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Marked differences were seen between the metabolism of L-[3-14C] tryptophan and of [2-14C]serotonin by the intact chick pineal gland in organ culture. The major metabolite of tryptophan recovered by our procedures was melatonin, which accounted for about half the radioactivity recovered as metabolic products. In contrast, the principal product of serotonin metabolism recovered was hydroxyindoleacetic acid, and the yield of products derived through monoamine oxidase (EC activity vastly exceeded that of melatonin. Metabolism of tryptophan yielded a much larger proportion of methlated metabolites among the products recovered than did metabolism of serotonin. However, the yield of methoxyindoleacetic acid from serotonin was greater than that from tryptophan. Serotonin formed endogenously and serotonin supplied exogenously appear to enter two or more largely distinct metabolic pools.  相似文献   

The chick pineal organ is recognized to contain an endogenous circadian oscillator as well as having direct photic input pathways and the capability of synthesizing melatonin. Despite its interesting circadian cell biology, far less is known about the chick pineal as compared to mammalian pineal glands. The goals of our research were to identify and characterize novel components of the circadian system in this photoneuroendocrine organ. Using a subtractive screening strategy of a nocturnal chick pineal cDNA library, we identified numerous genes whose expression in the chick pineal has never been reported. Among these, we focused our attention on a homologue to the regulatory subunit of the mammalian serine/threonine protein phosphatase (STPP) 2A. The expression of this gene in the chick pineal is highly circadian both in vivo and in vitro. Analysis of the PP2A enzyme in this tissue revealed that it is predominantly cytosolic in localization, sensitive to classical PP2A inhibitors, and far more active during the subjective night. Interestingly, the acute pharmacological inhibition of PP2A leads to elevated phosphoCREB levels and concomitant melatonin secretion, indicating that this enzyme participates at some level in the control of nocturnal pineal melatonin synthesis. In a second aspect of our research, we examined the mechanisms underlying the circadian rhythmicity of cyclic GMP in the chick pineal. This signaling molecule is poorly understood, despite its well-known, high-amplitude circadian rhythms and the presence of many cGMP-dependent targets in this tissue. Our work has shown that although both soluble (sGC) and membrane-bound (mGC) forms of guanylyl cyclase are present, the primary contributor to the circadian rhythms of cGMP is the mGC-B enzyme, which is activated only by the natriuretic peptide CNP. As pharmacological blockade of mGC-B (but not sGC) suppresses nocturnal cGMP levels, we conclude that CNP-dependent mechanisms are involved. Hence, the circadian clock in the chick pineal appears to drive either CNP secretion or mGC-B expression (or synthetic efficiency) in order to elevate nocturnal cGMP. Conversely, light may inhibit cGMP by uncoupling this drive. These data provide new strategies for understanding both photic input pathways (presumed to depend on cGMP) and cGMP-dependent cellular function in the chick pineal organ.  相似文献   

Summary The development of sensory structures in the pineal organ of the chick was examined by means of scanning electron microscopy from embryonic day 10 through day 12 post-hatching. At embryonic day 10, the wall of the tubules within the pineal primordium is composed of cells with unspecialized luminal surface. Differentiation of sensory structures starts at embryonic day 12 when pinealocytes and supporting cells can be distinguished. Pinealocytes are recognized by virtue of an inner segment only rarely endowed with a cilium, whereas supporting cells exhibit numerous short microvilli. Further differentiation of the sensory apparatus is achieved by development of an oval-shaped, biconcave swelling at the tip of the cilium, 1×2 m in size, and a collar of long microvilli at the base of the inner segment. Membrane specializations of sensory cilia, however, were not detected. Since during embryonic life new tubules and follicles are continuously formed, all stages of differentiation of sensory structures are found in the chick pineal organ during the second half of the incubation period and the first two weeks after hatching. In 200-m-thick Vibratome sections of chick-embryo pineal organs cultured in medium BM 86 Wissler for periods up to 13 days the cytodifferentiation parallels the development in vivo. Using an organ-culture system the 24-h release of melatonin into the culture medium was measured by means of radioimmunoassay after solid-phase extraction. At embryonic day 10, the 24-h secretion of melatonin was at the lower range of detection of the RIA (5 pg). The rapid increase in 24-h secretion in melatonin until hatching (50 g) is approximated by an exponential curve.Preliminary results of this study were reported at the Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Lübeck, 1986 (Möller 1987). Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MO234/9-2)  相似文献   

1. N-acetyltransferase was present in pineal glands of 14-day-old chick embryos though no rhythm either in LL, DD or LD 12:12 was observed in this age. 2. Daily rhythm in pineal NAT activity was found in 18-day-old embryos incubated under LD 12:12 and LD 16:8 but no NAT rhythm was detected in DD or LL. 3. NAT rhythm persists for 2 days in constant darkness and it may be circadian in nature. 4. Presence of melatonin (85 +/- 8 pg/mg tissue) was detected in pineals of 18-day-old chick embryos.  相似文献   

When chick pineal glands were explanted into organ culture at midlight phase of a diurnal cycle of illumination and incubated in the dark, they developed marked increases in serotonin acetyltransferase (acetyl coA:arylamine N-acetyltransferase; EC activity. Either this increase in activity was inhibited or its onset was retarded in glands incubated under constant illumination. Supplements of theophylline, isobutylmethylxanthine, quinidine, and compound Ro 20-1724 (4-(3-butoxyl-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone) elicited very marked increases in serotonin acetyltransferase activity in glands cultured in the dark. Levels of activity attained after 6 h in culture approached or exceeded the maximum levels attained at middark phase of the diurnal cycle in vivo. Effects of theophylline and compound Ro 20-1724 were additive. Supplements of dibutryl cAMP had little or no effect upon levels of serotonin acetyltransferase activity when tested alone or in combination with theophylline but further enhanced the increase in the level of enzyme activity elicited by Ro 20-1724. Adenosine and cAMP had little or no effect upon levels of serotonin acetyltransferase activity. It is concluded that levels of serotonin acetyltransferase activity in the chick pineal gland are regulated by a repressive, negative-control mechanism, which probably involves a membranous adenosine receptor.  相似文献   

Young (3 days-old) embryonic chick hearts (i.e., prior to innervation) show little electrophysiological response to adenosine. However, during embryonic development the sensitivity to adenosine greatly increases. In the present experiments, in which the chick hearts were placed into organ culture, the sensitivity to adenosine was found to increase with time in culture. Thus, the ability of adenosine to slow the spontaneous heart rate became greater during the course of organ culture. These results suggest that physiological responses to adenosine continue to develop in organ culture, and that the increased sensitivity to adenosine seen in ovo may be independent from the development of sympathetic or parasympathetic innervation.  相似文献   

1. The presence of an iodothyronine 5'-deiodinating activity has been described in the pineal gland of various rodents, and it has been identified as a type II 5'-deiodinase isoenzyme since it is relatively insensitive to inhibition by propylthiouracil and its activity increases during hypothyroidism. 2. 5'-Deiodinase activity in the rat pineal gland follows a nyctohemeral profile, exhibiting basal values during the day and maximal values at night. The nocturnal increase is dependent on the noradrenergic input from the superior cervical ganglia, and both in vivo and in vitro studies show that beta-adrenergic receptors are primarily involved in the activation of the enzyme. 3. Day-night differences in rat pineal 5'-deiodinase activity are found beginning at 2 weeks of age, with rhythms increasing in amplitude until maximal differences are reached in adult animals. During the maturation of the rhythm, changes in regulation of enzyme activation are observed. Thus, during the first 2-3 weeks of age, alpha-adrenergic receptors appear to be as important as beta-adrenergic receptors in regulating the deiodinating activity of the pineal. However, in adults, no role of alpha-adrenergic receptors has been described. 4. Although regulation of 5'-deiodinase activity in the pineal gland is well established, few data are available concerning the physiological significance of the enzyme in the gland. Of the studies that have been performed, those attempting to demonstrate a relationship between pineal 5'-deiodinase activity and other pineal rhythms, e.g. those of melatonin production and N-acetyltransferase activity, indicates that the latter rhythms do not rely on the cyclic production of T3. The alternate possibility that the 5'D rhythm depends on the cyclic production of melatonin remains to be examined.  相似文献   

Chick embryos were directly exposed to a source of white light during incubation and sacrificed before hatching. The light caused a number of teratological effects such as high mortality, delay in development, celosomy, hepatomegaly, auricular dilation and micrognatia. The pineal gland of the illuminated embryos showed an increase in number and size of the intracytoplasmic lipid droplets of the follicular pinealocytes. These findings suggest that the pineal gland of the chick embryo is sensitive to light.  相似文献   

Explants of cartilage from tibiae of 11-12 days chick embryos were grown in organ culture. To one group hyaluronidase was added to the medium during the first 2 days of culture; the treated tissue was then cultured in medium without enzyme for a further 4 days. Control explants grown in hyaluronidase-free medium for 6 days grew rapidly in size and the total hexosamine content more than doubled during this time. After exposure to hyaluronidase, much of the hexosamine was lost from treated cartilage and appeared in the culture medium, but it was mostly replaced in the tissue during the subsequent recovery period. Analysis of cartilage and medium showed that net synthesis of hexosamine increased greatly in treated cartilage. The proteoglycans were extracted by two procedures from control and treated cartilage after 2, 4 and 6 days in culture. The hydrodynamic sizes of the purified proteoglycans were compared by gel chromatography and the composition of the gel-chromatographic fractions was determined. The proteoglycans from controls did not change during culture, but after exposure to hyaluronidase the proteoglycans from treated cartilage were of much smaller size and lower chondroitin sulphate content. During recovery, even though new proteoglycans were formed, they were nevertheless of smaller size and lower chondroitin sulphate content than control proteoglycans. They gradually became more like control proteoglycans during recovery from treatment, but even after 4 days they were not yet the same. After 2 days of treatment with the enzyme, the chondroitin sulphate in the cartilage was of shorter chain length than in controls but during recovery after 4 and 6 days in culture, the chain lengths in control and treated cartilage were similar. It is concluded that the proteoglycans formed in embryo cartilage in response to their depletion by enzyme treatment contained fewer chondroitin sulphate chains attached to the protein moiety of proteoglycans. This may have resulted from a failure under stress to glycosylate the protein moiety to the usual extent; alternatively the synthesis of normal proteoglycans of low chondroitin sulphate content may have increased, thus changing the proteoglycan population.  相似文献   

The synthesis of phosphatidylcholine from phosphatidylethanolamine is carried out by chick liver microsomes (Gallus domesticus). Different concentrations of PE, NPE and NNPE were used as exogenous substrates. Saturation of the S-adenosylmethionine has been found for the three different reactions with or without exogenous substrate. Kinetic parameters have been determined for this enzyme system in chick liver microsomes. The three methyl reactions had a similar pH profile with an optimum at pH = 8. Divalent ions such as Ca2+ or Mg2+ did not stimulate the enzyme activity. The results suggest that the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine from phosphatidylethanolamine by chick liver microsomes exhibits a kinetic pattern with different aspects than that described for other animal or human preparations.  相似文献   

Young (3 days-old) embryonic chick hearts (i.e., prior to innervation) have a low sensitivity and transient response to acetylcholine (ACh). In the present experiments, in which the hearts were placed into organ culture for a period of up to 7 days, the sensitivity to ACh was found to increase with time in culture, and the inhibitory action of ACh persisted for a longer time (i.e., desensitization declined). Thus, the ability to ACh to slow spontaneous heart rate and to shorten action potential duration (in the atrium) became greater during the course of organ culture. The effects of ACh on spontaneous heart rate and on action potential duration were blocked by atropine. These results suggest that the physiological responses to muscarinic agonists in young embryonic chick hearts continue to develop in organ culture, and that the increased sensitivity to muscarinic agonists seen in ovo is unlikely to be due to the development of innervation.  相似文献   

The level of hydroxyindole O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) activity in the pienal gland of developing chicks raised under constant illumination rose more rapidly and to higher values than in the gland of birds maintained in constant darkness. Rates of net increase in activity, and levels of activity attained, for birds raised under a diurnal cycle of illumination were intermediate between those maintained in constant light or darkness. Under each of the lighting conditions, the course of increase in enzymic activity was markedly affected by variations in an unidentified factor, the source of which appeared to be the hatching eggs. Birds transferred from constant light to the dark showed either an arrest of increase in enzyme activity or a loss of activity until the levels equalled that observed for chicks of the same age raised in constant darkness. Chicks transferred from constant darkness to constant illumination showed marked increases in levels of enzyme activity at rates comparable with the maximal values observed with birds maintained under constant illumination, regardless of age and without delay. No diurnal cycle in level of HIOMT activity was observed in the pineals of 15-day birds.  相似文献   

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