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Two mountain lions (Puma con-color) were found dead in the Simi Hills area of southern California (Ventura County). Postmortem examination and toxicological analyses indicated that the cause of death was anticoagulant rodenticide intoxication. In addition, both lions had marked alopecia and skin crusts, caused by Notoedres cati. The diagnosis of notoedric mange was confirmed by histology and direct examination of mites obtained from skin scrapings of the two animals. Histologically, the affected skin showed acanthotic epidermis with parakeratosis and parasitic tunnels in the stratum corneum. This is the first report of the pathological changes associated with notoedric mange in free-ranging mountain lions.  相似文献   

From February 1998 to July 1999, 65 western gray squirrels (Sciurus griseus griseus) were trapped at three sites in Klickitat County, Washington (USA) as part of a home range and habitat use study. No squirrels (0/9) with mange lesions were identified in the initial trapping session (February and March 1998). During all subsequent trapping sessions (August 1998 through July 1999), squirrels with lesions consistent with notoedric mange, caused by the mite Notoedres centrifera (douglasi), were captured or recaptured at all three study sites. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology and examination of mites obtained from skin scrapings from two affected squirrels. Of the 56 squirrels captured from August 1998 to July 1999, 33 (59%) had characteristic mange lesions, and 14 (42%) affected squirrels died directly of mange or of secondary complications of mange. Only four breeding females of 22 radio-collared animals (males and females) in the study population were known to have survived the mange outbreak (12 died, 6 missing). Factors potentially contributing to this mange outbreak include a mast crop failure in the fall of 1998 and transmission of mites from animial to animal during trapping and processing sessions.  相似文献   

Frequent outbreaks of Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) have been reported in Japan. Although many raccoon dogs are brought to Kanazawa Zoological Garden (Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan) because of S. scabiei infestation and debilitation, some of them die of asthenia. The clinical status of severely debilitated raccoon dogs must be determined to save their lives. In this study, we compared hematological and serum biochemical values between severely debilitated and nondebilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei. The total protein, albumin, glucose, and calcium values of debilitated raccoon dogs were significantly lower than those of nondebilitated raccoon dogs. On the other hand, debilitated raccoon dogs had significantly higher aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, sodium, chloride, and phosphorus values than did nondebilitated raccoon dogs. The increase in the blood urea nitrogen value was particularly dramatic. The present study revealed that debilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei exhibited abnormal hematological values compared with nondebilitated raccoon dogs infested with S. scabiei. Clinically, the raccoon dogs developed malnutrition and sepsis if the mange infestation was untreated. Moreover, dehydration associated with appetite loss may have resulted in insufficient renal perfusion. These findings suggest that chronic S. scabiei infestations debilitated the raccoon dogs and resulted in physiological changes that were detected with hematological and serum biochemical tests.  相似文献   

Sarcoptic mange affects mammal host species worldwide and, particularly, wild Caprinae throughout much of Eurasia. In the Iberian Peninsula, several outbreaks of sarcoptic mange in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) have been reported since the 1980s. Using data from a period of long-term monitoring and a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA)-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model approach, we performed a time-series analysis of the monthly prevalence of sarcoptic mange in the Iberian ibex population in Sierra Nevada Natural Space in southern Spain. In January 2003–March 2021, we documented a significant negative trend in sarcoptic mange prevalence, albeit with some interannual peaks. These findings can only be explained if a certain level of resistance to sarcoptic mange exists in hosts that, along with other factors, could provoke this reduced prevalence. Prevalence values varied seasonally, with maximum values in spring and minimum values at the end of summer, which may be due to factors linked to climate, host behavior, and endocrine activity. Our model predicts that the prevalence of sarcoptic mange in the Iberian ibex will continue to decrease over the next 2 years. Despite the inherent challenges involved, diagnosing and monitoring of wildlife diseases are integral to obtaining reliable epidemiological data and designing appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

We consider a simple model to study the dynamics of sarcoptic mange in a population of chamois. The epidemiological patterns observed during an epidemic in Italy are reconstructed and key parameters of the model are estimated from field data. In particular, we calculate the basic reproductive ratio R 0, a threshold value for chamois density for the occurrence of an epidemic and the speed of propagation of the epidemic wave. The model is then used to obtain indications on the effect of culling as a possible control measure in a closed population and extended to analyse the spatial diffusion of the epidemic. Our results are in agreement with mange epidemiology and observations, and suggest that intervention could be efficacious in reducing the impact of an epidemic.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between disease transmission and host density is essential for predicting disease spread and control. Using long-term data on sarcoptic mange in a red fox Vulpes vulpes population, we tested long-held assumptions of density- and frequency-dependent direct disease transmission. We also assessed the role of indirect transmission. Contrary to assumptions typical of epidemiological models, mange dynamics are better explained by frequency-dependent disease transmission than by density-dependent transmission in this canid. We found no support for indirect transmission. We present the first estimates of R0 and age-specific transmission coefficients for mange in foxes. These parameters are important for managing this poorly understood but highly contagious and economically damaging disease.  相似文献   

We consider a simple model to study the dynamics of sarcoptic mange in a population of chamois. The epidemiological patterns observed during an epidemic in Italy are reconstructed and key parameters of the model are estimated from field data. In particular, we calculate the basic reproductive ratio R (0), a threshold value for chamois density for the occurrence of an epidemic and the speed of propagation of the epidemic wave. The model is then used to obtain indications on the effect of culling as a possible control measure in a closed population and extended to analyse the spatial diffusion of the epidemic. Our results are in agreement with mange epidemiology and observations, and suggest that intervention could be efficacious in reducing the impact of an epidemic.  相似文献   

To investigate the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Sweden, serosanguinous fluids and feces were collected from 207 carcasses of lynx killed or found dead from 1996 to 1998. Sera were tested for antibodies against T. gondii by the direct agglutination test, and 156 (75.4%) of the sera tested positive at antibody titers>or=40. Antibody prevalence was significantly lower in lynx originating from the northern parts of Sweden than in lynx from the more southern regions that are more densely populated by humans. Age-related differences also were found, with a significantly lower prevalence (55%) in juvenile (<1-yr-old) than in subadult and adult animals (82%). There was no significant difference in seroprevalence between males and females. Oocysts typical of T. gondii were not detected in any of the fecal samples.  相似文献   

An infestation with Otodectes cynotis, the ear mite of cats and dogs, was observed in three free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) killed in Sweden. The ear canals were obstructed by waxy secretions and exfoliated epithelium. Histologically, there were hyperkeratosis and acanthosis, and the epithelial surface was overlained by hyperkeratotic and parakeratotic crusts with mites, mite detritus and cerumen. In the subcutis there was a slight to moderate infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. The ceruminous glands were bypertrophic and hyperplastic, and there was also an hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands. The lesions seemed to correlate with the degree of infestation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of otoacariasis in free-ranging lynx.  相似文献   

An outbreak of combined Sarcoptes and Malassezia spp. infection was diagnosed in a rabbitry. About 20 (4%) of 500 rabbits were affected. Two 6- to 8-month-old female Holland Lops rabbits were submitted to the Tifton Diagnostic & Investigational Laboratory at The University of Georgia for complete necropsy. Gross lesions consisted of marked multifocal areas of alopecia, crusting, and dermatitis around the eye and on ears, nose, lips, neck, abdomen, feet, and external genitalia. Histologic examination of the skin revealed epidermal acanthosis with marked parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and cross sections of embedded mites consistent with Sarcoptes sp. and budding yeasts consistent with Malassezia sp. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first case report of combined Sarcoptes and Malassezia spp. infection in rabbits.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in reproduction is common in mammals as an adaptation to annual changes in the habitat. In lynx, male reproduction activity is of special interest because female lynxes are monoestric with an unusual narrow (about 1 month) breeding season. In Eurasian lynx, mating occurs between January and April depending on the latitude. To characterize the seasonal pattern of sperm and testosterone production in free-ranging Eurasian lynxes, long-term frozen-stored testis material obtained postmortem from 74 hunted or road-killed lynxes in Sweden was used to analyze annual changes in testis mass, testicular testosterone content, and spermatogenetic activity. Values of most gonadal parameters obtained in subadult lynxes were significantly different from the values observed in adult males. In adult lynxes, a moderate annual fluctuation of gonadal parameters was found which was most profound for testis weight and testicular testosterone concentration reaching highest values in March (median of 2.18 g and 2.67 μg/g tissue respectively). Grouping the data of pre-/breeding (January–April) and postbreeding season (May–September) revealed significant changes in testis weight and testosterone concentration. The relative spermatogenetic activity remained high in postbreeding testes. However, net sperm production decreased according to reduction of testis mass and a tendency to lower cauda epididymal sperm numbers in the postbreeding period was observed. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to analyze the gonadal activity of frozen testis/epididymis tissue postmortem and that male Eurasian lynxes show—opposite to the females—only moderate seasonal changes in their reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 106 Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from across Sweden, found dead or shot by hunters in 1993-99, were investigated for presence of antibodies to feline parvovirus (FPV), feline coronavirus, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, feline immunodeficiency virus, Francisella tularensis, and Anaplasma phagocytophila, and for feline leukemia virus antigen. In addition, tissue samples from 22 lynx submitted in 1999 were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect nucleic acids specific for viral agents and A. phagocytophila. Except for FPV antibodies in one lynx and A. phagocytophila in four lynx, all serology was negative. All PCR results also were negative. It was concluded that free-ranging Swedish lynx do not have frequent contact with the infectious agents considered in this study.  相似文献   


The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a keystone species in the Iberian Mediterranean ecosystems being the staple prey of protected and endangered predators. Wild rabbits were once widespread, but the introduction of two viral diseases, myxomatosis in the 1950s and the rabbit hemorrhagic disease in 1989, resulted into a dramatic decline of its populations. Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious parasitic infection caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. The first cases of sarcoptic mange in a wild rabbit population are recorded from a hunting area in Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Five of 32 inspected rabbits (14.7%) were affected, with similar prevalences in summer and autumn. Sarcoptes scabiei were obtained from the edge of the lesions of two of the rabbits. The most frequently observed lesions were small areas of alopecia and crusts in the limbs. Affected limbs presented also a marked hypertrichosis and an apparent abnormal growth of the nails. One rabbit also presented lesions around mouth and nostrils. Parasitized rabbits were in significant lower body condition than healthy ones. According to previous reports of mange epizooties in other naïve wild species that caused marked short-term effects in their populations, this disease may pose a risk for the conservation of wild rabbit and their predators. Whether mange is endemic in rabbits from Majorca or it has been introduced is unknown. Game managers are encouraged to be aware of introducing sarcoptic mange during rabbit translocations.


Seventy-two lynx, found dead in the Swiss Alps and the Jura Mountains (Switzerland) from 1987-99, were evaluated to determine the cause of death. Seventy-two per cent (52/72) of all animals died because of noninfectious diseases or causes such as vehicular collision and poaching. Eighteen percent (13/72) died from infectious diseases, including some which could have been transferred to the lynx from domestic animals or other wild animals such as panleukopenia and sarcoptic mange. If only radio-tagged animals (included in a monitoring program) were taken into consideration, the percentage of mortality caused by infectious diseases rose to 40%, indicating that infections might be underestimated in randomly found mortality events. We hypothesize that even a few cases of infections in a small population like the lynx, which are additionally threatened by noninfectious causes, may threaten the long term survival of the population.  相似文献   

This study collects pathological information concerning sarcoptic mange in sympatric red deer, roe deer, chamois, wolf and red fox from Northern Spain, and discusses reported variations in the response from the different species against Sarcoptes scabiei. Wolf is the only studied species which shows prevalence of the hypersensitivity (alopecic) response to the detriment of the hyperkeratotic form, usually observed in ungulates and fox. The present work shows the use of immunohistochemistry as a valuable tool for the study and diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in those species whose immune response or stage of infestation limits the number of detectable mites, not an unusual difficulty faced when working with sarcoptic mange in wildlife species.  相似文献   

Sarcoptic mange in free-ranging pampas foxes in the Gran Chaco,Bolivia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sarcoptes scabiei infestation was diagnosed in two freshly dead free-ranging pampas foxes (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) in the Gran Chaco, Bolivia. Diagnosis was made based on histologic evaluation of skin biopsies and identification of the parasite from skin scrapings. Characteristic gross lesions consistent with mange were noted in 19 of 94 observations of free-ranging pampas foxes in the region from December 1998 to January 2000. None of 16 crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) observed during the same time period had visible lesions consistent with scabies. These are the first case reports of S. scabiei in pampas foxes.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a free-ranging female lynxLynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 and her kittens at 12 different kills was studied for 44 hours of observation from September 1996 to March 1997. The development of interactions at kills of a lynx family group showed the following pattern: until the end of September we often observed two lynx, usually both kittens, feed from the kill at the same time. After the age of four months aggression between kittens was observed frequently, with the bigger kitten being dominant. From September the kittens were never again seen feeding together at the kill. However, we never observed fighting, and aggressive behaviour did not increase with the age of the kittens. Whereas until December one of the kittens was always first at the kill, from January onwards it was mostly the adult female who ate first. She introduced her kittens to the home range of a neighbouring female where the family break-up occurred. The kittens were last seen together with their mother on 26 March. Dispersal seemed to be initiated by the female abandoning the kittens.  相似文献   

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