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The TspDTI restriction endonuclease, which shows a novel recognition specificity 5'-ATGAA(N(11/9))-3', was isolated from Thermus sp. DT. TspDTI appears to be a 'twin' of restriction endonuclease TspGWI from Thermus sp. GW, as we have previously reported. TspGWI was isolated from the same location as TspDTI, it recognizes a related sequence 5'-ACGGA(N(11/9))-3' and has conserved cleavage positions. Both enzymes resemble two other class-IIS endonucleases from Thermus sp.: TaqII and Tth111II. N-terminal amino acid sequences of TspGWI tryptic peptides exhibit 88.9-100% similarity to the TaqII sequence. All four enzymes were purified to homogeneity; their polypeptide sizes (114.5-122 kDa) make them the largest class-IIS restriction endonucleases known to date. The existence of a Thermus sp. sub-family of class-IIS restriction endonucleases of a common origin is herein proposed.  相似文献   

Previous gel filtration binding assay studies indicated that rat vascular smooth muscle cells contained corticoid receptor I and corticoid receptor II sites which could be distinguished on the basis of their relative affinities for aldosterone and dexamethasone. Ion-exchange chromatography experiments were designed to separate the two sites for further studies on their physical characteristics and role in vascular smooth muscle cell physiology. Cultured aortic cells were incubated with 5-10 nM 3H steroid alone or in the presence of 10-fold non-radioactive steroid competitor for 30 min at 37 degrees C. Following cell lysis, total cellular protein-bound steroid was isolated using Sephadex G-25 and applied to a DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange column. Three peaks of radioactivity were eluted using a 1-200 mM sodium phosphate gradient: peak I (30-38 mM), peak II (52-64 mM), and peak III (92-102 mM). Peaks I and II contained 60% of the eluted radioactivity and exhibited the same steroid specificity as corticoid receptor II sites (dexamethasone greater than aldosterone). Peak III contained 40% of the eluted radioactivity and exhibited the same steroid specificity as corticoid receptor I sites (aldosterone greater than dexamethasone). These studies support the binding assay data on steroid specificity and relative proportion of type I and II sites. They also document the existence of type I and II corticoid receptors with different physicochemical characteristics in rat aortic smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The sequence specificities of three Bacillus subtilis restriction/modification systems were established: (i) BsuM (CTCGAG), an isoschizomer to XhoI; (ii) BsuE (CGCG), an isoschizomer to FnuDII; and (iii) BsuF (CCGG), an isoschizomer to MspI, HpaII. The BsuM modification enzyme methylates the 3' cytosine of the recognition sequence. The BsuF modification enzyme methylates the 5' cytosine of the sequence, rendering such sites resistant to MspI degradation and leaving the majority of sites sensitive to HpaII degradation.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease-digested DNAs from several isolates of phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii were compared using agarose gel electrophoresis and soft-laser scanning densitometry. Our results demonstrate that the two phases are, as previously assumed, alternative phases of the same organism. Although the restriction endonuclease digestion revealed genetic differences between clonal isolates of phase I and phase II C. burnetii Nine Mile strain, these differences do not appear to be related to antigenic phase variation. However, analyses of the fragment patterns generated by restriction enzyme digestion suggest potential grouping of the different isolates.  相似文献   

Hook VY  Hwang SR 《Biological chemistry》2002,383(7-8):1067-1074
Secretory vesicles of neuroendocrine cells possess multiple proteases for proteolytic processing of proteins into biologically active peptide components, such as peptide hormones and neurotransmitters. The importance of proteases within secretory vesicles predicts the presence of endogenous protease inhibitors in this subcellular compartment. Notably, serpins represent a diverse class of endogenous protease inhibitors that possess selective target protease specificities, defined by the reactive site loop domains (RSL). In the search for endogenous serpins in model secretory vesicles of neuroendocrine chromaffin cells, the presence of serpins related to alpha1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) was detected by Western blots with anti-ACT. Molecular cloning revealed the primary structures of two unique serpins, endopin 1 and endopin 2, that possess homology to ACT. Of particular interest was the observation that distinct RSL domains of these new serpins predicted that endopin 1 would inhibit trypsin-like serine proteases cleaving at basic residues, and endopin 2 would inhibit both elastase and papain that represent serine and cysteine proteases, respectively. Endopin 1 showed selective inhibition of trypsin, but did not inhibit chymotrypsin, elastase, or subtilisin. Endopin 2 demonstrated cross-class inhibition of the cysteine protease papain and the serine protease elastase. Endopin 2 did not inhibit chymotrypsin, trypsin, plasmin, thrombin, furin, or cathepsin B. Endopin 1 and endopin 2 each formed SDS-stable complexes with target proteases, a characteristic property of serpins. In neuroendocrine chromaffin cells from adrenal medulla, endopin 1 and endopin 2 were both localized to secretory vesicles. Moreover, the inhibitory activity of endopin 2 was optimized under reducing conditions, which required reduced Cys-374; this property is consistent with the presence of endogenous reducing agents in secretory vesicles in vivo. These new findings demonstrate the presence of unique secretory vesicle serpins, endopin 1 and endopin 2, which possess distinct target protease selectivities. Endopin 1 inhibits trypsin-like proteases; endopin 2 possesses cross-class inhibition for inhibition of papain-like cysteine proteases and elastase-like serine proteases. It will be of interest in future studies to define the endogenous protease targets of these two novel secretory vesicle serpins.  相似文献   

Streptococcus thermophilus strain CNRZ 455 produces a type II restriction endonuclease designated Sth455I. This enzyme was isolated from cell extracts by anionic and cationic exchange chromatography. This yielded an enzyme preparation free of non-specific nucleases. The optimal reaction conditions for Sth455I are: MgCL2, 30 mm; pH range, 8–9; incubation temperature, 37–42°C; and a high NaCl concentration, 100–200 mm. The results of single- and double-digestion experiments indicates that Sth455I is an isoschizomer of BstNI and EcoRII showing different sensitivity to methylation. The enzyme exhibits restriction activity on the DNA of three bacteriophages of S. thermophilus and no activity on the phage lytic for strain CNRZ 455. The restriction/modification system associated with this strain is discussed.  相似文献   

I-HmuI and I-BasI are two highly similar nicking DNA endonucleases, which are each encoded by a group I intron inserted into homologous sites within the DNA polymerase genes of Bacillus phages SPO1 and Bastille, respectively. Here, we present a comparison of the DNA specificities and cleavage activities of these enconucleases with homologous target sites. I-BasI has properties that are typical of homing endonucleases, nicking the intron-minus polymerase genes in either host genome, three nucleotides downstream of the intron insertion site. In contrast, I-HmuI nicks both the intron-plus and intron-minus site in its own host genome, but does not act on the target from Bastille phage. Although the enzymes have distinct DNA substrate specificities, both bind to an identical 25bp region of their respective intron-minus DNA polymerase genes surrounding the intron insertion site. The endonucleases appear to interact with the DNA substrates in the downstream exon 2 in a similar manner. However, whereas I-HmuI is known to make its only base-specific contacts within this exon region, structural modeling analyses predict that I-BasI might make specific base contacts both upstream and downstream of the site of intron insertion. The predicted requirement for base-specific contacts in exon 1 for cleavage by I-BasI was confirmed experimentally. This explains the difference in substrate specificities between the two enzymes, including the observation that the former enzyme is relatively insensitive to the presence of an intron upstream of exon 2. These differences are likely a consequence of divergent evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to study the primary sequence specificities of protein kinases by using an oriented degenerate peptide library. We report here the substrate specificities of eight protein Ser/Thr kinases. All of the kinases studied selected distinct optimal substrates. The identified substrate specificities of these kinases, together with known crystal structures of protein kinase A, CDK2, Erk2, twitchin, and casein kinase I, provide a structural basis for the substrate recognition of protein Ser/Thr kinases. In particular, the specific selection of amino acids at the +1 and -3 positions to the substrate serine/threonine can be rationalized on the basis of sequences of protein kinases. The identification of optimal peptide substrates of CDK5, casein kinases I and II, NIMA, calmodulin-dependent kinases, Erk1, and phosphorylase kinase makes it possible to predict the potential in vivo targets of these kinases.  相似文献   

We used microarray analysis with Affymetrix rat chips to determine gene expression profiles of freshly isolated rat type I (TI) and TII cells and cultured TII cells. Our goals were 1) to describe molecular phenotypic "fingerprints" of TI and TII cells, 2) to gain insight into possible functional differences between the two cell types through differentially expressed genes, 3) to identify genes that might indicate potential functions of TI cells, since so little is known about this cell type, and 4) to ascertain the similarities and differences in gene expression between cultured TII cells and freshly isolated TI cells. For these experiments, we used preparations of isolated TI and TII cells that contained <2% cross-contamination. With a false discovery rate of 1%, 601 genes demonstrated over twofold different expression between TI and TII cells. Those genes with very high levels of differential expression may be useful as markers of cell phenotype and in generating novel hypotheses about functions of TI and TII cells. We found similar numbers of differentially expressed genes between freshly isolated TI or TII cells and cultured TII cells (698, 637 genes) and freshly isolated TI and TII cells (601 genes). Tests of sameness/difference including cluster dendrograms and log/log identity plots indicated major differences between the phenotypes of freshly isolated TI cell and cultured type II cell populations. The latter results suggest that experiments with TII cells cultured under these conditions should be interpreted with caution with respect to biological relevance to TI or TII cells.  相似文献   

R Tacke  J L Manley 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(14):3540-3551
ASF/SF2 and SC35 belong to a highly conserved family of nuclear proteins that are both essential for splicing of pre-mRNA in vitro and are able to influence selection of alternative splice sites. An important question is whether these proteins display distinct RNA binding specificities and, if so, whether this influences their functional interactions with pre-mRNA. To address these issues, we first performed selection/amplification from pools of random RNA sequences (SELEX) with portions of the two proteins comprising the RNA binding domains (RBDs). Although both molecules selected mainly purine-rich sequences, comparison of individual sequences indicated that the motifs recognized are different. Binding assays performed with the full-length proteins confirmed that ASF/SF2 and SC35 indeed have distinct specificities, and at the same time provided evidence that the highly charged arginine-serine region of each protein is not a major determinant of specificity. In the case of ASF/SF2, evidence is presented that binding specificity involves cooperation between the protein's two RBDs. Finally, we demonstrate that an element containing three copies of a high-affinity ASF/SF2 binding site constitutes a powerful splicing enhancer. In contrast, a similar element consisting of three SC35 sites was inactive. The ASF/SF2 enhancer can be activated specifically in splicing-deficient S100 extracts by recombinant ASF/SF2 in conjunction with one or more additional protein factors. These and other results suggest a central role for ASF/SF2 in the function of purine-rich splicing enhancers.  相似文献   

The paraoxonase (PON) gene family in humans has three members, PON1, PON2, and PON3. Their physiological role(s) and natural substrates are uncertain. We developed a baculovirus-mediated expression system, suitable for all three human PONs, and optimized procedures for their purification. The recombinant PONs are glycosylated with high-mannose-type sugars, which are important for protein stability but are not essential for their enzymatic activities. Enzymatic characterization of the purified PONs has revealed them to be lactonases/lactonizing enzymes, with some overlapping substrates (e.g., aromatic lactones), but also to have distinctive substrate specificities. All three PONs metabolized very efficiently 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid 1,5-lactone and 4-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid, which are products of both enzymatic and nonenzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, respectively, and may represent the PONs' endogenous substrates. Organophosphates are hydrolyzed almost exclusively by PON1, whereas bulky drug substrates such as lovastatin and spironolactone are hydrolyzed only by PON3. Of special interest is the ability of the human PONs, especially PON2, to hydrolyze and thereby inactivate N-acyl-homoserine lactones, which are quorum-sensing signals of pathogenic bacteria. None of the recombinant PONs protected low density lipoprotein against copper-induced oxidation in vitro.  相似文献   

EcoO109I is a type II restriction endonuclease that recognizes the DNA sequence of RGGNCCY. Here we describe the crystal structures of EcoO109I and its complex with DNA. A comparison of the two structures shows that the catalytic domain moves drastically to capture the DNA. One metal ion and two water molecules are observed near the active site of the DNA complex. The metal ion is a Lewis acid that stabilizes the pentavalent phosphorus atom in the transition state. One water molecule, activated by Lys-126, attacks the phosphorus atom in an S(N)2 mechanism, whereas the other water interacts with the 3'-leaving oxygen to donate a proton to the oxygen. EcoO109I is similar to EcoRI family enzymes in terms of its DNA cleavage pattern and folding topology of the common motif in the catalytic domain, but it differs in the manner of DNA recognition. Our findings propose a novel classification of the type II restriction endonucleases and lead to the suggestion that EcoO109I represents a new subclass of the EcoRI family.  相似文献   

Waclaw Szybalski 《Gene》1985,40(2-3):169-173
Class IIS restriction endonucleases cleave double-stranded (ds) DNA at precise distances from their recognition sequences. A method is proposed which utilizes this separation between the recognition site and the cut site to allow a class IIS enzyme, e.g., FokI, to cleave practically any predetermined sequence by combining the enzyme with a properly designed oligodeoxynucleotide adapter. Such an adapter is constructed from the constant recognition site domain (a hairpin containing the ds sequence, e.g., GGATG CCTAC for FokI) and a variable, single-stranded (ss) domain complementary to the ss sequence to be cleaved (at 9 and 13 nucleotides on the paired strands from the recognition sequence in the example of FokI). The ss sequence designated to be cleaved could be provided by ss phage DNA (e.g., M13), gapped ds plasmids, or supercoiled ds plasmids that were alkali denatured and rapidly neutralized. Combination of all three components, namely the class IIS enzyme, the ss DNA target sequence, and the complementing adapter, would result in target DNA cleavage at the specific predetermined site. The target ss DNA could be converted to the precisely cleaved ds DNA by DNA polymerase, utilizing the adapter oligodeoxynucleotide as primer. This novel procedure represents the first example of changing enzyme specificity by synthetic design. A practically unlimited assortment of new restriction specificities could be produced. The method should have many specific and general applications when its numerous ramifications are exploited.  相似文献   

Many proteins that contain a carboxyl-terminal CaaX sequence motif, including Ras and yeast a-factor, undergo a series of sequential posttranslational processing steps. Following the initial prenylation of the cysteine, the three C-terminal amino acids are proteolytically removed, and the newly formed prenylcysteine is carboxymethylated. The specific amino acids that comprise the CaaX sequence influence whether the protein can be prenylated and proteolyzed. In this study, we evaluated processing of a-factor variants with all possible single amino acid substitutions at either the a(1), the a(2), or the X position of the a-factor Ca(1)a(2)X sequence, CVIA. The substrate specificity of the two known yeast CaaX proteases, Afc1p and Rce1p, was investigated in vivo. Both Afc1p and Rce1p were able to proteolyze a-factor with A, V, L, I, C, or M at the a(1) position, V, L, I, C, or M at the a(2) position, or any amino acid at the X position that was acceptable for prenylation of the cysteine. Eight additional a-factor variants with a(1) substitutions were proteolyzed by Rce1p but not by Afc1p. In contrast, Afc1p was able to proteolyze additional a-factor variants that Rce1p may not be able to proteolyze. In vitro assays indicated that farnesylation was compromised or undetectable for 11 a-factor variants that produced no detectable halo in the wild-type AFC1 RCE1 strain. The isolation of mutations in RCE1 that improved proteolysis of a-factor-CAMQ, indicated that amino acid substitutions E139K, F189L, and Q201R in Rce1p affected its substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Many hnRNP proteins and snRNPs interact with hnRNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and affect the fate of hnRNA and its processing into mRNA. There are at least 20 abundant proteins in vertebrate cell hnRNP complexes and their structure and arrangement on specific hnRNAs is likely to be important for the processing of pre-mRNAs. hnRNP I, a basic protein of ca. 58,000 daltons by SDS-PAGE, is one of the abundant hnRNA-binding proteins. Monoclonal antibodies to hnRNP I were produced and full length cDNA clones for hnRNP I were isolated and sequenced. The sequence of hnRNP I (59,632 daltons and pI 9.86) demonstrates that it is identical to the previously described polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) and shows that it is highly related to hnRNP L. The sequences of these two proteins, I and L, define a new family of hnRNP proteins within the large superfamily of the RNP consensus RNA-binding proteins. Here we describe experiments which reveal new and unique properties on the association of hnRNP I/PTB with hnRNP complexes and on its cellular localization. Micrococcal nuclease digestions show that hnRNP I, along with hnRNP S and P, is released from hnRNP complexes by nuclease digestion more readily than most other hnRNP proteins. This nuclease hypersensitivity suggests that hnRNP I is bound to hnRNA regions that are particularly exposed in the complexes. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows that hnRNP I is found in the nucleoplasm but in addition high concentrations are detected in a discrete perinucleolar structure. Thus, the PTB is one of the major proteins that bind pre-mRNAs; it is bound to nuclease-hypersensitive regions of the hnRNA-protein complexes and shows a novel pattern of nuclear localization.  相似文献   

Two Ca(2+)-dependent endopeptidases endowed with specificities for paired basic residues have been disclosed in rat and ox neurohypophysial secretory granules. Specificities investigated by using synthetic fluorogenic substrates showed the presence of a Lys-Arg endopeptidase with optimum pH close to the granule pH (5.5) and of an Arg-Arg endopeptidase more active at pH 7.0. Granule extracts have virtually no activity towards Lys-Lys-containing substrate or monobasic substrates. Pro-Gly-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone appears a very efficient inhibitor for the Lys-Arg enzyme. Soluble and membrane-bound forms of both endopeptidases have been detected. pH-dependence of membrane binding and partitioning into Triton X-114 suggest that the membrane-bound form of Lys-Arg endopeptidase is associated through an amphiphilic alpha-helix. It is proposed that the enzyme Lys-Arg cleaves prooxytocin and provasopressin at their signal sequence Gly-Lys-Arg when these precursors arrive in the neurosecretory granules. The processing proceeds in the granules through carboxypeptidase E and alpha-amidating enzyme complex for giving mature pharmacologically active nonapeptide hormones.  相似文献   

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