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Dyer  S.J. 《ESHRE Monographs》2008,2008(1):48-53
1 Correspondence address. E-mail: silke.dyer{at}uct.ac.za HIV infection and infertility are two common reproductive healthdisorders in Africa. From the perspective of infertility-relatedreproductive health care, the HIV epidemic has created severalchallenges which include reduction of fecundity, depletion ofscarce health resources, creation of barriers to infertilitytreatment and increased suffering. Infertility in turn is arisk factor for HIV acquisition and a possible force in thespread of the HIV epidemic. Recognition of the reproductivehealth needs and desires of HIV-infected infertile men and womenis a prerequisite for addressing these challenges. Subsequentstrategies comprise the development of treatment guidelinesfor low-resource environments and a greater integration of HIVand sexual and reproductive health services. Where resourcesfor infertility treatment are not available, the consequencesmust be critically assessed.  相似文献   

Obesity, defined by a body mass index greater than 30kg/m(2), claims an increasing number of lives every year, underscoring a dire need for effective therapeutic interventions. The origins of the obesity epidemic are complex, but commonly cited factors include the large quantities of calorie-rich food that are readily accessible in modern society; eating habits adapted to fast-paced lifestyles; low levels of physical activity; and genetic programs that have evolved, especially in populations prone to famine, to favor the storage of excess calories (i.e., the thrifty-gene theory). It is estimated that more than thirty percent of adults, and about fifteen percent of juveniles, are obese. These high rates have led to dramatic increases in diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, depression, and some forms of cancer.  相似文献   

Physical health is affected by physiological aging that impacts on all tissues and organs, notably sensorial systems (hearing, sight), the locomotory and the immunological systems (lowering of resistance to infections). There is an increase with age in the incidence of many cancers (particularly breast, prostate, and colon cancers) and cardiovascular diseases. Regular check-ups are useful in order to take appropriate measures in time. It is important that people maintain regular physical activity and a balanced diet even up to an advanced age and the elderly must learn to adapt themselves to the ever-changing abilities of their organism. It is possible to slow down the aging process through good hygiene and often to maintain autonomy until the end of life. Mental health is threatened by impairment of mental functions, depressive tendencies, and the risk of senile dementia that cannot be foreseen or avoided. It appears that keeping intellectually active and having a good level of education impact favorably on mental aging. Social health depends, for a large part, on the way society accepts and treats the elderly. They must be kept integrated into society and allowed to live at home for as long as possible. Any measures of rejection, discrimination, and exclusion should be opposed. The dignity of the elderly must be respected and activities giving them a feeling of usefulness should be encouraged. It is important to help families who care for their parents at home, to develop and evaluate healthcare networks, and encourage medical professionals and social services to work together. The change in the demographic structure of France is a considerable phenomenon requiring a long-term strategy and not only superficial and cosmetic measures.  相似文献   

This essay explores responses to the Paris cholera epidemic of 1832 to show how medical ideas shaped popular conceptions of the social world, while at the same time this world influenced how scientists posed their basic hypotheses. It demonstrates how responses to the epidemic were shaped by two major realities: the population of Paris was exploding and France had recently experienced a second major revolution.  相似文献   

The HIV epidemic in China: history, response, and challenge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
He N  Detels R 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):825-832
The first case of AIDS was reported in 1985 in China, but by the early 21st century, the government estimated that there were 840,000 citizens living with HIV/AIDS. The number is increasing rapidly. The major risk groups are injection drug users (IDUSs; 43%) and former plasma donors (27%), but rates among heterosexual groups are rising rapidly. Sentinel surveillance was initiated in 1986, and now includes IDUs, men-who-have-sex-with-men, sexually transmitted disease clinic attendees, antenatal women, long-distance truck drivers, and sex workers. Although the government was slow to respond to the epidemic in the late 20th century, it has made a vigorous response in the early 21st century. Components of that response include implementation and evaluation of harm reduction programs for IDUs, education to increase knowledge and reduce stigma, treatment and social support for rural and poor HIV/AIDS patients, widespread testing, and increased funding for HIV/AIDS programs. International agencies have been generous in their support of the government initiatives. To successfully combat the epidemic, China needs to develop and train the necessary infrastructure to implement its intervention programs, particularly in the rural areas, to vigorously combat stigma and discrimination, support research especially in the universities and research institutions other than the China Centers for Disease Control, develop a system for efficient exchange of research and program information, and update legislation to reflect the current situation.  相似文献   

The first case of AIDS was reported in 1985 in China, but by the early 21st century, the government estimated that there were 840,000 citizens living with HIV/AIDS. The number is increasing rapidly. The major risk groups are injection drug users (IDUSs; 43%) and former plasma donors (27%), but rates among heterosexual groups are rising rapidly.Sentinel surveillance was initiated in 1986, and now includes IDUs, men-who-have-sex-with-men, sexually transmitted disease clinic attendees, antenatal women, long-distance truck drivers, and .sex workers. Although the government was slow to respond to the epidemic in the late 20th century, it has made a vigorous response in the early 21st century.Components of that response include implementation and evaluation of harm reduction programs for IDUs, education to increase knowledge and reduce stigma, treatment and social support for rural and poor HIV/AIDS patients, widespread testing, and increased funding for HIV/AIDS programs. International agencies have been generous in their support of the government initiatives. To successfully combat the epidemic, China needs to develop and train the necessary infrastructure to implement its intervention programs, particularly in the rural areas, to vigorously combat stigma and discrimination, support research especially in the universities and research institutions other than the China Centers for Disease Control, develop a system for efficient exchange of research and program information, and update legislation to reflect the current situation.  相似文献   

The HIV epidemic in China: history, response, and challenge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION One-quarter of the world’s population, 1.3 billion people, live in China. The majority of the population is Han Chi- nese (91.9%), while the rest are a mix of different minor- ity groups living primarily in southern and western China [1]. The GDP per capita is $5,600 per year, but at least 10% of the population lives below the poverty line. Just less than 15% of the GDP is in agriculture, with the re- mainder in industry/construction and services. The total health expend…  相似文献   

The article deals with the mechanisms of spontaneous (urbanization, the international migration of population, the anthropogenic transformation of nature) and goal-oriented regulatory action on the epidemic process. Social factors have been shown to transform into ecological ones with the subsequent transformation of information in the parasitic system and their reflection in the social subsystem as the indices of the risk of infection and its socio-economical importance. Using the processes of urbanization as an example, the present work demonstrates that the mechanism of transmission acts as a filter whose specific features are determined by a range of social factors playing the most important role in the regulation of the epidemic process on the socio-ecosystemic level of its organization.  相似文献   

Knowledge useful to the fight against HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa cannot be extrapolated to those coming from industrialized countries. The aim of this article is to review specificities of the African epidemy, in terms of epidiomolgy, natural history, validated therapeutic interventions, and unexplored questions. Far from being without effective tools and research tracks to fight against this plague which decimates a continent, one is above all confronted with a deficit of both mobilization and means.  相似文献   

Yeung ML  Bennasser Y  LE SY  Jeang KT 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):935-946
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) are small RNAs of 18-25 nucleotides (nt) in length that play important roles in regulating gene expression. They are incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) and serve as guides for silencing their corresponding target mRNAs based on complementary base-pairing. The promise of gene silencing has led many researchers to consider siRNA as an anti-viral tool. However, in long-term settings, many viruses appear to escape from this therapeutical strategy. An example of this may be seen in the case of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) which is able to evade RNA silencing by either mutating the siRNA-targeted sequence or by encoding for a partial suppressor of RNAi (RNA interference). On the other hand, because miRNA targeting does not require absolute complementarity of base-pairing, mutational escape by viruses from miRNA-specified silencing may be more difficult to achieve. In this review, we discuss stratagems used by various viruses to avoid the cells' antiviral si/mi-RNA defenses and notions of how viruses might control and regulate host cell genes by encoding viral miRNAs (vmiRNAs).  相似文献   

siRNA, miRNA and HIV: promises and challenges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION The recent discovery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) revealed an important role for small RNAs in regulating gene expression. First described in plants, as “post- trancriptional gene silencing” (PTGS) [1], RNA interfer- ence (RNAi) is a nucleic-acid based immune defense against viruses, transgenes and transposons [2]. Triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), RNAi leads to the se- quence specific degradation of a target mRNA [3]. In eukaryotic cells, long dsRN…  相似文献   

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) are small RNAs of 18-25 nucleotides (nt) in length that play important roles in regulating gene expression. They are incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) and serve as guides for silencing their corresponding target mRNAs based on complementary base-pairing.The promise of gene silencing has led many researchers to consider siRNA as an anti-viral tool. However, in long-term settings, many viruses appear to escape from this therapeutical strategy. An example of this may be seen in the case of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) which is able to evade RNA silencing by either mutating the siRNAtargeted sequence or by encoding for a partial suppressor of RNAi (RNA interference). On the other hand, because miRNA targeting does not require absolute complementarity of base-pairing, mutational escape by viruses from miRNAspecified silencing may be more difficult to achieve. In this review, we discuss stratagems used by various viruses to avoid the cells‘ antiviral si/mi-RNA defenses and notions of how viruses might control and regulate host cell genes by encoding viral miRNAs (vmiRNAs).  相似文献   

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