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Most of crustacean immune responses are well described for the aquatic forms whereas almost nothing is known for the isopods that evolved a terrestrial lifestyle. The latter are also infected at a high prevalence with Wolbachia, an endosymbiotic bacterium which affects the host immune system, possibly to improve its transmission. In contrast with insect models, the isopod Armadillidium vulgare is known to harbor Wolbachia inside the haemocytes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In A. vulgare we characterized three haemocyte types (TEM, flow cytometry): the hyaline and semi-granular haemocytes were phagocytes, while semi-granular and granular haemocytes performed encapsulation. They were produced in the haematopoietic organs, from central stem cells, maturing as they moved toward the edge (TEM). In infected individuals, live Wolbachia (FISH) colonized 38% of the haemocytes but with low, variable densities (6.45±0.46 Wolbachia on average). So far they were not found in hyaline haemocytes (TEM). The haematopoietic organs contained 7.6±0.7×103 Wolbachia, both in stem cells and differentiating cells (FISH). While infected and uninfected one-year-old individuals had the same haemocyte density, in infected animals the proportion of granular haemocytes in particular decreased by one third (flow cytometry, Pearson''s test = 12 822.98, df = 2, p<0.001).


The characteristics of the isopod immune system fell within the range of those known from aquatic crustaceans. The colonization of the haemocytes by Wolbachia seemed to stand from the haematopoietic organs, which may act as a reservoir to discharge Wolbachia in the haemolymph, a known route for horizontal transfer. Wolbachia infection did not affect the haemocyte density, but the quantity of granular haemocytes decreased by one third. This may account for the reduced prophenoloxidase activity observed previously in these animals.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are intracellular maternally inherited alpha-Proteobacteria infecting a wide range of arthropods. In the common pill bug Armadillidium vulgare, the known Wolbachia strain is responsible for feminization of genetic males. We have investigated Wolbachia diversity in 20 populations of A. vulgare from west and east Europe, north Africa and north America. A new Wolbachia strain (wVulM) was identified through the variability of the wsp gene, distantly related to that previously known (wVulC) in this host species. No individual with multiple infections was detected. Inoculation experiments indicated that the new wVulM bacterial strain also induces feminization in A. vulgare. However, the wVulC strain showed a higher transmission rate than the wVulM strain and was the most geographically widespread Wolbachia in A. vulgare populations. Mitochondrial 16SrDNA gene sequencing was conducted in Wolbachia-infected individuals, revealing the occurrence of four host lineages. The comparison of bacterial strains and their respective host mitochondrial phylogenies failed to show concordance, indicating horizontal transmission of the Wolbachia strains within populations of A. vulgare.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited Wolbachia (α-Proteobacteria) are widespread parasitic reproductive manipulators. A growing number of studies have described the presence of different Wolbachia strains within a same host. To date, no naturally occurring multiple infections have been recorded in terrestrial isopods. This is true for Armadillidium vulgare which is known to harbor non simultaneously three Wolbachia strains. Traditionally, such Wolbachia are detected by PCR amplification of the wsp gene and strains are characterized by sequencing. The presence of nucleotide deletions or insertions within the wsp gene, among these three different strains, provides the opportunity to test a novel genotyping method. Herein, we designed a new primer pair able to amplify products whose lengths are specific to each Wolbachia strain so as to detect the presence of multi-infections in A. vulgare. Experimental injections of Wolbachia strains in Wolbachia-free females were used to validate the methodology. We re-investigated, using this novel method, the infection status of 40 females sampled in 2003 and previously described as mono-infected based on the classical sequencing method. Among these females, 29 were identified as bi-infected. It is the first time that naturally occuring multiple infections of Wolbachia are detected within an individual A. vulgare host. Additionally, we resampled 6 of these populations in 2010 to check the infection status of females.  相似文献   

Summary The breeding phenology of temperate wood-lice is strongly seasonal, the result of physiological constraints and precise environmental cues for reproduction. The adaptive value of such mechanisms is that the release of offspring coincides with favourable conditions for growth and survival (Willows 1984). We recorded the breeding phenology of Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille) on two grassland sites in Great Britain and found between-site and between-year variation in the onset of reproduction, the duration of reproductive activity, the release of offspring, the size of reproductive females and the number of broods per female. Between 82.7 and 97.7% of gravid females sampled were semelparous at 23 months, with the remainder iteroparous, producing a second brood after 35 months. On one site (Weeting Health) improved growth conditions during 1984 allowed some females (19.3% of gravid females sampled in that year) to produce a brood after 11 months. There was also an increase in the number of 3-year-old females found to be gravid. An experimental manipulation of the same habitat confirmed that such changes in life history tactics could be phenotypic responses. The observed phenotypic variation was sufficient to produce a range of life history tactics within a population. Mixtures of life history tactics within a population may be typical of invasive species and populations at the edge of the species range. Our results support the idea that phenotypic plasticity can be an appropriate tactic to maximise fitness in a fluctuating environment (Caswell 1983, 1989).  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in animals is generally a circular molecule of approximately 15 kb, but there are many exceptions such as linear molecules and larger ones. RFLP studies indicated that the mtDNA in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare varied from 20 to 42 kb. This variation depended on the restriction enzyme used, and on the restriction profile generated by a given enzyme. The DNA fragments had characteristic electrophoretic behaviors. Digestions with two endonucleases always generated fewer fragments than expected; denaturation of restriction profiles reduced the size of two bands by half; densitometry indicated that a number of small fragments were present in stoichiometry, which has approximately twice the expected concentration. Finally, hybridization to a 550-bp 16S rDNA probe often revealed two copies of this gene. These results cannot be due to the genetic rearrangements generally invoked to explain large mtDNA. We propose that the large A. vulgare mtDNA is produced by the tripling of a 14-kb monomer with a singular rearrangement: one monomer is linear and the other two form a circular dimer. Densitometry suggested that these two molecular structures were present in different proportions within a single individual. The absence of mutations within the dimers also suggests that replication occurs during the monomer phase.  相似文献   

Wolbachia, which forms a group of maternally inherited bacteria in arthropods, often cause reproduction alterations in their hosts, such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, male-killing, hybrid breakdown and feminization. To date, Wolbachia-induced feminization has been reported only in isopods. Here we report that a Wolbachia strain feminizes an insect host, Ostrinia furnacalis. Among 79 wild females of O. furnacalis examined, Wolbachia infection was detected in 13 females. Twelve of the 13 infected females produced all-female progenies, and this trait was maternally inherited. Tetracycline treatment of thelygenic matrilines resulted in the production of all-male progenies. The present findings indicate that the Wolbachia infection induces feminization of genetic males in O. furnacalis. Differences in the Wolbachia-induced feminization in O. furnacalis and that in isopods are discussed along with the differences in sex determination mechanisms between insects and isopods. Phylogenetic analysis of the wsp gene sequence of Wolbachia suggests independent evolutionary origins for the Wolbachia-induced feminizations in O. furnacalis and in isopods. Our findings over 5 years suggest that the infection has been maintained at a low prevalence in the O. furnacalis population.  相似文献   

The common pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, is known to harbour two distinct strains of the feminizing proteobacteria Wolbachia. In order to study the effect of the presence of Wolbachia on the evolution of A. vulgare populations, we developed and characterized a set of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci from two microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries. We screened 48 individuals from three French populations and found high genetic variation. Locus‐specific allelic diversity ranged from four to 28 and observed heterozygosity from 0.40 to 1.00, which indicates that these markers can be used to conduct population genetic studies in A. vulgare.  相似文献   

M. L. Beck  J. O. Price 《Genetica》1985,66(3):169-171
Genetic variation was examined with polyacrylamide and starch gel electrophoresis at 22 loci in 8 populations of Armadillidium vulgare. Polymorphism was observed at 9 loci, and the average heterozygosity was 3.0%. Heterozygosity was low when compared to most invertebrates but was similar to that reported for certain decapods. A significant heterozygote deficiency occurred in most populations of A. vulgare and considerable genetic differentiation was observed among isopod populations.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the cause of ommochrome deficiency in an albino strain of the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, levels of xanthom-matin, 3-hydroxykynurenine, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and tryptophan in whole body extracts of the albino and the wild type individuals were determined together with enzyme activities of kynurenine-3-hydroxylase, kynureninase and tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase. Xanthommatin could not be detected in the albinos. The levels of 3-hydroxykynurenine and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid were determined by high-performance liquid chro-matography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection and were markedly low in the albinos compared with the wild type individuals. In contrast to those, the tryptophan levels determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection did not differ significantly between the two phenotypes. In the albino A. vulgare, kynurenine-3-hydroxylase activity was lower and kynureninase activity was higher than in the wild type, although the differences were not statistically significant. Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase activity in the albinos was less than 10% that in the wild type. Thus, ommochrome deficiency in the albino A. vulgare is considered to be caused by the extremely low activity of tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase.  相似文献   

The albino mutant strain in the woodlice, Armadillidium vulgare, was investigated with respect to the yellow patterns on the dorsal integument. Pigment cells were observed with electron microscope in order to determine the cell types of yellow markings. Quantitative analyses of pteridines in the albino were carried out by HPLC. The result indicated that the albino integument contain sepiapterin, biopterin, pterin, isoxanthopterin as in the wild type and the red mutant strain. The total amount of the four pteridines in the albino was about half as much as that in the red phenotype for both males and females, respectively. Males and females showed almost the same totals and ratios of the four pteridines in the albino and red phenotypes. Therefore, pteridine contents in both phenotypes of A. vulgare may not be related to the activity of androgenic gland hormone. Yellow chromatophores of the albino and red phenotypes were morphologically identical, emitting a yellow fluorescence. These cells contained numerous electron-lucent pigment organelles which were similar to pteridine granules of the wild type.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the birth size of offspring of the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, was observed in laboratory experiments and in field populations. In the laboratory, larger offspring were produced when the mother's food supply was reduced. In field populations, larger offspring were produced during the summer, a period of reduced food availability. Smaller offspring are produced in the spring, when food is readily available. Females may be making larger young to increase survival during the more severe conditions of the summer breeding period.  相似文献   

The pteridine content was measured as a function of age in Armadillidium vulgare, and the fine structure of the pteridine-containing granules in the integument was examined in relation to pteridine content. Yellow chromatophores are an essential component of the cream-markings, which are a defining feature of the female A. vulgare. Four kinds of pteridines in the integument including a yellow pigment (sepiapterin) were determined by HPLC. The body color of the red phenotype of A. vulgare varies from dark red to yellowish red and was formerly thought to be due to the quality and quantity of ommochrome pigment. Our analysis of the pteridine content in the integument of this phenotype revealed a significant change in sepiapterin content per body weight with age. Sepiapterin content per body weight decreased gradually with age, while that of biopterin tended to increase with age. Ultrastructural observations of the pigment granules in the yellow chromatophores revealed a corresponding change in the fine structure of pigment granules. In the older adults, some of the electron-dense fibrous materials in the pteridine-containing granules was concentrically arranged, and in the younger adults, most of pteridine-containing granules were electron-lucent. The role of pteridine quality in determining the structure of pteridine-containing granules is discussed.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the hepatopancreas of the isopod, Armadillidium vulgare was studied in intact and in experimentally treated animals. The gross anatomy of the hepatopancreas of this species is simpler than that of decapods, but microscopically the cells are similar in both. Accordingly, the function of this organ is probably the same in decapods and Armadillidium. Some phylogenetic considerations are also presented. In a previous paper Miyawaki et al. (1984), presented experimental results which indicated that the hepatopancreas of the crayfish, Procambarus clarki, had an important role in the absorption of digested food materials. These results confirmed earlier reports by Yonge (1924) and van Weel (1955) on the decapods, Nephrops norvegicus and Atya spinides, respectively. In the present study, we wished to determine whether the isopod hepatopancreas has a function like that of the decapods. A terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare collected on the University campus, and reared in the laboratory at room temperature was used. The methods of study were similar to those employed in the study with Procambarus clarki (Miyawaki et al., 1984).  相似文献   

In order to clarify the cause of ommochrome deficiency in an albino strain of the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, levels of xanthommatin, 3-hydroxykynurenine, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and tryptophan in whole body extracts of the albino and the wild type individuals were determined together with enzyme activities of kynurenine-3-hydroxylase, kynureninase and tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase. Xanthommatin could not be detected in the albinos. The levels of 3-hydroxykynurenine and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection and were markedly low in the albinos compared with the wild type individuals. In contrast to those, the tryptophan levels determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection did not differ significantly between the two phenotypes. In the albino A. vulgare, kynurenine-3-hydroxylase activity was lower and kynureninase activity was higher than in the wild type, although the differences were not statistically significant. Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase activity in the albinos was less than 10% that in the wild type. Thus, ommochrome deficiency in the albino A. vulgare is considered to be caused by the extremely low activity of tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase.  相似文献   

Drahokoupilová T  Tuf IH 《ZooKeys》2012,(176):145-154
Zoologists distinguish individual animals using marking techniques. Generally they test the potential influence of marking on survival only; the influence on behaviour is usually neglected. We evaluated the influence of two external marking techniques (nail polish and queen-bee marker) on the behaviour of common pill woodlouse, Armadillidium vulgare. The behaviour was examined from two points of view: (1) activity during 24 hours and (2) specific expressions of behaviour (exploring, feeding, resting and hiding) over a 24 hour period. We compared behaviour among woodlice marked with nail polish and queen-bee marker with the unmarked control group during a nine-day experiment. Although we did not find any influence of marking on survival, there was an evident influence on behaviour in most cases. Generally, in the groups of marked individuals of Armadillidium vulgare there were large differences observed against the control group in the overall activity. Activity of marked individuals was significantly reduced and they preferred hiding. The influence of polish and marker on the overall frequencies of behavioural categories was evident, mainly in feeding, resting and hiding. The influence on the frequency of exploring was significant in the polish marked group only.  相似文献   

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