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The effects of commercial forestry harvest and regeneration practices (clearfelling and slash-burning) on the lucanid fauna of the wet sclerophyll forests of southern Tasmania and the dry sclerophyll forests of eastern Tasmania were examined using pitfall catches. Lucanids are saproxylic beetles, dependent on dead, moribund and decaying wood. Samples taken from old-growth forest and from a chronosequence of sites regenerating after logging, in each forest type, were used to compare the species richness and abundance of the lucanid assemblages. In both forest types, species richness and abundance was highest in the youngest regeneration sites (1–3 year), reflecting the species richness of the original and adjacent unlogged forest, lowest in the older (20–25 year) sites, and variable in the old-growth sites. TWINSPAN cluster analysis showed no clear distinction between regeneration and old-growth forest. The post-harvest slash and stump residue provided an important refugium and initial habitat, but our research indicates that some species may not maintain populations in the long term. Our results suggest that most species of lucanids will find a continuous supply of suitable habitat only in old-growth forests; and such species may become less common as clearfell harvesting leads to a replacement of heterogeneous old-growth forest with single-aged monospecific stands. Continuity of supply of wood in all decay stages, the maintenance of sufficient source areas, and biological connectivity between old-growth stands to enable dispersal, are all likely to be essential to maintain lucanid beetle community integrity. If similar principles apply to other saproxylic species of invertebrate, then clearfelling and slash-burning may cause a gradual extinction of an important element of the forest biota.  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷不同人工林中鞘翅目甲虫多样性比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在元谋干热河谷采用网扫法调查了云南松林、桉树林、新银合欢林、桉树+新银合欢林、印楝林及多树种混交的人工林鞘翅目昆虫多样性。结果表明,鞘翅目甲虫标本925号,计71种,分属18个科,其中叶甲科种类最丰富,象甲科数量最丰富。人工林鞘翅目昆虫群落物种丰富度在7~23,Shannon—Wiener多样性指数在1.249~2.562,昆虫多样性总体较低。各样地鞘翅目群落之间为不相似水平。云南松林鞘翅目昆虫群落物种丰富度、Shannon—Wiener指数、Simpson指数及Pielou指数分别为20、2.562、0.104和0.855,其多样性最高,多树种混交林较高,印楝林较低,而桉树林、新银合欢林、桉树+新银合欢林多样性极低。多树种混交的恢复对昆虫多样性提高有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

1. This paper reviews and compares the effects of forest fire and timber harvest on mammalian abundance and diversity, throughout successional time in the boreal forest of North America. 2. Temporal trends in mammal abundance and diversity are generally similar for both harvested and burned stands, with some differences occurring in the initiation stage (0–10 years post disturbance). 3. Small mammals and ungulates are most abundant immediately post disturbance, and decrease as stands age. Lynxes and hares utilize mid-successional stands, but are rare in young and old stands. Bats, arboreal sciurids and mustelids increase in abundance with stand age, and are most abundant in old growth. 4. Substantial gaps in the data exist for carnivores; the response of these species to fire and harvest requires research, as predator–prey interactions can affect mammal community structure in both early and late successional stages. 5. The lack of explicit treatment of in-stand forest structure post disturbance, in the reviewed literature made comparisons difficult. Where forest structure was considered, the presence of downed woody material, live residual trees and standing dead wood were shown to facilitate convergence of mammal communities to a pre-disturbance state for both disturbance types. 6. Mammalian assemblages differed considerably between successional stages, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stands of each successional stage on the landscape when implementing forest management strategies.  相似文献   

为探讨小兴安岭凉水自然保护区森林生态系统中地表鞘翅目成虫群落对不同人为干扰梯度的响应,于2015年7月、8月和10月分别对轻度干扰[原始阔叶红松林(KY)和谷地云冷杉林(YL)]、中度干扰[阔叶红松择伐林(ZF)和次生白桦林(BH)]及重度干扰[落叶松人工林(RL)和红松人工林(RHS)]的6个林型进行取样调查。结果表明:(1)整个采样周期共捕获地表鞘翅目成虫879只,隶属9科44物种;其中轻度干扰生境共捕获6科29种251只(KY捕获5科21种150只,YL捕获4科20种101只),中度干扰生境捕获6科27种276只(ZF捕获3科20种144只,BH捕获6科23种132只),重度干扰生境捕获6科29种352只(RL捕获4科22种232只,RHS捕获5科17种120只)。(2)7月和8月步甲科和葬甲科占据数量优势,10月步甲科和葬甲科成虫数量明显减少而隐翅虫科数量占优势;不同林型及不同干扰梯度地表鞘翅目成虫物种总数和总个体数于7、8、10月均表现为下降趋势,且群落多样性也呈不同程度下降。(3)林型和月份对地表鞘翅目成虫群落结构具有显著影响,干扰梯度对群落结构无显著影响;6个林型之间地表鞘翅目成虫个体数量具有显著差异,但在物种组成上无显著差异;不同干扰梯度间地表鞘翅目成虫个体数、物种数无显著差异,且随干扰梯度变化没有明显的梯度性规律;相似性系数和聚类分析表明,属于同一干扰梯度的两个林型没有表现出高度的相似性。本研究表明干扰梯度不是决定各林型间地表鞘翅目成虫群落多样性存在差异的主要原因,凉水森林生态系统地表鞘翅目成虫对不同干扰梯度的响应不符合中度干扰假说,林型和时间则是影响地表鞘翅目成虫群落组成的显著因素,本实验为地表生物多样性保护和森林生态系统管理提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Increased interest in biomass harvesting for bioenergetic applications has raised questions regarding the potential ecological consequences on forest biodiversity. Here we evaluate the initial changes in the abundance, species richness and community composition of rove (Staphylinidae) and ground beetles (Carabidae), immediately following 1) stem-only harvesting (SOH), in which logging debris (i.e., tree tops and branches) are retained on site, and 2) whole-tree harvesting (WTH), in which stems, tops and branches are removed in mature balsam fir stands in Quebec, Canada. Beetles were collected throughout the summer of 2011, one year following harvesting, using pitfall traps. Overall catch rates were greater in uncut forest (Control) than either stem-only or whole-tree harvested sites. Catch rates in WTH were greater than SOH sites. Uncut stands were characterized primarily by five species: Atheta capsularis, Atheta klagesi, Atheta strigosula, Tachinus fumipennis/frigidus complex (Staphylinidae) and to a lesser extent to Pterostichus punctatissimus (Carabidae). Increased catch rates in WTH sites, where post-harvest biomass was less, were attributable to increased catches of rove beetles Pseudopsis subulata, Quedius labradorensis and to a lesser extent Gabrius brevipennis. We were able to characterize differences in beetle assemblages between harvested and non-harvested plots as well as differences between whole tree (WTH) and stem only (SOH) harvested sites where logging residues had been removed or left following harvest. However, the overall assemblage response was largely a recapitulation of the responses of several abundant species.  相似文献   

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