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MRP1 transports glutathione-S-conjugated solutes in an ATP-dependent manner by utilizing its two NBDs to bind and hydrolyze ATP. We have found that ATP binding to NBD1 plays a regulatory role whereas ATP hydrolysis at NBD2 plays a dominant role in ATP-dependent LTC4 transport. However, whether ATP hydrolysis at NBD1 is required for the transport was not clear. We now report that ATP hydrolysis at NBD1 may not be essential for transport, but that the dissociation of the NBD1-bound nucleotide facilitates ATP-dependent LTC4 transport. These conclusions are supported by the following results. The substitution of the putative catalytic E1455 with a non-acidic residue in NBD2 greatly decreases the ATPase activity of NBD2 and the ATP-dependent LTC4 transport, indicating that E1455 participates in ATP hydrolysis. The mutation of the corresponding D793 residue in NBD1 to a different acidic residue has little effect on ATP-dependent LTC4 transport. The replacement of D793 with a non-acidic residue, such as D793L or D793N, increases the rate of ATP-dependent LTC4 transport. Along with their higher transport activities, their Michaelis constant Kms (ATP) are also higher than that of wild-type. Coincident with their higher Kms (ATP), their Kds derived from ATP binding are also higher than that of wild-type, implying that the rate of dissociation of the bound nucleotide from the mutated NBD1 is faster than that of wild-type. Therefore, regardless of whether the bound ATP at NBD1 is hydrolyzed or not, the release of the bound nucleotide from NBD1 may bring the molecule back to its original conformation and facilitate the protein to start a new cycle of ATP-dependent solute transport.  相似文献   

The relationship between MRP1 activities and its NBD conformational changes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The term multidrug resistance (MDR) is classi-cally used to define a resistance phenotype where cells become resistant simultaneously to different drugs with no obvious structural resemblance and with dif-ferent cellular targets. For some time after P-gp, the first membrane protein related with MDR, was dis-covered in 1976[1], it was widely believed that P-gp was the exclusive cause of multidrug resistance. However, increasing evidence afterward suggested that this was not the case. Several…  相似文献   

MIANS, a sulfhydryl-reactive fluorescence, was used to label the cysteines of MRP1 (multidrug resistance protein), and the results indicated that an increase in fluorescence intensity and a large emission blue shift took place after two Cys residues of MRP1 reacted with MIANS, which demonstrated that labeled Cys residues in MRP1 reside in a relatively hydrophobic environment. The experimental results obtained from fluorescence resonance energy transfer further uncover that two Cys residues of MRP1 modified by MIANS located in the vicinity of its NBDs, of which one lies close to NBD1, and the other near NBD2. ATP, ADP and anticancer drugs can all reduce the rate of reaction of MRP1 with MIANS. The collisional quenchers, acrylamide, I-1, and Cs+ were used to assess local environments of MIANS bound to MRP1 and the results showed that the region around the MIANS-labeled cysteine is positively charged. Both MIANS and NEM, which are sulfhydryl-reactive reagents, inhibited MRP1 ATPase activity, whereas anticancer drugs activated it. These results demonstrated that all nucleotides and drugs could induce changes in conformation of the NBDs in MRP1. Nucleotides can bind directly to NBDs, but drugs may react first with TMDs, which in turn alters the accessibility of the two Cys residues bound by MIANS and affects MRP1 ATPase activity, which is coupled with the transport of its substrates. Taken together, the above experimental results provide direct evidence for further study on the coupling of translocation of the transported species to hydrolysis of ATP in MRP1.  相似文献   

Standing-gradient flows driven by active solute transport   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The influence of novel synthetic and plant origin flavonoids on activity of multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1) was investigated in human erythrocytes used as a cell model expressing MRP1 in plasma membrane. The fluorescent probe, BCPCF (2', 7'-bis-(3-carboxy-propyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein), was applied as a substrate for MRP1 multidrug resistance transporter. The effect of compounds belonging to different classes of natural flavonoids: flavone, flavonol, isoflavones and flavanolignan was compared with action of new synthetic derivatives of genistein. Most of the flavonoids showed strong or moderate ability to inhibit transport carried out by MRP1. Inhibitory properties of flavonoids were compared to the effects of indomethacin, probenecid and MK-571 known as MRP1 inhibitors. Studying the influence of new synthetic genistein derivatives on BCPCF transport we have found that the presence of hydrophobic groups substituting hydrogen of hydroxyl group at the position 4' in ring B of isoflavone is more important for inhibitory properties than hydrophobic substitution at the position 7 in ring A. In case of naturally occurring isoflavones the replacement of hydrogen at position 4' by hydrophobic ring structure seems also to be favourable for inhibition potency.  相似文献   

Secondary metabolic-energy-generating systems generate a proton motive force (pmf) or a sodium ion motive force (smf) by a process that involves the action of secondary transporters. The (electro)chemical gradient of the solute(s) is converted into the electrochemical gradient of protons or sodium ions. The most straightforward systems are the excretion systems by which a metabolic end product is excreted out of the cell in symport with protons or sodium ions (energy recycling). Similarly, solutes that were accumulated and stored in the cell under conditions of abundant energy supply may be excreted again in symport with protons when conditions become worse (energy storage). In fermentative bacteria, a proton motive force is generated by fermentation of weak acids, such as malate and citrate. The two components of the pmf, the membrane potential and the pH gradient, are generated in separate steps. The weak acid is taken up by a secondary transporter either in exchange with a fermentation product (precursor/product exchange) or by a uniporter mechanism. In both cases, net negative charge is translocated into the cell, thereby generating a membrane potential. Decarboxylation reactions in the metabolic breakdown of the weak acid consume cytoplasmic protons, thereby generating a pH gradient across the membrane. In this review, several examples of these different types of secondary metabolic energy generation will be discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1) results in ATP-dependent reduction of drugs' concentration in cancer cells, i.e., multidrug resistance (MDR). Since the majority of projects are concentrated on the search of the new MDR modulators, there are very few reports on drug-induced stimulation of MDR transporters activity. In the present work, by means of functional fluorescence assay we have shown that MRP1-mediated efflux of 2',7'-bis-(3-carboxypropyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCPCF) out of human erythrocytes is stimulated by phenothiazine maleates that have been already identified as P-glycoprotein inhibitors. Phenothiazine maleates-induced stimulation of ATP-dependent uptake of 2',7'-bis-(3-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) into inside-out membrane vesicles prepared from erythrocyte membranes has been also demonstrated. Moreover, it was shown that phenothiazine maleates exerted stimulating effect on ATPase activity measured in erythrocyte membranes. To our best knowledge, this report is the first one demonstrating that compounds able to inhibit transport activity of P-glycoprotein can stimulate MRP1 transporter. We conclude that phenothiazine maleates probably exert their stimulatory effect on MRP1 by direct interaction with the protein at the site different from the substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Mammalian SR proteins are currently thought to function in mRNA export as well as splicing. They contain multiple phosphorylated serine/arginine (RS/SR) dipeptides. Although SR domains can be phosphorylated by many kinases in vitro, the physiologically relevant kinase(s), and the role(s) of these modifications in vivo have remained unclear. Npl3 is a shuttling protein in budding yeast that we showed previously to be a substrate for the mammalian SR protein kinase, SRPK1, as well as the related yeast kinase, Sky1. Here we demonstrate that Sky1p phosphorylates only one of Npl3p's eight SR/RS dipeptides. Mutation of the C-terminal RS to RA, or deletion of SKY1, results in the cytoplasmic accumulation of Npl3p. The redistribution of Npl3p is accompanied by its increased association with poly(A)+ RNA and decreased association with its import receptor, Mtr10p, in vivo. We propose that phosphorylation of Npl3p by the cytoplasmically localized Sky1p is required for efficient release of mRNA upon termination of export.  相似文献   

Some transport lessons taught by the organic solute   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Human MDR1 and MRP1 recognize berberine as their transport substrate   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To examine whether human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters play a role in the detoxification of plant alkaloid berberine, we investigated berberine transport using multidrug resistance protein1 (MDR1) and multidrug resistance-associated protein1 (MRP1). Cells expressing MDR1 or MRP1 accumulated less berberine. Berberine accumulation depended on the cellular ATP level, and was reversed by typical inhibitors of MDR1, suggesting that human MDR1 and MRP1 directly efflux berberine as their substrate.  相似文献   

The proapoptotic protein Bim is expressed de novo following withdrawal of serum survival factors. Here, we show that Bim-/- fibroblasts and epithelial cells exhibit reduced cell death following serum withdrawal in comparison with their wild-type counterparts. In viable cells, Bax associates with Bcl-2, Bcl-x(L) and Mcl-1. Upon serum withdrawal, newly expressed Bim(EL) associates with Bcl-x(L) and Mcl-1, coinciding with the dissociation of Bax from these proteins. Survival factors can prevent association of Bim with pro-survival proteins by preventing Bim expression. However, we now show that even preformed Bim(EL)/Mcl-1 and Bim(EL)/Bcl-x(L) complexes can be rapidly dissociated following activation of ERK1/2 by survival factors. The dissociation of Bim from Mcl-1 is specific for Bim(EL) and requires ERK1/2-dependent phosphorylation of Bim(EL) at Ser(65). Finally, ERK1/2-dependent dissociation of Bim(EL) from Mcl-1 and Bcl-x(L) may play a role in regulating Bim(EL) degradation, since mutations in the Bim(EL) BH3 domain that disrupt binding to Mcl-1 cause increased turnover of Bim(EL). These results provide new insights into the role of Bim in cell death and its regulation by the ERK1/2 survival pathway.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotides are known to be effluxed from cultured cells or isolated tissues. Two recently described members of the multidrug resistance protein family, MRP4 and MRP5, might be involved in this process, because they transport the 3',5'-cyclic nucleotides, cAMP and cGMP, into inside-out membrane vesicles. We have investigated cGMP and cAMP efflux from intact HEK293 cells overexpressing MRP4 or MRP5. The intracellular production of cGMP and cAMP was stimulated with the nitric oxide releasing compound sodium nitroprusside and the adenylate cyclase stimulator forskolin, respectively. MRP4- and MRP5-overexpressing cells effluxed more cGMP and cAMP than parental cells in an ATP-dependent manner. In contrast to a previous report we found no glutathione requirement for cyclic nucleotide transport. Transport increased proportionally with intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations over a calculated range of 20-600 microm, indicating low affinity transport. In addition to several classic inhibitors of organic anion transport, prostaglandins A(1) and E(1), the steroid progesterone and the anti-cancer drug estramustine all inhibited cyclic nucleotide efflux. The efflux mediated by MRP4 and MRP5 did not lead to a proportional decrease in the intracellular cGMP or cAMP levels but reduced cGMP by maximally 2-fold over the first hour. This was also the case when phosphodiesterase-mediated cyclic nucleotide hydrolysis was inhibited by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, conditions in which efflux was maximal. These data indicate that MRP4 and MRP5 are low affinity cyclic nucleotide transporters that may at best function as overflow pumps, decreasing steep increases in cGMP levels under conditions where cGMP synthesis is strongly induced and phosphodiesterase activity is limiting.  相似文献   

Long-distance intracellular delivery is driven by kinesin and dynein motor proteins that ferry cargoes along microtubule tracks . Current models postulate that directional trafficking is governed by known biophysical properties of these motors-kinesins generally move to the plus ends of microtubules in the cell periphery, whereas cytoplasmic dynein moves to the minus ends in the cell center. However, these models are insufficient to explain how polarized protein trafficking to subcellular domains is accomplished. We show that the kinesin-1 cargo protein JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1) is localized to only a subset of neurites in cultured neuronal cells. The mechanism of polarized trafficking appears to involve the preferential recognition of microtubules containing specific posttranslational modifications (PTMs) by the kinesin-1 motor domain. Using a genetic approach to eliminate specific PTMs, we show that the loss of a single modification, alpha-tubulin acetylation at Lys-40, influences the binding and motility of kinesin-1 in vitro. In addition, pharmacological treatments that increase microtubule acetylation cause a redirection of kinesin-1 transport of JIP1 to nearly all neurite tips in vivo. These results suggest that microtubule PTMs are important markers of distinct microtubule populations and that they act to control motor-protein trafficking.  相似文献   

The gut and Malpighian tubules of insects are the primary sites of active solute and water transport for controlling hemolymph and urine composition, pH, and osmolarity. These processes depend on ATPase (pumps), channels and solute carriers (Slc proteins). Maturation of genomic databases enables us to identify the putative molecular players for these processes. Anion transporters of the Slc4 family, AE1 and NDAE1, have been reported as HCO(3)(-) transporters, but are only part of the story. Here we report Dipteran (Drosophila melanogaster (d) and Anopheles gambiae (Ag)) anion exchangers, belonging to the Slc26 family, which are multi-functional anion exchangers. One Drosophila and two Ag homologues of mammalian Slc26a5 (Prestin) and Slc26a6 (aka, PAT1, CFEX) were identified and designated dPrestin, AgPrestinA and AgPrestinB. dPrestin and AgPrestinB show electrogenic anion exchange (Cl(-)/nHCO(3)(-), Cl(-)/SO(4)(2-) and Cl(-)/oxalate(2-)) in an oocyte expression system. Since these transporters are the only Dipteran Slc26 proteins whose transport is similar to mammalian Slc26a6, we submit that Dipteran Prestin are functional and even molecular orthologues of mammalian Slc26a6. OSR1 kinase increases dPrestin ion transport, implying another set of physiological processes controlled by WNK/SPAK signaling in epithelia. All of these mRNAs are highly expressed in the gut and Malpighian tubules. Dipteran Prestin proteins appear suited for central roles in bicarbonate, sulfate and oxalate metabolism including generating the high pH conditions measured in the Dipteran midgut lumen. Finally, we present and discuss Drosophila genetic models that integrate these processes.  相似文献   

The 190-kDa multidrug resistance protein MRP1 (ABCC1) is a polytopic transmembrane protein belonging to the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. In addition to conferring resistance to various antineoplastic agents, MRP1 is a transporter of conjugated organic anions, including the cysteinyl leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)). We previously characterized the ATPase activity of reconstituted immunoaffinity-purified native MRP1 and showed it could be stimulated by its organic anion substrates (Mao, Q., Leslie, E. M., Deeley, R. G., and Cole, S. P. C. (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1461, 69-82). Here we show that purified reconstituted MRP1 is also capable of active transport of its substrates. Thus LTC(4) uptake by MRP1 proteoliposomes was osmotically sensitive and could be inhibited by two MRP1-specific monoclonal antibodies. LTC(4) uptake was also markedly reduced by the competitive inhibitor, S-decyl-glutathione, as well as by the MRP1 substrates 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide), oxidized glutathione, and vincristine in the presence of reduced glutathione. The K(m) for ATP and LTC(4) were 357 +/- 184 microm and 366 +/- 38 nm, respectively, and 2.14 +/- 0.75 microm for 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide). Transport of vincristine required the presence of both ATP and GSH. Conversely, GSH transport was stimulated by vincristine and verapamil. Our data represent the first reconstitution of transport competent purified native MRP1 and confirm that MRP1 is an efflux pump, which can transport conjugated organic anions and co-transport vincristine together with GSH.  相似文献   

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