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Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Pichia anomala   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pichia anomala 2.2540, isolated from soil contaminated by crude oil, degraded naphthalene, dibenzothiophene, phenanthrene and chrysene, both singly and in combination. The yeast degraded 4.5 mg naphthalene l(-1) within 24 h. Phenanthrene was degraded after a lag of 24 h. When a mixture of all four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was treated at either 0.1-1.6 mg l(-1) or 3.1-5.3 mg l(-1), naphthalene was completely degraded first within 24 h, followed by phenanthrene and dibenzothiophene after 48 h. Chrysene, which remained in the mixture even after 96 h, could be degraded along with naphthalene. Chrysene at 0.7 and 1 mg l(-1), in the presence of 4.3 and 65 mg naphthalene l(-1), respectively, was removed within 96 h.  相似文献   

AIMS: Our goal was to characterize a newly isolated strain of Mycobacterium austroafricanum, obtained from manufactured gas plant (MGP) site soil and designated GTI-23, with respect to its ability to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). METHODS AND RESULTS: GTI-23 is capable of growth on phenanthrene, fluoranthene, or pyrene as a sole source of carbon and energy; it also extensively mineralizes the latter two in liquid culture and is capable of extensive degradation of fluorene and benzo[a]pyrene, although this does not lead in either of these cases to mineralization. Supplementation of benzo[a]pyrene-containing cultures with phenanthrene had no significant effect on benzo[a]pyrene degradation; however, this process was substantially inhibited by the addition of pyrene. Extensive and rapid mineralization of pyrene by GTI-23 was also observed in pyrene-amended soil. CONCLUSIONS: Strain GTI-23 shows considerable ability to mineralize a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, both in liquid and soil environments. In this regard, GTI-23 differs markedly from the type strain of Myco. austroafricanum (ATCC 33464); the latter isolate displayed no (or very limited) mineralization of any tested PAH (phenanthrene, fluoranthene or pyrene). When grown in liquid culture, GTI-23 was also found to be capable of growing on and mineralizing two aliphatic hydrocarbons (dodecane and hexadecane). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These findings indicate that this isolate of Myco. austroafricanum may be useful for bioremediation of soils contaminated with complex mixtures of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Six polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, chrysene and benzo(a)-pyrene] were detected in soil receiving effluents from an oil refinery. Biodegradation studies revealed a time-dependent disappearance of these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons when they were added to soil samples: naphthalene disappeared completely in 60 days, whereas phenanthrene, anthracene, pyrene, chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene decreased by 87%, 34%, 21%, 5% and 40%, respectively, in 120 days.B.T. Ashok and J. Musarrat were and S. Saxena is with the Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U., Aligarh-202002, Uttar Pradesh, India. K.P. Singh is with the Environmental Chemistry Section, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, M.G. Road, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh, India. B.T. Ashok is now with the Department of Biochemistry, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh-202002, Uttar Pradesh, India. J. Musarrat is now with the Department of Radiology and Blochemistry Program. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
The intent of this review is to provide an outline of the microbial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. A catabolically diverse microbial community, consisting of bacteria, fungi and algae, metabolizes aromatic compounds. Molecular oxygen is essential for the initial hydroxylation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by microorganisms. In contrast to bacteria, filamentous fungi use hydroxylation as a prelude to detoxification rather than to catabolism and assimilation. The biochemical principles underlying the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are examined in some detail. The pathways of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon catabolism are discussed. Studies are presented on the relationship between the chemical structure of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and the rate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fungal laccases are useful for several remarkable transformations, such as bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), synthesis of phenolic-based resins, oxidation of lignin derivatives and others. Most of these substrates are barely water-soluble, and although polar organic co-solvents may be added to enhance their solubility, transformation rates dramatically decrease due to the negative effect of organic solvents on the protein structure. Laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila variant T2 (MtLT2) has been submitted to laboratory evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the aim of improving activity and stability in organic co-solvents. Some 4500 clones created by random mutagenesis were screened in two rounds of directed evolution. Libraries were explored under increasing concentrations of acetonitrile and ethanol, and several mutants with improved features were purified and further characterised. Turnover rates of MtLT2 in 30% (v/v) acetonitrile and 50% (v/v) ethanol were increased up to 6.5- and 7.5-fold, respectively. The best variants showed similar rates in 20% (v/v) acetonitrile or 30% (v/v) ethanol as the parent type in aqueous media. Mutant laccases were also tested for the oxidation of anthracene in the presence of 20% (v/v) acetonitrile.  相似文献   

Fungal laccases are useful for several remarkable transformations, such as bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), synthesis of phenolic-based resins, oxidation of lignin derivatives and others. Most of these substrates are barely water-soluble, and although polar organic co-solvents may be added to enhance their solubility, transformation rates dramatically decrease due to the negative effect of organic solvents on the protein structure. Laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila variant T2 (MtLT2) has been submitted to laboratory evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the aim of improving activity and stability in organic co-solvents. Some 4500 clones created by random mutagenesis were screened in two rounds of directed evolution. Libraries were explored under increasing concentrations of acetonitrile and ethanol, and several mutants with improved features were purified and further characterised. Turnover rates of MtLT2 in 30% (v/v) acetonitrile and 50% (v/v) ethanol were increased up to 6.5- and 7.5-fold, respectively. The best variants showed similar rates in 20% (v/v) acetonitrile or 30% (v/v) ethanol as the parent type in aqueous media. Mutant laccases were also tested for the oxidation of anthracene in the presence of 20% (v/v) acetonitrile.  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤微生物修复研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
曾军  吴宇澄  林先贵 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2804-2815
多环芳烃是我国土壤环境质量标准中要求严格管控的一类持久性有机污染物,利用微生物技术修复有机污染土壤具有绿色、经济等突出特点,应用前景广泛。目前多学科的协同发展和新技术的研究应用,为多环芳烃土壤微生物转化机制与污染生态过程等方面带来了新的认识,同时对修复技术的实际应用与调控提供了新的思考方向。本文以多环芳烃污染土壤微生物修复为主体,从污染土壤微生物修复应用技术、多环芳烃微生物降解特征、土壤体系污染物归趋规律与微生物作用及土壤污染微生物群落响应与研究技术等方面进行综合评述,并针对现存应用技术瓶颈和理论空白作进一步思考和展望。  相似文献   

Biodegradation of UV-irradiated anthracene, pyrene,benz[a]anthracene,and dibenz[a,h]anthracene was comparedto that of the non-irradiated samples, individuallyand in synthetic mixtures with enrichment cultures.Combined treatment was repeated for individual anthraceneand for the PAH mixture with Sphingomonas sp.strain EPA 505 and Sphingomonas yanoikuyae.Enrichment culture studies were performed on the PAHmixtures in the presence of the main photoproduct ofanthracene, pure 9,10-anthracenedione. Photochemicallypretreated creosote solutions were also subjected tobiodegradation and the results were compared tothose of the non-irradiated solutions. The primaryinterest was on 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) listed as priority pollutants by European Union(EU) and the United States Environmental ProtectionAgency (USEPA). Irradiation accelerated thebiodegradation onset for anthracene, pyrene, andbenz[a]anthracene when they were treatedindividually. The biodegradation of irradiatedpyrene started with no lag phase andwas complete by 122 h whereas biodegradation of thenon-irradiated sample had a lag of 280 h andresulted in complete degradation by 720 h. Biodegradation ofPAHs was accelerated in synthetic mixtures, especiallyin the presence of pure 9,10-anthracenedione.In general, irradiation had no effect on the biodegradation of PAHsincubated in synthetic mixtures or with pure cultures. Undercurrent experimental conditions, the UV-irradiation invariablyreduced the biodegradation of PAHs in creosote. Based onthe results of the present and previous photochemical-biologicalstudies of PAHs, the influence of the photochemical pretreatmenton the biodegradation is highly dependent on the compoundsbeing treated and other process parameters.  相似文献   

微生物降解多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解菌株的筛选、降解机制以及PAHs污染的生物修复等方面介绍了微生物降解PAHs的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

This work aimed to evaluate the phytoremediation capacity of the alfalfa cultivar Crioula in soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), primary pollutants with mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. Alfalfa was grown from seed for 40 days on soil amended with anthracene, pyrene, and phenanthrene. Soil and plant tissue was collected for biometric assay, dry mass analysis, and PAH analysis by liquid chromatography. Increased total PAH concentration was associated with decreases in plant biomass, height, and internode length. The Crioula cultivar had a satisfactory phytoremediation effect, reducing total PAH concentration (300 ppm) in the experimental soil by 85% in 20 days, and by more than 95% in 40 days. The PAH showed a tendency to be removed in the temporal order: phenanthrene before pyrene before anthracene, and the removal ratio was influenced by the initial soil concentration of each PAH.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper investigates the diversity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading mycobacterium isolates from three different sites within United States: Montana, Texas and Indiana. METHODS AND RESULTS: All five mycobacterium isolates differed in chromosomal restriction enzyme-fragmentation patterns; three isolates possessed linear plasmids. The DNA sequence between the murA and rRNA genes were divergent but the sequence upstream of nidBA genes, encoding a dioxygenase involved in pyrene oxidation, was more highly conserved. Long-chain fatty acid analysis showed most similarity between three isolates from the same Montana site. All isolates were sensitive to rifampicin and isoniazid, used in tuberculosis treatment, and to syringopeptins, produced by plant-associated pseudomonads. Biofilm growth was least for isolate MCS that grew on plate medium as rough-edged colonies. The patterns of substrate utilization in Biolog plates showed clustering of the Montana isolates compared with Mycobacterium vanbaalenii and Mycobacterium gilvum. CONCLUSION: The five PAH-degrading mycobacterium isolates studied differ in genetic and biochemical properties. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Different properties with respect to antibiotic susceptibility, substrate utilization and biofilm formation could influence the survival in soil of the microbe and their suitability for use in bioaugmentation.  相似文献   

The analysis of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) is of great importance because of the mutagenicity and possible carcinogenic activity of these compounds, which are distributed widely in the environment. Nitro‐substituents in aromatic compounds are known to quench fluorescence and NPAHs have no intrinsic fluorescence, but they can be determined using their quenching effects on other fluorophores. The quenching effects of several important NPAHs on 1,2,3,4‐ tetrahydro‐1‐naphthol,5,6,7,8‐tetrahydro‐1‐naphthol,4‐(2‐hydroxy‐4‐sulfo‐1‐naphthylazo)‐2‐naphthalene carboxylic acid and 7‐amino‐4‐methyl coumarin have been studied. The singlet emission of these fluorophores is efficiently quenched by all the NPAHs, the quenching following the Stern–Volmer relationship. Quenching constants and the limits of detection and linear ranges of the quenchers have been determined in each case: the limits of detection are ca 1 µm . Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Son, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of added l-amino acids and NH4+ on manganese peroxidase activity in ligninolytic cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium were investigated. Among 11 amino acids (0.2 mM) tested, including phenylalanine, glutamate, glutamine, histidine, alanine, iso-leucine, ornithine, glycine, aspartate, proline, and arginine, phenylalanine was the most effective in suppression of manganese peroxidase synthesis. However, all the amino acids tested except proline completely suppressed the enzyme synthesis at 2 mM concentration.  相似文献   

This article examines the importance of non-ligninolytic and ligninolytic fungi in the bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated wastes. The research from the initial studies in Dave Gibson’s laboratory to the present are discussed. Received 10 August 1997/ Accepted in revised form 15 August 1997  相似文献   

Aims:  A rapid procedure was developed to screen for bacteria that are able to grow on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Methods and Results:  A drop of ethyl ether-dissolved PAH is spread on a sterilized cellulose acetate/nitrate filter lying on the top of a mineral salts agarose plate. After the evaporation of ethyl ether, a serially diluted sample is spread over the filter and incubated. Subsequently, the PAH degrading bacteria can be counted and isolated.
Conclusions:  This procedure is a simple method for screening bacterial isolates for the ability to grow with PAHs.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This technique is rapid to screen and/or count PAH-degrading bacteria and is also used to streak cultivation without disrupting the PAH layer on plate.  相似文献   

Several strains of Sphingomonas isolated from deep Atlantic coastal plain aquifers at the US Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS) near Aiken, SC were shown to degrade a variety of aromatic hydrocarbons in a liquid culture medium. Sphingomonas aromaticivorans strain B0695 was the most versatile of the five strains examined. This strain was able to degrade acenaphthene, anthracene, phenanthrene, 2,3-benzofluorene, 2-methylnaphthalene, 2,3-dimethylnaphthalene, and fluoranthene in the presence of 400 mg l−1 Tween 80. Studies involving microcosms composed of aquifer sediments showed that S. aromaticivorans B0695 could degrade phenanthrene effectively in sterile sediment and could enhance the rate at which this compound was degraded in nonsterile sediment. These findings indicate that it may be feasible to carry out (or, at least, to enhance) in situ bioremediation of phenanthrene-contaminated soils and subsurface environments with S. aromaticivorans B0695. In contrast, strain B0695 was unable to degrade fluoranthene in microcosms containing aquifer sediments, even though it readily degraded this polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in a defined liquid growth medium. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 283–289. Received 25 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 08 February 2001  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to isolate the microorganisms responsible for a previously observed degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soil and to test a method for cleaning a PAH-contaminated soil. An efficient PAH degrader was isolated from an agricultural soil and designated as Mycobacterium LP1. In liquid culture, it degraded phenanthrene (58%), pyrene (24%), anthracene (21%) and benzo(a)pyrene (10%) present in mixture (initial concentration 50 μg ml−1 each) and phenanthrene (92%) and pyrene (94%) as sole carbon sources after 14 days of incubation at 30°C. In soil, Mycobacterium LP1 mineralised 14C-phenanthrene (45%) and 14C-pyrene (65%) after 10 days. The good ability of this Mycobacterium was combined with the benzo(a)pyrene oxidation effect obtained by 1% w/w rapeseed oil in a sequential treatment of a PAH-spiked soil (total PAH concentration 200 mg kg−1). The first step was incubation with the bacterium for 12 days and the second step was the addition of the rapeseed oil after this time and a further incubation of 22 days. Phenanthrene (99%), pyrene (95%) and anthracene (99%) were mainly degraded in the first 12 days and a total of 85% of benzo(a)pyrene was transformed during the whole process. The feasibility of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

一株高浓度多环芳烃降解菌的鉴定和降解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用选择性富集培养方法,从沈抚灌区土壤中分离得到多环芳烃(PAHs)高效降解菌NI2,应用此降解菌制备固定化菌剂,修复焦化厂内高浓度PAHs污染土壤,并通过生理生化和16S rDNA测序进行微生物鉴定.经过30 d的降解实验,菌N12对污染土壤中各PAH的去除率>66%,总去除率为80%.生理生化和16S rDNA测序分析表明,分离得到的菌株N12为分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium sp.),该菌具有与其他分枝杆菌同源的双加氧酶基因nidA和pdoA2.结果表明,从土壤中筛选获得的分枝杆菌可以修复高浓度PAHs污染工业土壤.  相似文献   

Gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) is a system that regulates tissue homeostasis. It is generally accepted that GJIC down-regulation is linked to carcinogen tumor-promoting properties. The effect of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on GJIC in cultured hepatoma 27 cells deficient in cytochrome P450 and Ah receptor has been investigated. It was found that, out of six compounds examined, only benz/a/pyrene and 3-methylcholanthrene were able to inhibit GJIC. It is concluded that in hepatoma cells there is unknown factor that interacts with some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and inhibit GJIC. Application of benz/a/pyrene together with benz/e/pyrene (an agent with similar structure but without carcinogenic activity) showed that GJIC inhibition by benz/a/pyrene is at least a two-stage process.  相似文献   

多环芳烃(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,PAHs)的强疏水性是阻止其在土壤和水环境中微生物降解的主要因素.表面活性剂由于能够提高PAHs的表观溶解度而在PAHs的微生物降解中得到了广泛研究.截至目前,有关化学或生物表面活性剂促进PAHs的微生物降解已有大量报道,然而也有学者发现了表面...  相似文献   

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