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The regulation of synthesis and export of outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli was examined by overexpressing ompC in multicopy either from its own promoter or from an inducible promoter in an expression vector. Overexpression of OmpC protein resulted in a nearly complete inhibition of synthesis of the OmpA and LamB outer membrane proteins but had no effect on synthesis of the periplasmic maltose-binding protein. Immunoprecipitation of labeled proteins showed no evidence of accumulation of uncleaved precursor forms of OmpA or maltose-binding protein following induction of OmpC overexpression. The inhibition of OmpA and LamB was tightly coupled to OmpC overexpression and occurred very rapidly, reaching a high level within 2 min after induction. OmpC overexpression did not cause a significant decrease in expression of a LamB-LacZ hybrid protein produced from a lamB-lacZ fusion in which the fusion joint was at the second amino acid of the LamB signal sequence. There was no significant decrease in rate of synthesis of ompA mRNA as measured by filter hybridization of pulse-labeled RNA. These results indicate that the inhibition is at the level of translation. We propose that cells are able to monitor expression of exported proteins by sensing occupancy of some limiting component in the export machinery and use this to regulate translation of these proteins.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound fraction of polysomes of Escherichia coli has been isolated after lysis of cells without the use of lysozyme. Protein-synthesis studies in vitro show that membrane-bound and free polysomes are different in the following respects. 1. Membrane-bound polysomes synthesize proteins which are exported from the cell. The products include proteins of the outer membrane and a secreted periplasmic protein, the maltose-binding protein. 2. The major product synthesized by free polysomes is elongation factor Tu, a soluble cytoplasmic protein. 3. The activity of membrane-bound polysomes in vitro is more resistant to puromycin than is the activity of free polysomes. In addition, the mRNA associated with membrane-bound polysomes is more stable than the bulk of cellular mRNA as revealed by studies with rifampicin.  相似文献   

Hyperproduction of phosphate-binding protein, PhoS, in strains carrying a multicopy plasmic containing the phoS gene, resulted in saturation of export sites. As a consequence, pre-PhoS was accumulated both in the inner membrane and in the cytoplasm. This was evidenced both in electron-microscopy and after cell fractionation. Only the membrane-associated precursor could be matured and exported. The signal sequence of the cytoplasmic pre-PhoS was slowly degraded. It was first cleaved about in its middle and then completely removed. Electron microscope studies demonstrated that the cytoplasmic pre-PhoS cannot be exported post-translationally.  相似文献   

Small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) are an emerging class of regulators of bacterial gene expression. Most of the regulatory Escherichia coli sRNAs known to date modulate translation of trans-encoded target mRNAs. We studied the specificity of sRNA target interactions using gene fusions to green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a novel reporter of translational control by bacterial sRNAs in vivo. Target sequences were selected from both monocistronic and polycistronic mRNAs. Upon expression of the cognate sRNA (DsrA, GcvB, MicA, MicC, MicF, RprA, RyhB, SgrS and Spot42), we observed highly specific translation repression/activation of target fusions under various growth conditions. Target regulation was also tested in mutants that lacked Hfq or RNase III, or which expressed a truncated RNase E (rne701). We found that translational regulation by these sRNAs was largely independent of full-length RNase E, e.g. despite the fact that ompA fusion mRNA decay could no longer be promoted by MicA. This is the first study in which multiple well-defined E.coli sRNA target pairs have been studied in a uniform manner in vivo. We expect our GFP fusion approach to be applicable to sRNA targets of other bacteria, and also demonstrate that Vibrio RyhB sRNA represses a Vibrio sodB fusion when co-expressed in E.coli.  相似文献   

In order to clone genes having signal sequences of Escherichia coli, four vectors with or without Lac or Ara promoter were constructed using a leaderless β-lactamase as reporter. Fragments of tetracycline resistance gene (Tet) with or without promoter were used to confirm the vectors’ ability to clone and report signal sequences. The minimum inhibitory concentration of ampicillin of the transformants was measured to detect the expression and secretion efficiency of the vectors. The results showed that the β-lactamase could be co-expressed and secreted with Tet protein. The Lac or Ara promoter in the vectors could be regulated by different inducers, and the Ara promoter showed higher regulative efficiency than the Lac. The best induction dose of l-arabinose for the Ara promoter is 1.25 %. All the four vectors were stably maintained in host after being inoculated for 20 passages in antibiotics-free media. Genomic library of an avian pathogenic strain, E. coli O2, was constructed using the pMB-Ara-T vector we developed. 318 clones were obtained from the genomic library of E. coli strain O2, and the inserts in these clones represented 276 genes based on sequence analysis. Among the 276 cloned fragments, only 128 had complete promoter sequence. For the 128 fragments with promoter, only 27 could be expressed under LB culture condition without inducer, the other 101 were only expressed under induction. The results showed our constructed vectors could efficiently capture all kinds of exported protein genes in vitro, including the ones without promoter or with inactive promoter.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a beta-lactamase fusion approach for maximizing the levels of periplasmic or membrane-bound proteins expressed in Escherichia coli was investigated. The coding region for mature TEM beta-lactamase was fused after the signal peptide and aminoterminal portion of the coding region of a weakly expressed periplasmic protein, PBP3*. The resultant plasmid was mutagenized and transformants expressing increased levels of ampicillin resistance were selected. The PBP3* gene of the unmutagenized beta-lactamase fusion plasmid, and of two mutant derivatives encoding increased ampicillin resistance, were then reassembled and the latter constructs were found to express increased levels of PBP3*. The applications of a beta-lactamase fusion approach in monitoring and optimizing levels of extracytoplasmic gene products expressed in E. coli are considered.  相似文献   

Bacterial Tat systems export folded proteins, including FeS proteins such as NrfC and NapG, which acquire their cofactors before translocation. NrfC and NapG are proofread by the Tat pathway, and misfolded examples are degraded after interaction with the translocon. Here, we identify TatD as a crucial component of this quality control system in Escherichia coli. NrfC/NapG variants lacking FeS centres are rapidly degraded in wild‐type cells but stable in a ΔtatD strain. The precursor of another substrate, FhuD, is also transiently detected in wild‐type cells but stable in the ΔtatD strain. Surprisingly, these substrates are stable in ΔtatD cells that overexpress TatD, and export of the non‐mutated precursors is inhibited. We propose that TatD is part of a quality control system that is intimately linked to the Tat export pathway, and that the overexpression of TatD leads to an imbalance between the two systems such that both Tat‐initiated turnover and export are prevented.  相似文献   

Summary We have compared the sensitivities to different translation inhibitors of the syntheses of enzymes from various cell compartments. Alkaline and acid phosphatases were chosen as representative of periplasmic enzymes. Aminopeptidase N and -galactosidase represented peripheral membrane protein and cytoplasmic enzyme respectively. Antibiotics of low polarity such as spectinomycin and tetracycline, when used at low concentrations, caused a preferential inhibition of exported proteins compared to total cell proteins, to aminopeptidase N and to -galactosidase. Synthesis itself was inhibited as demonstrated by immunochemical assay of the amount of proteins synthesized in the presence or absence of spectinomycin. Temperature-dependance of the penetration of spectinomycin as reported by its effect, indicated that this drug does not enter the cell by simple dissolution in the membrane lipids but rather enters at specific sites of the cell envelope. In contrast to low polarity inhibitors, a polar antibiotic such as kanamycin did not cause any preferential inhibition of the syntheses of exported proteins. By using radioactive tetracycline (0.025, 0.1 and 0.2 g/ml) we have investigated the distribution of this antibiotic between free and membrane-bound polysomes isolated without the use of lysozyme. Three times as much tetracycline was found in the membrane-bound compared to free polysomes fraction.Therefore we propose that preferential sensitivity of synthesis of exported proteins to translation inhibitors of low polarity reflects a preferential binding of these antibiotics to membrane-bound polysomes fractions in Escherichia coli. We thus suggest that this preferential binding occurs since the site of entry of weakly ionized antibiotics used in this study, correspond to the site of synthesis and transfer of exported proteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of maturation of certain exported proteins were analysed in Escherichia coli strains that also concomitantly overproduce either a periplasmic protein or the leader peptidase. The results led to three conclusions. Overproduction of leader peptidase has no effect on the rate of maturation of at least two exported proteins, one periplasmic (TEM beta-lactamase), one outer membrane (PhoE); therefore, the quantity of leader peptidase is not rate-limiting for normal export. Overproduction of PhoS reduces the rate of maturation of two other periplasmic proteins (beta-lactamase and PhoA) and itself, presumably by competing for the rate-limiting component of the export apparatus. Overproduction of leader peptidase in a strain overproducing PhoS has no effect on the retarded maturation of PhoS. Therefore even in these conditions, leader peptidase is not rate limiting.  相似文献   

The gene for a novel, high molecular weight protein secreted by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) has been cloned, sequenced and characterized with respect to its activity. This gene, designated pssA , is localized on the large plasmid that also harbours the STEC haemolysin operon. Sequencing of a region comprising 10 630 nt revealed that the sequences flanking the pssA gene are composed of several remnants of different insertion elements. The PssA protein is produced as a 142 kDa precursor molecule that, after N- and C-terminal processing, is released into the culture supernatant as a mature polypeptide of approximately 104 kDa. The primary sequence of PssA is highly related to a family of autonomously transported putative virulence factors from different Gram-negative pathogens, which includes the Tsh protein of an avian-pathogenic E . coli strain, the SepA protein from Shigella flexneri and the EspC protein from enteropathogenic E . coli . A common motif present in all four proteins is reminiscent of the catalytic centre of certain serine proteases. PssA (protease secreted by STEC) indeed shows serine protease activity in a casein-based assay and is moreover cytotoxic for Vero cells. This activity of PssA and probably of other proteins of the Tsh family may be of functional importance during infection of the mucosal cell layer by the bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

Leader peptidase cleaves the amino-terminal leader sequences of many secreted and membrane proteins. We have examined the function of leader peptidase by constructing an Escherichia coli strain where its synthesis is controlled by the arabinose B promoter. This strain requires arabinose for growth. When the synthesis of leader peptidase is repressed, protein precursors accumulate, including the precursors of M13 coat protein (an inner membrane protein), maltose binding protein (a periplasmic protein), and OmpA protein (an outer membrane protein). These precursors are translocated across the plasma membrane, as judged by their sensitivity to added proteinase K. However, pro-OmpA and pre-maltose binding protein are retained at the outer surface of the inner membrane. Thus, leader peptides anchor translocated pre-proteins to the outer surface of the plasma membrane and must be removed to allow their subsequent release into the periplasm or transit to the outer membrane.  相似文献   

It previously has been demonstrated that synthesis of the periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MBP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) of Eschericha coli predominantly occurs on membrane-bound polysomes. In this study, signal sequence alterations that adversely affect export of MBP and AP, resulting in their cytoplasmic accumulation as unprocessed precursors, were investigated to determine whether they have an effect on the intracellular site of synthesis of these proteins. Our findings indicate that export-defective MBP and AP are not synthesized or are synthesized in greatly reduced levels on membrane-bound polysomes. In some instances, a concomitant increase in the amount of these proteins synthesized on free polysomes was clearly discerned. We also determined the site of synthesis of MBP and AP in strains harboring mutations thought to alter the cellular secretion machinery. It was found that the presence of a prlA suppressor allele partially restored synthesis of export-defective MBP on membrane-bound polysomes. On the other hand, the absence of a functional SecA protein resulted in the synthesis of wild-type MBP and AP predominantly on free polysomes.  相似文献   

We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of the prlF gene. An open reading frame predicting a 111-amino-acid protein (Mr 12,351) with an acidic carboxy terminus was identified. The DNA sequence preceding this open reading frame revealed a putative promoter and a ribosome-binding site. The nucleotide sequence of the prlF1 mutation revealed a 7-base-pair duplication resulting in a slightly smaller predicted gene product of Mr 12,009 that lacked the acidic carboxy terminus. Maxicell analysis of prlF and prlF1 subclones identified peptides of sizes similar to those predicted by the nucleotide sequences. The prlF sequence was shown to be expressed in vivo by both maxicell analysis and construction of a prlF-lacZ fusion. Two kanamycin resistance insertions within the prlF open reading frame were introduced into the chromosome, replacing the wild-type gene. In contrast to the prlF1 mutation, these insertions had no detectable effect on cell growth or on the beta-galactosidase activity or maltose sensitivity (two sensitive indicators of hybrid protein export) conferred by the lamB-lacZ42-1 gene fusion. Overproduction of the wild-type prlF gene product from a plasmid carrying an active hybrid promoter, however, conferred a prlF1 phenotype. In addition, both the prlF1 mutation and both kanamycin resistance insertions increased the beta-galactosidase activity of a prlF-lacZ fusion. These results suggest that prlF is autoregulated and that overproduction of the prlF gene product increases the export efficiency of beta-galactosidase hybrid proteins from the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Universal stress proteins in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

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