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Summary Extracellular single-unit recordings were made from central vestibular units responding to horizontal head rotation in antarctic fish (Pagothenia borchgrevinki) at temperatures below 0 °C. The frequency of head rotation was varied between 0.05–16 Hz and the results were analysed in terms of the phase and gain of the response with respect to the stimulus. The model of the peripheral vestibular system derived by Hartmann and Klinke (1980) was fitted to the data from antarctic fish in order to obtain a quantitative comparison of vestibular function at two different temperatures. Despite the 20 °C temperature difference, and the different recording sites (primary afferents in the goldfish, and central vestibular units in the antarctic fish) vestibular function in antarctic fish is comparable to that previously reported in goldfish.  相似文献   

Summary The antarctic teleost, Pagothenia borchgrevinki inhabits the Antarctic Ocean where the water temperature remains around -1.9° C throughout the year. Dermal melanophores of this fish respond within minutes to epinephrine and theophylline with melanosome aggregation and dispersion, respectively. Numerous cytoplasmic microtubules are present in these cells despite the low environmental temperature. In longitudinal profiles, many microtubules are twisted, beaded and sometimes even branched. In cross sections, C-, U-, S-, 6- and other irregularly shaped tubules are observed. Nocodazole partially disrupts microtubules and inhibits epinephrine-induced pigment aggregation. Pigment movements are also prevented by erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)] adenine. Although the participation of these incomplete microtubules in cell motility remains uncertain, the results indicate that this fish has a cold-resistant microtubule system on which melanosome movements depend. Unlike those in melanophores, microtubules in the axons of spinal nerves are of uniform thickness and often contain an electron-dense core in the center.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activity (expressed as milliunits per milligram total proteins) of three intestinal brush-border membrane enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase and maltase, measured over a range of temperatures between 1.5 and 37 °C, has been found to be much higher in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia bernacchii than in the temperate fish Anguilla anguilla. To explain this experimental observation the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant, the maximal velocity, the activation energy values and the thermal stability of these three enzymes were measured. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant values of leucine amino peptidase and alkaline phosphatase were different in the intestine mucosal homogenate of the two fish at each measured temperature (from a minimum of 2.5 to a maximum of 37 °C). However, the values found at 2.5 °C for the Antarctic species and 15 °C for the eel where comparable. Furthermore, its value was unchanged in eel intestine apical membranes, both in the presence and without enzyme lipid microenvironment. While the maximal enzymatic activities of the leucine aminopeptidase and maltase did not decrease without their enzyme lipid microenvironment, produced by treatment with Triton X-100, the impairment of alkaline phosphatase maximal activity cannot be significantly differentiated from a non-specific inhibitory effect of the detergent. The activation energy values of leucine amino peptidase, alkaline phosphatase and maltase were lower in the Antarctic fish (11.7, 5.6 and 11.8 kcal·mol-1, respectively) than in the eel (13.6, 7.6 and 13.1 kcal·mol-1, respectively). The thermal stability of alkaline phosphatase and maltase is different in Pagothenia bernacchii and Anguilla anguilla intestinal homogenate.Abbreviations BBM brush border membrane - E a activation energy - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-amino ethylether)N, N-tetraacetic acid - HEPES 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethane sulphonic acid - Kmapp apparent Michaelis-Menten constant - PMSF phenylmethyl-sulphonyl fluoride - TRIS TRIS (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   

Synopsis Latent period, rise time, contraction time, and half relaxation time from isotonic contractions of isolated white muscle samples from skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, were determined at 20°, 27°, and 34° C. These parameters were found to be inversely proportional to temperature (Q10 = 1.47, 1.67, 1.62, and 1.72, respectively). The data show that contraction time and the effect of temperature on contraction time of skipjack tuna white muscle are not unique when compared to other equal-sized teleosts. Based on contraction time, maximum swimming speeds at each muscle temperature were calculated and found not significantly to exceed the maximum speeds of other equal-sized teleosts, when comparisons are made at the same white muscle temperatures  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) was isolated from the white muscle of the Antarctic icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus, which is deficient in glycolytic capacity. C. aceratus white myotomal creatine kinase (MMCK) displayed an apparent Km at 0.5 °C of 0.06 mM for ADP and 17 mM for Phosphocreatine. These Km values are similar to those reported for other vertebrate MMCKs at their physiologically relevant body temperatures. C. aceratus MMCK exhibited optimal activity at pH of 7.6–7.7 at 0.5 °C, in contrast to rabbit MMCK which had optimum activity at pH 6.2 at 30 °C. The apparent Vmax of C. aceratus MMCK at 0.5 °C is 94±4 S.D. (n=9) μmol ATP/min/mg (i.e. U/mg), which is comparable to rabbit MMCK assayed at 20 °C and 8-fold greater than rabbit MMCK measured at 0.5 °C. DEAE chromatography of C. aceratus white muscle CK resolved two distinct activity peaks. Cloning and sequencing of C. aceratus CK cDNAs confirmed that two muscle-specific isoforms of CK were expressed that were distinct from the mitochondrial and brain isoforms. Icefish MMCK was sensitive to transient temperature elevation, and the DEAE-fractionated forms were highly unstable. These results indicate that C. aceratus MMCK displays significant activity at physiological temperature and intracellular pH of icefish muscle that could contribute to sustaining energy charge during burst-swimming.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated smooth muscle cells of the buccal mass of Aplysia contracted in response to depolarization elicited by a patch electrode in whole-cell configuration. With cesium-containing pipet solution and tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine in the external solution depolarization elicited inward current. The voltage-dependent inward current was blocked completely by lanthanum (10 mmol·1-1), inhibited 80–90% by nifedipine (1 mol·l-1), and was dependent upon extracellular calcium. These results showed that the voltage-dependent inward current was due to activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCaCH). Minimal depolarization to begin activating VDCaCH was-60 to-30 mV. Inward current peaked within 8 ms and then decreased rapidly to a lower level of relatively non-inactivating current. The initial peak current could be mostly inactivated by a depolarization to-20 mV for 500 ms. Nifedipine reduced both the peak current and the relatively non-inactivating current. Nifedipine inhibited high potassium-elicited contractions of both intact and dissociated muscle. These results suggested that VDCaCH mediates calcium influx which triggers contraction in molluscan smooth muscle fibers.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - ATP adenosine triphosphate - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - GTP guanosine triphosphate - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - MCG metacerebral giant cell - RNI relatively non-inactivating - SCP small cardioactive peptide - TEA-4AP-IO external solution containing Instant Ocean, tetraethylammonium chloride, and 4-aminopyridine (described in Methods) - TEA tetraethylammonium chloride - VDCaCH voltagedependent calcium channel - 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine or serotonin  相似文献   

Summary Subpopulations of fast and slow fibres within the trunk musculature of elvers were examined using morphometric analysis of electron micrographs. Fibre regions were characterised by their histochemical staining characteristics, and individual fibres located using a coordinate mapping system utilising morphological features as reference points. Percentages of fibre volume occupied by mitochondria, myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum (S.R.), and T-system were determined in each of the fibre groups, along a transect from the skin to the vertebral column (fibres 1–14, respectively).The fine structure of slow (red) fibres (1–2 fibres deep) is relatively homogeneous throughout its range, giving mean values for mitochondria, 21.4%; myofibrils, 61.0%; S.R., 2.10%; T-system, 0.31%. The fibres are relatively small (204 m2) and the mitochondrial cristae poorly developed.In contrast, there is a marked heterogeneity in the ultrastructure of fast (white) fibres, dependent on both position and size. The moderately small (333 m2) superficial fast fibres (3–4 fibres deep) have a significantly higher mitochondrial content (7.6%) than the larger deep fibres (1.2%) (6–12 fibres deep, 775 m2). The mean fractional volumes occupied by myofibrils, S.R., and T-system in the deep fibres are: 80.4%, 5.95%, and 0.38%, respectively. Fibres < 100 m2 constitute up to 5% of the fast muscle and have a significantly higher mitochondrial volume (4.3%), more glycogen granules, and a slightly lower volume of S.R. (5.57%) than larger fibres.It is suggested that metabolic subpopulations of fast fibres correspond to different stages of fibre growth. The relatively poorly developed S.R. of eel fast muscle is thought to be correlated with the low frequency, high amplitude nature of the propagated waveform found in anguilliform locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary The odacid fish Odax cyanomelas feeds on the kelp Ecklonia radiata, an important component of subtidal reef habitats on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia. Herbivory by Odax has a major impact on the structure and dynamics of discrete patches within larger stands of kelp at Cape Banks. This three-year study showed that each year, between August and October, approximately the same patches of kelp were denuded by preferential feeding on the meristem and primary laminae. This coincided with a variable pulse of Ecklonia recruits to the cleared patches, thereby generating patches of a single age-class of plants. Neighbouring areas of Ecklonia forest, non cleared by Odax, consisted of larger, perennial plants, which exhibited more gradual changes in abundance. The seasonal impact of Odax appeared to be due to a change in the behaviour of female Odax during their spawning period. Observations suggested that females aggregate at traditional sites prior to spawning with territorial males in adjacent areas of kelp forest. An alternative hypothesis, that Odax preferentially attacked stands of one-year old Ecklonia plants, was rejected by a field experiment; the establishment of experimental stands of one-year old plants did not lead to increased damage due to Odax or any change in the use of space by the fish. The generality of this effect of fish herbivory is unknown, but this and other Odax species are widely distributed throughout temperate Australia, where Ecklonia is the dominant laminarian alga. The effects of pulsed herbivory by Odax is contrasted to the more continuous grazing by sea urchins in the same system. The latter herbivore has been shown to maintain areas free of Ecklonia, the long-term effects of herbivory by Odax remain unclear.  相似文献   

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were identified and estimated in the gut of three herbivorous fish containing gut endosymbionts, the herring cale Odax cyanomelas (Richardson, 1850) (Family Odacidae), the butterfish O. pullus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (Family Odacidae) and the sea carp Crinodus lophodon (Günther, 1859) (Family Aplodactylidae). The highest concentrations of short-chain fatty acids were in the posterior region of the intestine in all species. In O. cyanomelas 85% of the total short-chain fatty acids were found in this region. There was a positive correlation between the distribution of short-chain fatty acids and the microorganisms, suggesting that the short-chain fatty acids were end products of microbial anaerobic metabolism. The major short-chain fatty acid in all three species was acetate, the concentration of which ranged from 20 to 29 mmol·1-1 in the posterior intestine. Lower concentrations of propionate and butyrate were also found. Additionally, valerate was found in the odacids. The ratio of acetate: propionate:butyrate:valerate in the gut section containing the highest concentration of short-chain fatty acids was 83:8:9:1 in O. cyanomelas, 64:21:14:1 in O. pullus and 74:17:9:0 in C. lophodon. Acetate was present in the blood of O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon at concentrations of 1.74±0.17 and 1.79±0.20 mmol·l-1, respectively. The presence of the enzyme necessary to activate acetate, acetyl CoA synthetase, in the major tissues of both O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon indicates that these fishes are able to utilise acetate produced in the gut. The highest activity of acetyl CoA synthetase, 3.55±0.51 and 6.48±3.18 nmol·s-1·g tissue-1 in O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon, respectively, was found in the kidney. Acetyl CoA hydrolase activity was detected in the liver, heart, muscle, gut and kidney of O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon. The highest activity was in the liver of both species, 91.22±9.03 and 57.35±7.15 nmol·s-1·g tissue-1 in O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon, respectively. The presence of acetyl CoA hydrolase in tissues of O. cyanomelas and C. lophodon raises the possibility that some of the acetate in the blood could arise from hydrolysis of endogenously produced acetyl CoA. The results strongly support the hypothesis that short-chain fatty acids produced by endosymbionts in the posterior intestine are used as a blood fuel either for energy purposes or for lipid synthesis by the host fish.Abbreviations DTNB 5,5-dithiobis [2-nitrobenzoic acid] - SCUBA self contained underwater breathing apparatus - SCFA short-chain fatty acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid - TRIS TRIS (hydroxymethyl) amino-methane  相似文献   

Summary Isolated, electrically paced ventricular tissue of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was examined at 20 and 10°C for the effects of different metabolic inhibitions on isometric force development and cellular content of phosphocreatine, creatine, ATP, ADP and AMP. At 20 relative to 10°C, twitch force was the same, but both twitch development and relaxation occurred over a shorter time and at a considerably higher maximal rate. Inhibition of cellular respiration caused twitch force and phosphocreatine to decrease, both about twice as fast at 20 as at 10°C. This doubling of energy degradation, i.e. in decrease of phosphocreatine, ATP, and loss of twitch force also occurred in preparations in which the energy liberation was totally blocked by iodoacetate in combination with N2 and cyanide; both anaerobic energy degradation and anaerobic energy liberation expressed as lactate production were doubled. The similar effect of temperature on degradation and liberation of energy might explain why loss of twitch force during a 1-h period of anoxia was the same at both temperatures. The latter result was also found in the myocardium of eel Anguilla anguilla. In spite of its large influence on the time-course of twitch force development, the difference in temperature had no evident effects on the relationship between twitch force and phosphocreatine.Abbreviation Crt total creatine (creatine and phosphocreatine) - EDTA ethylenediminetetra-acetate - IAA iodoacetate - PCr phosphocreatine - TPT time-to-peak force - TR75 time for relaxation - VF maximal rate of force development - VR maximal rate of relaxation  相似文献   

We investigated passive properties of leech body wall as part of a larger project to understand better mechanisms that control locomotion and to establish mathematical models that predict such dynamical behavior. In tests of length-tension relationships in 2-segment-long preparations of body wall through step-stretch manipulations (step size = 1 mm), we discovered that these relationships are nonlinear, with significant hysteresis, even for the relatively small changes in length that occur during swimming. We developed a mathematical model comprising three nonlinear springs, two in series with nonlinear dashpots that describe well the tension statics and dynamics for step-stretch experiments. This model suggested that body wall dynamics are slow enough to be neglected when predicting the tension generated by imposed sinusoidal length changes (about ±10% of nominal) at 1–3 Hz, mimicking swimming. We derived a static model, comprising one nonlinear spring, which predicts sinusoidal data accurately, even when preparations were exposed to serotonin (0.1–10 μM). Preparations bathed in saline-serotonin had significantly reduced steady-state and peak tensions, without alterations in tension dynamics. Anesthetizing preparations (8% ethanol) reduced body wall tension by 77%, indicating that passive tension in the obliquely striated longitudinal muscles of leeches results primarily from a resting tonus.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanism underlying the bloom outbreaks of dinoflagellates, Ceratium furca, and Ceratium fusus in the temperate coastal area of Sagami Bay, we investigated the diel changes of vertical migration, swimming speed, cell volume, and cell division. Our results from both the field and laboratory indicate that C. furca and C. fusus can migrate vertically between surface and sub-surface layers to avoid strong sunlight (>1000 μmol m−2 s−1). Diel vertical migration (DVM) of C. furca was observed in the laboratory, while that of C. fusus was not observed. C. furca demonstrated a constant DVM rhythm, i.e., their cells began to descend from the surface before the light was extinguished, and ascended into the surface before the light was turned on. The downward and upward migrations of the cells occurred at every 3 h before turning on and off the light, suggesting that the DVM pattern was independent of nutrient concentration. The swimming speeds of C. furca (avg. 250 μm s−1) were always faster than those of C. fusus (avg. 75 μm s−1). In addition, the speeds of C. furca during light periods were faster than those during dark periods, whereas the speeds of C. fusus remained relatively constant. A higher proportion of dividing cells was recorded near dawn (05:00–07:00 h). Cell volumes of C. furca and C. fusus did not markedly change between 12:00 and 21:00 h, but gradually increased until 03:00 h and then sharply decreased. Furthermore, the cell volume of the two Ceratium species was significantly shifted to the temporal pattern of cell division. Combined with the DVM manner of two Ceratium and cell division timing, only C. furca divided at the bottom, and then moved toward the surface shortly before the dark to light transition. Based on our observations, C. furca has an ecological advantage due to their DVM activity, since nutrients can be obtained well in the near bottom layers, while during the daytime, light present in nutrient-depleted surface water can be obtained using their high swimming speed. On the other hand, C. fusus stimulated by low salinity conditions, might be dependent on external environmental conditions such as additional nutrients following freshwater discharge by heavy rainfall because they may not perform active DVM due to a slow swimming ability. Our findings support that specific characteristics, including the DVM behavior in C. furca, yield a competitive advantage over C. fusus in Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

Summary Geomyces and Chrysosporium species isolated from Antarctica were compared with a strain isolated from Italian soil. The Italian and Antarctic strains had different growth rates and membrane fatty acids at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis M2 was grown outdoors in 50-mm diameter tubular reactors under the climatic conditions of central Italy (Florence) from September to December 1995 and in March 1996. Except for September, the cultures temperature was regulated. Mean productivities of 0.83, 0.44 and 0.61 g dry wt L–1 d–1 were achieved in autumn (September–October), winter (November–December) and March, respectively. In autumn and winter, the photosynthetic efficiency of the cultures and the degree of correlation between productivity and solar irradiance were significantly greater than in summer. The effect of cell density and aeration rate on productivity was evaluated in September. The productivity of cultures operated at high supra-optimal population density was about 30% less at high aeration rate (1.0 LL–1 min–1), and 50% less at standard aeration rate (0.17 LL–1 min–1), than that of control cultures kept at optimal population density and standard aeration rate. The reduction of productivity in high-density cultures was due to lower daylight output rates and higher night biomass losses (the latter were particularly relevant under standard aeration conditions). The main factor limiting productivity in closed reactors during autumn was the night temperature. Heating the cultures during daylight hours on sunny days did not cause any significant increase of the yields, since under sunlight the unheated cultures also reached the optimal temperature for growth early in the morning. On cloudy days, the day-time temperature of the unheated cultures remained well below the optimum, however this had only a limited effect on productivity since algal growth was mainly light-limited.  相似文献   

Synopsis The availability of reef-related resources, particularly food and shelter can play a significant role in determining the distribution and abundance of reef fishes. Much of the structure on temperate reefs is provided by macroalgae, and variability in the density of temperate reef fishes at large spatial scales (100's of meters) can often be explained by variation in macroalgal cover or density. In this study I investigated the role of macrophytes and associated food resources on the recruitment of a temperate fish, Tautogolabrus adspersus, at a small spatial scale (0.25 m2). No relationship between the density of new recruits and the percent cover of kelp, foliose or filamentous algae was observed. Multiple regressions revealed that less than 8% of variability in recruitment could be explained by variability in macroalgal cover. However, recruits were found in higher abundance in patches containing many functional forms of seaweeds than in patches dominated by a single form. A wide variety of prey were available for use by cunner recruits; however, crustaceans and mussels were the only common components of their diet, and crustaceans were clearly the most preferred prey. The prey composition in patches where fish were present was compared to randomly selected patches. Significantly greater numbers of isopods, amphipods and newly settled mussels were present in patches where fish were present than in randomly selected patches. The data presented in this study contradict previous work that has shown algal structure to be important in determining patterns of abundance and food supply to be of little significance. A conceptual model is proposed suggesting that settling fish select habitats in a hierarchical manner largely based on their dispersal tendencies. Hierarchical selection of habitats results in different attributes of the habitat being selected during different life-history intervals.  相似文献   

Summary Cod (Gadus morhua) of 50 g body weight were kept at 14°C. The fish were fed ad libitum during 80 days a diet containing protein levels which in terms of total energy corresponded to 25%, 45% or 65%. Growth increased in accordance with protein-energy levels. The protein content per gram of wet weight of white trunk muscle was unchanged, as was the myofibrillar protein myosin heavy chain determined by the antigen-antibody reaction of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The amount of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coding for myosin heavy chain was lower at 25% than at 45% or 65% protein-energy intake, the differences being significant per gram of wet weight of muscle. Acid proteinase activity was highest at the lowest protein-energy intake. Glycogen content in muscle increased with the protein-energy levels. It is concluded that the metabolic response of white trunk muscle to graded protein-energy intake included a change in the capacity to synthesize myosin heavy chain as judged by its mRNA content. The protein content per gram of wet weight was unaffected by dietary protein-energy levels of 25%, 45% and 65%, but protein accretion and thus growth of the animals increased with the protein intake. Dietary protein-energy restriction caused a rise in acid proteinase activity and a decrease in content of mRNA for myosin heavy chain, resulting in a diminished growth rate at an unchanged protein content per gram of wet weight of muscle.Abbreviations CTP cytidine triphosphate - DNA desoxyribonucleic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid - mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

The innervation of the external ventral protractor muscle of the VIIth abdominal segment (M234) of Locusta migratoria is described using a combination of neurophysiological and neuroanatomical techniques. Cobalt backfills of the nerve innervating M234 revealed two neurons each with soma and fields of arborization in the VIIth abdominal ganglion. In addition, extracellular stimulation of the nerve while gradually increasing the stimulus amplitude resulted in a stepwise increase in both the excitatory junction potential amplitude and twitch amplitude so that two different amplitudes of each were observed indicating the sequential recruitment of two motor neurons. 4-Di-2-ASP stains of M234 revealed pre-synaptic boutons at M234 and a neurohaemal plexus covering the nerve the latter being corroborated by electron microscopic examination of nerve sections. Electron microscopic examination of M234 revealed two axon terminal types, one which is similar to the neurohaemal varicosities over the nerve, containing granules of high electron-density, and one which contains larger granules of medium electron-density. Both terminals types also contained small electron lucent vesicles. Finally, twitch contractions of M234 were modulated by glutamate, proctolin, octopamine, and SchistoF-LRFamide.Abbreviations EGAA Enhanced Graphics Acquisition and Analysis system by RC-Electronics, California - EJP excitatory junction potential - OA octopamine  相似文献   

The effects of seawater temperature (12, 16, 20, 22, and 25°C) and salinity (of 8 to 34) in different combinations on the larvae of the rhizocephalan Peltogaster reticulatus (Crustacea: Cirripedia), a parasite of the hermit crab Pagurus proximus, were examined. The development of P. reticulatus is comprised of five naupliar stages and one cypris stage. Nauplii have a specific structure, the flotation collar encircling the dorsal side of the larval body. Larvae lack the pigmented nauplius eye, and they show no positive phototaxis. Successful naupliar development occurred in temperature and salinity ranges of 16–25°C and 20 to 34, respectively; but all nauplii died at 12°C and 16. The duration of each naupliar stage increased under lowering of the seawater temperature. At 22–25°C and 26–28, the entire development cycle was completed in 72–80 h; and at 16°C and 20 it lasted 153 h. The cypris larvae showed a greater resistance to decreased salinity in comparison with the nauplii. At temperatures of 16–25°C and salinities of 14 to 34, the lifespan of cyprids was 6 to 12 days, and it decreased at increasing temperature.  相似文献   

The level of polymorphism, genetic variability and relatedness of a population of Poa annua L. from South Shetlands Islands was studied and compared with results obtained for populations from two potential sources of introduction (Argentina—Ushuaia and Poland—Dziekanów Leśny) using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) approach. Five primer pairs used for AFLP profiling amplified 226 scoreable DNA fragments that were used for Clustral and Factorial analyses. The level of molecular variability among all individuals from all the analysed populations reaches 30%. Clustral and Factorial analyses show that all populations formed clear-cut uniform groups according to their locations. However, population from King George Island show high variability. High genetic diversity may be related with escalated human activity at the area of Arctowski Station, favouring introductions of P. annua from many different sources and by many different vectors.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a model organism for plant developmental genetics, but it is also now being widely used for population genetic studies. Outcrossing relatives of A. thaliana are likely to provide suitable additional or alternative species for studies of evolutionary and population genetics. We have examined patterns of adaptive flowering time variation in the outcrossing, perennial A. lyrata. In addition, we examine the distribution of variation at marker genes in populations form North America and Europe. The probability of flowering in this species differs between southern and northern populations. Northern populations are much less likely to flower in short than in long days. A significant daylength by region interaction shows that the northern and southern populations respond differently to the daylength. The timing of flowering also differs between populations, and is made shorter by long days, and in some populations, by vernalization. North American and European populations show consistent genetic differentiation over microsatellite and isozyme loci and alcohol dehydrogenase sequences. Thus, the patterns of variation are quite different from those in A. thaliana, where flowering time differences show little relationship to latitude of origin and the genealogical trees of accessions vary depending on the genomic region studied. The genetic architecture of adaptation can be compared in these species with different life histories.  相似文献   

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