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SUMMARY Saltational changes in segment numbers have likely occurred in arthropod evolution, especially if mechanisms of segment formation involve a multiplicative phase, as recently suggested in the evo-devo literature. Here we provide for the first time evidence of major phenotypic saltation in the evolution of segment number in a lineage of centipedes, with a newly discovered species of scolopender having segment numbers duplicated with respect to its closest relatives, and to all the remaining 700+ species of Scolopendromorpha known to date.  相似文献   

Most geophilomorph centipedes have segmental clusters of exocrine glands whose opening pores are arranged in more or less well-defined sternal pore areas. We describe here the cuticular structures forming and/or accompanying the gland openings on the sternites and the shape of the pore areas along the body axis in representatives of most geophilomorph families. The cuticular ring around the pore may exhibit either of two forms. In Himantariidae ( Himantarium ) and in Dignathodontidae ( Henia ) the ring looks like a continuous ribbon with a visible suture, whereas in the representatives of the remaining families no suture is seen. As to the distribution of the pores on ventral surface of the body, we record the presence of pores on the last leg-bearing segment of Clinopodes flavidus , whereas that segment was described as poreless in all geophilomorphs. We also provide a taxonomic survey of shape and distribution of pore areas in the individual families, where the pore areas may take very different shapes that we regard as transformational homologues. As for the segmental distribution of sternal pore areas, there is a considerable amount of complexity along the trunk of geophilomorph centipedes, in contrast to the apparently uniform trunk structure.  相似文献   

The case studies of population genetics focus on intraspecific variation, but most cases--at least where the variation is polymorphic--deal with characters that are not directly linked to organismic structure or ontogeny. Conversely, the case studies of evolutionary developmental biology focus directly on structure/ontogeny, but usually involve only interspecific comparisons. To integrate these complementary approaches, it is desirable to have a model system that permits study of intraspecific variation in development, using a character whose genetic basis either is already known or can be elucidated. Segment number in geophilomorph centipedes is proposed as a possible model system of this kind. Segment number is variable in natural populations of geophilomorphs, while in the other centipede orders it is fixed, either completely (scutigeromorphs, lithobiomorphs), or at least within species (scolopendromorphs). Statistical analysis of data on the extent of variation in different geophilomorph species suggests that segment number may be of selective importance, rather than the variation being merely an inevitable consequence of the difficulty of achieving a high degree of repeatability when there is a large number of segments.  相似文献   

There is a negative relationship between trunk segment number and latitude among geophilomorph centipedes in general. A similar relationship is known to exist within the most intensively‐studied geophilomorph species, Strigamia maritima, and also within several other species from this group. Previously, it was considered that this relationship did not involve body length; instead, individuals of S. maritima with more segments were considered to be more finely subdivided (not longer) than those with fewer segments. This incorrect interpretation arose from the difficulty of reliably separating post‐embryonic stages and thus of making a simple and direct comparison. In the present study, we build on recent work that facilitates such comparisons; and we show conclusively that individuals with more segments are longer. Our finding means that it is now possible to connect the work on S. maritima in particular, and on geophilomorph centipedes in general, with the debate about Bergmann's ‘rule’: the proposal that body size increases with increasing latitude. There is a clear ‘converse‐Bergmann’ pattern, as has been found in several other taxa. We propose an adaptive hypothesis that may explain why geophilomorphs show this pattern. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Polymorphic species, in which multiple variants coexist within a population, are often used as model systems in evolutionary biology. Recent research has been dominated by the hypothesis that polymorphism can be a precursor to speciation. To date, the majority of research regarding polymorphism and speciation has focused on whether polymorphism is maintained within a population or whether morphs within populations may diverge to form separate species (sympatric speciation); however, the geographical context of speciation in polymorphic systems is likely to be both diverse and complex. In this review, we draw attention to the geographic variation in morph composition and frequencies that characterises many, if not most polymorphic species. Recent theoretical and empirical developments suggest that such variation in the number, type and frequency of morphs present among populations can increase the probability of speciation. Thus, the geographical context of a polymorphism requires a greater research focus. Here, we review the prevalence, causes and evolutionary consequences of geographic variation in polymorphism in colour‐polymorphic animal species. The prevalence and nature of geographic variation in polymorphism suggests that polymorphism may be a precursor to and facilitate speciation more commonly than appreciated previously. We argue that a better understanding of the processes generating geographic variation in polymorphism is vital to understanding how polymorphism can promote speciation.  相似文献   

ChiloKey is a matrix-based, interactive key to all 179 species of Geophilomorpha (Chilopoda) recorded from Europe, including species of uncertain identity and those whose morphology is known partially only. The key is intended to assist in identification of subadult and adult specimens, by means of microscopy and simple dissection techniques whenever necessary. The key is freely available through the web at: http://www.biologia.unipd.it/chilokey/ and at http://www.interactive-keys.eu/chilokey/.  相似文献   



Unraveling the genetic mechanisms associated with reduced gene flow between genetically differentiated populations is key to understand speciation. Different types of structural variations (SVs) have been found as a source of genetic diversity in a wide range of species. Previous studies provided detailed knowledge on the potential evolutionary role of SVs, especially copy number variations (CNVs), between well diverged species of e.g. primates. However, our understanding of their significance during ongoing speciation processes is limited due to the lack of CNV data from closely related species. The genus Sus (pig and its close relatives) which started to diverge ~4 Mya presents an excellent model for studying the role of CNVs during ongoing speciation.


In this study, we identified 1408 CNV regions (CNVRs) across the genus Sus. These CNVRs encompass 624 genes and were found to evolve ~2.5 times faster than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The majority of these copy number variable genes are olfactory receptors (ORs) known to play a prominent role in food foraging and mate recognition in Sus. Phylogenetic analyses, including novel Bayesian analysis, based on CNVRs that overlap ORs retain the well-accepted topology of the genus Sus whereas CNVRs overlapping genes other than ORs show evidence for random drift and/or admixture.


We hypothesize that inter-specific variation in copy number of ORs provided the means for rapid adaptation to different environments during the diversification of the genus Sus in the Pliocene. Furthermore, these regions might have acted as barriers preventing massive gene flow between these species during the multiple hybridization events that took place later in the Pleistocene suggesting a possible prominent role of ORs in the ongoing Sus speciation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1449-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Geophilomorph centipedes provide an unusual opportunity to examine patterns of variation in segment number within extant species. (Most other arthropod species are invariant in this respect.) Recent work on several geophilomorph species has revealed latitudinal clines in segment number, but has generally not called into question the identities of the species themselves. However, analysis of a unique pattern of variation in British populations of Geophilus carpophagus Leach, coupled with other morphological and enzyme data, reveals a cryptic species, Geophilus easoni sp. nov. This species has not yet been detected on the European mainland. Four distinct hypotheses are advanced regarding the speciation event through which G. easoni arose and the phylogeographic processes that resulted in the present distributions of the two species in Britain. Further study will be necessary to test these hypotheses. In any event, G. carpophagus and G. easoni provide something that has until now been absent: a case study of the genetic differences between closely-related geophilomorph species.  相似文献   

Based on morphological evidence, we newly define the genus Stenotaenia Koch, 1847 (=Scnipaeus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Simophilus Silvestri, 1896; =Onychopodogaster Verhoeff, 1902; =Insigniporus Attems, 1903; =Notadenophilus Verhoeff, 1928; =Bithyniphilus Verhoeff, 1941; =Schizopleres Folkmanova, 1956; =Euronesogeophilus Matic, 1972; all syn. nov. ) as including the following 15 species: Stenotaenia linearis (Koch, 1835) (=Geophilus simplex Gervais, 1835; =Geophilus brevicornis Koch, 1837; =Scnipaeus foveolatus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Himantarium caldarium Meinert, 1886 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus (Geophilus) linearis var. polyporus Verhoeff, 1896 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus ormanyensis Attems, 1903 syn. nov. , after lectotype designation; =Insigniporus acuneli C?pu?e, 1968 syn. nov. ) from central and northern Europe; Stenotaenia frenum (Meinert, 1870) from northern Africa; Stenotaenia romana (Silvestri, 1895) (=Geophilus silvestrii Verhoeff, 1928 syn. nov. ) and Stenotaenia sorrentina (Attems, 1903) (=Geophilus forficularius Fanzago, 1881 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus linearis abbreviatus Verhoeff, 1925 syn. nov. ) from the Italian peninsula and Sardinia; Stenotaenia antecribellata (Verhoeff, 1898) (=Simophilus albanensis Attems, 1929 syn. nov. ), Stenotaenia cribelliger (Verhoeff, 1898), Stenotaenia palpiger (Attems, 1903), Stenotaenia rhodopensis (Kaczmarek, 1970), and Stenotaenia sturanyi (Attems, 1903) from the Balkan peninsula; Stenotaenia naxia (Verhoeff, 1901) (=Geophilus graecus Verhoeff, 1902) from the Aegean islands; Stenotaenia asiaeminoris (Verhoeff, 1898) and Stenotaenia bosporana (Verhoeff, 1941) from Anatolia; Stenotaenia giljarovi (Folkmanova, 1956) from western Caucasus; Stenotaenia fimbriata (Verhoeff, 1934) and Stenotaenia palaestina (Verhoeff, 1925) from Palestine; with the only exception of S. linearis, all of these binomens are comb. nov. In Stenotaenia, a strongly conserved overall morphology is matched by an unusual interspecific variation in both the body size of fully grown specimens (from 1.7 cm in S. romana to 7.7 cm in S. sturanyi) and the number of leg‐bearing segments (from 43 in male S. romana to 115 in female S. sturanyi). The number of segments correlates with maximum body size. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 253–286.  相似文献   

Zeng YF  Liao WJ  Petit RJ  Zhang DY 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4995-5011
Studying geographic variation in the rate of hybridization between closely related species could provide a useful window on the evolution of reproductive isolation. Reinforcement theory predicts greater prezygotic isolation in areas of prolonged contact between recently diverged species than in areas of recent contact, which implies that old contact zones would be dominated by parental phenotypes with few hybrids (bimodal hybrid zones), whereas recent contact zones would be characterized by hybrid swarms (unimodal hybrid zones). Here, we investigate how the hybrid zones of two closely related Chinese oaks, Quercus mongolica and Q. liaotungensis, are structured geographically using both nuclear and chloroplast markers. We found that populations of Q. liaotungensis located around the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China, an inferred glacial refugium, were introgressed by genes from Q. mongolica, suggesting historical contact between the two species in this region. However, these introgressed populations form sharp bimodal hybrid zones with Q. mongolica. In contrast, populations of Q. liaotungensis located in North China, which show no sign of ancient introgression with Q. mongolica, form unimodal hybrid zones with Q. mongolica. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that selection against hybrids has had sufficient time to reinforce the reproductive barriers between Q. liaotungensis and Q. mongolica in Northeast China but not in North China.  相似文献   

Intrasegmental patterning in the Drosophila embryo requires the activity of the segment polarity genes. The acquisition of positional information by cells during embryogenesis is reflected in the dynamic patterns of expression of several of these genes. In the case of patched, early ubiquitous expression is followed by its repression in the anterior portion of each parasegment; subsequently each broad band of expression splits into two narrow stripes. In this study we analyse the contribution of other segment polarity gene functions to the evolution of this pattern; we find that the first step in patched regulation is under the control of engrailed whereas the second requires the activity of both cubitus interruptusD and patched itself. Furthermore, the products of engrailed, wingless and hedgehog are essential for maintaining the normal pattern of expression of patched.  相似文献   

Because the body axes of fish consist of two anatomically distinct vertebrae, abdominal and caudal, one type may be more variable in number than the other and thus contribute more to morphological diversification. Jordan's rule, a geographical tendency for fish from higher latitudes to have more vertebrae, has not been examined in terms of numbers of abdominal and/or caudal vertebrae, despite its prevalence. Vertebral observations of wild populations of the medaka ( Oryzias latipes ) revealed that the latitudinal increase in vertebral number is caused by an increase in abdominal vertebrae; caudal vertebrae did not vary systematically across latitudes. Laboratory experiments revealed that this latitudinal cline in abdominal vertebral number persists in a range of common environments, demonstrating a genetic basis. Phenotypic plasticity was also evident: lower developmental temperatures resulted in more abdominal vertebrae. This indicates that greater numbers of abdominal vertebrae in higher latitude individuals in the wild may be caused not only by genetic factors but by lower habitat temperatures, although the contribution of the former to Jordan's rule is assessed to be much greater. The genetic basis of the latitudinal variation in abdominal vertebral number suggests that selection on functions associated with abdominal regions is the probable explanation for Jordan's rule in this fish.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 856–866.  相似文献   

The modes of speciation that are thought to have contributed most to the generation of biodiversity require population differentiation as the initial stage in the speciation process. Consequently, a complete understanding of the mechanisms of speciation requires that the process be examined not just after speciation is complete, or nearly so, but also much earlier. Because reproductive isolation defines biological species, and it evolves slowly, study of the process may require a prohibitive span of time. Even if speciation could be observed directly, selection of populations in the process of speciation is typically difficult or impossible, because those that will ultimately undergo speciation cannot be distinguished from those that will differentiate but never assume the status of new biological species. One means of circumventing this problem is to study speciation in taxa comprising several sibling species, at least one of which exhibits extensive population differentiation. We illustrate this approach by exploring patterns of population variation in the post-glacial radiation of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. We focus on lacustrine populations and species within this complex, demonstrating parallel axes of divergence within populations, among populations and among species. The pattern that emerges is one of parallel relationships between phenotype and fitness at all three hierarchical levels, a pattern that facilitates exploration of the causes and consequences of speciation and secondary contact. A second outcome of this exploration is the observation that speciation can be the consequence of a cascade of effects, beginning with selection on trophic or other characteristics that in turn force the evolution of other population characteristics that precipitate speciation. Neither of these conclusions could have been reached without comparative studies of wild populations at several hierarchical levels, a conclusion reinforced by a brief survey of similar efforts to elucidate the process of speciation. We address the issues most likely to be resolved using this approach, and suggest that comparisons of natural variation within taxa at several hierarchical levels may substantially increase our understanding of the speciation process.  相似文献   

Variation in body weight of red deer in Norway was investigated along two climatic gradients: one with increasing latitude, and the other with proximity to the coast. Deer of all sex/age classes were significantly heavier in the northern parts of their range compared with the south and were also significantly heavier at inland localities compared with the coast. Body weights were negatively correlated with temperature and precipitation throughout the years. These clines in body weight apparently support Bergmann's rule, and may reflect selection for large size in cold environments. However, we interpret the results in the light of recent work on plant physiology which indicates higher quality forage at high latitudes, and in cooler and drier climates: conditions which are likely lo enhance growth in the north and inland. Evidence that individual deer which migrate inland, following the snow melt, are heavier is also presented and discussed in terms of an adaptive behaviour that maximises the intake of digestible energy and high quality nutrients.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Here we address the question of how arthropod segment number may evolve by reporting the results of further work on the model system Strigamia maritima . Recently, we showed that there was a plastic component of the variation in segment number within this species; now we demonstrate that there is also a heritable component. This is important because it enables a connection to be made between the known latitudinal trend among species of geophilomorph centipedes (more segments at lower latitudes) and the parallel trend within them. This latter trend is best documented in S. maritima but is also known in several other species. However, while a general connection between the inter- and intraspecific trends can now be made, deciding upon a specific hypothesis of the nature of the selection involved is still problematic. We provide two alternative hypotheses, one based on the temperature-related plasticity in segment number being adaptive, the other based on it being nonadaptive.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in Giardia karyotypes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chromosomes of 41 stocks of Giardia duodenalis derived from humans and 14 stocks from other animal species were analysed by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). These stocks have two predominant karyotypes as judged by FIGE which appear to fit a geographic distribution. Under FIGE conditions used to optimize the detection of size variation in Giardia chromosomes, five or six major chromosomes could be identified. Most of the stocks derived from North America have three major chromosomes smaller than 800 kb while most of the Australian stocks have four. A few exceptions, and minor variations, of these karyotypes were observed. It was estimated that not all of the DNA entered the gel, the remainder being trapped conformations or very large chromosomes. Karyotypes of Giardia stocks from different animal hosts and human sources within a geographical region are similar.  相似文献   

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