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Pseudochristionella elegantissima sp. nov. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is described from the spiral valves of the rays Dasyatis brevis (Garman, 1880) and D. longus (Garman, 1880), from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Also described is P. nudisculo sp. nov. from rays Rhinobatos productus Ayres, 1854, D. longus, Myliobatis longirostris Applegate & Fitch, 1964 and Zapteryx exasperat (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880) from the same location. The species are distinguished from one another and from the only existing species within the genus, P. southwelli Campbel & Beveridge, 1990, by differences in the arrangement of bill-hooks on the external surface of the basal swelling of the tentacle and by the number of hooks in each row of the metabasasl armature.  相似文献   

New lecanicephalidean cestodes inhabiting the spiral intestine were investigated in 4 of the 6 known species of eagle rays of the genus Aetomylaeus Garman. Hosts examined consisted of 5 specimens of Aetomylaeus vespertilio from northern Australia, 5 of Aetomylaeus maculatus from Borneo, 10 of Aetomylaeus nichofii sensu stricto from Borneo, and 7 of Aetomylaeus cf. nichofii 2 from northern Australia. As a result of these new collections, 3 new genera and 6 new species of lecanicephalideans are formally described. Aetomylaeus vespertilio hosted the new genera and species Collicocephalus baggioi n. gen., n. sp. and Rexapex nanus n. gen., n. sp., as well as Aberrapex weipaensis n. sp. Aetomylaeus maculatus and A. nichofii sensu stricto hosted 3 new species of the novel genus Elicilacunosus , with the former eagle ray hosting Elicilacunosus sarawakensis n. sp. and the latter hosting both Elicilacunosus dharmadii n. sp. and Elicilacunosus fahmii n. sp. No new lecanicephalideans were described from A. cf. nichofii 2. Collicocephalus n. gen. is conspicuously unique among the genera of its order in possessing a large, retractable apical organ that, in cross-section, is transversely oblong, rather than round. Rexapex n. gen. is distinctive in its possession of an apical organ that bears 18 papilliform projections around its perimeter, and Elicilacunosus n. gen. is unlike any other known lecanicephalidean, or eucestode, in its possession of a region of musculo-glandular tissue along the midline of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of its proglottids, manifested externally as a tandem series of depressions. Among other features, A. weipaensis n. sp. differs from its congeners in its lack of post-ovarian vitelline follicles. All 6 new species were each restricted to a single species of Aetomylaeus . These records formally establish species of Aetomylaeus as hosts of lecanicephalideans. A summary of cestodes of myliobatid rays is presented.  相似文献   

As part of a survey of the metazoan parasites of elasmobranchs of the Gulf of California, Mexico, the spiral intestines of 10 pelagic thresher sharks Alopias pelagicus and one bigeye thresher shark A. superciliosus were examined for tapeworms. Eight of the A. pelagicus specimens examined were found to host Litobothrium amplifica and L. daileyi. Both tapeworm species are redescribed based on examination of this new material with light and scanning electron microscopy, and the ranges of most of the measurements for these species are expanded; scanning electron micrographs and detailed illustrations and measurements of their segment anatomy are presented for the first time. An argument is made that the identification of the original host specimens of these species was in error and that A. pelagicus is likely to be the correct original host. In addition, L. nickoli n. sp., a third species in the genus hosted by A. pelagicus, was found in three of the 10 individual hosts examined. This species differs from all six known Litobothrium species in the form of the pseudosegments of the scolex, the anterior two being essentially non-cruciform, while the latter three are distinctly cruciform. All other species possess either no non-cruciform or at most one non-cruciform segment anteriorly. The single specimen of A. superciliosus examined was found to host the new species, L. janovyi. This species differs from L. coniformis, L. gracile and L. amsichensis in its possession of four rather than three, three and five cruciform pseudosegments, respectively. It lacks the modificiations of the fourth pseudosegment seen in L. amplifica and lacks the anterior non-cruciform fifth pseudosegment found in L. daileyi. It most closely resembles L. alopias but differs among other features in its greater total length, greater number of segments and longer mature segments. SEM of the four species collected from the Gulf of California as well as material of L. amsichensis from the goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni that hosted the type-specimens of this species show that all surfaces of the body of all five species bear a dense covering of long filiform microtriches. L. amplifica bears a single row of large spine-like structures throughout most of the posterior margins of the first and second cruciform pseudosegment only. L. daileyi possesses one to two rows of overlapping spine-like structures on the posterior margins of the first four pseudosegments with the exception of the medial projections. The fifth pseudosegment lacks these structures. L. janovyi n. sp. bears spine-like structures on the lateral margins of only the third and fourth pseudosegments. L. nickoli n. sp. bears spine-like structures throughout the posterior margins of the first and second pseudosegments, and throughout the posterior margins of the third and fourth pseudosegments with the exception of the medial projections; the fifth pseudosegment lacks these structures. L. amsichensis bears no structures that could be considered to be spine-like on any of its pseuosegments, but possesses a border of densely arranged larger microtriches on the posterior margin of all five pseudosegments. A key to the species is included.  相似文献   

A systematic list of the echinoderms of the Gulf of California, based on museum specimens of the Colección Nacional de Equinodermos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. is presented. A total of 193 echinoderm species is recorded, distributed in 108 genera, 51 families and 19 orders. 12 new records for the Gulf of California are presented: Asteroidea (four), Ophiuroidea (three) and Holothuroidea (five).  相似文献   

Between 1993 and 1996, 26 individuals of two species of horn sharks were collected from the upper Gulf of California and their spiral intestines examined for onchobothriid tapeworms. Heterodontus francisci was found to host Acanthobothrium puertecitense n. sp. Based on the criteria of Ghoshroy & Caira (2001), this is a Category 4 species (with >15mm total length, >50 proglottids, >80 testes and a symmetrical ovary). It differs from the four Category 4 species previously reported from either the western Atlantic or eastern Pacific Oceans, including A. bajaense (emend.) which was described from H. francisci, in hook-shape, total length, number of proglottids, number of testes and number of columns of vitelline follicles. H. mexicanus was found to host Acanthobothrium santarosaliense n. sp., which, based on the criteria of Ghoshroy & Caira (2001) is a Category 3 species (with >15mm total length, >50 proglottids, >80 testes and an asymmetrical ovary). A. santarosaliense differs from the five Category 3 species previously reported from either the western Atlantic or eastern Pacific Oceans in its size, euapolytic nature, lack of dark matrix from the bases of the hooks, hook-shape, and distribution and number of testes. In addition to the difference in ovarian symmetry, A. puertecitense possesses fewer testes, fewer proglottids, is a shorter worm, possesses a more anterior genital pore and vitelline follicles which extend further forward anteriorly than in A. santarosaliense. This represents the first report of onchobothriids from H. mexicanus and the first report of onchobothriids from H. francisci in the Gulf of California. The apparent host-specificity of both new species should be viewed with caution until a greater sample of host individuals of both species can be examined. The fact that both new tapeworm species are known only from the Gulf is also considered to be a preliminary result, given the small sample of host individuals examined from these regions to date. This brings the total number of species of Heterodontus known to host Acanthobothrium to four and the total number of Acanthobothrium species described from heterodontiform sharks to five.  相似文献   

Four new monocotyloid Eryngia,E. ferrisiae, E. venustum, E. mexiae, andE. tzeltal from Mexico, are described, illustrated, and contrasted with related taxa.  相似文献   

Two new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from the Persian Gulf, Echinobothrium persiense n. sp. from Rhinobatos punctifer Compagno & Randall and Echinobothrium hormozganiense n. sp. from Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg. E. persiense is the first record of a species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 from R. punctifer and these two new species increase the number of diphyllideans known from the Persian Gulf from one to three. The number of apical hooks of E. persiense (hook formula: {5-6 6/5 5-6}) is distinct from all other species in the genus except for E. affine Diesing, 1863, E. harfordi McVicar, 1976, E. bonasum Williams & Campbell, 1980, E. fautleyae Tyler & Caira, 1999, E. syrtense (Neifar, Tyler & Euzet, 2001) Tyler, 2006 (emend), E. chisholmae Jones & Beveridge, 2001, E. tetabuanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012, E. sematanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012 and E. weipaense Ivanov & Caira, 2012. Echinobothrium persiense can be distinguished from all other species of the genus with 11 apical hooks by a combination of the following features: armed cephalic peduncle, testes arranged in a single column, lateral hooklets arranged in two groups, U-shaped ovary, cephalic peduncle length (124-181 μm), genital pore and cirrus-sac position, and by having 10-14 spines per row on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium hormozganiense has a hook formula of {12-15 16/15 12-15} and is similar to E. musteli Pintner, 1889, E. notoguidoi Ivanov, 1997 and E. diamanti Ivanov & Lipshitz, 2006 by possessing additional spines between the rostellum and the bothria. It differs from E. musteli by having an H-shaped ovary and lateral hooklets arranged in two lateral groups, and the number of spines per row on the cephalic peduncle (18-21) readily differentiates it from E. notoguidoi (24-26) and E. diamanti (95-118). With these two new species, Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 now includes 45 valid species.  相似文献   

As a result of an investigation of metazoan parasites of elasmobranch fishes in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia, we discovered 2 new species of diphyllidean cestodes. Macrobothridium euterpes n. sp. is described from the spiral intestine of Rhinobatos rhinobatos, and Macrobothridium syrtensis n. sp. from the spiral intestine of Rhinobatos cemiculus. Macrobothridium euterpes is distinguished from the only other species in the genus (Macrobothridium rhynchobati) by the number of rostellar hooks, size, genital pore position, vagina position, and ovary shape. Macrobothridium syrtensis is distinguished from M. rhynchobati by the hook morphology, testis number, and overall size, and from M. euterpes by the number of rostellar hooks, testis number, genital pore position, vagina position, and ovary shape. These are the first 2 species added to the genus since its establishment in 1989. A standardized formula for representing the number and arrangement of rostellar hooks in diphyllidean species is presented.  相似文献   

Polychaetes inhabiting deep-sea soft bottoms from the southeastern Gulf of California were collected during four oceanographic cruises during 2000 and 2001. Sampling of benthic organisms was performed with a benthic sledge to collect epifauna and a Karling dredge for epifauna and infauna, in a depth range from 732 to 2 250 m. A list of the polychaetes that were collected and their distribution are presented here. A total of 73 species (distributed among 33 families) were identified. Moreover, 11 species were identified only to genus level and 20 species only to family level. With the exception of Ancistrosyllis hartmanae and Melinnampharete eoa, all identified species have been previously reported in soft bottoms of the Gulf of California or in adjacent areas. Additional previously unreported information is provided herein regarding depth ranges, geographical distribution, morphology and tubes inhabited by the organisms. The morphology of the ampharetids Amage sp. and Samytha sp. does not coincide with that of other species in these genera reported for the Gulf of California, which suggests that they are probably undescribed species.  相似文献   

Tina J. Ayers 《Brittonia》1987,39(4):417-422
Lobelia knoblochii, L. mcvaughii, andL. villaregalis are described and referred, withHeterotoma macrocentron Benth., toLobelia “grex Eriniformes” Wimmer. All are narrow endemics occurring on volcanic soils in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico.Lobelia macrocentron, L. mcvaughii, andL. villaregalis are known only from the type localities.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of the family Darcythompsoniidae Lang (1936), and a new record of Darcythompsonia fairliensis (T. Scott, 1899), from a coastal lagoon in the south-eastern Gulf of California (Mexico), are reported and fully described and illustrated. Pabellonia olganoguerae gen. no v., sp.nov. shares features with Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, such as the presence of a dimorphic second endopodal segment of the male second swimming leg, and with Kristensenia Por, 1983, the lack of sexual dimorphism in the caudal rami, anal operculum and urosomites. Thus it is considered closely related to these genera, and to represent a third component of mis lineage. Some notes on the biogeography of Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, are also presented.  相似文献   

Four new species of Cymatodera from Mexico: Cymatodera bogcioidessp. n.; Cymatodera pueblaesp. n.; Cymatodera mitaesp. n.; and Cymatodera lineatasp. n. are described based on adult male and female specimens. Male genitalia and other characters of taxonomic value are presented.  相似文献   

Agar properties of two potentially commercial important seaweeds from the Gulf of California were studied. Maximum yield in Gracilaria vermiculophylla (45.7%) occurred during the summer months, coinciding with high water temperatures (31°C) whereas minimum yields (11.6%) were obtained during the coldest months of the year when populations of this species diminish in the bay. Gracilariopsis longissima showed two yield peaks, one in spring and another in fall, before the maximum and minimum seawater temperatures. Gel strength in native agar from the two species was low (<22.5 g cm−2) for most of the year. G. vermiculophylla native agar showed a slight increase in gel strength from June to August, which were the hottest months. Maximum value was 85 g cm−1 in August. Maximum gel strength in G. longissima was observed in October (91 g cm−1), and an unusual native agar with no detectable gel strength was observed in March and April samples. Gelling temperatures range from 27.7 to 36.5°C in G. vermiculophyla and from 26.6 to 34.9°C in G. longissima, meanwhile melting points were 73.9 – 53.5°C and 75.5 – 56.6°C, respectively. Sulfate content was high, 6.3–13.9% in G. vermiculophylla and 1.9–11.9% in G. longissima, and on the other hand 3,6 anhydrogalactose content was low 12.1–26.7% and 9.1–23%, respectively compared to other species. Results obtained showed that mean native agar yields of Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Gracilariopsis longissima from the Gulf of California are comparable to other tropical Gracilaria. However, the low gel strength, high sulfate content and low 3,6 anhydrogalactose content observed in the native agar extracted from these species make this an agaroid, thus alternative methods of extraction should be used to evaluate the possibility of commercial utilization of both species.  相似文献   

Heron  Gayle A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):145-154
A new species, Oncaea frosti, is described and compared to O. venusta Philippi and O. venella Farran. The three species are closely related and difficult to distinguish, except for the differences in size of females and males and dorsal dilation of pediger 2 of females of O. frosti.  相似文献   

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