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心脏压力负荷导致心肌肥厚的过程是心衰发生的关键环节。已有研究表明,控制心脏收缩的细胞钙致钙释放过程在心肌肥厚及心衰状态下发生缺损,但分子机制尚未阐明。我们以主动脉结扎手术建立压力负荷的大鼠心肌肥厚模型:实验组分为假手术组、代偿性肥厚组(CHT)和失代偿性肥厚组(DHT),以松钳一共聚焦成像技术研究单个L-型钙通道(LCC)与ryanodine受体(RyR)间的钙信号耦联。我们发现DHT中LCC—RyR分子耦联潜伏期延长49%,耦联成功率降低47%,失败概率提高72%,证明DHT进入了一种“分子间衰退”状态。出人意料的是,心功能正常的CHT也发生分子间衰退,并与锚定肌质网与细胞膜的junctophilin蛋白表达下降有关,表明分子间耦联衰退在细胞功能变化显现之前已经潜性地发生。与此一致,细胞兴奋期钙释放同步性降低,但钙释放总量和细胞钙瞬变在CHT并无变化。这些结果提示,在一个我们称为“稳定余量”(stability margin)的范围内,分子间耦联衰退不会影响细胞兴奋收缩耦联能力,只有分子间耦联衰退超出稳定余量,心衰才会发生。潜性的分子间耦联衰退的发现对早期防治心衰有重要意义。  相似文献   

联系以膜电位变化为特征的细胞兴奋和以肌丝滑行为基础的肌肉收缩的中介过程通常称为兴奋收缩耦联。在所有参与调控心肌收缩功能的离子中,钙离子被认为是最重要的介导因子,因此验明钙离子参与介导心肌兴奋收缩耦联的方式和途径等特征无疑有益于更好地理解心脏的生理功能。  相似文献   

电脱耦联延迟参与κ-阿片受体兴奋引起的心肌保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究κ-阿片受体兴奋诱导的心肌保护作用是否与其对心肌缺血期间电耦联的影响有关,并探讨这种作用的可能机理。方法:采用雄性SD大鼠心脏Langendorff离体灌流模型。①全心停灌30min,复灌2h,观察不同浓度κ-阿片受体特异激动剂U50,488H(10-7、10-6、3×10-6、和10-5mol/L)及其特异阻断剂nor-BNI(5×10-6mol/L)和线粒体ATP敏感性钾离子通道特异阻断剂5-HD(10-4mol/L)对缺血/复灌心肌的作用。测量指标:以分光光度计在490nm波长下测定氯化三苯基四氯唑(TTC)与活细胞反应的产物formazan含量的方法测定心肌细胞活性、测定冠脉流出液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的含量以及心室内压;②全心停灌70min,应用四电极法观察不同浓度U50,488H、nor-BNI和5-HD对缺血期间心肌整体阻抗和电脱耦联参数(电脱耦联时间、平台时间、电脱耦联最大速率和阻抗倍数)的影响。结果:①U50,488H可诱导心肌保护作用,并呈浓度依从性,与对照组比较,表现为for-mazan含量增加,LDH释放减少,心室功能恢复增强;②经较高浓度U50,488H(10-6、3×10-6、和10-5mol/L)预处理后,电脱耦联时间和平台时间均延迟,电脱耦联最大速率降低;③U50,488H在10-7-10-5mol/L范围内对电脱耦联时间的延迟与其对formazan含量增加和LDH释放减少的作用呈线形相关;④U50,488H对formazan含量增加、LDH释放减少和电脱耦联时间和平台时间延迟的作用均可被nor-BNI或5-HD所阻断。结论:κ-阿片受体兴奋对电脱耦联的延迟作用与其诱导的心肌保护作用有关,这种作用受到线粒体ATP敏感性钾离子通道的调节。  相似文献   

肌细胞兴奋时,动作电位通过电压门控钙通道激活肌质网钙释放,由此引发的细胞内钙离子的瞬时升高驱动细胞收缩,这个过程叫做兴奋收缩耦联.21世纪以来,随着钙成像技术和分子细胞生物学技术的联合应用,心肌兴奋收缩耦联的分子机制逐步阐明.本文结合本实验室的相关研究,系统总结该领域的前沿进展,包括钙释放通道的分子性质、电压门控钙通道激活肌质网钙释放通道的动力学过程、生理调控以及病理变化.  相似文献   

联系以膜电位变化为特征的细胞兴奋和以肌丝滑行为基础的肌肉收缩的中介过程通常称为兴奋收缩耦联。在所有参与调控心肌收缩功能的离子中,钙离子被认为是最重要的介导因子,因此验明钙离子参与介导心肌兴奋收缩耦联的方式和途径等特征无疑有益于更好地理解心脏的生理功能。  相似文献   

王世强  冯强 《生理学报》1995,47(6):551-558
本文比较冬眠动物黄鼠冬眠状态和活动状态心肌收缩的力-频率关系和力-间歇关系,以及Cd^2+和ryanodine对其动作电位和收缩力的影响。结果表明:(1)提高刺激频率对活动组具有负变力作用,而对冬眠组则是收缩力先增加后减弱的双相变化;冬眠组具有较强撞歇后收缩,并且刺激频率对其具有较强的调制作用;(2)与活动全相比,冬眠组动作电位前期时程和收缩期较短,收缩力较大,Cd^2+对其影响较小,但ryano  相似文献   

目的:研究κ-阿片受体特异性激动剂U50,488H对心肌缺血后电耦联特性的影响,并探讨其作用的可能机制。方法:采用雄性SD大鼠心脏Langendorff离体灌流模型和四电极法,观察U50,488H对全心停灌缺血期间心肌整体阻抗和电脱耦联参数(电脱耦联时间、平台时间、电脱耦联最大速率和阻抗倍数)的影响。采用免疫组化染色法检测U50,488H对左心室心肌细胞缝隙连接结构蛋白Cx43的影响,并同时观察U50,488H特异阻断剂nor-BNI(5×10-6mol/L)和PKC抑制剂chelerythrine(3×10-6mol/L)预处理对U50,488H作用的影响。结果:U50,488H可浓度依赖地延迟电脱耦联时间和平台时间,降低电脱耦联最大速率;nor-BNI或chelerythrine预处理均可明显减弱U50,488H对心肌缺血后电耦联特性的作用;与空白对照组比较,单纯缺血组心肌闰盘处Cx43蛋白显著减少,U50,488H处理可明显增加缺血心肌闰盘处Cx43蛋白含量;nor-BNI和chelerythrine预处理均可明显减弱U50,488H对心肌Cx43蛋白表达的作用。结论:κ-阿片受体激动剂U50,488H明显延迟缺血诱导的心肌电脱耦联,其作用涉及κ-阿片受体-PKC途径,其作用靶点可能为心肌细胞缝隙连接蛋白Cx43。  相似文献   

目的:比较两种细胞分离液分离成年大鼠心肌细胞,进一步表征成年大鼠心室肌细胞兴奋-收缩耦联。方法 Langendorff装置进行主动脉逆流灌流,分别用两种细胞分离液分离成年大鼠心肌细胞,无血清培养并进行腺病毒感染。显微镜下观察单个心肌细胞的形态学特点,荧光显微镜下检测病毒感染。采用IonOptix仪器检测心肌细胞肌节收缩-舒张指标以及心肌细胞钙离子摄入-排出指标。结果两种分离液均可获得70%横纹清晰的长杆状心肌细胞,培养可存活7 d以上。腺病毒感染48 h,绿色荧光蛋白持续表达7 d以上。分离液一获得的心肌细胞不能很好地随电场刺激产生收缩,分离液二获得的细胞可用于检测兴奋-收缩耦联特性,心肌细胞肌节缩短分数为11.61%±2.15%,舒张时间为(0.177±0.031) s,钙瞬变幅度为30.79%±9.74%,钙瞬变衰减时间为(0.300±0.074) s。结论两种分离液均可用于分离和培养成年大鼠心肌细胞,并用于腺病毒转染等长时程研究。分离液二更适用于检测成年大鼠心肌细胞的兴奋-收缩耦联特性。  相似文献   

junctophilin是目前公认的可兴奋细胞的胞膜与内(肌)质网耦联的分子基础.其可能的作用机制是以C端锚定在内(肌)质网上, 通过N端的MORN结构域(MORN motif)与细胞膜相互作用.目前已知该分子在哺乳动物中存在四种亚型,在骨骼肌和心肌分别以Jp-1和Jp-2为主. junctophilin的低表达会导致细胞膜与内(肌)质网脱耦联,从而使心肌和骨骼肌兴奋收缩耦联效率降低, 进而影响收缩能力.目前已发现junctophilin基因突变与心衰等疾病有关,因而junctophilin可能成为针对这些疾病的药物开发新靶点.  相似文献   

兴奋收缩耦联是肌细胞兴奋期间由动作电位触发肌质网释放钙离子,从而导致收缩的过程。心肌细胞的兴奋收缩耦联是通过“钙致钙释放(Ca^2+-induced Ca^2+ release)的机制完成的。兴奋期间,细胞膜电位的去极化导致电压依赖性的L.型钙通道(LCC)开放,细胞外钙离子通过LCC流入细胞,激活了肌质网膜上称为ryanodine受体(RyR)的钙释放通道,后者从肌质网钙库中释放钙离子,使细胞质游离钙浓度迅速上升。细胞质钙浓度的升高一方面启动细胞收缩,另一方面激活了肌质网钙泵和细胞膜钠钙交换,二者分别将钙离子运回肌质网或细胞外,使细胞质钙浓度很快回落,从而完成了一次“钙瞬变(Ca^2+ transient)”。钙瞬变在每个心动周期发生一次,是直接控制细胞收缩的细胞内信号。  相似文献   

Summary In many cell systems, the permeability of membrane junctions is modulated by the cytoplasmic level of free Ca++. To examine whether the calcium-dependent regulatory protein calmodulin is involved in this process, the ability of anticalmodulin drugs to influence the cell-to-cell passage of injected current and an organic tracer was tested using standard intracellular glass microelectrode techniques. Several antipsychotics and local anesthetics were found to block junctional communication in the epidermis of the beetleTenebrio molitor. Treatment of the epidermis with chlorpromazine (0.25 mM) raised intercellular resistance two- to threefold within 20 to 25 min; cell-to-cell passage of electrical current was abolished within 41±5 min. Loss of electrotonic coupling was accompanied by a block in the cell-to-cell movement of the organic tracer carboxyfluorescein. The reaction is fully reversible, with normal electrotonic coupling being restored within 2 to 4 hr. Other antipsychotics and local anesthetics had similar effects on cell coupling. The order of potency found was: trifluoperazine>thioridazine> d-butaclamol>chlorprothixine=chlorpromazine> l-butaclamol> dibucaine>tetracaine. The relative uncoupling potencies of these drugs correlate well with their known ability to inhibit calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase activity. Other anesthetic compounds, procaine and pentobarbital, did not block cell-to-cell communication. Altering the extracellular Ca++ concentration did not affect the rate of uncoupling by antipsychotics, while chelation of extracellular Ca++ with EGTA raised electrotonic coupling. The effect of three metabolic inhibitors on coupling was also examined. Iodoacetate uncoupled the epidermal cells while DNP and cyanide did not. These results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms by which calmodulin may control junctional communication in this tissue.  相似文献   

A mathematical modelling approach was used to study the negative staircase in the rat papillary muscle. This phenomenon was found to be associated with an excess of the steady-state Ca++-influx in the myocardium cells. The model with a single chamber intracellular Ca-pool simulates satisfactory the experimental data obtained with a standard set of parameter values. It is concluded that the rat myocardium sarcoplasmic reticulum is loaded by Ca++-ions which enter the cell as a potential-independent Ca-influx presumably.  相似文献   

We used intracellular microelectrodes to investigate the effects of the antiprogesterone (AP) compounds RU 486 and ZK 299 on cell-to-cell coupling in the guinea pig myometrium during pregnancy. The input resistance (Ro) of myometrial cells was high in nonpregnant tissues (44.6 +/- 6.39 M omega), but decreased by midgestation (Day 44 or 45 of gestation; 22.9 +/- 3.17 M omega), and was lowest at term (between 17.7 +/- 2.90 m omega and 13.1 +/- 4.34 M omega on Days 59-69). Treatment with the AP RU 486 or ZK 299 in three groups of midgestational animals reduced Ro to a similar level within 24 h. Lucifer Yellow (LY) was injected into smooth muscle cells as a direct but qualitative measure of metabolic coupling. In term and AP-treated animals, LY spread rapidly to neighboring cells within 60 sec, but little spread occurred in midgestational control tissues and no spread was seen even after 10 min in nonpregnant tissues. This correlation of decreased Ro (implying increased electrical coupling) with the development of extensive spread of LY indicates increased electrical and metabolical coupling between myometrial cells during labor. These data show that myometrial smooth muscle cells of guinea pigs are moderately well coupled before the onset of labor, and the coupling increases further, just prior to spontaneous delivery or due to treatment with APs. These events may be required for synchronizing and coordinating the electrical, metabolic, and contractile activity of labor.  相似文献   

To investigate how intercellular coupling can be changed during Ca2+ overloading of ventricular muscle, we studied Ca2+ signals in individual cells and the histochemistry of the major gap junction channel, connexin43 (Cx43), using multicellular preparations. Papillary muscles were obtained from guinea pig ventricles and loaded with rhod-2. Sequential Ca2+ images of surface cells were obtained with a confocal microscope. In intact muscles, all cells showed simultaneous Ca2+ transients in response to field stimulation over a field of view of 0.3 x 0.3 mm2. In severely Ca2+-overloaded muscles, obtained by high-frequency stimulation in nonflowing Krebs solution, cells became less responsive to stimulation. Furthermore, nonsimultaneous but serial onsets of Ca2+ transients were often detected, suggesting a propagation delay of action potentials. The time lag of the onset between two aligned cells was sometimes as long as 100 ms. Similar lags were also observed in muscles with gap junction channels inhibited by heptanol. To investigate whether the phosphorylation state of Cx43 is affected in Ca2+-overloaded muscles, the distributions of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated Cx43 were determined using specific antibodies. Most of the Cx43 was phosphorylated in the nonoverloaded muscles, whereas nonphosphorylated Cx43 was significantly elevated in severely Ca2+-overloaded muscles. Our results suggest that the propagation delay of action potential within a small area, a few square millimeters, can be a cause of abnormal conduction and a microreentry in Ca2+-overloaded heart. Inactivation of Na+ channels and inhibition of gap junctional communication may underlie the cell-to-cell propagation delay. Ca2+ transient; connexin43; propagation delay; gap junction; arrhythmia  相似文献   

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