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Crystallographic and kinetic methods have been used to characterize a site-specific variant of yeast enolase in which Ser 39 in the active-site flap has been changed to Ala. In the wild-type enzyme, the carbonyl and hydroxyl groups of Ser 39 chelate the second equivalent of divalent metal ion, effectively anchoring the flap over the fully liganded active site. With Mg(2+) as the activating cation, S39A enolase has <0.01% of wild-type activity as reported previously [J.M. Brewer, C.V. Glover, M.J. Holland, L. Lebioda, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1383 (2) (1998) 351-355]. Measurements of (2)H kinetic isotope effects indicate that the proton abstraction from 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PGA) is significantly rate determining. Analysis of the isotope effects provides information on the relative rates of formation and breakdown of the enolate intermediate. Moreover, assays with different species of divalent metal ions reveal that with S39A enolase (unlike the case of wild-type enolase), more electrophilic metal ions promote higher activities. The kinetic results with the S39A variant support the notions that a rate-limiting product release lowers the activity of wild-type enolase with more electrophilic metal ions and that the metal ions are used to acidify the C2-proton of 2-PGA. The S39A enolase was co-crystallized with Mg(2+) and the inhibitor phosphonoacetohydroxamate (PhAH). The structure was solved and refined at a resolution of 2.1 A. The structure confirms the conjecture that the active-site flap is opened in the mutant protein. PhAH chelates to both Mg ions as in the corresponding structure of the wild-type complex. Positions of the side chains of catalytic groups, Lys 345 and Glu 211, and of "auxiliary" residues Glu 168 and Lys 396 are virtually unchanged relative to the complex with the wild-type protein. His 159, which hydrogen bonds to the phosphonate oxygens in the wild-type complex, is 5.7 A from the closest phosphonate oxygen, and the loop (154-166) containing His 159 is shifted away from the active center. A peripheral loop, Glu 251-Gly 275, also moves to open access to the active site.  相似文献   

A prominent characteristic of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is its high genetic variability, which generates diversity of the virus and often causes a serious problem of the emergence of drug-resistant mutants. Subtype B HIV-1 is dominant in advanced countries, and the mortality rate due to subtype B HIV-1 has been decreased during the past decade. In contrast, the number of patients with non-subtype B viruses is still increasing in developing countries. One of the reasons for the prevalence of non-subtype B viruses is lack of information about the biological and therapeutic differences between subtype B and non-subtype B viruses. M36I is the most frequently observed polymorphism in non-subtype B HIV-1 proteases. However, since the 36th residue is located at a non-active site of the protease and has no direct interaction with any ligands, the structural role of M36I remains unclear. Here, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of M36I protease in complex with nelfinavir and revealed the influence of the M36I mutation. The results show that M36I regulates the size of the binding cavity of the protease. The reason for the rare emergence of D30N variants in non-subtype B HIV-1 proteases was also clarified from our computational analysis.  相似文献   

Crizotinib is an anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor that has recently been approved in the US for the treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Despite its outstanding safety and efficacy, several resistant mutations against crizotinib have been detected in the treatment of NSCLC. However, in contrast to the widely accepted mechanism of steric hindrance by mutations at the active site, the mechanism by which the C1156Y non-active site mutation confers resistance against crizotinib remains unclear. In the present study, the resistance mechanism of C1156Y in ALK was investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The results suggest that despite the non-active site mutation, C1156Y causes the dislocation of crizotinib as well as the indirect conformational changes in the binding cavity, which results in a marked decrease in the van der Waals and electrostatic interactions between crizotinib and ALK. The obtained results provide a detailed explanation of the resistance caused by C1156Y and may give a vital clue for the design of drugs to combat crizotinib resistance.  相似文献   

Díaz N  Suarez D 《Biochemistry》2007,46(31):8943-8952
Herein we investigate the role played by the so-called "structural metal ions" in the catalytic domain of the matrix metalloproteinase 2 enzyme (MMP-2 or gelatinase A). We performed seven molecular dynamics simulations that differ in the number and position of the noncatalytic zinc and calcium ions bound to the MMP-2 catalytic domain. An additional simulation including the three fibronectin-type modules inserted into the catalytic domain was also carried out. The analysis of the trajectories confirms that the binding/removal of the structural ions does not perturb the secondary structure elements but influences the position of several solvent-exposed loop regions that are placed near the active site cleft. The position of these loops modulates the accessibility of important anchorage points for substrate binding that have been identified in the active site groove. On the basis of semiempirical quantum chemical calculations, we estimated the relative free energies of the MMP-2 models, obtaining thus that the binding of two zinc and two calcium ions to the MMP-2 catalytic domain is energetically favored. In this MMP-2 model, which shows the most compact structure, all of the substrate binding sites are readily accessible. Globally, our results help to rationalize at the atomic level the calcium and zinc dependence of the hydrolytic activity catalyzed by the MMPs.  相似文献   

E B Skibo  J H Gilchrist  C H Lee 《Biochemistry》1987,26(11):3032-3037
Quinazolin-4(3H)-one derivatives substituted at the 6- and/or 7-position were studied as electronic probes of substrate oxidation by buttermilk xanthine oxidase. Since the enzyme active site possesses dimensional tolerance, the substituents exert an electronic effect rather than a steric effect on the catalytic parameters for oxidation. This feature permitted a Hammett plot to be made for quinazoline-oxygen substrate activity. The concave downward nature of this plot indicates that the rate-determining step for oxidation changes when electron-withdrawing substituents are placed on the substrate. This plot and kinetic isotope effects obtained with 2-deuterio derivatives of the substrates indicate the following: (i) oxidation involves nucleophile transfer to the C(2) center in concert with hydride transfer to the molybdenum center, and (ii) the formation of oxidized product is a three-step process, i.e., Michaelis complex formation, oxidation, and hydrolysis of the oxidized substrate-enzyme adduct. The role of the nucleophile in oxidation appears to be to increase the electron density in the substrate and thereby facilitate hydride transfer. The implication of this study is that similar electronic probes may be designed to study other purine-utilizing enzymes possessing a dimensionally tolerant active site.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) sensitivity of cardiac contractile element is reduced at lower temperatures, in contrast to that in fast skeletal muscle. Cardiac troponin C (cTnC) replacement in mammalian skinned fibers showed that TnC plays a critical role in this phenomenon (Harrison and Bers, (1990), Am. J. Physiol. 258, C282-8). Understanding the differences in affinity and structure between cTnCs from cold-adapted ectothermic species and mammals may bring new insights into how the different isoforms provide different resistances to cold. We followed the Ca(2+) titration to the regulatory domain of rainbow trout cTnC by NMR (wild type at 7 and 30 degrees C and F27W mutant at 30 degrees C) and fluorescence (F27W mutant, at 7 and 30 degrees C) spectroscopies. Using NMR spectroscopy, we detected Ca(2+) binding to site I of trout cTnC at high concentrations. This places trout cTnC between mammalian cTnC, in which site I is completely inactive, and skeletal TnC, in which site I binds Ca(2+) during muscle activation, and which is not as much affected by lower temperatures. This binding was seen both at 7 and at 30 degrees C. Despite the low Ca(2+) affinity, trout TnC site I may increase the likelihood of an opening of the regulatory domain, thus increasing the affinity for TnI. This way, it may be responsible for trout cTnC's capacity to function at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Zhu J  Knottenbelt S  Kirk ML  Pei D 《Biochemistry》2006,45(40):12195-12203
S-Ribosylhomocysteinase (LuxS) catalyzes the cleavage of the thioether linkage in S-ribosylhomocysteine (SRH) to produce homocysteine (Hcys) and 4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD), the precursor of type II bacterial autoinducer (AI-2). The proposed catalytic mechanism involves two consecutive ribose carbonyl migration steps via an intramolecular redox reaction and a subsequent beta-elimination step, all catalyzed by a divalent metal ion (e.g., Fe(2+) or Co(2+)) and two general acids/bases in the active site. Absorption and EPR spectroscopic studies were performed with both wild-type and various mutant forms of LuxS under a wide range of pH conditions. The studies revealed a pK(a) of 10.4 for the metal-bound water. The pK(a) value of Cys-83 was determined to be <6 by (13)C-(1)H HSQC NMR experiments with [3-(13)C]cysteine-labeled Zn(2+)-substituted Escherichia coli LuxS. The active form of LuxS contains a metal-bound water and a thiolate ion at Cys-83, consistent with the proposed roles of the metal ion (Lewis acid) and Cys-83 (general acid/base) during catalysis. Finally, an invariant Arg-39 in the active site was demonstrated to be at least partially responsible for stabilizing the thiolate anion of Cys-83.  相似文献   

A number of fundamental properties of intercellular conduction in simulated cylindrical strands of cardiac tissue are examined. The paper is based on recent biophysical information describing the transmembrane ionic currents in bullfrog atrial cells as well as anatomical data on the structures (gap junctions) responsible for the coupling between cells in that tissue. A mathematical model of the single bullfrog atrial cell based on suction microelectrode single-cell voltage clamp data is employed, as well as a modified version of the well-known model of Heppner and Plonsey, to characterized the resistive connections between adjacent cells in a cardiac strand. In addition, the simulated cellular strand is assumed to be encased in a cylindrical, resistive endothelial sheath, thus forming an idealized atrial trabeculum; the trabeculum is immersed in an extensive volume conductor. It is possible to simulate both uniform and discontinuous conduction in this atrial strand model by appropriately changing the resistance of the intercalated discs that occur at cell boundaries. The conduction velocity achieved in the normal or control case is within the range of conduction velocities that have been measured for bullfrog atrial trabeculae using optical methods. Extracellular resistance is shown to have a significant effect on both conduction velocity and the critical value of disc resistance at which discontinuous conduction first occurs. Since the atrial cell model employed in this study is based on experimental data and can accurately simulate the atrial action potential, the transmembrane ionic currents generated by the model are capable of providing detailed information concerning the mechanisms of intercellular current spread, particularly in the region of the intercalated disc.  相似文献   

Guardiani C  Cecconi F  Livi R 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1313-1322
Thermal folding molecular dynamics simulations of the domain C5 of Myosin binding protein C were performed using a native-centric model to study the role of three mutations related to Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Mutation of Asn755 causes the largest shift of the folding temperature, and the residue is located in the CFGA' beta-sheet featuring the highest phi-values. The mutation thus appears to reduce the thermodynamic stability in agreement with experimental data. The mutations on Arg654 and Arg668, conversely, cause little change in the folding temperature and they reside in the low phi-value BDE beta-sheet, so that their pathological role cannot be related to impairment of the folding process but possibly to the binding with target molecules. As the typical signature of Domain C5 is the presence of a longer and destibilizing CD-loop with respect to the other Ig-like domains, we completed the work with a bioinformatic analysis of this loop showing a high density of negative charge and low hydrophobicity. This indicates the CD-loop as a natively unfolded sequence with a likely coupling between folding and ligand binding.  相似文献   

P A Tipton  W W Cleland 《Biochemistry》1988,27(12):4317-4325
Biotin carboxylase was purified from Escherichia coli by a new procedure, and its steady-state kinetic parameters were examined. MgATP and bicarbonate add to the enzyme randomly, followed by addition of biotin. Both bicarbonate and MgATP add in rapid equilibrium. A catalytic base with a pK of 6.6 is observed in V/K profiles. Inactivation studies also revealed a sulfhydryl group in the active site that is essential for catalysis. It is proposed that the acid-base catalysts are necessary for the tautomerization of biotin, which presumably enhances its nucleophilicity toward the carboxyl group donor. A second enzymic group with a pK of 6.6, whose role is unknown, is seen in Vmax profiles. The pH profiles for the biotin carboxylase catalyzed phosphorylation of ADP by carbamoyl phosphate have the same shape as the profiles for the forward reaction, which demonstrates that the enzymic bases assume the same protonation states for catalysis of transphosphorylation in either direction. The lack of reactivity of thionucleotide analogues of ATP when Mg is used as the divalent metal ion suggests that both metal ions required for reaction coordinate to the nucleotide. The second metal ion appears to be absolutely required for reaction and not merely an activator of the reaction. Characterization of a bicabonate-dependent biotin-independent ATPase activity strongly suggests that carboxylation proceeds via a carboxyphosphate intermediate.  相似文献   

Human cystatin C (HCC), one of the amyloidgenic proteins, has been proved to form a dimeric structure via a domain swapping process and then cause amyloid deposits in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. HCC monomer consists of a core with a five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (beta region) wrapped around a central helix. The connectivity of these secondary structures is: (N)-beta1-alpha-beta2-L1-beta3-AS-beta4-L2-beta5-(C). In this study, various molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the conformational changes of the monomeric HCC at different temperatures (300 and 500 K) and pH levels (2, 4, and 7) to gain insight into the domain swapping mechanism. The results show that high temperature (500 K) and low pH (pH 2) will trigger the domain swapping process of HCC. We further proposed that the domain swapping mechanism of HCC follows four steps: (1) the alpha-helix moves away from the beta region; (2) the contacts between beta2 and beta3-AS disappear; (3) the beta2-L1-beta3 hairpin unfolds following the so-called "zip-up" mechanism; and finally (4) the HCC dimer is formed. Our study shows that high temperature can accelerate the unfolding of HCC and the departure of the alpha-helix from the beta-region, especially at low pH value. This is attributed to the fact that that low pH results in the protonation of the side chains of Asp, Glu, and His residues, which further disrupts the following four salt-bridge interactions stabilizing the alpha-beta interface of the native structure: Asp15-Arg53 (beta1-beta2), Glu21/20-Lys54 (helix-beta2), Asp40-Arg70 (helix-AS), and His43-Asp81 (beta2-AS).  相似文献   

A role for p53 in the frequency and mechanism of mutation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The tumor suppressor protein, p53, is often referred to as the guardian of the genome. When p53 function is impaired, its ability to preserve genomic integrity is compromised. This may result in an increase in mutation on both a molecular and chromosomal level and contribute to the progression to a malignant phenotype. In order to study the effect of p53 function on the acquisition of mutation, in vitro and in vivo models have been developed in which both the frequency and mechanism of mutation can be analyzed. In human lymphoblastoid cells in which p53 function was impaired, both the spontaneous and induced mutant frequency increased at the autosomal thymidine kinase (TK) locus. The mutant frequency increased to a greater extent in cell lines in which p53 harbored a point mutation than in those lines in which a "null" mutation had been introduced by molecular targeting or by viral degradation indicating a possible "gain-of-function" associated with the mutant protein. Further, molecular analysis revealed that the loss of p53 function was associated with a greater tendency towards loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) within the TK gene that was due to non-homologous recombination than that found in wild-type cells. Most data obtained from the in vivo models uses the LacI reporter gene that does not efficiently detect mutation that results in LOH. However, studies that have examined the effect of p53 status on mutation in the adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) gene in transgenic mice also suggest that loss of p53 function results in an increase in mutation resulting from non-homologous recombination. The results of these studies provide clear and convincing evidence that p53 plays a role in modulating the mutant frequency and the mechanism of mutation. In addition, the types of mutation that occur within the p53 gene are also of importance in determining the mutant frequency and the pathways leading to mutation.  相似文献   

The acyl-CoA dehydrogenases are a family of related enzymes that share high structural homology and a common catalytic mechanism which involves abstraction of an -proton from the substrate by an active site glutamate residue. Several lines of investigation have shown that the position of the catalytic glutamate is conserved in most of these dehydrogenases (the E2 site), but is in a different location in two other family members (the E1 site). Using site specific in vitro mutagenesis, a double mutant rat short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (rSCAD) has been constructed in which the catalytic glutamate is moved from the E2 to the E1 site (Glu368Gly/Gly247Glu). This mutant enzyme is catalytically active, but utilizes substrate less efficiently than the native enzyme (Km = 0.6 and 2.0 μM, and Vmax = 2.8 and 0.3 s−1 for native and mutant enzyme respectively). In this study we show that both the wild-type and mutant rSCADs display identical stereochemical preference for catalysis—abstraction of the -HR from the substrate followed by transfer of the β-HR to the FAD coenzyme. These results, in conjunction with molecular modeling of the native and double mutant SCAD indicate that the catalytic base in the E1 and E2 sites are topologically similar and catalytically competent. However, analysis of the 1H NMR spectra of the incubation products of these two enzymes revealed that, in contrast to the wild-type rSCAD, the Gly368Glu/Gly247Glu rSCAD could not perform γ-proton exchange of the product with the solvent, a property inherent to most acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. It is evident that the base in the mutant enzyme has access to the -HR but is far removed from the γ-Hs. These findings provide further support for a one base mechanism of - and γ-reprotonation/deprotonation catalysis by acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC plays a key role during C(4) photosynthesis and is involved in anaplerotic metabolism, pH regulation, and stomatal opening. Heterozygous (Pp) and homozygous (pp) forms of a PEPC-deficient mutant of the C(4) dicot Amaranthus edulis were used to study the effect of reduced PEPC activity on CO(2) assimilation rates, stomatal conductance, and (13)CO(2) (Delta(13)C) and C(18)OO (Delta(18)O) isotope discrimination during leaf gas exchange. PEPC activity was reduced to 42% and 3% and the rates of CO(2) assimilation in air dropped to 78% and 10% of the wild-type values in the Pp and pp mutants, respectively. Stomatal conductance in air (531 mubar CO(2)) was similar in the wild-type and Pp mutant but the pp mutant had only 41% of the wild-type steady-state conductance under white light and the stomata opened more slowly in response to increased light or reduced CO(2) partial pressure, suggesting that the C(4) PEPC isoform plays an essential role in stomatal opening. There was little difference in Delta(13)C between the Pp mutant (3.0 per thousand +/- 0.4 per thousand) and wild type (3.3 per thousand +/- 0.4 per thousand), indicating that leakiness (), the ratio of CO(2) leak rate out of the bundle sheath to the rate of CO(2) supply by the C(4) cycle, a measure of the coordination of C(4) photosynthesis, was not affected by a 60% reduction in PEPC activity. In the pp mutant Delta(13)C was 16 per thousand +/- 3.2 per thousand, indicative of direct CO(2) fixation by Rubisco in the bundle sheath at ambient CO(2) partial pressure. Delta(18)O measurements indicated that the extent of isotopic equilibrium between leaf water and the CO(2) at the site of oxygen exchange () was low (0.6) in the wild-type and Pp mutant but increased to 0.9 in the pp mutant. We conclude that in vitro carbonic anhydrase activity overestimated as compared to values determined from Delta(18)O in wild-type plants.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) is a member of the phospholipase D superfamily that hydrolyzes 3'-phospho-DNA adducts via two conserved catalytic histidines-one acting as the lead nucleophile and the second acting as a general acid/base. Substitution of the second histidine specifically to arginine contributes to the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy (SCAN1). We investigated the catalytic role of this histidine in the yeast protein (His432) using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, yeast genetics, and theoretical chemistry. The structures of wild-type Tdp1 and His432Arg both show a phosphorylated form of the nucleophilic histidine that is not observed in the structure of His432Asn. The phosphohistidine is stabilized in the His432Arg structure by the guanidinium group that also restricts the access of nucleophilic water molecule to the Tdp1-DNA intermediate. Biochemical analyses confirm that His432Arg forms an observable and unique Tdp1-DNA adduct during catalysis. Substitution of His432 by Lys does not affect catalytic activity or yeast phenotype, but substitutions with Asn, Gln, Leu, Ala, Ser, and Thr all result in severely compromised enzymes and DNA topoisomerase I-camptothecin dependent lethality. Surprisingly, His432Asn did not show a stable covalent Tdp1-DNA intermediate that suggests another catalytic defect. Theoretical calculations revealed that the defect resides in the nucleophilic histidine and that the pK(a) of this histidine is crucially dependent on the second histidine and on the incoming phosphate of the substrate. This represents a unique example of substrate-activated catalysis that applies to the entire phospholipase D superfamily.  相似文献   

The efficacy of HIV-1 protease inhibition therapies is often compromised by the appearance of mutations in the protease molecule that lower the binding affinity of inhibitors while maintaining viable catalytic activity and substrate affinity. The V82F/I84V double mutation is located within the binding site cavity and affects all protease inhibitors in clinical use. KNI-764, a second-generation inhibitor currently under development, maintains significant potency against this mutation by entropically compensating for enthalpic losses, thus minimizing the loss in binding affinity. KNI-577 differs from KNI-764 by a single functional group critical to the inhibitor response to the protease mutation. This single difference changes the response of the two inhibitors to the mutation by one order of magnitude. Accordingly, a structural understanding of the inhibitor response will provide important guidelines for the design of inhibitors that are less susceptible to mutations conveying drug resistance. The structures of the two compounds bound to the wild type and V82F/I84V HIV-1 protease have been determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.0 A resolution. The presence of two asymmetric functional groups, linked by rotatable bonds to the inhibitor scaffold, allows KNI-764 to adapt to the mutated binding site cavity more readily than KNI-577, with a single asymmetric group. Both inhibitors lose about 2.5 kcal/mol in binding enthalpy when facing the drug-resistant mutant protease; however KNI-764 gains binding entropy while KNI-577 loses binding entropy. The gain in binding entropy by KNI-764 accounts for its low susceptibility to the drug-resistant mutation. The heat capacity change associated with binding becomes more negative when KNI-764 binds to the mutant protease, consistent with increased desolvation. With KNI-577, the opposite effect is observed. Structurally, the crystallographic B factors increase for KNI-764 when it is bound to the drug-resistant mutant. The opposite is observed for KNI-577. Consistent with these observations, it appears that KNI-764 is able to gain binding entropy by a two-fold mechanism: it gains solvation entropy by burying itself deeper within the binding pocket and gains conformational entropy by losing interaction with the protease.  相似文献   

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