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Many biological processes rely on targeted protein degradation, the dysregulation of which contributes to the pathogenesis of various diseases. Ubiquitin plays a well-established role in this process, in which the covalent attachment of polyubiquitin chains to protein substrates culminates in their degradation via the proteasome. The three-dimensional structural topology of ubiquitin is highly conserved as a domain found in a variety of proteins of diverse biological function. Some of these so-called "ubiquitin family proteins" have recently been shown to bind components of the 26S proteasome via their ubiquitin-like domains, thus implicating proteasome activity in pathways other than protein degradation. In this chapter, we provide a structural perspective of how the ubiquitin family of proteins interacts with the proteasome.  相似文献   

We describe domain pair exclusion analysis (DPEA), a method for inferring domain interactions from databases of interacting proteins. DPEA features a log odds score, Eij, reflecting confidence that domains i and j interact. We analyzed 177,233 potential domain interactions underlying 26,032 protein interactions. In total, 3,005 high-confidence domain interactions were inferred, and were evaluated using known domain interactions in the Protein Data Bank. DPEA may prove useful in guiding experiment-based discovery of previously unrecognized domain interactions.  相似文献   

Defects in protein folding and the proteasomal pathway have been linked with many neurodegenerative diseases. PLIC-1 (protein linking IAP to the cytoskeleton) is a ubiquitin-like protein that binds to the ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) of the proteasomal subunit S5a. Here, we show that PLIC-1 also binds to the UIM proteins ataxin 3--a deubiquitinating enzyme--HSJ1a--a co-chaperone--and EPS15 (epidermal growth factor substrate 15)--an endocytic protein. Using a polyglutamine (polyQ) disease model, we found that both endogenous PLIC-1 and EPS15 localize to perinuclear aggresomes, and that polyQ enhances their in vivo interaction. We show that knockdown of PLIC-1 and EPS15 by RNA interference reduces aggresome formation. In addition, PLIC-1(DeltaUBL) functions as a dominant-negative mutant, blocking both polyQ transport to aggresomes and the association of EPS15 with dispersed aggregates. We also show that PLIC-1 is upregulated by arsenite-induced protein misfolding. These results indicate a role for PLIC-1 in the protein aggregation-stress pathway, and we propose a novel function for the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain--by means of UBL-UIM interactions--in transport to aggresomes.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is essential throughout the life cycle of a cell. This system employs an astounding number of proteins to ubiquitylate and to deliver protein substrates to the proteasome for their degradation. At the heart of this process is the large and growing family of ubiquitin receptor proteins. Within this family is an intensely studied group that contains both ubiquitin-like (UBL) and ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains: Rad23, Ddi1 and Dsk2. Although UBL/UBA family members are reported to regulate the degradation of other proteins, their individual roles in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation has proven difficult to resolve due to their overlapping functional roles and interaction with each other and other ubiquitin family members. Here, we use a combination of NMR spectroscopy and molecular biology to reveal that Rad23 and Ddi1 interact with each other by using UBL/UBA domain interactions in a manner that does not preclude their interaction with ubiquitin. We demonstrate that UBL/UBA proteins can bind a common tetraubiquitin molecule and thereby provide strong evidence for a model in which chains adopt an opened structure to bind multiple receptor proteins. Altogether our results suggest a mechanism through which UBL/UBA proteins could protect chains from premature de-ubiquitylation and unnecessary elongation during their transit to the proteasome.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a protein domain, hereafter referred to as DAPIN, in diverse vertebrate and viral proteins that is associated with tumor biology, apoptosis and inflammation. Based on a secondary structure prediction, we suggest an all-alpha fold for DAPIN, which is also adopted by apoptotic protein domains of the CARD, death domain and death effector domain type.  相似文献   

The B30.2 domain is a conserved region of around 170 amino acids associated with several different protein domains, including the immunoglobulin folds of butyrophilin and the RING finger domain of ret finger protein. We recently reported several novel members of this family as well as previously undescribed protein families possessing the B30.2 domain. Many proteins have subsequently been found to possess this domain, including pyrin/marenostrin and the midline 1 (MID1) protein. Mutations in the B30.2 domain of pyrin/marenostrin are implicated in familial Mediterranean fever, and partial loss of the B30.2 domain of MID1 is responsible for Opitz G/BBB syndrome, characterized by developmental midline defects. In this study, we scrutinized the available sequence data bases for the identification of novel B30.2 domain proteins using highly sensitive database-searching tools. In addition, we discuss the chromosomal localization of genes in the B30.2 family, since the encoded proteins are likely to be involved in other forms of periodic fever, autoimmune, and genetic diseases.   相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is essential for the proteolysis of proteins that have been covalently modified by the attachment of polyubiquitinated chains. Although the 20S core particle performs the degradation, the 19S regulatory cap complex is responsible for recognition of polyubiquitinated substrates. We have focused on how the S5a component of the 19S complex interacts with different ubiquitin-like (ubl) modules, to advance our understanding of how polyubiquitinated proteins are targeted to the proteasome. To achieve this, we have determined the solution structure of the ubl domain of hPLIC-2 and obtained a structural model of hHR23a by using NMR spectroscopy and homology modeling. We have also compared the S5a binding properties of ubiquitin, SUMO-1, and the ubl domains of hPLIC-2 and hHR23a and have identified the residues on their respective S5a contact surfaces. We provide evidence that the S5a-binding surface on the ubl domain of hPLIC-2 is required for its interaction with the proteasome. This study provides structural insights into protein recognition by the proteasome, and illustrates how the protein surface of a commonly utilized fold has highly evolved for various biological roles.  相似文献   

YybT family proteins (COG3887) are functionally unknown proteins that are widely distributed among the firmicutes, including the human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. Recent studies suggested that YybT family proteins are crucial for the in vivo survival of bacterial pathogens during host infection. YybT family proteins contain an N-terminal domain that shares minimum sequence homology with Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) domains. Despite the lack of an apparent residue for heme coordination, the putative PAS domains of BsYybT and GtYybT, two representative members of the YybT family proteins from Bacillus subtilis and Geobacillus thermodenitrificans, respectively, are found to bind b-type heme with 1:1 stoichiometry. Heme binding suppresses the catalytic activity of the DHH/DHHA1 phosphodiesterase domain and the degenerate GGDEF domain. Absorption spectroscopic studies indicate that YybT proteins do not form stable oxyferrous complexes due to the rapid oxidation of the ferrous iron upon O(2) binding. The ferrous heme, however, forms a hexacoordinated complex with carbon monoxide (CO) and a pentacoordinated complex with nitric oxide (NO). The coordination of NO, but not CO, to the heme stimulates the phosphodiesterase activity. These results suggest that YybT family proteins function as stress-signaling proteins for monitoring cellular heme or the NO level by using a heme-binding PAS domain that features an unconventional heme coordination environment.  相似文献   



The NCOA7 gene product is an estrogen receptor associated protein that is highly similar to the human OXR1 gene product, which functions in oxidation resistance. OXR genes are conserved among all sequenced eukaryotes from yeast to humans. In this study we examine if NCOA7 has an oxidation resistance function similar to that demonstrated for OXR1. We also examine NCOA7 expression in response to oxidative stress and its subcellular localization in human cells, comparing these properties with those of OXR1.  相似文献   

POTRA (for polypeptide-transport-associated domain) is a novel domain identified in proteins of the ShlB, Toc75, D15 and FtsQ/DivIB families. In most cases, the POTRA domain is associated with a beta-barrel outer membrane domain and its function has been experimentally related to polypeptide transport in Toc75 (Tic-Toc protein import system in chloroplast) and ShlB families. In addition to potential key roles in protein transport across the outer membrane and in bacterial septation, the POTRA domain has attractive features for vaccine development in diseases such as cholera, meningitis, gonorrhoea and syphilis.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel family of proteins, in which the N-terminal cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) domain is fused to the C-terminal Zn ribbon domain. Four proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified: TA0289 from Thermoplasma acidophilum, TV1335 from Thermoplasma volcanium, PF1953 from Pyrococcus furiosus, and PH0267 from Pyrococcus horikoshii. The purified proteins had a red/purple color in solution and an absorption spectrum typical of rubredoxins (Rds). Metal analysis of purified proteins revealed the presence of several metals, with iron and zinc being the most abundant metals (2-67% of iron and 12-74% of zinc). Crystal structures of both mercury- and iron-bound TA0289 (1.5-2.0 Å resolution) revealed a dimeric protein whose intersubunit contacts are formed exclusively by the α-helices of two cystathionine β-synthase subdomains, whereas the C-terminal domain has a classical Zn ribbon planar architecture. All proteins were reversibly reduced by chemical reductants (ascorbate or dithionite) or by the general Rd reductase NorW from E. coli in the presence of NADH. Reduced TA0289 was found to be capable of transferring electrons to cytochrome C from horse heart. Likewise, the purified Zn ribbon protein KTI11 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae had a purple color in solution and an Rd-like absorption spectrum, contained both iron and zinc, and was reduced by the Rd reductase NorW from E. coli. Thus, recombinant Zn ribbon domains from archaea and yeast demonstrate an Rd-like electron carrier activity in vitro. We suggest that, in vivo, some Zn ribbon domains might also bind iron and therefore possess an electron carrier activity, adding another physiological role to this large family of important proteins.  相似文献   

Bolia A  Gerek ZN  Keskin O  Banu Ozkan S  Dev KK 《Proteins》2012,80(5):1393-1408
Protein interacting with C kinase (PICK1) is well conserved throughout evolution and plays a critical role in synaptic plasticity by regulating the trafficking and posttranslational modification of its interacting proteins. PICK1 contains a single PSD95/DlgA/Zo-1 (PDZ) protein-protein interaction domain, which is promiscuous and shown to interact with over 60 proteins, most of which play roles in neuronal function. Several reports have suggested the role of PICK1 in disorders such as epilepsy, pain, brain trauma and stroke, drug abuse and dependence, schizophrenia and psychosis. Importantly, lead compounds that block PICK1 interactions are also now becoming available. Here, a new modeling approach was developed to investigate binding affinities of PDZ interactions. Using these methods, the binding affinities of all major PICK1 interacting proteins are reported and the effects of PICK1 mutations on these interactions are described. These modeling methods have important implications in defining the binding properties of proteins interacting with PICK1 as well as the general structural requirements of PDZ interactions. The study also provides modeling methods to support in the drug design of ligands for PDZ domains, which may further aid in development of the family of PDZ domains as a drug target.  相似文献   

In recent years, a large number of coiled-coil proteins localised to the Golgi apparatus have been identified using antisera from human patients with a variety of autoimmune conditions [1]. Because of their common method of discovery and extensive regions of coiled-coil, they have been classified as a family of proteins, the golgins [1]. This family includes golgin-230/245/256, golgin-97, GM130/golgin-95, golgin-160/MEA-2/GCP170, giantin/macrogolgin and a related group of proteins - possibly splice variants - GCP372 and GCP364[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. GM130 and giantin have been shown to function in the p115-mediated docking of vesicles with Golgi cisternae [12]. In this process, p115, another coiled-coil protein, is though to bind to giantin on vesicles and to GM130 on cisternae, thus acting as a tether holding the two together [12] [13]. Apart from giantin and GM130, none of the golgins has yet been assigned a function in the Golgi apparatus. In order to obtain clues as to the functions of the golgins, the targeting to the Golgi apparatus of two members of this family, golgin-230/245/256 and golgin-97, was investigated. Each of these proteins was shown to target to the Golgi apparatus through a carboxy-terminal domain containing a conserved tyrosine residue, which was critical for targeting. The domain preferentially bound to Rab6 on protein blots, and mutations that abolished Golgi targeting resulted in a loss of this interaction. Sequence analysis revealed that a family of coiled-coil proteins from mammals, worms and yeast contain this domain at their carboxyl termini. One of these proteins, yeast Imh1p, has previously been shown to have a tight genetic interaction with Rab6 [14]. On the basis of these data, it is proposed that this family of coiled-coil proteins functions in Rab6-regulated membrane-tethering events.  相似文献   

The half-life of c- myc mRNA is regulated when cells change their growth rates or differentiate. Two regions within c- myc mRNA determine its short half-life. One is in the 3'-untranslated region, the other is in the coding region. A cytoplasmic protein, the coding region determinant-binding protein (CRD-BP), binds in vitro to the c- myc coding region instability determinant. We have proposed that the CRD-BP, when bound to the mRNA, shields the mRNA from endonucleolytic attack and thereby prolongs the mRNA half-life. Here we report the cloning and further characterization of the mouse CRD-BP, a 577 amino acid protein containing four hnRNP K-homology domains, two RNP domains, an RGG RNA-binding domain and nuclear import and export signals. The CRD-BP is closely related to the chicken beta-actin zipcode-binding protein and is similar to three other proteins, one of which is overexpressed in some human cancers. Recombinant mouse CRD-BP binds specifically to c- myc CRD RNA in vitro and reacts with antibody against human CRD-BP. Most of the CRD-BP in the cell is cytoplasmic and co-sediments with ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

A diverse family of proteins has been discovered with a small C-terminal KASH domain in common. KASH domain proteins are localized uniquely to the outer nuclear envelope, enabling their cytoplasmic extensions to tether the nucleus to actin filaments or microtubules. KASH domains are targeted to the outer nuclear envelope by SUN domains of inner nuclear envelope proteins. Several KASH protein genes were discovered as mutant alleles in model organisms with defects in developmentally regulated nuclear positioning. Recently, KASH-less isoforms have been found that connect the cytoskeleton to organelles other than the nucleus. A widened view of these proteins is now emerging, where KASH proteins and their KASH-less counterparts are cargo-specific adaptors that not only link organelles to the cytoskeleton but also regulate developmentally specific organelle movements.  相似文献   

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