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Mercury evaporation from soil columns of an iron humus podzol treated with various amounts of HgCl2 and CH3HgCl was measured over 3500 h. The effects of rain acidity, rain duration, and rain intensity were investigated. Hg evaporation from CH3HgCl‐treated soil columns seems to be a biologically determined process. Hg evaporation from HgO2‐treated soil probably is mainly an abiotic process, following a pseudo first‐order reaction with rapidly decreasing evaporation rate due to a decreasing amount of available Hg. The added Hg compounds were transformed to highly volatile Hg0 and/or (CH3)2Hg. The Hg evaporation rate decreased with increasing rain acidity, which may cause accumulation of Hg in the soil. No effects of rain duration and rain intensity were found.  相似文献   

贵州万山汞矿区自然土壤汞污染特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为阐明万山汞矿区自然土壤汞的污染情况,以汞矿开采冶炼区为起点,沿敖寨河和下溪河等间距(4 kin)分层采集0~30 cm厚度的河滩土、灌木土和林地土,测定了其汞含量,分析了自然土壤汞的空间分布特征.结果表明,矿区同种植被覆盖类型的土壤总汞的含量变化范围较大,河滩土为0.16~389 mg·kg-1、灌木土为0.09~312 mg·kg-1、林地土为0.05~299 mg·kg-1,空间分布特征表现为随距污染源距离的增加而降低;同一采样区内河滩土、灌木土、林地土中土壤总汞的含量依次降低,同一采样点的垂向剖面上总汞含量一般从表层向下依次降低.  相似文献   

Total mercury content in peat soils of different botanical composition has been determined. Mercury content in peat depends on principal properties of peat soil such as botanical composition, ash content, degree of peat decomposition, as well as nitrogen, carbon, and humic acid content in peat. A model based on the mercury/biomass concept is proposed to determine the distribution of total mercury in peat soil profiles in West Siberia from the content of the main biogenic elements C and N.  相似文献   

太原市土壤中汞污染及成因研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于在城市的生产和生活等活动中长期排放含Hg的废弃物,致使城市土壤中的Hg含量越来越多,城市土壤的Hg污染越来越重,它所产生的危害已经引起人们的关注。本文通过对太原市不同地点的土壤中Hg含量进行监测,阐明了太原市土壤中Hg元素的含量、分布特征及其形成的原因,从而为太原市土壤Hg污染防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

生物炭对土壤水分蒸发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定干旱区生物炭的合理施用量及其对土壤水文过程的影响,采用室内土柱试验,研究了3种生物炭添加量(5%、10%和15%)和4种生物炭类型(d<0.25 mm竹炭、0.25 mm<d<1 mm竹炭、d<0.25 mm木炭和0.25 mm <d<1 mm木炭;d为粒径)对地下水补给、土壤持水能力、土壤水分上升运动和蒸发的影响.结果表明: 生物炭对地下水补给、土壤持水能力、土壤水分上升运动和蒸发都有明显影响,但生物炭原料和粒径不同,其影响效果不同;随生物炭施加量的升高,地下水对土壤补给量增大;添加生物炭可提高土壤持水能力,促进土壤水含量的上升速度,其中,添加竹炭效果大于木炭,小粒径生物炭大于大粒径生物炭;生物炭添加量较低(5%)时能有效抑制土壤蒸发,但添加量过高则可能促进土壤蒸发.干旱地区土壤适当施用生物炭可提高土壤保墒能力.  相似文献   

水分是限制干旱与半干旱地区植被恢复和农业发展的最重要因素之一,减少土壤水分无效蒸发损失可提高水分利用效率。凹凸棒土(ATP)作为一种黏土矿物,其亲水性和吸附性对限制土壤蒸发具有重要作用。本研究选取黄土高原干旱与半干旱区3种不同质地的典型土壤(黑垆土、黄绵土、风沙土),设置5种ATP添加量(0%、1%、2%、3%、4%),使用微型蒸发器在自然条件下进行土壤蒸发试验,探究ATP添加对不同土壤蒸发过程和蒸发面裂缝特征的影响。结果表明: 当ATP添加量<3%时,在同一种土壤下累积蒸发量与蒸发损失率随ATP添加量的增加而减小;ATP添加量为3%时,黑垆土、风沙土的累积蒸发量和蒸发损失率均减小,黄绵土的累积蒸发量和蒸发损失率增加;ATP添加量为4%时,黑垆土的累积蒸发量减小、蒸发损失率增加,风沙土的累积蒸发量增加、蒸发损失率减小,黄绵土的累积蒸发量和蒸发损失率均减小。不同土壤平均累积蒸发量表现为:黑垆土>黄绵土>风沙土。在同一种土壤的整个蒸发过程中,施加ATP处理的土壤含水量始终高于对照。累积蒸发量与时间平方根关系的模拟结果表明,蒸发结束时ATP处理下土壤样品可以释放的水量高于对照。添加ATP后黑垆土和黄绵土的裂缝面密度显著增加,风沙土裂缝面密度随ATP添加量的增加而增加,3种土壤的裂缝面密度在ATP添加量为4%时均达到最大值。ATP添加量为3%时可以在最大程度上减少土壤水分无效蒸发。  相似文献   

张珈玮  陈晗  黄津辉  李晗  蓝至清  高俊杰 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9035-9044
蒸散发(ET)是连接水文循环和地表能量平衡的重要组成部分,准确的估算土壤蒸发(LEs)和植被蒸腾(LEv)对城市水资源分配和管理具有重要意义。针对城市林地蒸散发双源模型的缺失,本研究基于MOD16模型提出了应用于城市林地区域改进的MOD16双源模型。改进的MOD16双源模型更加准确的描述城市林地区域复杂下垫面的能量分配过程。结合高时空分辨率的Sentinel-2遥感卫星影像,对2020年深圳市前海桂湾公园20个无云日的LEsLEv进行反演研究。用Shuttleworth-Wallace (S-W)模型和双作物系数法(FAO dual-Kc)验证模型性能,同时分析改进的MOD16模型对输入变量的敏感度,结果表明:改进的MOD16模型与S-W模型和FAO dual-Kc之间的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为21.39 W/m2和20.41 W/m2,平均绝对误差(MAE)分别为18.81 W/m2和19.05 W/m2,R2分别为0.801和0.634。改进的MOD16模型可以应用在城市林地LEsLEv估算中。桂湾公园地区总蒸散月均值在85-165 W/m2之间。研究区域的LEsLEv呈现出明显的季节变化,春夏季蒸散量升高,秋冬季蒸散量降低,LEs的变化范围为0-50 W/m2,LEv的变化范围为0-120 W/m2LEv高值在研究区呈现零散分布,多集中在前海桂湾沿岸,LEs高值集中在研究区的西北、东北和东南部。敏感性分析结果表明,改进后的MOD16模型对植被覆盖、太阳辐射和湿度更敏感。其中,LEv模拟结果受净辐射和植被覆盖影响最大,LEs的模拟结果受湿度和植被覆盖的影响最大。因此,应用改进的MOD16模型时需要优先确保这些参数的准确输入。修正后的MOD16模型极大地提高了高分辨率、小尺度区域城市林地LEsLEv模拟的准确性,为准确获取植被耗水量信息从而科学指导城市林地灌溉、解决城市水资源分配与管理提供有力工具。  相似文献   

万山汞矿区表层土壤汞迁移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水土流失是土壤退化的根本原因,是最严重的生态环境问题之一。目前对喀斯特山区土壤侵蚀研究已经进入成熟阶段,但对以典型喀斯特山区为背景、汞污染严重地区因土壤侵蚀发生的汞迁移的研究却很少。本文基于GIS平台,借助通用土壤流失方程(RU-SLE)模型评估研究区侵蚀强度,对万山汞矿区(167.4km2)因土壤侵蚀造成的汞迁移进行了研究。结果表明,万山土壤侵蚀模数为0~600884t·km-2·a-1,微度侵蚀和剧烈侵蚀面积占全区总面积的76.6%,其中剧烈侵蚀对土壤总侵蚀量的贡献率达到90.5%。全区因土壤侵蚀发生的土壤汞(THg)流失量高达505kg·a-1,迁移速率为3.02kg·km-2·a-1。土地利用方式和坡度是影响汞流失的重要因素。旱地和灌木林最易发生汞流失,流失量分别为175和319kg·a-1。本研究不仅为当地治理水土流失、制定水土保持方案奠定了可靠的科学依据,也为当地环境汞污染治理提供了有力的数据支持。  相似文献   

汞污染土壤植物修复中转基因技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汞是一种全球性污染物.随着工业的发展、汞矿开采的加速,土壤汞污染日益严峻,给生态环境和人类生活带来了严重的威胁.因此,汞污染土壤的修复问题受到了广大学者的关注.针对受污染的土壤修复问题,植物修复技术具有成本低和不会给环境带来新的危害等特点.本文对目前国内外汞污染土壤修复植物修复技术的研究进行了综述,介绍了转基因技术在汞污染土壤中的应用,探讨了转基因技术在环境治理和环境修复中潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

干湿交替条件下三峡水库消落带土壤汞形态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张成  宋丽  王定勇  张金洋  孙荣国 《生态学杂志》2013,24(12):3531-3536
对三峡水库消落带干湿交替条件下土壤汞赋存形态变化、影响因素和生物可利用性进行了模拟研究.结果表明: 干湿交替条件下土壤汞会发生形态转化和释放,总汞含量逐渐降低,两次“淹水-落干”后总汞含量降低了28.9%.土壤中不同汞形态所占比例分别为:水溶态汞(Hg-w)6.1%~16.8%;交换态汞(Hg-e)5.8%~12.9%;碳酸盐结合态汞(Hg-c)4.5%~17.7%;腐植酸结合态汞(Hg-h)12.5%~29.9%;有机质结合态汞(Hg-o)5.3%~12.8%,残渣态汞(Hg-r)34.5%~51.6%.土壤中汞形态以残渣态(Hg-r)为主,干湿交替条件下其所占比例有降低的趋势,腐植酸结合态汞(Hg-h)则逐渐增加,生物可利用态汞(Hg-w、Hg-e、Hg-c和Hg-h之和)总体呈增加趋势,易被水生生物利用并进入食物链,可能会增加水库生态系统的汞生态风险.  相似文献   

半干旱区不同垄沟集雨种植马铃薯模式对土壤蒸发的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过垄沟集雨种植马铃薯试验,研究了不同垄沟集雨种植模式对土壤蒸发的影响.结果表明,在马铃薯全生育期,垄上覆盖塑料薄膜(CR)处理土壤蒸发量为122.9~165 mm,垄上原土夯实不覆膜(UR)处理土壤蒸发量为90.9~101.2 mm,无垄带状种植(CK) 土壤蒸发量为80.7 mm.其中,覆膜垄处理CR60在马铃薯成熟期土壤蒸发强度最大,达2.6 mm·d-1,平均为1.46 mm·d-1,而对照的土壤蒸发强度为0.65 mm·d-1;不覆膜土垄处理(UR30)土壤蒸发强度苗期最小,只有0.2 mm·d-1,平均为0.39 mm·d-1,而对照的土壤蒸发强度为0.58 mm·d-1.在马铃薯生长的现蕾期和开花期,水面蒸发量最大,日平均水面蒸发量分别为8.3和9.0 mm,与土壤蒸发不同步.马铃薯成熟期,各处理棵间土壤蒸发量都达到最大值.覆膜垄蒸发量最大,集雨效果显著,所以应采取抑制土壤蒸发措施,以便进一步提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

水分是荒漠植物生长最主要的限制因子,藓类结皮作为荒漠土壤表层重要覆被物,对土壤水分蒸发入渗具有重要影响。研究表明,在全球气候变化背景下,不确定的降水格局变化导致结皮层藓类植物出现集群死亡现象,但这一过程对荒漠地表土壤水分蒸发与入渗过程的影响及其机理尚不清楚。以古尔班通古特沙漠齿肋赤藓结皮为研究对象,利用便携式渗透计和蒸发仪,研究了结皮层藓类植物死亡对土壤水分蒸发与入渗的影响。结果表明,与裸沙相比,藓类结皮的存在显著抑制了水分入渗,而藓类植物死亡的结皮层抑制作用最大,其初渗速率、稳渗速率和累积入渗量分别是活藓类结皮的39.89%、85.91%及64.48%,仅为裸沙的5.96%、13.13%及20.42%。在水分蒸发初期,裸沙的水分蒸发速率明显高于活藓类结皮和藓类植物死亡的结皮层,但藓类植物死亡的结皮层维持相对稳定的蒸发速率的时间长于裸沙和活藓类结皮,这也导致最终累计蒸发量以藓类植物死亡的结皮层最高、裸沙最低。可见,荒漠生物土壤结皮中藓类植物死亡会明显减少土壤水分入渗、增大水分蒸发,进一步影响荒漠表层土壤水分格局,从而影响生物土壤结皮与维管植物的水分利用关系。  相似文献   

Minimal inhibitory concentration values of HgCl2 and 5 organomercurials were determined against 24 mercury-resistant N2-fixing soil bacteria previously isolated from soil and identified in our laboratory. These bacterial strains also displayed multiple antibiotic resistant properties. Typical growth pattern of a highly mercury-resistantBeijerinckia sp (KDr2) was studied in liquid broth supplemented with toxic levels of mercury compounds. Four bacterial strains were selected for determining their ability to volatilize mercury and their Hg-volatilizing capacity was different. Cell-free extracts prepared from overnight mercury-induced cells catalyzed Hg2+-induced NADPH oxidation. Specific activities of Hg2+-reductase which is capable of catalyzing conversion of Hg2+ →Hg(o) of 10 Hg-resistant bacterial strains are also reported.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,模拟降雨研究香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)及添加剂(木屑、腐殖土)对汞污染土壤和汞矿渣中汞通过地表径流向周围迁移的影响,结果显示:(1)颗粒态汞占地表径流总汞的80%以上,是汞进行迁移的最主要途径.(2)在汞污染土壤中直接种植香根草,或者将香根草分别与木屑或腐殖土结合,能有效减少地表径流中的总汞(63%~85%)、颗粒态汞(63%~85%)和可溶态汞(27%~73%)向周围环境迁移,其效果显著高于直接在污染土壤中添加单一的木屑(5%)或腐殖土(23%).(3)在矿渣中直接添加低汞土壤或木屑、或直接种植香根草,或将香根草分别与低汞土壤、木屑、腐殖土结合均能有效固定矿渣中的总汞(29%~82%)、颗粒态汞(27%~84%)和可溶态汞(20%~70%).  相似文献   


Nanomaterials (Nms) applications and environmental deposition are continuously increasing. Aluminum (Al) and nickel (Ni) fate in soil, both from gamma alumina-based Nms and as chloride salts were evaluted through lysimeters. After 85 days of treatment, which included irrigation and collection of eluates, the soil of each lysimeter was divided into four sections. The metal concentration was analyzed in eluates, soil samples, and extracts. Al and iron (Fe) present in soil eluted from Control lysimeter. Al from Nms suspension treatment was quantified in the eluates since 30 days on. Ni eluted upon solid salt deposition on top of one device. These results indicate that Al and Ni applied under certain conditions on soil, could leach and reach groundwater. The total concentration and bioavailability (extractable metals) of Al and Fe in soils showed similar patterns. Ni was retained only in the soil of devices treated with chloride salts. Bioavailability % results were of concern for Ni under certain conditions of treatment: 15.57% and 11.08% in two chloride salt-treated lysimeters versus 0.55% and 0.47% of those in control and treated with Nms lysimeters. Conducting studies with different kinds of soil and longer treatment periods should be useful to understand Nms-metals fate in the environment. The results presented here constitute important evidences both for significant metal release from Nms and elution and for considerable Ni bioavailability, after deposition on soil in the form of Nms or as a chloride salt, respectively. Then, possible toxic effects could occur through exposure of aquatic and terrestrial organisms.  相似文献   

The water-retaining capacity, percolation and evaporation of stony soil in Liupan Mountains, China, were measured in order to understand the effect of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes. The results indicated that the effective water-retaining capacity of soil is positively related with the volumetric content of rock fragments, but there is no relation between saturated water-retaining capacity and rock fragment content. For the soil layers within 0–40 cm, the steady infiltration rate increases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments until it reaches the range of 15%–20%, and then it decreases when the rock fragment content further increases. For the soil layers below 40 cm, the steady infiltration rate always increases with increasing rock fragment content. The soil evaporation rate decreases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments when it varies in the range of 0–20%, while the soil evaporation rate keeps basically stable when the rock fragment content is higher than 20%. The soil evaporation rate shows a rising tendency with increasing size of rock fragments.  相似文献   

Shi Z J  Wang Y H  Yu P T  Xu L H  Xiong W  Guo H 《农业工程》2008,28(12):6090-6098
The water-retaining capacity, percolation and evaporation of stony soil in Liupan Mountains, China, were measured in order to understand the effect of rock fragments on soil hydrological processes. The results indicated that the effective water-retaining capacity of soil is positively related with the volumetric content of rock fragments, but there is no relation between saturated water-retaining capacity and rock fragment content. For the soil layers within 0–40 cm, the steady infiltration rate increases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments until it reaches the range of 15%–20%, and then it decreases when the rock fragment content further increases. For the soil layers below 40 cm, the steady infiltration rate always increases with increasing rock fragment content. The soil evaporation rate decreases with increasing volumetric content of rock fragments when it varies in the range of 0–20%, while the soil evaporation rate keeps basically stable when the rock fragment content is higher than 20%. The soil evaporation rate shows a rising tendency with increasing size of rock fragments.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from lakes located in the Pantanal Swamp, Central Brazil were analysed for the distribution of mercury released by the local gold mining. Atmospheric transport is the only pathway of mercury contamination of these remote lakes. Mercury concentrations were higher at the surface of sediments (62 to 80 ug.kg–1) decreasing to values of 20 to 30 ug.kg–1 in deeper layers. Mercury deposition rate was estimated as 90 to 120 ug Hg.m–2yr–1 Although mercury concentrations were much lower than in industrialized areas, mercury deposition rate for these Pantanal lakes is of the same order of magnitude of deposition rates measured in lakes in industrialized areas  相似文献   

六盘山森林土壤中的砾石对渗透性和蒸发的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
时忠杰  王彦辉  于澎涛  徐丽宏  熊伟  郭浩 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6090-6098
为了解山地土壤中的砾石对土壤水文循环的影响,测定了砾石土壤的贮水能力、渗透速率和蒸发速率。结果表明,砾石含量与土壤有效贮水量呈正相关关系,但与土壤最大贮水量无明显相关。在0-40cm土层,当砾石体积含量小于15%~20%时,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而增大,当砾石体积含量大于15%-20%时,土壤稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而减小;在40cm以下土层,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而提高。在土壤砾石含量为0~20%时,土壤蒸发速率随砾石含量增加而降低,但在砾石含量超过20%时,土壤蒸发速率基本保持稳定。土壤蒸发速率随砾石粒径增大有升高的趋势。  相似文献   

Mercury evasion from water is commonly modeled using measurements of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM). We developed a method using a recently available automated field-ready mercury vapor analyzer to rapidly measure the concentrations of DGM in surface waters. We summarize here results of laboratory tests of the method, field intercomparisons with a manual method, and selected data from recent sampling campaigns in Florida and Michigan. The method uses the 1.5 lpm flow of a Tekran® Model 2537A mercury analyzer to purge and analyze discrete water samples, generating near real time (5-min) data on DGM in samples and blanks. Application of the Tekran allowed for detailed analysis of DGM removal kinetics and short-term diel studies characterizing the influence of sunlight and precipitation on DGM production in surface waters. Gas removal kinetics for dozens of samples indicates a first-order rate constant, and supports a 20-min. purge time for surface water samples from Florida (40-min for Michigan samples). Blanks are measured during a second such purge. Our results indicate that DGMs determined by both automated and manual methods are generally comparable, and that DGM in Florida samples is unstable during storage (loss rate constant 0.1--0.2 h-1), probably due to oxidation. This suggests that rapid in-field analysis is preferred to storage with delayed analysis. Our data indicate that DGM at the Florida site is influenced by inputs of reactive Hg in rainwater, and by production of surface DGM during photoreduction of oxidized Hg in the water column.  相似文献   

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