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高峰  俞梦孙 《生理学报》2020,72(5):677-681
稳态是生理学的一个核心概念,揭示了内环境稳定是生命活动及其功能调节的基础;适稳态强调机体同时具有稳定性和灵活性,可适应外环境的持续改变而建立新稳态以维持健康。适稳态概念的提出从更宏观的视角将经典的生理稳态外延至机体适应环境改变、维系健康的新层次,是对经典稳态理论的补充和完善。本文简介了稳态及适稳态的概念及其发展历史,分析了两者间的区别与联系,重点阐述了适稳态负荷与应激、适应及疾病的关系,以及如何应用适稳态机制促进健康、提高机体适应极端环境的能力。  相似文献   

赵瑛 《生物学通报》2000,35(3):16-18
稳态是一项重要的生命特征,是由“内环境恒定”的概念衍生和发展而来的。维持稳态就能使机体适应外界环境的不断变化,破坏稳态可导致生理功能的破坏和疾病的产生。负反馈是保持稳态的重要机制,但它不是稳态的唯一支柱。在整体内,神经-内分泌系统、前馈的作用均不容忽视。稳态是相对的,是有波动的。机体在自身的节律周期中,在千变万化的内外环境中保持着有限度的稳定,才是科学地评价稳态的地位。  相似文献   

应变稳态:稳态理论的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应变稳态(Allostasis)是基于稳态(Homestasis)的新兴生态学概念,它强调机体能在外界变化的环境中维持内环境稳定。综述了应变稳态的概念及其与稳态的区别与联系.进而阐述了不同类型的应变稳态状态(allostatic state)的生理功能和应变稳态负荷(allostatic load)的原理与类型。  相似文献   

区域生态安全概念及评价体系的再认识   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
王耕  王利  吴伟 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1627-1637
生态安全概念的提出已有十多年,但是至今还未有一个统一的定义。在“生态”涵义上的分歧导致了“生态安全”的许多种解释:强调生物(系统)与环境或与其他生物之间可持续发展关系的生态安全理解;强调生态环境涵义的生态安全理解;强调环境安全的生态安全理解;强调复合生态系统的生态安全理解。在生态安全评价体系上大多学者沿用“压力-状态-响应(P—S—R)”概念框架,但是通过本人实践和综合各位学者研究,反映出基于P—S—R框架的生态安全评价在生态安全状态研究上有余,安全趋势研究不足;总体研究有余,空间差异研究不足;现象研究有余,安全机理研究不足;结果理论性有余,实践指导性不足。在实际生产生活中人们更加关注的不仅是生态安全的现时状态,而是生态安全未来发展趋势。在安全科学中影响安全的因素是隐患,它在一定条件下触发或由量变累积到质变,安全状态就发生改变甚至突变。生态安全从诞生时起就孕育着各种隐患,而且无时无刻不受到隐患及危害的威胁,隐患因素的跨边界性传递作用又导致了生态安全空间差异性。因此生态安全是一个空间概念,区域生态安全是人与环境复合系统保障由于自然因素和人类活动或二者共同作用而产生的生态安全隐患对人类生态安全空间不构成威胁的状态或演变趋势的可能性。由于生态安全的动态性和空间性,仅仅基于“压力-状态-响应”(P—S—R)框架的状态评价研究是远不能全面客观解释与分析生态安全过程。为全面剖析生态安全的内涵,完善生态安全的理论,生态安全评价体系需要在不同区域的生态安全(特殊)机理研究,生态安全隐患研究,生态安全趋势预测研究,生态安全预警系统研究4个方面进一步深入地发展,使之更好地指导实践工作。  相似文献   

马纲 《生物学通报》1995,30(5):18-19
动物界具有共同的祖先,由于环境条件的变动,引起动物适应性变动或迁移到别的地方以利生存,出现了动物的多样化。因此,动物的进化经历了由低级向高级,由简单向复杂的发展过程,通过对动物进化论中几个相关概念的辨析,讨论了不同等级动物类群之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

机体每日血糖变化具有生物节律性,择时运动是依据机体生物节律选择时间进行体育锻炼的一种方法。近年研究发现,不同运动时段对机体葡萄糖代谢的调控效果不同。然而,调控机制尚未阐明。本文以“运动时间效应”为切入点,对早/晚择时运动、餐前/餐后择时运动、不同运动方式的运动次序对葡萄糖稳态的不同干预效果进行了概述,并重点综述了择时运动对葡萄糖稳态调控的作用机制,尤其是择时运动可能通过缺氧诱导因子1α (hypoxia inducible factor 1α, HIF1α)和胰高血糖素样肽-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)介导“运动时间效应”,从而对葡萄糖稳态进行调控,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

黎嘉丽  李瑾  汪虎 《遗传》2022,(9):733-744
健康细胞利用一系列蛋白质质量调控网络来维持自身蛋白质组的稳定性和功能性,即维持蛋白稳态。但是在衰老过程中普遍出现蛋白稳态失衡的现象,其主要表现是蛋白质合成、折叠和降解之间的平衡被破坏。造成衰老相关蛋白稳态失衡的原因主要有:(1)应激反应相关途径的转录受到抑制;(2)蛋白酶体活性降低和自噬功能出现障碍;(3)核糖体翻译暂停。另外,在衰老过程中细胞主要通过蛋白稳态网络的分子伴侣、蛋白酶体、自噬系统等对蛋白稳态进行调节。本文对衰老过程中造成蛋白稳态失衡的诱因以及蛋白稳态调控的途径进行综述,以期为衰老研究和解决老年健康问题开拓新思路。  相似文献   

对酶概念的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自 18 10年盖伊·卢萨克·贾塞夫 (Jaseph.gey-lussac)发现酵母可将糖转化为酒精 ;1833年帕耶恩(Payen)和珀索兹 (Personz)从麦芽提取液中得到 1种对热不稳定的物质 ,它可使淀粉水解为可融性糖 ,到1835年伯齐利厄斯 (Berzelius)提出催化作用的概念 ,把起催化作用的物质称为酵素 (Ferment)。 1878年弗德里克·威廉·库恩 (Ferdrich.Wilhelm.Kuhne)通过进一步研究 ,认为发酵作用中发酵现象不是酵母本身 ,而是酵母中某种物质催化了酵解反应 ,进而给这种物质定义为酶 (Enzyme) ,形成了最初的酶概念。随后 ,科学工作者相续发现了脲酶、胃蛋白…  相似文献   

生物学概念的教学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对生物学概念的含义、类型、获得方式(概念同化,概念形成)进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了概念教学的基本策略。  相似文献   

低水平辐射诱导的细胞遗传学适应性反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡露  刘树铮 《遗传学报》1991,18(2):109-114
先用0.01GY x-射线(剂量率:0.01GY/分)体外照射人、兔外周血,经不同时间后再用1.5GY X-射线(0.44GY/分)照射,发现在G_0、G_1、S和G_2期受0.01GY X-射线照射后再给大剂量照射者,其染色体畸变率明显低于单纯受1.5GY X-射线照射组(P<0.01)。这一适应性反应能持续3个细胞周期,在接受小剂量照射后超过3个细胞周期再受大剂量照射者,染色体畸变率未见减少。若在第三细胞周期以后再次给予小剂量照射,可再次诱导适应性反应。用小鼠整体小剂量照射后骨髓细胞和生殖细胞亦出现这种适应性反应。另外也探讨了不同剂量和不同剂量率的预先照射对适应性反应的影响。  相似文献   

Comment on: Mercier Zuber A, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009; In press.  相似文献   


Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Normalisation (NEN) are core components of any text-mining system for biomedical texts. In a traditional concept-recognition pipeline, these tasks are combined in a serial way, which is inherently prone to error propagation from NER to NEN. We propose a parallel architecture, where both NER and NEN are modeled as a sequence-labeling task, operating directly on the source text. We examine different harmonisation strategies for merging the predictions of the two classifiers into a single output sequence.


We test our approach on the recent Version 4 of the CRAFT corpus. In all 20 annotation sets of the concept-annotation task, our system outperforms the pipeline system reported as a baseline in the CRAFT shared task, a competition of the BioNLP Open Shared Tasks 2019. We further refine the systems from the shared task by optimising the harmonisation strategy separately for each annotation set.


Our analysis shows that the strengths of the two classifiers can be combined in a fruitful way. However, prediction harmonisation requires individual calibration on a development set for each annotation set. This allows achieving a good trade-off between established knowledge (training set) and novel information (unseen concepts).


Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are innate immune molecules with a diverse array of functions. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Maillet and colleagues demonstrate that a Drosophila PGRP, PGRP-LF, functions as a negative regulator of the Drosophila immune deficiency (IMD) pathway, an innate immune signaling mechanism responsive to Gram-negative bacteria. PGRP-LF deficiency results in unregulated immune signaling, causing excessive antimicrobial peptide synthesis and, surprisingly, developmental defects.  相似文献   

The study of the indices of developmental homeostasis in natural populations leads to the definition of the fundamentals of population developmental biology, which is associated with the assessment of the nature of phenotypic diversity and the mechanisms of population dynamics and microevolutionary changes. Characterization of environmental quality based on the assessment of population status by developmental homeostasis determines the fundamentals of the health of environment concept. The use of the ideas of developmental homeostasis and the health of environment in the studies of homeostatic mechanisms of biological systems of different levels (from the organism and population to the community and ecosystem) is promising. This gives new opportunities for understanding the mechanisms that provide sustainability and their ratio at different levels as well as for the characterization of ontogenetic stability significance. The notion of developmental homeostasis, or homeorhesis, is promising for the elaboration of the ecological and biological basics of sustainable development.  相似文献   

The history of emergence of the probiotics concept as well as basic knowledge on the mechanism of their action is described. The possibilities of the therapeutic use of probiotics, in particular for cases of Crohn's disease, viral gastroenteritis and travelers' diarrhea are discussed. The conclusion is made that the effectiveness of the use of probiotics has not yet been proved due to the fact that in clinical trials of these preparations many uncontrolled variables are not taken into consideration. For this reason at the present moment the prophylactic and curative use of probiotics is an idea whose constructive character has yet to be proved.  相似文献   

To many, the concept of 'species recognition' is integral to the origin and maintenance of species. However, the heuristic value of species recognition is hampered by its reliance on the problematic concept of species. In this paper, we first discuss assumptions associated with prevailing use of the term, including the typological implications of the concept, the false dichotomy of compatibility and mate quality, and the commonly held model of species recognition in which animals determine taxonomic status before mate status. Subsequently, we propose research directions aimed to improve our understanding of the role of courtship behavior in speciation. We propose two complementary research approaches, one addressing the processes that drive the evolution of mate recognition systems and the other addressing the phenotypic architecture of behavioral isolation. Our approach emphasizes the fitness consequences and multidimensional nature of mate choice.  相似文献   

Mucosal surfaces such as the intestinal tract are continuously exposed to both potential pathogens and beneficial commensal microorganisms. This creates a requirement for a homeostatic balance between tolerance and immunity that represents a unique regulatory challenge to the mucosal immune system. Recent findings suggest that intestinal epithelial cells, although once considered a simple physical barrier, are a crucial cell lineage for maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis. This Review discusses recent findings that identify a cardinal role for epithelial cells in sampling the intestinal microenvironment, discriminating pathogenic and commensal microorganisms and influencing the function of antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes.  相似文献   

<正>Acquired vascular abnormalities are a pivotal part of the pathophysiology of multiple cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.Complications of various types of vascular pathology,for example,stroke,myocardial infarction and aortic dissection constitute most common causes of disability and deaths worldwide[1].Ageing per se is also associated with significant remodeling of vasculatures that exacerbates concomitant cardiovascular or metabolic diseases[2].Important discoveries in the field of vascular biology have  相似文献   

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