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Summary The kinetics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils amended with different organic materials was investigated at different periods of incubation lasting for 30 weeks. The data indicated that the decomposition of organic matter in soils is controlled by two simultaneously occurring superimposed first-order kinetic reactions. Based on cumulative C or N mineralization-t1/2 relationships, the carbon or nitrogen mineralization potentials of the soils amended with different organic materials were derived on the premise that the rate of C or N mineralization is proportional to the amount of potentially mineralizable substrate as defined by the equation: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamizaiaado% eacaGGVaGaamizaiaadshacqGH9aqpcqGHsislcaWGlbGaam4qaiaa% bccacaqGVbGaaeOCaiaabccacaqGSbGaae4BaiaabEgacaqGGaGaai% ikaiaaboeacaqGVbGaeyOeI0IaaeiiaiaaboeacaqG0bGaaeykaiaa% bccacaqG9aGaaeiiaiaabYgacaqGVbGaae4zaiaabccacaqGdbGaae% 4BaiaabccacqGHsislcaqGGaGaae4saiaab+cacaqGYaGaaeOlaiaa% bodacaqGWaGaae4maiaabccacaqGOaGaamiDaiaacMcaaaa!5C0E!\[dC/dt = - KC{\text{ or log }}({\text{Co}} - {\text{ Ct) = log Co }} - {\text{ K/2}}{\text{.303 (}}t)\]where Co is the C mineralization potential, Ct is the cumulative amount of CO2 evolved at time t, and K is the mineralization rate constant. The estimates of C or N mineralization potential, mineralization rate constants and half-time for C or N mineralization are reported for the organic matter amended soils. The relative enrichment of conventional humus fractions after a 30 week period of incubation indicated that the soils could be ranked in the following order of encouraging humification of the organic materials: Haplustults>Haplaquents>Calciorthents.re]19751007  相似文献   

M. K. Sinha 《Plant and Soil》1972,36(1-3):295-299
Summary In an investigation on the biochemical changes of added C14-tagged oat roots incubated with soils under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, biosynthesis of polysaccharides of varying composition was noted during the humification process. Possible causes of persistence of carbohydrates in soils are indicated.  相似文献   



Afforestation causes important alterations in SOM content and composition that affect the soil functions and C balance. The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms that determine the changes in SOM composition following afforestation of grasslands.


The study included 4 chronosequences and 5 paired plots comprising pastures and land afforested with Pinus radiata. The SOM was characterized by 13C CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry.


During the first 10–20 year after afforestation, the changes in SOM content varied from slight gains to large losses (>40 %). The analyses revealed that even SOM compounds considered resistant to decomposition were degraded during this time. The SOM gains, observed 20 year after stand establishment, were favoured by the higher recalcitrance of pine litter and possibly by soil acidification. The concentrations of most SOM compounds, particularly the stable compounds, were higher at the end of the rotation. The low degree of protection, along with the favourable climatic conditions, may also explain the rapid decomposition of SOM, including resistant compounds, in these soils. DSC analysis complemented the information about SOM composition provided by other techniques.


The accumulation of stable SOM compounds at the end of the rotation suggests a longer soil C turnover in these afforested soils, which may alleviate the gradual loss of SOC in intensively managed forest soils.  相似文献   

The use of different proportions of rape straw and grass as amendments in the composting of dewatered sewage sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant was tested in a two-stage system (first stage, an aerated bioreactor and second stage, a periodically turned windrow). The composition of feedstock affected the temperature and organic matter degradation in the bioreactor and the formation of humic substances, especially humic acids (HA), during compost maturation in the windrow. The total HA content (the sum of labile and stable HA) increased according to first-order kinetics, whereas labile HA content was constant and did not exceed 12% of total HA. Δlog K of 1.0–1.1 indicated that HA was of R-type, indicating a low degree of humification. Temperature during composting was the main factor affecting polymerization of fulvic acids to HA and confirmed the value of the degree of polymerization, which increased only when thermophilic conditions were obtained.  相似文献   

Planted silvo-pastoral systems are formed by sparing selected native trees when land is cleared for pasture establishment, or by planting selected species – often known agroforestry species – into the establishing pasture. Isolated trees within pastures and savannas are often associated with `resource islands', characterized by higher fertility and organic matter levels under the tree canopies. We here examine the processes underlying the differences in fertility and organic matter in a buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) pasture that contained two tree species (Ziziphus joazeiro Mart., Spondias tuberosa Arruda Cam.) preserved from the native thorn forest and a planted agroforestry species (Prospois juliflora Swartz D.C). The objective is to distinguish effects of soil variability from those induced by the presence of trees or the planting of pasture. The 13C signatures of the original (largely C3) vegetation, the preserved and planted trees, and the planted C4 grass were used to distinguish the provenance of organic matter in the top soil (0–15 cm). This allowed the conclusion that all trees maintained C3 derived C at the original thorn forest level, while lower levels under pasture were due to mineralisation of organic matter. The net rates of forest-derived C loss under pasture varied with soil type amounting to between 25 and 50% in 13 years after pasture establishment. Only on Alfisol, C inputs from the pasture compensated for the C3-C losses. Analysis of organic and inorganic P fractions indicated Z. joazeiro and P. juliflora enriched the soil under their canopy with P, whereas S. tuberosa had no positive effect on fertility. A combination of ANOVA and spatial analysis and mapping was used to show vegetation effects.  相似文献   

When the effect of water content was minimized, soil CO2 evolution and soil organic matter content were good predictors of aerobic NO. uptake rate constants across a wide range of soil types. Field manure application to a Gleysol stimulated NO. uptake rate constants and lowered NO. compensation points compared to unfertilized or NH4NO3-fertilized soil. This effect lasted for months after manure application. In a laboratory experiment, addition of manure reduced the NO. efflux associated with nitrification of NH4 Cl fertilizer, and manured soils had a greater capacity to remove NO. from polluted air. Evidence is presented that these observations result from NO. oxidation during heterotrophic microbial activity in soil.  相似文献   

Spatial variability of soil total nitrogen (N), available N (KCl extractable NH4+ and NO3), and spatial patterns of N mineralization and nitrification at a stand scale were characterized with geostatistical and univariate analysis. Two extensive soil spatial samplings were conducted in an evergreen broadleaf forest in Sichuan province, southwestern China in June and August 2000. In a study area of 90 × 105 m2, three soil samples were collected from each 5 × 5 m2 plot (n = 378) in June and August, and were analyzed for total N and available N contents. Net N mineralization and nitrification were measured by in situ core incubation and the rates were estimated based on the difference of NH4+ and NO3 contents between the two sampling dates. Total N, NH4+, and NO3 were all spatially structured with different semivariogram ranges (from high to low: NH4+, NO3, and total N). The semivariograms of mineralization and nitrification were not as spatially structured as available N. NH4+ was the dominant soil inorganic N form in the system. Both NH4+ and NO3 affected spatial patterns of soil available N, but their relative importance switched in August, probably due to high nitrification as indicated by greatly increased soil NO3 content. High spatial auto-correlations (>0.7) were found between available N and NH4+, available N and NO3 on both sampling dates, as well as total N measurements between both sampling dates. Although significant, the spatial auto-correlation between NH4+ and NO3 were generally low. Topography had significant but low correlations with mineralization (r = −0.16) and nitrification (r = −0.14), while soil moisture did not. The large nugget values of the calculated semivariograms and high-semivariance values, particularly for mineralization and nitrification, indicate that some fine scale (<5 m) variability may lie below the threshold for detection in this study.  相似文献   

Rumpel  C.  Kögel-Knabner  I.  Hüttl  R. F. 《Plant and Soil》1999,213(1-2):161-168
In the Lusatian mining district, in the eastern part of the Federal Republic of Germany, organic matter of reclaimed mine soils consists of a mixture of lignite and recently formed soil organic matter (recent carbon). The aim of the study was to investigate the recent carbon accumulation and the degree of humification of a chronosequence of young mine soils under forest. The lignite content of the forest floor, Ai (0–5 cm) and Cv horizons (1 m depth) was determined by 14CU activity measurements and the structural composition of the organic matter was characterised by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. To obtain a characterisation of the degree of humification, the soil samples were analysed for the content of polysaccharides, proteins, lignin and lipids by wet chemical methods. 14C activity measurements indicate that at the oldest site, comparable amounts of carbon accumulated in the first few centimetres of the soil profile than in natural forest soils. 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of the organic matter in the Ai horizons of the three soil profiles were dominated by aromatic and alkyl carbon species characteristic for lignite, but indicated as well an increasing contribution of carbon species from decomposing plant litter with soil age. When the results from wet chemical analyses were normalised to the total carbon content no changes with age could be noticed. After normalisation of the amount of litter compounds to the recent carbon content, the carbon identified by plant litter compound analysis decreased with increasing depth and increasing age of the soils. After 32 years the values are comparable to those of natural forest soils. These observations were confirmed by increasing degree of lignin alteration with stand age and soil depth. The data of wet chemical analyses complement data obtained by 14C activity measurements and 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy and lead to the conclusion that 32 years after reforestation the degree of humification of the soil organic matter is in the same range as those of natural sites. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Water-soluble organic matter in forest soils   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
By applying a modified gel permeation technique, the molecular-size distribution (MSD) and complexing properties of water-soluble organic matter (WSOM), isolated from the Ah horizon under stands with either Douglas-fir, European beech or Scots pine were established. Both with respect to MSD and complexing properties, the dissolved organic matter was highly similar. WSOM was comprised of compounds apparently high in molecular weight (>1 kDa) and with a complexing capacity of 1.0±0.1 mol mg–1 carbon as determined for Cu(II) at pH 5.5 and 0.01 M ionic strength. The effect of WSOM on the partitioning of cations between soil solid phase and soil solution was evaluated in several soil batch experiments using loamy sand or sandy soil material. Although a large part of WSOM was sorbed to the soil matrix, Al, Cu, Fe and Pb were solubilized in considerable amounts by complexation. The Mn concentration in the soil solution was also significantly increased but this probably resulted from a redox reaction, with certain constituents of WSOM serving as electron donor. With a decrease in soil pH, cation mobilization by WSOM was significantly lower as a result of increased sorption and a decrease in complexing capacity of the soluble organics. Application of several low MW aliphatic and phenolic acids gave results similar to the results obtained with WSOM.  相似文献   

Some primitive meteorites are carbon-rich objects containing a variety of organic molecules that constitute a valuable record of organic chemical evolution in the universe prior to the appearance of microorganisms. Families of compounds include hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amino acids, amines, amides, heterocycles, phosphonic acids, sulfonic acids, sugar-related compounds and poorly defined high-molecular weight macromolecules. A variety of environments are required in order to explain this organic inventory, including interstellar processes, gas-grain reactions operating in the solar nebula, and hydrothermal alteration of parent bodies. Most likely, substantial amounts of such organic materials were delivered to the Earth via a late accretion, thereby providing organic compounds important for the emergence of life itself, or that served as a feedstock for further chemical evolution. This review discusses the organic content of primitive meteorites and their relevance to the build up of biomolecules.  相似文献   

Dynamics of organic matter in soils   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
E. A. Paul 《Plant and Soil》1984,76(1-3):275-285
Summary Dynamics of C, N, S, and to some extent P are expressed by a knowledge of the size and turnover rates of plant constituents such as soluble C and N components, cellulose and hemicellulose, and lignin. Soil organic matter constituents include: the microbial biomass as determined chemically or microscopically, non-biomass active components determined by isotopic dilution, stabilized N constituents for which good techniques are not yet available, and resistant or old C and associated N determined by carbon dating. The processes involved in the nutrient transformations and transfers are reasonably well understood. The control mechanisms require further elucidation to be able to extrapolate from the laboratory to the field, and between field sites. Major control mechanisms requiring further insight include the effects of C availability on transformations of C and N. The other control for which every little is known is that of spatial compartmentalization. Compartmentalization ranges from landscape or management sequences to pedogenic layers, rhizosphere-mycorrhizal effects, clay-sesquioxide surfaces, aggregation, localized enzymes, and microbial effects such as membrane boundaries. Control mechanisms for concurrent mineralization-immobilization, the stabilization of microbial products, and the relative role of the biomass as a catalyst rather than as a source-sink for nutrients, must be understood. There is potential for combining a knowledge of microbial production and turnover with that of the roles of the soil organic active fraction as a temporary storehouse for nutrients. This, in conjunction with management techniques such as zero tillage and crop rotation, should make it possible to better utilize soil and fertilizer N, especially in areas of the world where the cost of nutrients is high relative to the value of the crop grown.Introductory lecture  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics ultimately govern the ability of soil to provide long‐term C sequestration and the nutrients required for ecosystem productivity. Predicting belowground responses to elevated CO2 requires an integrated understanding of SOM transformations and the microbial activity that governs them. It remains unclear how the microorganisms upon which these transformations depend will function in an elevated CO2 world. This study examines SOM transformations and microbial metabolism in soils from the Duke Free Air Carbon Enrichment site in North Carolina, USA. We assessed microbial respiration and net nitrogen (N) mineralization in soils with and without elevated CO2 exposure during a 100‐day incubation. We also traced the depleted C isotopic signature of the supplemental CO2 into SOM and the soils' phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), which serve as biomarkers for living cells. Cumulative net N mineralization in elevated CO2 soils was 50% that in control soils after a 100‐day incubation. Respiration was not altered with elevated CO2. C : N ratios of bulk SOM did not change with elevated CO2, but incubation data suggest that the C : N ratios of mineralized organic matter increased with elevated CO2. Values of SOM δ13C were depleted with elevated CO2 (?26.7±0.2 vs. ?30.2±0.3‰), reflecting the depleted signature of the supplemental CO2. We compared δ13C of individual PLFA with the δ13C of SOM to discern incorporation of the depleted C isotopic signature into soil microbial groups in elevated CO2 plots. PLFA i15:0, a15:0, and 10Met18:0 reflected significant incorporation of recently produced photosynthate, suggesting that the bacterial groups defined by these biomarkers are active metabolizers in elevated CO2 soils. At least one of these groups (actinomycetes, 10Met18:0) specializes in metabolizing less labile substrates. Because control plots did not receive an equivalent 13C tracer, we cannot determine from these data whether this group of organisms was stimulated by elevated CO2 compared with these organisms in control soils. Stimulation of this group, if it occurred in the elevated CO2 plot, would be consistent with a decline in the availability of mineralizable organic matter with elevated CO2, which incubation data suggest may be the case in these soils.  相似文献   

The retention of organic matter in soils   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:27  
The turnover of C in soils is controlled mainly by water regimes and temperature, but is modified by factors such as size and physicochemical properties of C additions in litter or root systems, distribution of C throughout the soil as root systems, or addition as litter, distribution of C within the soil matrix and its interaction with clay surfaces.Soil factors which retard mineralization of C in soils are identified from correlations of C contents of soils with other properties such as clay content and base status. The rate and extent of C mineralization depends on the chemistry of the added organic matter and interaction with clays of the microbial biomass and metabolites.The organomineral interactions are shown to depend on cation bridges involving mainly Ca in neutral to alkaline soils, Al in acid soils and adsorption of organic materials on iron oxide surfaces. The various organomineral interactions lead to aggregations of clay particles and organic materials, which stabilizes both soil structure and the carbon compounds within the aggregates.  相似文献   

In the low salinity region of the Elbe estuary in March–April 1992 the turbidity zone was characterized by high loads of suspended matter, 7% of which was organic material (750 μM C) at the surface. Particulate nitrogen, phosphorus and carbohydrates concentrations reached 55 μM N, 10 μM P and more than 15 μM glc. eq., corresponding to 13% of total C, at the surface and increasing threefold near the bottom. In spite of the peaking of particulate organic material levels in the maximum turbidity zone, there were only consistent qualitative changes in total particulate C, N, P, and carbohydrates along the Elbe estuary. Downstream, both the percentage of particulate organic material and the turbidity: organic material ratio decreased, indicating decomposition in the upper estuary and dilution with inorganic suspended matter from the lower estuary. Diatoms, the dominant phytoplankton group, decreased from the upper reaches towards the turbidity zone by 0.3 (surface) and 1.5 mg C l−1 (bottom). This corresponded to 12 and 60% of the decrease in total particulate carbon. Estimated local input of organic carbon by primary production (21 μg Cl−1d−1) was almost compensated by calculated minimum grazing (14 μg C l−1d−1). Considering net primary production and grazing, the dissimilation by zooplankton (5 μg C l−1d−1) and heterotrophic bacterial decomposition (48 μg C l−1d−1), when summed over the estimated flushing time (12 days) represented a loss of suspended organic matter of 0.6 mg Cl−1. Since this was only 20% of the observed decrease in particulate carbon, significant dilution processes must be assumed. Dissolved organic nitrogen decreased from 35 to 10 μM N and dissolvd organic phosphorus from 0.6 to 0.1 μM P towards the sea, mainly due to dilution. The distribution of phosphate, with highest loads in the turbidity maximum of 2.4 μM, suggested an interaction with the accumulated load of particulate material.  相似文献   

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