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通过文献评阅与整理分析,运用关键指标法和2轮德尔菲专家咨询法,初步确定基层卫生机构的绩效评价体系。再利用1轮德尔菲专家咨询法和层次分析法确定指标权重系数,构建完成基层卫生机构评价指标体系框架。并以此为基础对陕西省基层卫生机构绩效进行综合评价,选择综合指数法计算机构绩效值,验证基层卫生机构评价体系的实用性和可行性。最后在进一步分析绩效的影响因素的基础之上,提出建议,为实际工作中绩效考核的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

The performance of a supercapacitor can be characterized by a series of key parameters, including the cell capacitance, operating voltage, equivalent series resistance, power density, energy density, and time constant. To accurately measure these parameters, a variety of methods have been proposed and are used in academia and industry. As a result, some confusion has been caused due to the inconsistencies between different evaluation methods and practices. Such confusion hinders effective communication of new research findings, and creates a hurdle in transferring novel supercapacitor technologies from research labs to commercial applications. Based on public sources, this article is an attempt to inventory, critique and hopefully streamline the commonly used instruments, key performance metrics, calculation methods, and major affecting factors for supercapacitor performance evaluation. Thereafter the primary sources of inconsistencies are identified and possible solutions are suggested, with emphasis on device performance vs. material properties and the rate dependency of supercapacitors. We hope, by using reliable, intrinsic, and comparable parameters produced, the existing inconsistencies and confusion can be largely eliminated so as to facilitate further progress in the field.  相似文献   

医院综合绩效考核体系包括成本核算办法、平衡计分卡绩效考核、千分制质控考核、年度绩效考核、单项奖等方面,介绍和分析了各种绩效考核办法及其利弊。构建医院综合绩效考核体系,可以相互扬长避短,兼顾多个方面,促进医院又好又快发展。  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江省某三级甲等医院应用病例分型现状的分析,同时按照医院管理年要求,根据地域特点,选取患有高血压、冠心病等疾病的住院患者为研究对象,从病历分型应用的现状出发,对医院整体的业绩进行评价,明确病例分型对医院发展的重要作用,旨在为各医疗机构实施病例分型管理提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents a design, an architecture, and performance evaluation of high-performance network of PC cluster, called Maestro. Most networks of recent clusters have been organized based on WAN or LAN technology, due to their market availability. However, communication protocols and functions of such conventional networks are not optimal for parallel computing, which requires low latency and high bandwidth communication. In this paper, we propose two optimizations for high-performance communication: (1) transferring in burst as many packets as the receiving buffer accepts at once, and (2) having each hardware component pass one data unit to another in a pipelined manner. We have developed a network interface and a switch, which are composed of dedicated hardware modules to realize these optimizations. An implementatin of the message passing library developed on Maestro cluster is also described. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed optimizations can extract the potential performance of the physical layer efficiently and improve the performance in communication.  相似文献   

为了改善医院绩效,以目标管理法为理论基础,采用关键绩效指标法建立大学附属医院临床科主任工作业绩考核指标评价体系,并应用层次分析法进行权重分析,得出各层级指标的权重值,各指标的重要程度符合科主任的实际工作要求。以此对临床科主任的工作进行科学、有效的考核,提升临床科室绩效管理水平。  相似文献   

目前,我国大部分公立医院尚未广泛开展内部项目支出预算绩效评价工作。随着财政部与国家卫生和计划生育委员会的预算项目绩效管理的深入开展,公立医院通过加强多部门的合作,以战略发展为导向开展项目支出预算绩效评价工作对提高资金使用效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据上海申康医院发展中心《关于市级医院深化内部绩效考核和分配制度改革的指导意见(试行)》,运用平衡计分卡(BSC)、关键绩效指标(KPI)、目标管理法(MBO)等管理工具建立绩效考核指标体系,实施与收支结余脱钩、以绩效考核为依据的的绩效分配制度改革,充分发挥了绩效考核的激励导向作用,有效调动了医务人员的积极性。  相似文献   

Sysmex XN-3000全自动血细胞分析仪血小板计数性能评价分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨Sysmex XN-3000全自动血细胞分析仪的血小板计数性能。方法:采用Sysmex XN-3000全自动血细胞分析仪的3种方法进行血小板计数,从精密度、线性范围、携带污染率及红细胞碎片干扰等4方面评价,并与使用抗CD61抗体的流式细胞术检测结果进行比较。结果:与电阻抗法(PLT-I)、光学法(PLT-O)相比,核酸染色法(PLT-F)的重复性最好,精确度较高;3种方法的稀释线性和携带污染均得到良好的结果;在红细胞碎片干扰实验中,PLT-F具有较强的抗干扰能力(P均大于0.05),PLT-O次之;相关分析结果显示3种方法都得到良好的相关性,PLT-F法的准确性较高,尤其在低值血小板计数中。结论:临床常规标本可以使用Sysmex XN-3000全自动血液分析仪的PLT-I或PLT-O法;当标本血小板数目异常或溶血时,建议使用PLT-F法复查,必要时采用镜检法或流式细胞术。  相似文献   

讨论了中国第三方评审机构、设置方法,以及它与政府和其他有关机构之间的关系。评审机构最佳设置地点是高校。这样的设置不仅可使第三方评审迅速步入轨道,而且也有利于培养中国下一代医院评审专业人员和建立医院评审的长久机制。  相似文献   

通过研究临床科室主任绩效考核指标,调动科室主任管理的积极性,增强科室员工质量管理意识和医疗安全意识,促进医院的发展。在分析传统临床科室绩效考核方法不足的基础上,结合模糊决策的概念,提出了一种基于模糊决策的临床科室主任综合评判方法。该方法充分利用了模糊逻辑中模糊决策的概念,对医院临床科室主任进行了模糊意见集中决策和模糊综合评判决策。最后通过具体的数值实验对该方法进行了性能分析,结果证明该方法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   


目的 构建适用于三级公立医院的绩效评价体系,为医院开展绩效考核与管理工作提供决策参考。方法 应用文献法、个人访谈法和头脑风暴法构建评价模型和初始指标库,运用德尔菲法和层次分析法确定指标权重。结果 运用医院质量改进的绩效评价工具(The Performance Assessment Tool for Quality Improvement in Hospitals,PATH)理念构建了以病人为中心、以员工为导向、临床效率效果、运营表现、响应治理、卓越提升6个核心维度的三级公立医院绩效评价体系。结论 指标体系的可信程度较高、权威性高、具有较好的适用性。


目的 建立与公立医院目标任务及外部绩效评价相匹配的内部绩效考核体系。方法 监控样本公立医院内部绩效考核体系的运行状态,对现行内部绩效考核体系的运行效果及医务人员反馈意见进行分析。调研管理部门、临床科室,访谈部门科室管理人员。结果 总结了现行内部绩效考核体系待改进的问题,提出基于医疗过程和医疗结果相结合进行全面评价、改进内部绩效工资测算方法、建立完善职能部门绩效评价体系、建立绩效沟通数据平台、融合政策执行评估的改进方案。结论 内部绩效考核体系的动态改进是公立医院实现医院目标任务、执行外部绩效评价的必然要求。  相似文献   

Electrochemical capacitors (i.e., supercapacitors) as energy storage technologies have attracted a lot of attention because of the increasing demand for efficient high-power delivery. Over the past decades, various advanced electrode materials and cell design have been developed to improve the performance of electrochemical capacitors. Hybrid capacitors and pseudocapacitors achieve much higher energy density due to their fast surface redox reactions. However, although all of them can be classified as electrochemical capacitors, different charge storage mechanisms alter their electrochemical characteristics. All the speculation and potential uncertainties, in the absence of standard performance metrics and test method, make it rather challenging to reliably evaluate the performance of various electrochemical systems, which hinder the development of advanced energy storage technologies and make the comparison between different energy storage systems (batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and hybrid devices) not so meaningful. In this regard, the uncertainties related to the performance metrics and evaluation of electrochemical capacitors are summarized and the ways in which the uncertainties can be minimized for both electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) and hybrid supercapacitors is analyzed. It is hoped this effort will provide an accurate assessment method for determining the device properties to a high level of confidence and promote the standardization process of performance evaluation for the electrochemical energy storage systems.  相似文献   

公立医院规划布局是卫生资源配置极为最重要的一个环节。公立医院的合理配置、优化布局有助于提高医疗资源运行效率,使居民获得最大健康产出。从系统角度出发,要更好地配置公立医院资源,必须更好地发挥公立医院与社区卫生服务机构的协同作用,建立有序的分级诊疗模式。因此,文章结合全民健康覆盖的四个条件,对上海市黄浦区社区卫生服务作绩效评估与SWOT分析,为社区卫生服务的进一步发展提供建议,也为更好地配置公立医院资源提供参考。  相似文献   

医院行政后勤科室作为医院管理的关键岗位,一直是医院实施绩效考核的难点。以岗位管理为导向,以工作标准为考核依据,建立起“岗、责、编、绩、酬对应管理”与“日常KPI综合目标考核”相结合的医院行政后勤岗位绩效考核体系,为医院内部分配提供了依据,使绩效管理转化为医院发展的内在驱动器。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the cluster system as an accepted form of supercomputing, due to its high performance at an affordable cost. This paper attempts to elaborate performance analysis of Myrinet-based cluster. The communication performance and effect of background load on parallel applications were analyzed. For point-to-point communication, it was found that an extension to the Hockney's model was required to estimate the performance. The proposed model suggested that there should be two ranges to be used for the performance metrics to cope with the cache effect. Moreover, based on the extension of the point-to-point communication model, the Xu and Hwang's model for collective communication performance was also extended. Results showed that our models can make better estimation of the communication performance than the previous models. Finally, the interference of other user processes to the cluster system is evaluated by using synthetic background load generation programs.  相似文献   

HiperLAN/2 (HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Network) is a new standard from ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) for high-speed wireless LANs, interconnecting portable devices to each other and to broadband core networks, based on different networking technologies such as IP, ATM, IEEE 1394, and others. This paper introduces the basic features of the HiperLAN/2 MAC protocol. It presents performance evaluation results, specifically related to the mechanisms provided by HiperLAN/2 to manage bandwidth resource requests and granting. These results are assessed in terms of their flexibility and efficiency in supporting delay sensitive traffic, such as voice and Web data traffic, which are expected to be transported by broadband wireless LANs.  相似文献   

We analyze the parallel time and speedup for processing a divisible load on (1) a linear array with a corner initial processor; (2) a linear array with an interior initial processor; (3) a mesh with a corner initial processor; (4) a mesh with an interior initial processor; (5) a b-ary complete tree with the root as the initial processor; (6) a pyramid with the apex as the initial processor. Due to communication overhead and limited network connectivity, the speedup of parallel processing for a divisible load on static interconnection networks with constant node degrees is bounded from above by a quantity independent of network size. It is shown that for the above six cases, as the network size becomes large, the asymptotic speedup is approximately , 2 , 3/4, 43/4, (b–1), and 3, respectively, where is the ratio of the time for computing a unit load to the time for communicating a unit load. We also investigate divisible load distribution on hypercubes. Our strategy takes advantage of the recursive structure of a hypercube. It is proven that linear speedup can be achieved as the communication cost becomes smaller and smaller.  相似文献   


目的 了解我国护理人员绩效考核的现状及其发展趋势,分析目前我国护理人员绩效考核体系的结构,为建立完善、有效的护理人员考核体系提供思路。 方法 检索中文数据库中核心期刊上公开发表的关于护理人员绩效考核的论文,对其进行描述性和半定量分析。 结果 我国护理人员的绩效考核经历了从经验性介绍到应用性研究的过程,研究方法逐渐由描述性向方法学研究发展。结论 目前国内关于护理人员考核体系的种类较多,缺乏统一的标准,考核结果在全国范围内缺乏可比性。


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