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Mitochondrial myopathies and encephalopathies can be caused by nucleotide substitutions, deletions or duplications of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In one such disorder, Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS), large-scale hetero-plasmic mtDNA deletions are often found. We describe a 14-year-old boy with clinical features of KSS, plus some additional features. Analysis of the entire mitochondrial genome by the polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting revealed a 7864-bp mtDNA deletion, heteroplasmic in its tissue distribution. DNA sequencing established that the deletion was between nucleotides 6238 and 14103, and flanked by a 4-bp (TCCT) direct repeat sequence. Deletions between direct repeats have been hypothesised to occur by a slipped-mismatching or illegitimate recombination event, or following the DNA cleavage action of topoisomerase II. Analysis of the gene sequence in the region surrounding the mtDNA deletion breakpoint in this patient revealed the presence of putative vertebrate topoisomerase II sites. We suggest that direct repeat sequences, together with putative topoisomerase II sites, may predispose certain regions of the mitochondrial genome to deletions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion mutations cause many human diseases and are linked to age-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. Mapping the mutation spectrum and quantifying mtDNA deletion mutation frequency is challenging with next-generation sequencing methods. We hypothesized that long-read sequencing of human mtDNA across the lifespan would detect a broader spectrum of mtDNA rearrangements and provide a more accurate measurement of their frequency. We employed nanopore Cas9-targeted sequencing (nCATS) to map and quantitate mtDNA deletion mutations and develop analyses that are fit-for-purpose. We analyzed total DNA from vastus lateralis muscle in 15 males ranging from 20 to 81 years of age and substantia nigra from three 20-year-old and three 79-year-old men. We found that mtDNA deletion mutations detected by nCATS increased exponentially with age and mapped to a wider region of the mitochondrial genome than previously reported. Using simulated data, we observed that large deletions are often reported as chimeric alignments. To address this, we developed two algorithms for deletion identification which yield consistent deletion mapping and identify both previously reported and novel mtDNA deletion breakpoints. The identified mtDNA deletion frequency measured by nCATS correlates strongly with chronological age and predicts the deletion frequency as measured by digital PCR approaches. In substantia nigra, we observed a similar frequency of age-related mtDNA deletions to those observed in muscle samples, but noted a distinct spectrum of deletion breakpoints. NCATS-mtDNA sequencing allows the identification of mtDNA deletions on a single-molecule level, characterizing the strong relationship between mtDNA deletion frequency and chronological aging.  相似文献   

Summary A 1.2 Mb minichromosome resolved by pulsed-field electrophoresis was present in two independent race 3 isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing Type B anthracnose specifically on Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Graham in Australia. This chromosome was absent in duplicate isolates representing races 1, 2 and 4 which infect other S. guianensis cultivars. A gene library was prepared specifically from the 1.2 Mb mini-chromosome and ten independent DNA clones unique to this chromosome were identified by differential hybridisation to whole chromosome probes. All of the ten selected probes hybridised only to the 1.2 Mb minichromosome unique to the race 3 isolates but not to any chromosome in isolates of the other races. These ten probes also hybridised only to restriction-digested DNA of race 3 and were thus both chromosome- and strain-specific for Type B C. gloeosporioides. Hybridisation analysis of NotI fragments of the 1.2 Mb minichromosome with these sequences indicated that they were not tightly clustered on the chromosome. These data demonstrate that the variation in the occurrence of the 1.2 Mb minichromosome did not arise by rearrangement of the genome of a progenitor strain but involved either large scale deletion or addition of DNA. The 1.2 Mb minichromosome did not contain a cloned high-copy-number repeat sequence present on all other mini- and maxichromosomes, suggesting addition from a genetically distinct strain. All ten chromosome-specific DNA probes hybridised to a 2.0 Mb chromosome in all races of C. gloeosporioides causing Type A anthracnose on Stylosanthes spp. including S. guianensis. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated that only 15% of the hybridising restriction fragments of the Type A 2.0 Mb chromosome and the 1.2 Mb Type B race 3 minichromosome were identical. This indicated that it is unlikely that the 1.2 Mb minichromosome of the race 3 Type B pathogen was recently introgressed from-the Type A pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary We have searched for sequence variation between the Bristol and Bergerac strains of C. elegans in regions flanking three members of the 70 kilodalton (kd) heat shock peptide (hsp) gene family. No sequence variation was detected in 40 kb of DNA flanking two 70 kd hsp genes which are not stimulated by heat shock. In contrast, analysis of DNA flanking the heat shock inducible 70 kd hsp gene showed an unusually high amount of sequence variation between the two strains. Isolation and restriction map analysis of this gene from both strains revealed that the 5 and 3 flanking regions have diverged by 8.1 and 7.0% in nucleotide sequence, respectively. We have shown that these alterations are not due to large DNA rearrangements and conclude that the majority of sequence difference is the result of point mutations. Our results suggest that the heat shock inducible 70 kd hsp gene region accumulates mutations at a rate 10 to 20 fold higher than other regions of the genome. We propose that the anomalously high accumulation of mutational events is a direct consequence of the special status of the 70 kd hsp gene and its surrounding chromatin domain in the germline of C. elegans.  相似文献   

Recent studies have used a variety of theoretical arguments to show that mitochondrial (mt) DNA rarely evolves as a strictly neutral marker and that selection operates on the mtDNA of many species. However, the vast majority of researchers are not convinced by these arguments because data linking mtDNA variation with phenotypic differences are limited. We investigated sequence variation in the three mtDNA and nine nuclear genes (including all isoforms) that encode the 12 subunits of cytochrome c oxidase of the electron transport chain in Drosophila. We then studied cytochrome c oxidase activity as a key aspect of mitochondrial bioenergetics and four life-history traits. In Drosophila simulans, sequence data from the three mtDNA encoded cytochrome c oxidase genes show that there are 76 synonymous and two nonsynonymous fixed differences among flies harboring siII compared with siIII mtDNA. In contrast, 13 nuclear encoded genes show no evidence of genetic subdivision associated with the mtDNA. Flies with siIII mtDNA had higher cytochrome c oxidase activity and were more starvation resistant. Flies harboring siII mtDNA had greater egg size and fecundity, and recovered faster from cold coma. These data are consistent with a causative role for mtDNA variation in these phenotypic differences, but we cannot completely rule out the involvement of nuclear genes. The results of this study have significant implications for the use of mtDNA as an assumed neutral marker and show that evolutionary shifts can involve changes in mtDNA despite the small number of genes encoded in the organelle genome.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models of aging propose that a trade-off exists between the resources an organism devotes to reproduction and growth and those devoted to cellular maintenance and repair, such that an optimal life history always entails an imperfect ability to resist stress. Yet, since environmental stressors, such as caloric restriction [1] or exposure to mild stress [2] and [3], can increase stress resistance and life span, it is possible that a common genetic mechanism could regulate the allocation of resources in response to a changing environment (for overview, see [4], [5], [6] and [7]). Consistent with predictions of evolutionary trade-off models, we show that nematodes carrying an integrated DAF-16::GFP transgene grow and reproduce more slowly yet are more stress resistant and longer lived than controls carrying the integration marker alone. We also show that the nuclear localization of the DAF-16::GFP fusion protein responds to environmental inputs as well as genetic. Environmental stresses, such as starvation, heat, and oxidative stress, cause rapid nuclear localization of DAF-16. In conditions rich in food, we find that DAF-16::GFP is inhibited from entry into the nucleus by daf-2 and akt-1/akt-2, both components of insulin-like signaling in nematodes. We suggest that changes in the subcellular localization of DAF-16 by environmental cues allows for rapid reallocation of resources in response to a changing environment at all stages of life.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a key role in ageing. The pursuit of genes that regulate variation in life span and ageing have shown that several nuclear‐encoded mitochondrial genes are important. However, the role of mitochondrial encoded genes (mtDNA) is more controversial and our appreciation of the role of mtDNA for the evolution of life span is limited. We use replicated lines of seed beetles that have been artificially selected for long or short life for >190 generations, now showing dramatic phenotypic differences, to test for a possible role of mtDNA in the divergent evolution of ageing and life span. We show that these divergent selection regimes led to the evolution of significantly different mtDNA haplotype frequencies. Selection for a long life and late reproduction generated positive selection for one specific haplotype, which was fixed in most such lines. In contrast, selection for reproduction early in life led to both positive selection as well as negative frequency‐dependent selection on two different haplotypes, which were both present in all such lines. Our findings suggest that the evolution of life span was in part mediated by mtDNA, providing support for the emerging general tenet that adaptive evolution of life‐history syndromes may involve mtDNA.  相似文献   

Elucidating the relationship between polymorphic sequences and risk of common disease is a challenge. For example, although it is clear that variation in DNA repair genes is associated with familial cancer, aging and neurological disease, progress toward identifying polymorphisms associated with elevated risk of sporadic disease has been slow. This is partly due to the complexity of the genetic variation, the existence of large numbers of mostly low frequency variants and the contribution of many genes to variation in susceptibility. There has been limited development of methods to find associations between genotypes having many polymorphisms and pathway function or health outcome. We have explored several statistical methods for identifying polymorphisms associated with variation in DNA repair phenotypes. The model system used was 80 cell lines that had been resequenced to identify variation; 191 single nucleotide substitution polymorphisms (SNPs) are included, of which 172 are in 31 base excision repair pathway genes, 19 in 5 anti-oxidation genes, and DNA repair phenotypes based on single strand breaks measured by the alkaline Comet assay. Univariate analyses were of limited value in identifying SNPs associated with phenotype variation. Of the multivariable model selection methods tested: the easiest that provided reduced error of prediction of phenotype was simple counting of the variant alleles predicted to encode proteins with reduced activity, which led to a genotype including 52 SNPs; the best and most parsimonious model was achieved using a two-step analysis without regard to potential functional relevance: first SNPs were ranked by importance determined by random forests regression (RFR), followed by cross-validation in a second round of RFR modeling that included ever more SNPs in declining order of importance. With this approach six SNPs were found to minimize prediction error. The results should encourage research into utilization of multivariate analytical methods for epidemiological studies of the association of genetic variation in complex genotypes with risk of common diseases.  相似文献   

Harry Schachter   《Carbohydrate research》2009,344(12):607-6164
There is a rich diversity of paucimannose N-glycans in worms and flies, and these may play a role in the survival of these organisms. Although paucimannose N-glycans are not expressed in vertebrates, complex N-glycans may take over some of the functions of paucimannose N-glycans. Identification of the target proteins of β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) in worms and flies and elucidation of their functions may thus lead to a better understanding of the role of GnTI-dependent glycoproteins in the survival/longevity of both invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Rates of climatic niche evolution vary widely across the tree of life and are strongly associated with rates of diversification among clades. However, why the climatic niche evolves more rapidly in some clades than others remains unclear. Variation in life history traits often plays a key role in determining the environmental conditions under which species can survive, and therefore, could impact the rate at which lineages can expand in available climatic niche space. Here, we explore the relationships among life-history variation, climatic niche breadth, and rates of climatic niche evolution. We reconstruct a phylogeny for the genus Desmognathus, an adaptive radiation of salamanders distributed across eastern North America, based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Using this phylogeny, we estimate rates of climatic niche evolution for species with long, short, and no aquatic larval stage. Rates of climatic niche evolution are unrelated to the mean climatic niche breadth of species with different life histories. Instead, we find that the evolution of a short larval period promotes greater exploration of climatic space, leading to increased rates of climatic niche evolution across species having this trait. We propose that morphological and physiological differences associated with variation in larval stage length underlie the heterogeneous ability of lineages to explore climatic niche space. Rapid rates of climatic niche evolution among species with short larval periods were an important dimension of the clade's adaptive radiation and likely contributed to the rapid rate of lineage accumulation following the evolution of an aquatic life history in this clade. Our results show how variation in a key life-history trait can constrain or promote divergence of the climatic niche, leading to variation in rates of climatic niche evolution among species.  相似文献   

Zhong Y  Hu YJ  Yang Y  Peng W  Sun Y  Chen B  Huang X  Kong WJ 《Mutation research》2011,712(1-2):11-19
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, especially deletions, have been suggested to play an important role in aging and degenerative diseases. In particular, the common deletion in humans and rats (4977bp and 4834bp deletion, respectively) has been shown to accumulate with age in post-mitotic tissues with high energetic demands. Among numerous deletions, the common deletion has been proposed to serve as a molecular marker for aging and play a critical role in presbyacusis. However, so far no previous publication has quantified the contribution of common deletion to the total burden of mtDNA deletions in tissues during aging process. In the present study, we established a rat model with various degrees of aging in inner ear induced by three different doses of d-galactose (d-gal) administration. Firstly, multiple mtDNA deletions in inner ear were detected by nested PCR and long range PCR. In addition to the common deletion, three novel mtDNA deletions were identified. All four deletions, located in the major arc of mtDNA, are flanked by direct repeats and involve the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit III gene, encoded by mtDNA. Additionally, absolute quantitative real-time PCR assay was used to detect the level of common deletion and total deletion burden of mtDNA. The quantitative data show that the common deletion is the most frequent type of mtDNA deletions, exceeding 67.86% of the total deletion burden. Finally, increased mtDNA copy number, reduced COX activity and mosaic ultrastructural impairments in inner ear were identified in d-gal-induced aging rats. The increase of mtDNA replication may contribute to the accelerated accumulation of mtDNA deletions, which may result in impairment of mitochondrial function in inner ear. Taken together, these findings suggest that the common deletion may serve as an ideal molecular marker to assess the mtDNA damage in inner ear during aging.  相似文献   

宋森  王小立  周蓉  王莹  刘迺发 《生态学报》2015,35(2):280-289
隶属于鸟纲鸡形目雉科的石鸡是一个多型种,在我国已有7个亚种被报道,其中石鸡华北亚种是我国的特有鸟。用石鸡华北亚种(Alectoris chukar pubescens)12个地理种群112个样本的线粒体DNA控制区(mt DNA CR)1154 bp序列的信息研究了石鸡华北亚种的种群历史动态。112个样本中共发现28个变异位点,定义了29种单倍型,其中12个地理种群的50个样本共享单倍型H1,8个地理种群的16个样本共享单倍型H4。地理种群间存在较大的基因流,且种群间没有由于地理距离产生隔离的证据。负的Tajima(D=-1.336,P0.05)和Fu(Fs=-1.720,P0.05)统计检验值及错配分布的单峰模式都支持石鸡华北亚种经历了种群扩张。石鸡华北亚种大部分种群的错配分布与种群过去的扩张相一致,扩张发生在晚更新世中期的第五寒冷期(0.027—0.06 Ma)。推测其扩张的原因可能为:1)更新世期间我国北方地区没有发生大规模的冰川,2)青藏高原的隆升使我国北方干旱化和荒漠化加剧利于石鸡种群的扩散。武都(WD)位于东洋界,而石鸡是典型的古北界的鸟种,表明WD种群可能是石鸡在东洋界的一个建群种,因此需要给予充分的关注。  相似文献   

Rapid adaptation to novel environments may drive changes in genomic regions through natural selection. Such changes may be population-specific or, alternatively, may involve parallel evolution of the same genomic region in multiple populations, if that region contains genes or co-adapted gene complexes affecting the selected trait(s). Both quantitative and population genetic approaches have identified associations between specific genomic regions and the anadromous (steelhead) and resident (rainbow trout) life-history strategies of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Here, we use genotype data from 95 single nucleotide polymorphisms and show that the distribution of variation in a large region of one chromosome, Omy5, is strongly associated with life-history differentiation in multiple above-barrier populations of rainbow trout and their anadromous steelhead ancestors. The associated loci are in strong linkage disequilibrium, suggesting the presence of a chromosomal inversion or other rearrangement limiting recombination. These results provide the first evidence of a common genomic basis for life-history variation in O. mykiss in a geographically diverse set of populations and extend our knowledge of the heritable basis of rapid adaptation of complex traits in novel habitats.  相似文献   

Qin H  Lu M  Goldfarb DS 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2670
Increasing genomic instability is associated with aging in eukaryotes, but the connection between genomic instability and natural variation in life span is unknown. We have quantified chronological life span and loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) in 11 natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that genomic instability increases and mitotic asymmetry breaks down during chronological aging. The age-dependent increase of genomic instability generally lags behind the drop of viability and this delay accounts for approximately 50% of the observed natural variation of replicative life span in these yeast isolates. We conclude that the abilities of yeast strains to tolerate genomic instability co-vary with their replicative life spans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantitative evidence that demonstrates a link between genomic instability and natural variation in life span.  相似文献   

Summary More than 100 differentBrassica nucleo-cytoplasmic combinations were analysed for the presence or absence of the 11.3 kb mitochondrial plasmid. Contrary to some previous reports, no close association exists between the presence of the plasmid and cytoplasmic male sterility. Some novel abundant RNAs which copurified withBrassica mitochondria are described.  相似文献   

J T Meier  M I Simon  A G Barbour 《Cell》1985,41(2):403-409
Borrelia hermsii, an agent of relapsing fever, undergoes antigenic variation in its host. Surface-exposed proteins with differing primary structures determine the serotype of each organism. Using amino acid sequence data from two of these variable proteins, we synthesized two mixed-sequence oligonucleotides and then used the oligonucleotides to probe mRNA and DNA of three isogenic serotypes of B. hermsii. In Northern blots the probes were specific for the mRNA of the homologous serotype. Southern blots revealed two classes of hybridizing fragments: those common to the three serotypes and those specific for a particular serotype. A serotype-specific DNA fragment, which had hybridized to both oligonucleotide probes, was cloned. Subsequent use of the cloned fragment as a probe provided further evidence that antigenic variation in B. hermsii is associated with DNA rearrangements and with occurrence of expression-linked copies of all, or part, of an antigen-specifying gene.  相似文献   

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