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The biochemical regulation of photosynthate partitioning was investigated in a starchless mutant (TC7) of Arabidopsts thaliana (L.) Henyh, that was deficient in chloroplast phosphoglucomutase (Caspar et al. 1985. Plant Physiol. 79: 11–17). Plants were raised at 20°C with a 20 h light and 4 h dark period, so that the growth rates of the mutant and wild type were similar. Two or 3 isoforms of phosphoglucomutase were separated by ion-exchange chromatography using mutant and wild type leaf preparations, respectively. Initial rate kinetics of all isoforms were similar. Light-saturated photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates of the mutant and wild type were 224 and 302 nmol g-1 chlorophyll h-1, respectively. Starch, sucrose and hexose concentrations were unchanged in wild type leaves after a dark to light transition, whereas sucrose and hexose increased in mutant leaves. Hexose-phosphates accumulated in both genotypes in the light, although the steady-state leaf concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate were 3-fold higher in mutant than in wild type samples. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and glucose 1,6-bisphosphate were lower in the mutant than in the wild type at the end of the dark period when mutant leaves were depleted of carbohydrates. Levels of UTP were lower in the mutant than in the wild type, possibly indicating that growth conditions had induced phosphate limited photosynthesis. These results are discussed in relation to the regulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

We investigated the individual effect of null mutations of each of the four sucrose‐phosphate synthase (SPS) genes in Arabidopsis (SPSA1, SPSA2, SPSB and SPSC) on photosynthesis and carbon partitioning. Null mutants spsa1 and spsc led to decreases in maximum SPS activity in leaves by 80 and 13%, respectively, whereas null mutants spsa2 and spsb had no significant effect. Consistently, isoform‐specific antibodies detected only the SPSA1 and SPSC proteins in leaf extracts. Leaf photosynthesis at ambient [CO2] was not different among the genotypes but was 20% lower in spsa1 mutants when measured under saturating [CO2] levels. Carbon partitioning at ambient [CO2] was altered only in the spsa1 null mutant. Cold treatment of plants (4 °C for 96 h) increased leaf soluble sugars and starch and increased the leaf content of SPSA1 and SPSC proteins twofold to threefold, and of the four null mutants, only spsa1 reduced leaf non‐structural carbohydrate accumulation in response to cold treatment. It is concluded that SPSA1 plays a major role in photosynthetic sucrose synthesis in Arabidopsis leaves, and decreases in leaf SPS activity lead to increased starch synthesis and starch turnover and decreased Ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration‐limited photosynthesis but not ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)‐limited photosynthesis, indicating a limitation of triose‐phosphate utilization (TPU).  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of transport of assimilates to seeds was investigated with the aid of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants that were ABA-deficient and/or insensitive to ABA. Subsequent flowers of mutant mother plants were alternately pollinated with pollen from either wild-type or mutant plants, and the transport of radiolabelled photoassimilates to the genetically different seeds was studied. The experiments were performed under conditions of reduced availability of source material, achieved either by reduced light quantity or by combining the ABA-deficient mutant with a starchless mutant. No effect of the genotype on the import rate of assimilates was detected, indicating that endogenous ABA does not influence the sink strength of Arabidopsis seeds. Reports describing contrary results are discussed.  相似文献   

Albugo candida (pers.) O. Kuntze (white blister rust) is a biotrophic fungus which infects cruciferous plants including Arabidopsis thaliana (L) Heynh. We report the effect of this pathogen on the photosynthetic and carbohydrate metabolism of A. thaliana. As infection progressed A. Candida caused a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis when measured at either ambient or saturating concentrations of CO2. These data suggested that both chlorophyll and Rubisco were lost from regions of infected leaves, and measurements of chlorophyll, Rubisco content and activity supported these observations. The reduction in the rate of photosynthesis was not caused by closure of stomata as transpiration was unaffected by the disease. Infected leaves accumulated both soluble carbohydrates and starch. The activities of sucrose-phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase and ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase did not change in response to infection. However, the activities of both the wall-bound and soluble acid invertases were higher in infected leaves than in controls; a new soluble invertase isoform with a pl of 5-1 appeared in infected leaves. The possible origin of the increase in wall-bound and soluble invertase activities and its effect on the carbohydrate and photosynthetic metabolism of the leaf are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of water-stress on photosynthetic carbon metabolism in spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L.) has been studied in experiments in which water-stress was induced rapidly by floating leaf discs on sorbitol solutions or wilting detached leaves, and in experiments in which water-stress was allowed to develop gradually in whole plants as the soil dried out. In both short- and long-term water stress, the rate of photosynthesis in saturating CO2 did not decrease until leaf water potential decreased below -1.0 MPa. However, at smaller water deficits there was already an inhibition of starch synthesis, while sucrose synthesis remained constant or increased. This change in partitioning was accompanied by an increase in activation of sucrose-phosphate synthase (revealed as an increase in activity assayed in the presence of low hexose-phosphate and inorganic phosphate, while the activity assayed with saturating hexosephosphates remained unaltered). Water-stressed leaves had a two- to three-fold higher sucrose content at the end of the night, and contained less starch than non-stressed leaves. When leaves were held in the dark, sucrose was mobilized initially, while starch was not mobilized until the sucrose had decreased to a low level; in water-stressed leaves, starch mobilization commenced at a two-fold higher sucrose content. It is concluded that water-stressed leaves maintain higher sucrose and lower starch levels than non-stressed leaves. This response is found in rapid and long-term stress, and represents an inherent response to water deficits.  相似文献   

Floral transition mutants in Arabidopsis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An inventory of genetic differences in flowering time in Arabidopsis is presented and discussed. Many genes influence the transition to flowering in a quantitative way. Two groups of mutants and natural variants can be distinguished: those that are responsive to environmental factors and those that are less responsive or unresponsive. It is possible that all late/early-flowering mutants isolated to date carry a mutation with an effect, either promotive or repressive, on a floral repressor. The interaction between light perception and flowering has been studied by analysis of phytochrome- and cryptochrome-deficient mutants, which showed that phyA and probably also cryptochrome have a promotive role in flowering, whereas phyB and other stable phytochromes have an inhibitory role. A circadian rhythm is important in establishing daylength sensitivity, as was shown by the phenotype of the elf 3 mutants.  相似文献   

刘林 《植物生理学通讯》2012,(10):1005-1010
为揭示蔗糖能否引起植物胚轴维管束细胞数量增多,将拟南芥播种于添加88mmol·L-1蔗糖和不添加糖的MS培养基上,对生长在不同培养基上的幼苗胚轴横切,显微镜下统计切片上维管束细胞数量。结果显示,与不加糖相比,加糖条件下萌发4d后幼苗维管束细胞总数增加约70%,维管薄壁细胞和导管分子都增加100%以上,筛管分子增加约90%,中柱鞘细胞数量不变。显然,蔗糖不仅使维管束薄壁细胞数量增多,也使筛管分子和导管分子数量增多。因此认为,添加蔗糖对拟南芥幼苗胚轴维管束具有双重效应,既引起维管薄壁细胞增殖,又促进维管薄壁细胞分化,从而使导管分子和筛管分子数量增多。  相似文献   

Central carbohydrate metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana is known to play a crucial role during cold acclimation and the acquisition of freezing tolerance. During cold exposure, many carbohydrates accumulate and a new metabolic homeostasis evolves. In the present study, we analyse the diurnal dynamics of carbohydrate homeostasis before and after cold exposure in three natural accessions showing distinct cold acclimation capacity. Diurnal dynamics of soluble carbohydrates were found to be significantly different in cold-sensitive and cold-tolerant accessions. Although experimentally determined maximum turnover rates for sucrose phosphate synthase in cold-acclimated leaves were higher for cold-tolerant accessions, model simulations of diurnal carbohydrate dynamics revealed similar fluxes. This implied a significantly higher capacity for sucrose synthesis in cold-tolerant than cold-sensitive accessions. Based on this implication resulting from mathematical model simulation, a critical temperature for sucrose synthesis was calculated using the Arrhenius equation and experimentally validated in the cold-sensitive accession C24. At the critical temperature suggested by model simulation, an imbalance in photosynthetic carbon fixation ultimately resulting in oxidative stress was observed. It is therefore concluded that metabolic capacities at least in part determine the ability of accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana to cope with changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Transient starch production is thought to strongly control plant growth and response to elevated CO2. We tested this hypothesis with an experimentally based mechanistic model in Arabidopsis thaliana. Experiments were conducted on wild-type (WT) A. thaliana, starch-excess (sex1) and starchless (pgm) mutants under ambient and elevated CO2 conditions to determine parameters and validate the model. The model correctly predicted that mutant growth is approx. 20% of that in WT, and the absolute response of both mutants to elevated CO2 is an order of magnitude lower than in WT. For sex1, direct starch unavailability explained the growth responses. For pgm, we demonstrated experimentally that maintenance respiration is proportional to leaf soluble sugar concentration, which gave the necessary feedback mechanism on modelled growth. Our study suggests that the effects of sugar-starch cycling on growth can be explained by simple allocation processes, and the maximum rate of leaf growth (sink capacity) exerts a strong control over the response to elevated CO2 of herbaceous plants such as A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Mannitol metabolism in cultured plant cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Non-structural storage carbohydrates were measured in 9-day-old barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Brant) primary leaves. Accumulation rates of starch, sucrose and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) were approximately linear when measured between 2- and 12-h of light. Progressively higher TNC accumulation rates were observed at higher irradiance levels (i.e., comparing 250, 550 and 1050 ·mol m−2 s−1). Synthesis of a low-molecular-weight fructan also was enhanced by high irradiances. Low irradiance treatments decreased leaf sucrose levels and there was a corresponding increase in the lag period preceding starch synthesis in the light. Increased starch accumulation rates were usually observed when sucrose concentrations were high. These and other results suggested that cytosolic sucrose concentrations affected starch metabolism in the chloroplast. However, sucrose accumulation rates increased and starch storage decreased when barley seedlings were transferred from 20 to 10°C during the light period. Lowering the night temperature from 20 to 10°C for a single dark period 8-days after planting increased the TNC content of barley primary leaves at the beginning of day nine. In this experiment, TNC accumulation rates of treated and untreated leaves were similar. Changes in the accumulation rate of TNC were usually observed within 2- to 4-h after barley seedlings were exposed to altered environmental conditions. Monitoring rapid changes in leaf carbohydrate levels is a sensitive method for assessing the effects of environmental treatments on photosynthetic metabolism.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interactions between resource assimilation and storage in rosette leaves, and their impact on the growth and reproduction of the annual species Arabidopsis thaliana. The resource balance was experimentally perturbed by changing (i) the external nutrition, by varying the nitrogen supply; (ii) the assimilation and reallocation of resources from rosette leaves to reproductive organs, by cutting or covering rosette leaves at the time of early flower bud formation, and (iii) the internal carbon and nitrogen balance of the plants, by using isogenic mutants either lacking starch formation (PGM mutant) or with reduced nitrate uptake (NU mutant). When plants were grown on high nitrogen, they had higher concentrations of carbohydrates and nitrate in their leaves during the rosette phase than during flowering. However, these storage pools did not significantly contribute to the bulk flow of resources to seeds. The pool size of stored resources in rosette leaves at the onset of seed filling was very low compared to the total amount of carbon and nitrogen needed for seed formation. Instead, the rosette leaves had an important function in the continued assimilation of resources during seed ripening, as shown by the low seed yield of plants whose leaves were covered or cut off. When a key resource became limiting, such as nitrogen in the NU mutants and in plants grown on a low nitrogen supply, stored resources in the rosette leaves (e.g. nitrogen) were remobilized, and made a larger contribution to seed biomass. A change in nutrition resulted in a complete reversal of the plant response: plants shifted from high to low nutrition exhibited a seed yield similar to that of plants grown continuously on a low nitrogen supply, and vice versa. This demonstrates that resource assimilation during the reproductive phase determines seed production. The PGM mutant had a reduced growth rate and a smaller biomass during the rosette phase as a result of changes in respiration caused by a high turnover of soluble sugars ( Caspar et al. 1986 ; W. Schulze et al. 1991 ). During flowering, however, the vegetative growth rate in the PGM mutant increased, and exceeded that of the wild-type. By the end of the flowering stage, the biomass of the PGM mutant did not differ from that of the wild-type. However, in contrast to the wild-type, the PGM mutant maintained a high vegetative growth rate during seed formation, but had a low rate of seed production. These differences in allocation in the PGM mutant result in a significantly lower seed yield in the starchless mutants. This indicates that starch formation is not only an important factor during growth in the rosette phase, but is also important for whole plant allocation during seed formation. The NU mutant resembled the wild-type grown on a low nitrogen supply, except that it unexpectedly showed symptoms of carbohydrate shortage as well as nitrogen deficiency. In all genotypes and treatments, there was a striking correlation between the concentrations of nitrate and organic nitrogen and shoot growth on the one hand, and sucrose concentration and root growth on the other. In addition, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was correlated with the total carbohydrate concentration: low carbohydrate levels in starchless mutants led to low NRA even at high nitrate supply. Thus the concentrations of stored carbohydrates and nitrate are directly or indirectly involved in regulating allocation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus availability is often limiting for plant growth. However, little is known of the pathways and mechanisms that regulate phosphorus (P) uptake and distribution in plants. We have developed a screen based on the induction of secreted root acid phosphatase activity by low‐P stress to identify mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana with defects in P metabolism. Acid phosphatase activity was detected visually in the roots of A. thaliana seedlings grown in vitro on low‐P medium, using the chromogenic substrate, 5‐bromo‐4‐chloro‐3‐indolyl‐phosphate (BCIP). In low‐P stress conditions the roots of wild‐type plants stained blue, as the induced root acid phosphatase cleaved BCIP to release the coloured product. Potential mutants were identified as having white, or pale blue, roots under these conditions. Out of approximately 79 000 T‐DNA mutagenised seedlings screened, two mutants with reduced acid phosphatase staining were further characterised. Both exhibited reduced growth and differences in their P contents when compared to wild‐type A. thaliana. The mutant with the most severe phenotype, pho3, accumulated high levels of anthocyanins and starch in a distinctive visual pattern within the leaves. The phenotypes of these mutants are distinct from two previously identified phosphorus mutants (phol and pho2) and from an acid phosphatase deficient mutant (pupl) of A. thaliana. This suggested that the screening method was robust and might lead to the identification of further mutants with the potential for increasing our understanding of P nutrition.  相似文献   

Sucrose and starch concentration, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity in leaves, and long distance transport were studied in maize seedlings treated with moderate chilling (14 °C/12 °C - day/night). Two inbred lines were tested: chilling-tolerant KW1074 and chilling-sensitive CM109. Seedlings were grown in phytotrone on water nutrient until the 4-th leaf appearance. The estimations were done on fully developed 2-nd leaf. Six days after the temperature was lowered, leaves of line KW 1074 plants contained 5-fold more sucrose and starch than the control ones. The same treatment of CM 109 seedlings resulted in accumulation of sucrose and starch by 2-fold and 8.5-fold, respectively. As the result of chilling-treatment, 14C assimilation rate (Pa), transport speed in the leaf blade (TS1) and along the plant (TSm) decreased by about 50 % in both lines. On the other hand, time necessary for radiolabel movement into the phloem loading region (AT) increased strongly, especially in chilling-sensitive line CM 109. It was also noted, that the radioactivity exported from leaves (R1) and imported by roots (Rm) decreased in line CM 109, and increased slightly in line KW 1074. The activity of SPS extracted from leaves of both lines decreased by about 3.3 when temperature was lowered form 30°C to 10°C. There was no effect of 6 day treatment of chilling on SPS activity. Changes in sucrose and starch concentration, SPS activity as well as differences in transport parameters observed in KW1074 and CM109 seedlings at moderate low temperatures are discussed in terms of mechanism of maize chilling-sensitivity.  相似文献   

拟南芥活性氧不敏感型突变体的筛选与特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 EMS化学诱变方法与 H2 O2 氧化胁迫选择 ,以根在重力作用下的弯曲生长为指标 ,筛选得到拟南芥活性氧不敏感型突变体。对突变体杂交后代遗传分析表明 ,突变株对活性氧不敏感性状为隐性单基因突变所致 ;生理生化分析表明突变体对 H2 O2 有很强的抗性 ,表现为气孔开度对 H2 O2 不敏感和 H2 O2 胁迫时较低的膜脂过氧化水平。运用 L SCM技术并结合 H2 O2 荧光探针 H2 DCFDA检测外源 ABA诱导保卫细胞内产生 H2 O2 的情况 ,结果显示突变体体内荧光强度比对照低 ,暗示了突变体体内消除 H2 O2 的能力可能有所提高 ,增强了植株对氧化胁迫的抗性。拟南芥活性氧不敏感突变体的筛选 ,不仅为人们深入研究活性氧在细胞内的作用提供良好的实验材料 ,而且还将大大加深人们对信号转导途径的再认识  相似文献   

Polyclonal antisera against a fusion protein of β-galactosidase and the 20 C-terminal amino acids of the Arabidopsis thaliana sucrose carrier AtSUC2 were used to determine the cellular localization of the AtSUC2 protein. Using fluorescence-labelling on sections from different organs of Arabidopsis the AtSUC2 protein was immunolocalized exclusively in companion cells. The presented data indicate that phloem loading in Arabidopsis may be catalyzed by the AtSUC2 sucrose carrier which transports sucrose into the companion cells. No evidence for a participation of the second Arabidopsis sucrose transporter AtSUC1 has been obtained.  相似文献   

The embryo-defective (emb) mutants of Arabidopsis constitute a large and diverse group of mutants disrupted in a broad range of embryonic processes, including morphogonesis, cell differentiation, and maturation programs. This report describes a subset of these mutants, the late embryo defectives, which develop beyond the globular stage of embryogenesis but fail to complete normal morphogenesis. A representative sample of 12 late mutants was chosen for this study, patterns of morphogenesis were characterized, the germination potential of mutant seeds was investigated, and additional mutant alleles within the collection were identified. Morphological defects in mutant embryos became apparent during the heart stage of development, when embryos normally begin the rapid cell division and expansion required for the completion of morphogenesis. Despite their morphological abnormalities, mutant embryos often germinated from dry seed, demonstrating that genetic programs required for the establishment of desiccation tolerance remained intact. Mutant seedlings displayed a wide range of developmental abnormalities, including altered morphology, lack of pigmentation, dwarfism, and disorganized vegetative growth. One late mutant was found to be allelic to an early embryo defective that arrests at the globular stage. These results suggest that a number of late EMB genes encode basic cellular and metabolic functions needed for cell division, enlargement, and embryonic growth. The rapid growth and metabolic changes that occur at the heart stage may present a barrier to normal development in the late mutants, resulting in altered embryo morphology and other developmental defects. It is proposed that many Arabidopsis mutants with abnormal embryo and seedling morphology are not defective in the regulation of pattern formation or morphogenesis, but rather in fundamental physiological and cellular processes required for the completion of normal growth and development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sugar export by broadbean ( Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) was blocked by a cold jacket (1 cm-width, 1°C) applied on the petiole of a mature leaf or by heat-girdling the petiole. A time course study was made on the effects of these treatments on apoplastic and intracellular soluble sugars of the leaf in relation to phloem loading and photosynthesis. Blocking of export by heat-girdling induced an inhibition of phloem loading within 10 min, an accumulation of starch within 30 min and a rise in apoplastic sucrose within 60 min. By contrast, apoplastic hexoses and photosynthesis were not affected by this treatment within 8 h and intracellular sugars were not affected within 2 h. The cold jacket also increased the sucrose content of the apoplast. The increase in apoplastic sucrose induced by the cold barrier is reversed upon rewarming and less marked when the sink/source ratio is increased by defoliating all but the leaves studied. The results are discussed in terms of sink/source relationships. They show that the increase in apoplastic sucrose resulting from inhibition of loading is not part of the events leading from blocking of transport to change in carbon partitioning.  相似文献   

Analysis of leaf proteins in late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late flowering monogenic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa, fy and their corresponding wild type, Landsberg erecta , were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All plants were grown under continuous light and proteins were extracted from leaves of the same age (20-day-old). The polypeptide patterns of the mutants at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa , and Landsberg erecta were identical. The mutant at the fy locus showed a qualitative difference with Landsberg erecta . Crosses were made between this line and the wild type Landsberg erecta . F2 plants, resulting from autopollination of the hybrid, were analysed and showed no cosegregation between the observed protein and the flowering phenotype, indicating that these two lines differ by more than a single mutation.  相似文献   

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