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We followed the behavioral development of 8 young American beavers (Castor canadensis) in their natural environment. The behavioral development of wild beaver kits living in a familial unit with one adult pair and yearlings can be divided in three distinct phases. 1. The first 4–5 weeks during which the neonates were confined to the lodge were characterized by physical maturation and a very rapid development of locomotion, alimentation, care of the fur, and social behaviors. 2. The next phase extended from first emergence from the lodge to the next spring. Development of ability to stay submerged, exploration of the aquatic part of the home range of the family and refinement of skills characterized this period. No new behavior patterns appeared during this phase. 3. The last period extended from about 10 months to the dispersal of the animals when they were around 2 years old, and was marked by the development of building behaviors and of food gathering. Comparisons with the development of captive beavers suggested that in general, the environmental conditions did not significantly alter the developmental pattern of young beavers. Comparisons with other accounts on the development of some other rodents indicate that beavers are most similar to some precocial hystricomorphs that exhibit a slow rate of development.  相似文献   

An einer halbwilden Herde des Damhirsches (Dama dama) wurde 19 Monate lang das Sozialverhalten, vor allem die Bedeutung frühontogenetischer Erfahrungen für die Entwicklung des arttypischen Verhaltens untersucht. Zahlreiche optische, akustische und Berührungs-Reize dienen der Warnung, der Rangordnung oder der Verständigung zwischen Geschlechtspartnern oder Eltern und Kindern. Isoliert aufgezogene Jungtiere reagierten in typischen Situationen mit den gleichen Signalen wie in der Herde aufgewachsene und beantworteten, in die Herde gebracht, die arttypischen Signale der anderen richtig. Allerdings wurden diese Tiere von der Herde nicht aufgenommen und standen noch nach 3 Jahren abseits. Die isolierte Aufzucht beeinträchtigt also das Sozialleben stark, indem es die Bindung an Artgenossen verhindert. Diese Bindung ist aber wohl nötig, wo bestimmte Verhaltenselemente von Artgenossen gelernt werden müssen.  相似文献   

Fallow deer leks and single territories often persist in specific locations over many years. In our study area in Tuscany, one site (Lek 1) was used as a lek by fallow deer for at least 30 years. Females passed through the lek year-round while travelling between sheltering and foraging sites. In 1987–89, forestry operations affected areas near the lek that were used by females as travel routes, but the lek site itself was not affected. After the logging operations, very few females traversed the lek site. Over the next 2 years the lek decreased in size (both in terms of number of territories defended and number of territorial males) until it became a single territory, and after two more years it was abandoned. Another lek (Lek 2) whose access routes were unaffected by forest cuts, continued to exist. Territorial males abandoned Lek 1 and moved to Lek 2 when female visits to Lek 1 became rare. Our results suggest that female movement patterns can be affected by habitat manipulations, and that females will not return to traditional mating sites that become external to their home ranges. Male fallow deer may form leks along female movement routes, where they experience a high female encounter rate as predicted by the hotspot model.  相似文献   

We studied the aggressive behavior of territorial male fallow deer (Dama dama) at two leks. Daily number of escalated fights was not correlated with number of matings. A dominance index including all agonistic interactions was weakly correlated with copulatory success; the correlation was stronger when each half of the rut was considered separately. Dominance likely changed over the rut due to fatigue. We ranked lek territories by the number of copulations seen in each. Males that won fights were likely to take over the loser's territory only if it ranked higher than the one they held. Winners were more likely to fight with a third male after defeating an opponent that held a higher-ranking territory than one from a lower-ranking territory. Exposure to attacks by third-party males may be a major cost of fighting. Males appear aware of the relative value of different lek territories, but the frequency of aggression was not scaled to potential fitness benefits, possibly because males seldom fought with opponents they were unlikely to beat. The outcome of interactions on the lek may not always reflect the relative dominance rank of the contestants. Females are unlikely to use the outcome of fights as a direct criterion for mate selection.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of the decision rules used by competing animals can be achieved by examining both the temporal structure and display rate of competitors during a contest. Current models of animal competition make different predictions regarding the behaviour of competing animals and the present study evaluates the predictions of three such models, the energetic war of attrition (eWOA), the sequential assessment game (SAG) and the cumulative assessment model (CAM) by applying them to the fighting behaviour of male fallow deer (Dama dama L.). There was no difference in rate at which the jump clash and backward push were recorded over fight duration; therefore, in terms of the temporal distribution of behavioural acts within fights, the jump clash and backward push conformed to the predictions of the SAG. There was a difference between winners and losers of fights for the frequency that the jump clash and backward push were recorded consistent with both the SAG and CAM. Analysis of bout duration showed that there was a decrease in the duration of subsequent bouts of fighting; this is only permitted under eWOA. In so far as current assessment models permit interpretation of the data, our results meet only a limited number of predictions of any one model. Given the difficulty in interpreting our data within the context of current assessment models, recommendations for the development of more complex models are presented.  相似文献   

Removal of 5 of the 8 most successful males in a fallow deer lek between breeding seasons led to an increase in fighting rate of males and a decrease in mating rate of both sexes. The increase in fighting was likely due to disruption of the social hierarchy. The lower mating rate of females was not due to disruption of copulations by territorial males, nor did it appear to result from disturbance from fights. We suggest that difficulties in mate choice related to an unstable male hierarchy resulted in females either increasing their length of stay in the lek, visiting the lek more than once before mating, or leaving the lek without mating.  相似文献   

In 19 out of 22 aortas from fallow deer, 15 months to 5½ years, aortic lesions were found. Three types of lesions were observed, fatty streaks were seen in 2, fibrous plaques in 15 and fibrous plaques with complicated lesions (calcification and acid mucopolysaccharides) in 2 of the aortas. Elastic tissue degeneration of the inner two thirds of the tunica media was frequently found in the aorta of the animals > 3½–5½ years of age. There was no statistical evidence for a correlation between age and frequency (P ~ 0.10) but a trend towards age dependence was seen. The percentage of involved surface was found to significantly increase (0.05 > P > 0.01) with age. Lesions were found to start in the abdominal aorta in young animals and to extend cranially to the thoracic aorta with age. The percentage of involved surface in different affected regions, comprising all age groups were, in the posterior abdominal portion, 10.5 %, in the anterior abdominal portion, 4.3 % and in the posterior thoracic portion, 1.04 %. The influence of hemodynamic flow upon the localization of the aortic lesions, the endothelial cell population density and the endothelial nuclear patterns were discussed.  相似文献   

A nasal, so called ethmoidal, tumor from a fallow deer is described. It appears to be the first reported case of that species. The etiology is discussed.  相似文献   

2005年3~12月,在江西桃红岭自然保护区对华南梅花鹿主雄的社会行为进行了初步研究,记录了主雄等级序位的建立与维持、声音通讯、领域性、争雌打斗、交配和护群等6类社会行为,并对这些行为的生物学意义进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

Samples of rumen contents from 33 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), 31 axis deer (Axis axis), 26 sika deer (Cervus nippon), and 25 fallow deer (Dama dama) were collected from four study areas in central Texas. The geometric mean concentration of total protozoa was 50.2 x 10(4) per ml, with no differences between species (P > 0.36). White-tailed deer had a higher percentage of Entodinium and lower percentage of Diplodiniinae (P < 0.01) than the other deer species, which were not different from each other. Occurrence of Epidinium, Isotricha, and Dasytricha was sporadic and did not differ among deer species. Numerous new host records of protozoan species were observed: white-tailed deer--four; axis deer--five; sika deer--five; fallow deer--four. This brings the total number of protozoan species identified in each deer species to: white-tailed--eight; axis--12; sika--15; fallow--16. For all species combined, protozoan concentration were 7.5 to 11-fold higher (P < 0.01) from Area 4, which differed from the other three areas by having a stream that allowed deer to have free access to water. Criteria used for identification of medium-size Eudiplodinium species were evaluated.  相似文献   

Suckling and allosuckling were studied in relation to the age and sex of fawns in a captive population of fallow deer (Dama dama) showing a high rate of allosuckling (73% of the suckling bouts). No difference occurred between the sexes in either the duration or frequency of suckling and allosuckling. The frequency of suckling bouts decreased rapidly during the first four weeks of life while the frequency of allosuckling bouts increased rapidly between the second and the third week and remained constant until the conclusion of the observations (11th week of life). Birth date affected allosuckling, with late-born fawns performing fewer and shorter allosuckling bouts. The lack of a negative relationship between suckling and allosuckling frequencies failed to confirm the hypothesis that allosuckling allows fawns to complete their milk requirements on foster mothers. Both inbreeding and crowding could explain the absence of particular relationship between fawns and foster mothers.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dispersal distances and their distribution pattern are important to understanding such phenomena as disease spread and gene flow, but oftentimes dispersal characteristics are modeled as a fixed trait for a given species. We found that dispersal distributions differ for spring and autumn dispersals of yearling male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) but that combined data can be adequately modeled based on a log-normal distribution. We modeled distribution of dispersal distances from 3 distinct populations in Pennsylvania and Maryland, USA, based on the relationship between percent forest cover and mean dispersal distance and the relationship between mean and variance of dispersal distances. Our results suggest distributions of distances for dispersing yearling male white-tailed deer can be modeled by simply measuring a readily obtained landscape metric, percent forest cover, which could be used to create generalized spatially explicit disease or gene flow models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding sources of male deer mortality is a prerequisite to a successful management program, especially in Texas, USA, where white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are the most economically important game species. South Texas, USA, is one of the few areas where males reach older age classes (> 4.5 yr), in part because of intense population management. Therefore, we obtained survival rates and causes of mortality of 48 mature male deer in south Texas, USA, over 2 years. We calculated Kaplan—Meier survival estimates during 2 study years modified for a staggered-entry design and annual survival rates for one cohort of deer from 1998 to 2004 using recapture and radiotelemetry data. We documented 21 mortalities (16 harvest and 5 nonhunting mortalities). Average annual survival of the known-aged 1998 cohort was 82% with 52% of surviving to 6.5 years of age. Survival in study year 2 (0.497 ± 0.069) was less than in study year 1 (0.781 ± 0.073; P = 0.0047), largely because males had finally reached harvestable age (> 6.5 yr old). All but one non-harvest mortality occurred during the rut or postrut periods. It appears that a large percentage of males can reach mature age classes under intense population management, making them available for harvest when at peak antler size. This allows for increased economic returns on intensively managed white-tailed deer populations.  相似文献   

Variation in mating systems of fallow deer (Dama dama L.) was studied in wild and park populations and could be broadly distinguished into 7 categories: following, harems, dominance groups, stands, temporary stands, multiple stands, and leks. The ecological factors which exerted the greatest influence on mating systems were buck density, doe density, and habitat structure and tree cover, resulting in pronounced changes in the degree and type of territoriality observed. Individual male reproductive success was highly skewed in all systems. A greater range of concurrent mating strategies was observed in wild populations than in parks.  相似文献   

Territory establishment and antler cycle in male roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, were studied in two areas in south-eastern Sweden during 1989–1993. Initial territorial behaviour was observed in early Mar., when overlap between male ranges decreased from 66 % to 0 % over a 3–6-wk period, as determined from telemetry data. The decrease was associated with an increased number of agonistic interactions. Most territories were established at the end of Mar. to early Apr., with a tendency for males re-establishing old territories to be first. In all years, territories were taken up 1–3 wk before males shed velvet from their antlers. The distance between geometric centres of neighbouring males in winter and after territory establishment increased from 164 to 364 m. Former territory holders moved the geometric centres of their winter range and subsequent territory a shorter distance than first-year territorials, 129 and 267 m respectively. Territory defence ceased after the rut in late Aug., and the spatial relations between neighbours reverted to the situation before the territorial season. Neither velvet shedding nor antler casting was correlated with male age (yearlings excluded), which contradicts earlier statements. Neither were there any associations between timing of antler casting and subsequent velvet shedding, nor vice versa. Hence, a male casting antlers early one year derives no advantage by early shedding the next season. Furthermore, to be in hard antlers is not a prerequisite for territory take-up, whereas antlers probably are necessary for maintaining the area throughout the season. Functional aspects on roe buck territoriality are also discussed.  相似文献   

During the rut, polygynous ungulates gather in mixed groups of individuals of different sex and age. Group social composition, which may vary on a daily basis, is likely to have strong influences on individual’s time-budget, with emerging properties at the group-level. To date, few studies have considered the influence of group composition on male and female behavioral time budget in mating groups. Focusing on a wild population of Alpine ibex, we investigated the influence of group composition (adult sex ratio, the proportion of dominant to subordinate males, and group size) on three behavioral axes obtained by Principal Components Analysis, describing male and female group time-budget. For both sexes, the first behavioral axis discerned a trade-off between grazing and standing/vigilance behavior. In females, group vigilance behavior increased with increasingly male-biased sex ratio, whereas in males, the effect of adult sex ratio on standing/vigilance behavior depended on the relative proportion of dominant males in the mating group. The second axis characterized courtship and male-male agonistic behavior in males, and moving and male-directed agonistic behavior in females. Mating group composition did not substantially influence this axis in males. However, moving and male-directed agonistic behavior increased at highly biased sex ratios (quadratic effect) in females. Finally, the third axis highlighted a trade-off between moving and lying behavior in males, and distinguished moving and female-female agonistic behavior from lying behavior in females. For males, those behaviors were influenced by a complex interaction between group size and adult sex ratio, whereas in females, moving and female-female agonistic behaviors increased in a quadratic fashion at highly biased sex ratios, and also increased with increasing group size. Our results reveal complex behavioral trade-offs depending on group composition in the Alpine ibex, and emphasize the importance of social factors in influencing behavioral time-budgets of wild ungulates during the rut.  相似文献   

Während zweier Monate (1965) wurden im Banff National Park (Kanada) qualitative und quantitative Daten über das Brunftverhalten des amerikanischen Wapiti (Cervus canadensis) gesammelt. Einige Verhaltensweisen sind erstmals genauer beschneben. Die ♀♀-Gruppen sowie die Zahl der mit ihnen lebenden Spießer und 21/2- und 31/2 jähngen ♂♂ wurden zu Beginn der Brunft kleiner, an ihrem Ende wieder größer. Das Zahlenverhältnis von ♀♀ und Kälbern blieb dabei gleich. Spießer blieben länger als ältere ♂♂ in den ♀♀-Gruppen und schlossen sich ihnen früher wieder an. Bei Brunftbeginn traten die über 31/2Jährigen ♂♂ zu den ♀♀-Gruppen, spalteten sie und vertrieben jüngere ♂♂. Sonogramme erläutern genauere Angaben über das Röhren und den Alarmruf, der bei ♂♂ höher ist als bei ♀♀. Durch Röhren, Geweihschlagen am Gesträuch, Graben und Suhlen scheinen andere ♂♂ aufmerksam und angelockt zu werden. Das führt zu Zweikämpfen und fördert die geschlechtliche Auslese. ♂♂ ab 31/2 Jahren können ejakulieren beim Röhren, Geweihschlagen, Graben, Stehen in der Suhle, nach dem Zusammentreiben von ♀♀ und beim Alarmrufen. Heftige Kämpfe waren selten, nur einmal kam es zu Schlägen auf den Körper. Kampfwunden scheinen unwesentlich als Todesursache. ♂♂ kämpfen bevorzugt mit Altersgenossen, ältere kämpfen mehr als junge, alle zu bestimmten Tages- und Jahreszeiten mehr als sonst. Reviere scheint es nicht zu geben. Harem-♂♂ treiben zu bestimmten Tages- und Jahreszeiten besonders häufig ♂♀ mit Kälbern zusammen. Mehr als 31/2 Jahre alte ♂♂ bestritten 94 % der heterosexuellen Kontakte, die ebenfalls tages- und jahreszeitlich verschieden häufig waren. Harem-♂♂ vertrieben am häufigsten über 31/2jährige ♂♂, selten Spießer, am seltensten 21/2jährige ♂♂. Wenn es beim Drohen blieb, war immer der Angreifer gleich alt oder älter als sein Gegner; die Häufigkeit solcher nicht zur Berührung führenden aggressiven Begegnungen änderte sich mit der Tageszeit. ♀♀-Gruppen werden offenbar von adulten ♀♀, nicht von jungen ♂♂ ?geführt”. Über 31/2jährige ♂♂ verbrauchen wohl in der Brunft Energiereserven, denn sie fressen weniger lange und sind mehr mit Laufen und anderen Bewegungen beschäftigt als jüngere ♂♂.  相似文献   

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