的调控作用作一综述。  相似文献   

乳酸细菌和酸奶对免疫系统功能的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发酵乳制品对人体健康的保护作用自古为人所知。研究证实 ,食品生产中常用的乳酸菌种 ,如乳酸杆菌、嗜热链球菌和双歧杆菌等 ,均属于“益生菌( probiotics)”的范围。由乳酸细菌发酵而成的酸奶 ,作为典型的健康食品 ,更是受到医学界和营养学界的广泛重视。近 2 0年来的研究发现 ,乳酸细菌在体液免疫和细胞免疫中发挥着调节作用。由于人体的免疫系统承担着抵抗外来病菌和毒素、处理体内衰老细胞和异常细胞两方面的重要功能 ,保证免疫系统处于适当的活性状态 ,对人体健康十分重要。了解乳酸菌和发酵奶对免疫系统的影响 ,为揭示其保健作用的机…  相似文献   

张晓华  王龙 《生理学报》1991,43(4):383-388
每天给小鼠0.2 mg 锌灌胃,连续15d,明显提高外周血 T 淋巴细胞百分率,促进 T淋巴细胞转化功能及迟发型超敏反应;对腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能有抑制作用、对 IgM 抗体生成及胸腺重量无明显影响。胸腺组织结构在光镜下未见明显变化,但在电镜下可见皮质淋巴细胞核形态有不规则变形。这些结果表明:一定剂量的锌对细胞免疫虽有促进作用,但对巨噬细胞吞噬功能有抑制作用,对胸腺淋巴细胞有潜在的损伤。  相似文献   

神经递质和神经肽对免疫功能的调节   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Dietary nutrients and the gut microbiota are increasingly recognized to cross-regulate and entrain each other, and thus affect host health and immune-mediated diseases. Here, we systematically review the current understanding linking dietary nutrients to gut microbiota-host immune interactions, emphasizing how this axis might influence host immunity in health and diseases. Of relevance, we highlight that the implications of gut microbiota-targeted dietary intervention could be harnessed in orche...  相似文献   

Gender, immunity and the regulation of longevity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For humans and many other animals, gender is a fact of life. Most individuals are born either male or female and their sex will have an enormous influence on their behaviour, physiology and life history. In this review, I consider the effect gender has on lifespan. In particular, I discuss the role played by behaviour, immunity and oxidative damage in determining sex-dependent differences in longevity. I consider existing explanations for the effect of gender on lifespan and how these explanations fit together. Finally, I expand on the recent suggestion of a key role for the insulin/IGF-1 signalling pathway in regulating sex-dependent differences in lifespan and I highlight a number of areas for future investigation.  相似文献   

The morphogenetic events leading to the transendothelial passage of lymphoid and tumoral cells are analyzed in light of a very recent and global theory of intercellular communication designated as the Triune Information Network (TIN). The TIN system is based on the assumption that cell-cell interactions primarily occur through cell surface informations or topobiological procesess, whose mechanisms rely upon expression of adhesion molecules, and are regulated by an array of locally-borne (autocrine/paracrine signals and autonomic inputs) and distantly-borne (endocrine secretions) messages. The final aim of the TIN is to control homeostatic functions crucial for the organism survival, like morphogenesis. Knowledge of the TIN signals involved in lymphoid and tumoral cell intravasation might offer a new perspetive to study the mechanisms of tumor immunity. Recognition of tumor target cells by immune cytotoxic effectors, in fact, can be considered a notable case of TIN-mediated cell to cell interaction. In particular, Natural Killer (NK) cells play a role in the cell-mediated control of tumor growth and metastatic spreading. Cell targeting and killing are dependent on the different NK cell receptors and on the efficacy of NK cells after cytokine and monoclonal antibody administration in cancer therapy. Since efficacy of NK cell-based immunotheraphy has been proven in KIR-mismatch regimens or in TRAIL-dependent apoptosis, the ability to manipulate the balance of activating and inhibitory receptors on NK cells and of their cognate ligands as well as the sensitivity of tumor cells to apoptosis, opens new perspectives for NK cell based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

研究了不同砍伐频率下,香港、深圳和鹤山研究样地山坡地N、P、K含量的差异.不同采样地之间,养分全量和有效量差异显著.在尚未砍伐的山坡地,土壤养分含量显著高于经常砍伐的山坡地.未伐土壤的N含量顺序为香港样地>深圳样地>鹤山样地.下层土壤P的含量高于上层土壤.深圳样地常代土壤养分含量高于鹤山.结果建议采用最适砍伐频率和在最适季节砍伐,以便减少砍伐产生的不利影响.  相似文献   

We have examined expression of the lambdacI operon in single cells via a rex Colon, two colons gfp substitution. Although average fluorescence agreed with expectations for expression of lambda-repressor, fluorescence fluctuated greatly from cell-to-cell. Fluctuations in repressor concentration are not predicted by previous models and are tolerated in part by a regulatory response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Individual generation times were scored for 790 cells (Euglena gracilis, strain Z) grown on a salt medium, and for 548 cells grown on a complex organic medium. The two frequency distributions showed that variation of individual generation times is reduced in the complex medium.  相似文献   

Effects of somatostatin on absorption of D-glucose, L-leucine and triacylglycerols by the small intestine were studied in rats after treatment with the peptide in vivo and in everted jejunal segments in vitro.Absorption of glucose was not affected in vitro by somatostatin or the analogue [D-Trp8, D-Cys14]somatostatin at concentrations up to 0.006 mM. Addition of various peptidase inhibitors had no influence, suggesting that failure of somatostatins to inhibit absorption was not due to inactivation by peptidases. Glucose absorption in vitro by jejunum from rats treated with high doses of somatostatin in vivo was not different from that of untreated rats. The biguanide phenformin inhibited glucose absorption, whether added in vitro (IC50 ≈ 1 mM) of after treatment in vivo (3–100 mg/kg per os). The blood glucose increase following oral glucose administration in fasted rats was not affected by somatostatin, but significantly suppressed by phenformin.Absorption of leucine in vitro was not affected by somatostatin (up to 0.03 mM) or [D-Trp8, D-Cys14]somatostatin (0.01 mM), but inhibited by phenformin (IC50 = 2 mM).Absorption of acylglycerols (glycerol tri[1-14C]oleate) administered orally was significantly inhibited by somatostatin (twice 5 mg/kg subcutaneously) and phenformin (100 mg/kg per os).In rats — apparently in contrast to man — somatostatin does not decrease role of somatostatin in carbohydrate absorption remains controversial. Investigations in healthy [9] and diabetic [20] human subjects suggest that the peptide inhibits (directly or indirectly) the intestinal absorption of glucose in man. On the other hand, our results and those of others obtained in experiments in rats [4,11,21] and Rhesus monkeys [7] clearly do not support such a role in these species. Further studies are therefore needed to resolve this problem.  相似文献   

The impact of tetracycline, gentamicin, streptomycin, erythromycin, oxacillin, benzylpenicillin and sulfanilamides on the absorption function of the small intestine was studied in 79 patients with chronic bronchitis. The drugs were shown to mainly inhibit fat absorption: on the average, by 87 per cent in all the patients treated with tetracycline, on the average, by 89 and 36 per cent in 80-70 per cent of the patients treated with gentamicin and streptomycin, respectively, and, on the average by 26 and 16 per cent in 20-25 per cent of the patients treated with erythromycin and oxacillin, respectively. The absorption of protein decreased, on the average, by 23-74 per cent in all the patients treated with tetracycline, gentamicin and streptomycin. As for the other drugs, they had, on the average no significant effect on protein absorption. The absorption of carbohydrates (d-xylose) significantly decreased under the effect of these three drugs (by 21, 34 and 36 per cent, respectively). The analysis revealed a relation of absorption function to the presence and degree of intestinal dysbacteriosis.  相似文献   

Food turns out to be not only the nutrient supplier for our body but also a carrier of regulatory information. Interestingly, a recent study made the discovery that some plant/food-derived microRNAs (miRNAs) accumulate in the serum of humans or plant-feeding animals, and regulate mammalian gene expression in a sequence-specific manner. The authors provided striking evidence that miRNAs could function as active signaling molecules to transport information across distinct species or even kingdoms. Although the mechanism of how miRNAs are shuttled between different organisms is still not well characterized, initial results point to the involvement of microvesicles and specific RNA-transporter-like proteins. These findings raise both speculation about the potential impact that plants may have on animal physiology at the molecular level, and an appealing possibility that food-derived miRNAs may offer us another means to deliver necessary nutrients or therapeutics to our bodies.  相似文献   

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