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We report a new locus for familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR), on chromosome 11p12-13 in a large autosomal dominant pedigree. Statistically significant linkage was achieved across a 14-cM interval flanked by markers GATA34E08 and D11S4102, with a maximum multipoint LOD score of 6.6 at D11S2010. FEVR is a disease characterized by the failure of development of peripheral retinal blood vessels, and it is difficult to diagnose clinically because of the wide spectrum of fundus abnormalities associated with it. The identification of a new locus is important for genetic counseling and potentiates further studies aimed toward the identification of a gene with an important role in angiogenesis within neuroepithelial tissues. Such a gene may also have a role in the genetic predisposition to retinopathy of prematurity, a sporadic disorder with many clinical similarities to FEVR.  相似文献   

Linkage studies were performed in a large family with an autosomal dominant phenotype characterized by nephropathy and hypertension. In this family of Iraqi Jewish origin, the nephropathy develops into progressive renal failure. By performing a genomewide linkage search, we localized the disease gene to chromosome 1q21; the highest LOD score was obtained for the marker at locus D1S305, which yielded a maximum LOD score of 4.71 at a recombination fraction of 0. Recombination mapping defined an interval of approximately 11.6 cM, between the markers at loci D1S2696 and D1S2635, that contains the disease gene. Localization of the disease-causing gene in this family represents a necessary step toward isolation of the defective gene and toward a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of hypertension and progressive renal failure.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart-muscle disease characterized by ventricular dilatation and impaired heart contraction and is heterogeneous both clinically and genetically. To date, 12 candidate disease loci have been described for autosomal dominant DCM. We report the identification of a new locus on chromosome 6q12-16 in a French family with 9 individuals affected by the pure form of autosomal dominant DCM. This locus was found by using a genomewide search after exclusion of all reported disease loci and genes for DCM. The maximum pairwise LOD score was 3.52 at recombination fraction 0.0 for markers D6S1644 and D6S1694. Haplotype construction delineated a region of 16.4 cM between markers D6S1627 and D6S1716. This locus does not overlap with two other disease loci that have been described in nonpure forms of DCM and have been mapped on 6q23-24 and 6q23. The phospholamban, malic enzyme 1-soluble, and laminin-alpha4 genes were excluded as candidate genes, using single-strand conformation polymorphism or linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) represents a heterogeneous group of disorders affecting the peripheral nervous system. The axonal form of the disease is designated as "CMT type 2" (CMT2), and one locus (1q21.2-q21.3) has been reported for the autosomal recessive form. Here we report the results of a genomewide search in an inbred Costa Rican family (CR-1) affected with autosomal recessive CMT2. By analyzing three branches of the family we detected linkage to the 19q13.3 region, and subsequent homozygosity mapping defined shared haplotypes between markers D19S902 and D19S907 in a 5.5-cM range. A maximum two-point LOD score of 9.08 was obtained for marker D19S867, at a recombination fraction of.00, which strongly supports linkage to this locus. The epithelial membrane protein 3 gene, encoding a PMP22 homologous protein and located on 19q13.3, was ruled out as being responsible for this form of CMT. The age at onset of chronic symmetric sensory-motor polyneuropathy was 28-42 years (mean 33.8 years); the electrophysiological data clearly reflect an axonal degenerative process. The phenotype and locus are different from those of demyelinating CMT4F, recently mapped to 19q13.1-13.3; hence, the disease affecting the Costa Rican family constitutes an axonal, autosomal recessive CMT subtype (ARCMT2B).  相似文献   

We have previously mapped the gene for autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type II (ADCAII) to chromosome 3p12-p21.1 in a region of 33 cM by using four families of different geographic origin. In this study, we analysed the families with nine additional simple tandem repeat markers located in the ADCAII candidate region. An extensive clinical evaluation was also performed in the Belgian family CA-1 on two probably affected and seven at-risk individuals by means of ophthalmological examination and magnetic resonance imaging. Based on informative recombinants, we were able to reduce the ADCAII candidate region to the 12-cM region between D3S1300 and D3S1285. Furthermore, haplotype analysis among the families suggested that the most likely location of the ADCAII gene is within the 6.2-cM interval between D3S3698 and D3S1285. Because of the documented anticipation in ADCAII families, we also analysed family CA-1 with six polymorphic triplet repeat markers located on chromosome 3. None of these markers showed expanded alleles. Received: 16 August 1996 / Revised: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a collective term used to describe phenotypically diverse forms of defective tooth enamel development. AI has been reported to exhibit a variety of inheritance patterns, and several loci have been identified that are associated with AI. We have performed a genome-wide scan in a large Brazilian family segregating an autosomal dominant form of AI and mapped a novel locus to 8q24.3. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 7.5 was obtained at marker D8S2334 (146,101,309 bp). The disease locus lies in a 1.9 cM (2.1 Mb) region according to the Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical map, between a VNTR marker (at 143,988,705 bp) and the telomere (146,274,826 bp). Ten candidate genes were identified based on gene ontology and microarray-facilitated gene selection using the expression of murine orthologues in dental tissue, and examined for the presence of a mutation. However, no causative mutation was identified.  相似文献   

Stargardt disease (STGD) is the most common hereditary macular dystrophy and is characterized by decreased central vision, atrophy of the macula and underlying retinal-pigment epithelium, and frequent presence of prominent flecks in the posterior pole of the retina. STGD is most commonly inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, but many families have been described in which features of the disease are transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner. A recessive locus has been identified on chromosome 1p (STGD1), and dominant loci have been mapped to both chromosome 13q (STGD2) and chromosome 6q (STGD3). In this study, we describe a kindred with an autosomal dominant Stargardt-like phenotype. A genomewide search demonstrated linkage to a locus on chromosome 4p, with a maximum LOD score of 5.12 at a recombination fraction of.00, for marker D4S403. Analysis of extended haplotypes localized the disease gene to an approximately 12-cM interval between loci D4S1582 and D4S2397. Therefore, this kindred establishes a new dominant Stargardt-like locus, STGD4.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a debilitating disease of the retina affecting ∼1.5 million people worldwide. RP shows remarkable heterogeneity both clinically and genetically, with more than 40 genetic loci implicated, 12 of which account for the autosomal dominant form (adRP) of inheritance. We have recently identified a French Canadian family that presents with early onset adRP. After exclusion of all known loci for adRP, a genome-wide search established firm linkage with a marker from the short arm of chromosome 9 (LOD score of 6.3 at recombination fraction θ=0). The linked region is flanked by markers D9S285 and D9S1874, corresponding to a genetic distance of 31 cM, in the region 9p22-p13.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) comprises a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders causing progressive spasticity and weakness of the lower limbs. We report a large family of French descent with autosomal dominant pure HSP. We excluded genetic linkage to the known loci causing HSP and performed a genomewide search. We found evidence for linkage of the disorder to polymorphic markers on chromosome 2q24-q34: a maximum LOD score of 3. 03 was obtained for marker D2S2318. By comparison with families having linkage to the major locus of pure autosomal dominant HSP (SPG4 on chromosome 2p), there were significantly more patients without Babinski signs, with increased reflexes in the upper limbs, and with severe functional handicaps.  相似文献   

We ascertained three consanguineous Pakistani families (PKDF291, PKDF335 and PKDF793) segregating nonsyndromic recessive hearing loss. The hearing loss segregating in PKDF335 and PKDF793 is moderate to severe, whereas it is profound in PKDF291. The maximum two-point LOD scores are 3.01 (D19S1034), 3.85 (D19S894) and 3.71 (D19S894) for PKDF291, PKDF335 and PKDF793, respectively. Haplotype analyses of the three families define a 1.16 Mb region of overlap of the homozygous linkage intervals bounded by markers D19S216 (20.01 cM) and D19S1034 (20.75 cM). These results define a novel locus, DFNB72, on chromosome 19p13.3. There are at least 22 genes in the 1.16 Mb interval, including PTPRS, ZNRF4 and CAPS. We identified no pathogenic variants in the exons and flanking intronic sequences of these three genes in affected members of the DFNB72 families. DFNB72 is telomeric to DFNB68, the only other known deafness locus with statistically significant support for linkage to chromosome 19p.  相似文献   

Congenital microphthalmia is a common developmental ocular disorder characterized by shortened axial length. Isolated microphthalmia is clinically and genetically heterogeneous and may be inherited in an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked manner. Here, we studied a five-generation family of Sephardic Jewish origin that included 38 members, of whom 7 have either unilateral or bilateral microphthalmia of variable severity inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. After exclusion of several candidate loci, we performed a genome-scan study and demonstrated linkage to chromosome 15q12-q15. Positive LOD scores were obtained with a maximum at the D15S1007 locus (maximum LOD score 3.77, at recombination fraction 0.00). Haplotype analyses supported the location of the disease-causing gene in a 13.8-cM interval between loci D15S1002 and D15S1040.  相似文献   

Nonsyndromic hearing loss (NSHL) is the most common type of hearing impairment in the elderly. Environmental and hereditary factors play an etiologic role, although the relative contribution of each is unknown. To date, 39 NSHL genes have been localized. Twelve produce autosomal dominant hearing loss, most frequently postlingual in onset and progressive in nature. We have ascertained a large, multigenerational family in which a gene for autosomal dominant NSHL is segregating. Affected individuals experience progressive hearing loss beginning in the 2d-4th decades, eventually making the use of amplification mandatory. A novel locus, DFNA13, was identified on chromosome 6p; the disease gene maps to a 4-cM interval flanked by D6S1663 and D6S1691, with a maximum two-point LOD score of 6.409 at D6S299.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the genetic basis of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) in a large eight-generation family (UCLA-RP09) of British descent, we assessed linkage between the UCLA-RP09 adRP gene and numerous genetic loci, including eight adRP candidate genes, five anonymous adRP-linked DNA loci, and 20 phenotypic markers. Linkage to the UCLA-RP09 disease gene was excluded for all eight candidate genes analyzed, including rhodopsin (RP4) and peripherin/RDS (RP7), for the four adRP loci RP1, RP9, RP10 and RP11, as well as for 17 phenotypic markers. The anonymous DNA marker locus D17S938, linked to adRP locus RP13 on chromosome 17p13.1, yielded a suggestive but not statistically significant positive lod score. Linkage was confirmed between the UCLA-RP09 adRP gene and markers distal to D17S938 in the chromosomal region 17p13.3. A reanalysis of the original RP13 data from a South African adRP family of British descent, in conjunction with our UCLA-RP09 data, suggests that only one adRP locus exists on 17p but that it maps to a more telomeric position, at band 17p13.3, than previously reported. Confirmation of the involvement of RP13 in two presumably unrelated adRP families, both of British descent, suggests that this locus is a distinct adRP gene in a proportion of British, and possibly other, adRP families.  相似文献   

Polycystic liver disease (PCLD) is characterized by the growth of fluid-filled cysts of biliary epithelial origin in the liver. Although the disease is often asymptomatic, it can, when severe, lead to complications requiring surgical therapy. PCLD is most often associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD); however, families with an isolated polycystic liver phenotype without kidney involvement have been described. The clinical presentation and histological features of polycystic liver disease in the presence or absence of ADPKD are indistinguishable, raising the possibility that the pathogenetic mechanisms in the diseases are interrelated. We ascertained two large families with polycystic liver disease without kidney cysts and performed a genomewide scan for genetic linkage. A causative gene, PCLD, was mapped to chromosome 19p13.2-13.1, with a maximum LOD score of 10.3. Haplotype analysis refined the PCLD interval to 12.5 cM flanked by D19S586/D19S583 and D19S593/D19S579. The discovery of genetic linkage will facilitate diagnosis and study of this underdiagnosed disease entity. Identification of PCLD will be instrumental to an understanding of the pathogenesis of cyst formation in the liver in isolated PCLD and in ADPKD.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a new locus for autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD1) on 7q. Two of five families (1047 and 1701) demonstrate evidence in favor of linkage to this region. The maximum two-point LOD score for family 1047 was 3.76 for D7S427, and that for family 1701 was 2.63 for D7S3058. Flanking markers place the LGMD1 locus between D7S2423 and D7S427, with multipoint analysis slightly favoring the 9-cM interval spanned by D7S2546 and D7S2423. Three of five families appear to be unlinked to this new locus on chromosome 7, thus establishing further heterogeneity within the LGMD1 diagnostic classification.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by insidiously progressive spastic weakness in the legs. Genetic loci for autosomal dominant HSP exist on chromosomes 2p, 14q, and 15q. These loci are excluded in 45% of autosomal dominant HSP kindreds, indicating the presence of additional loci for autosomal dominant HSP. We analyzed a Caucasian kindred with autosomal dominant HSP and identified tight linkage between the disorder and microsatellite markers on chromosome 8q (maximum two-point LOD score 5.51 at recombination fraction 0). Our results clearly establish the existence of a locus for autosomal dominant HSP on chromosome 8q23-24. Currently this locus spans 6.2 cM between D8S1804 and D8S1774 and includes several potential candidate genes. Identifying this novel HSP locus on chromosome 8q23-24 will facilitate discovery of this HSP gene, improve genetic counseling for families with linkage to this locus, and extend our ability to correlate clinical features with different HSP loci.  相似文献   

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID, OMIM 240500) and selective immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) are the most frequent primary immunodeficiencies in humans. Of the cases with CVID/IgAD, 20%-25% are familial, but the only previous claims of linkage or association are to the HLA region on chromosome 6p. We report the results of a genome-wide scan in three multiplex families with CVID, IgAD, and dysgammaglobulinemia, where affection is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Two of the families are consistent with linkage to the telomeric region of chromosome 5p, whereas the third is consistent with linkage to the HLA region. Using a locus heterogeneity model and a conservative penetrance model, we obtained a LOD score of 3.35 for the 5p region. We sequenced the exons of one promising candidate gene within this region (PDCD6, also known as ALG-2) but found no causative mutation.  相似文献   

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is one of the most common orthopedic disorders, affecting up to 4% of schoolchildren worldwide. We studied seven unrelated multiplex families of southern Chinese descent with AIS, consisting of 25 affected members. A genomewide scan with >400 fluorescent microsatellite markers was performed. Multipoint linkage analysis by GENEHUNTER revealed significant linkage of the abnormal phenotype to the distal short arm of chromosome 19, with both a maximum multipoint LOD score and a nonparametric LOD score of 4.93. Two-point linkage analysis by MLINK gave a LOD score of 3.63 (recombination fraction theta[m=f]=0.00) at D19S216. Further high-density mapping and informative recombinations defined the AIS critical region in the vicinity of D19S216, flanked by D19S894 and D19S1034, spanning 5.2 cM on the sex-averaged genetic map on chromosome 19p13.3.  相似文献   

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