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The development of tertiary structure during folding of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) was studied by time‐resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer measured using continuous‐ and stopped‐flow techniques. Variants of this two‐domain protein containing intradomain and interdomain fluorescence donor/acceptor pairs (Trp and Cys‐linked fluorophore or quencher) were prepared to probe the intradomain and interdomain structural evolution accompanying SNase folding. The intra‐domain donor/acceptor pairs are within the β‐barrel domain (Trp27/Cys64 and Trp27/Cys97) and the interdomain pair is between the α‐helical domain and the β‐barrel domain (Trp140/Cys64). Time‐resolved energy transfer efficiency accompanying folding and unfolding at different urea concentrations was measured over a time range from 30 μs to ~10 s. Information on average donor/acceptor distances at different stages of the folding process was obtained by using a quantitative kinetic modeling approach. The average distance for the donor/acceptor pairs in the β‐barrel domain decreases to nearly native values whereas that of the interdomain donor/acceptor pairs remains unchanged in the earliest intermediate (<500 μs of refolding). This indicates a rapid nonuniform collapse resulting in an ensemble of heterogeneous conformations in which the central region of the β‐barrel domain is well developed while the C‐terminal α‐helical domain remains disordered. The distance between Trp140 and Cys64 decreases to native values on the 100‐ms time scale, indicating that the α‐helical domain docks onto the preformed β‐barrel at a late stage of the folding. In addition, the unfolded state is found to be more compact under native conditions, suggesting that changes in solvent conditions may induce a nonspecific hydrophobic collapse.  相似文献   

Kinetics of refolding and unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease and its six mutants, each carrying single or double amino acid substitutions, are studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism measurements. A transient kinetic intermediate formed within 10 ms after refolding starts possesses a substantial part of the N-domain core β-structure, whereas helices are formed at the later stages. The structure of the kinetic intermediate is less organized than the structure that is known to be formed by a nuclease 1-136 fragment. Only the refolding kinetics are affected by the mutations in all the mutants except two in which the mutations have changed the native structure. From this result and also from the locations of the mutation sites, the major N-terminal domain of the nuclease in the transition state of folding has a structure nearly identical to the native one. On the other hand, the minor C-terminal domain has previously been shown to be still disorganized in the transition state. The effects of the amino acid substitutions on the stability of the native and the transition states are in good agreement with the changes in the hydration free energy, expected for the corresponding amino acid replacements in the unfolded polypeptide. Since side chains of all the mutated residues are not accessible to solvent in the native structure, the result suggests that it is the unfolded state that is mainly affected by the mutations. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kinetic intermediates in protein folding are short-lived and therefore difficult to detect and to characterize. In the folding of polypeptide chains with incorrect isomers of Xaa-Pro peptide bonds the final rate-limiting transition to the native state is slow, since it is coupled to prolyl isomerization. Incorrect prolyl isomers thus act as effective traps for folding intermediates and allow their properties to be studied more easily. We employed this strategy to investigate the mechanism of slow folding of ribonuclease T1. In our experiments we use a mutant form of this protein with a single cis peptide bond at proline 39. During refolding, protein chains with an incorrect trans proline 39 can rapidly form extensive secondary structure. The CD signal in the amide region is regained within the dead-time of stopped-flow mixing (15 ms), indicating a fast formation of the single alpha-helix of ribonuclease T1. This step is correlated with partial formation of a hydrophobic core, because the fluorescence emission maximum of tryptophan 59 is shifted from 349 nm to 325 nm within less than a second. After about 20 s of refolding an intermediate is present that shows about 40% enzymatic activity compared to the completely refolded protein. In addition, the solvent accessibility of tryptophan 59 is drastically reduced in this intermediate and comparable to that of the native state as determined by acrylamide quenching of the tryptophan fluorescence. Activity and quenching measurements have long dead-times and therefore we do not know whether enzymatic activity and solvent accessibility also change in the time range of milliseconds. At this stage of folding at least part of the beta-sheet structure is already present, since it hosts the active site of the enzyme. The trans to cis isomerization of the tyrosine 38-proline 39 peptide bond in the intermediate and consequently the formation of native protein is very slow (tau = 6,500 s at pH 5.0 and 10 degrees C). It is accompanied by an additional increase in tryptophan fluorescence, by the development of the fine structure of the tryptophan emission spectrum, and by the regain of the full enzymatic activity. This indicates that the packing of the hydrophobic core, which involves both tryptophan 59 and proline 39, is optimized in this step. Apparently, refolding polypeptide chains with an incorrect prolyl isomer can very rapidly form partially folded intermediates with native-like properties.  相似文献   

A considerable number of functional proteins are unstructured under physiological condition. These "intrinsically disordered" proteins exhibit induced folding when they bind their targets. The induced folding comprises two elementary processes: folding and binding. Two mechanisms are possible for the induced folding: either folding before binding or binding before folding. We found that these two mechanisms can be distinguished by the target-concentration dependence of folding kinetics. We also created two types of mutants of staphylococcal nuclease showing the different inhibitor-concentration dependence of induced folding kinetics. One mutant obeys the scheme of binding before folding, while the other the folding before binding. This is the first experimental evidence demonstrating that both mechanisms are realized for a single protein. Binding before folding is possible, when the protein lacks essential nonlocal interaction to stabilize the native conformation. The results cast light on the protein folding mechanism involved in the intrinsically disordered proteins.  相似文献   

Pulsed hydrogen exchange methods were used to follow the formation of structure during the refolding of acid-denatured staphylococcal nuclease containing a stabilizing Leu substitution at position 124 (H124L SNase). The protection of more than 60 backbone amide protons in uniformly (15)N-labeled H124L SNase was monitored as a function of refolding time by heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. As found in previous studies of staphylococcal nuclease, partial protection was observed for a subset of amide protons even at the earliest folding time point (10 msec). Protection indicative of marginally stable hydrogen-bonded structure in an early folding intermediate was observed at over 30 amide positions located primarily in the beta-barrel and to a lesser degree in the alpha-helical domain of H124L SNase. To further characterize the folding intermediate, protection factors for individual amide sites were measured by varying the pH of the labeling pulse at a fixed refolding time of 16 msec. Protection factors >5.0 were observed only for amide positions in a beta-hairpin formed by strands 2 and 3 of the beta-barrel domain and a single site near the C-terminus. The results indicate that formation of stable hydrogen-bonded structure in a core region of the beta-sheet is among the earliest structural events in the folding of SNase and may serve as a nucleation site for further structure formation.  相似文献   

Chedad A  Van Dael H 《Proteins》2004,57(2):345-356
The equilibrium unfolding and the kinetic folding and unfolding of goat alpha-lactalbumin (GLA) were studied by near- and far-ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) and by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy. Specifically, the influence of environmental conditions such as pH and Ca2+ binding was examined. Compared to the apo-form, the Ca2+-bound form was found to be strongly stabilized in equilibrium conditions at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees C. The kinetics of the refolding of apo-GLA show a major change of fluorescence intensity during the experimental dead-time, but this unresolved effect is strongly diminished in holo-GLA. In both cases, however, the chevron plots can adequately be fitted to a three-state model. Moreover, double-mix stopped-flow experiments showed that the native state (N) is reached through one major pathway without the occurrence of alternative tracks. In contrast to the homologous bovine alpha-lactalbumin (BLA), the compactness of GLA is strongly influenced by the presence of Ca2+ ions. Unlike the two-state transition observed in guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-induced equilibrium denaturation experiments at higher pH, an equilibrium intermediate state (I) is involved in denaturation at pH 4.5. In the latter case, analysis of the kinetic data makes clear that the intermediate and the unfolded states (U) show practically no Gibbs free energy difference and that they are in rapid equilibrium with each other. A possible explanation for these variations in stability and in folding characteristics with pH could be the degree of protonation of His107 that directly influences non-native interactions. Variation of environmental conditions and even small differences in sequence, therefore, can result in important effects on thermodynamic and folding parameters.  相似文献   

High-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and CD spectroscopy have been used to probe the structural stability and measure the folding/unfolding thermodynamics of a Pro117-->Gly variant of staphylococcal nuclease. It is shown that at neutral pH the thermal denaturation of this protein is well accounted for by a 2-state mechanism and that the thermally denatured state is a fully hydrated unfolded polypeptide. At pH 3.5, thermal denaturation results in a compact denatured state in which most, if not all, of the helical structure is missing and the beta subdomain apparently remains largely intact. At pH 3.0, no thermal transition is observed and the molecule exists in the compact denatured state within the 0-100 degrees C temperature interval. At high salt concentration and pH 3.5, the thermal unfolding transition exhibits 2 cooperative peaks in the heat capacity function, the first one corresponding to the transition from the native to the intermediate state and the second one to the transition from the intermediate to the unfolded state. As is the case with other proteins, the enthalpy of the intermediate is higher than that of the unfolded state at low temperatures, indicating that, under those conditions, its stabilization must be of an entropic origin. The folding intermediate has been modeled by structural thermodynamic calculations. Structure-based thermodynamic calculations also predict that the most probable intermediate is one in which the beta subdomain is essentially intact and the rest of the molecule unfolded, in agreement with the experimental data. The structural features of the equilibrium intermediate are similar to those of a kinetic intermediate previously characterized by hydrogen exchange and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

When considering protein folding with a transient intermediate, a difficulty arises as to determination of the rates of separate transitions. Here we overcome this problem, using the kinetic studies of the unfolding/refolding reactions of the three-state protein apomyoglobin as a model. Amplitudes of the protein refolding kinetic burst phase corresponding to the transition from the unfolded (U) to intermediate (I) state, that occurs prior to the native state (N) formation, allow us to estimate relative populations of the rapidly converting states at various final urea concentrations. On the basis of these proportions, a complicated experimental chevron plot has been deconvolved into the urea-dependent rates of the I<-->N and U<-->N transitions to give the dependence of free energies of the main transition state and of all three (N, I, and U) stable states on urea concentration.  相似文献   

Chow CY  Wu MC  Fang HJ  Hu CK  Chen HM  Tsong TY 《Proteins》2008,72(3):901-909
Fluorescence and circular dichroism stopped-flow have been widely used to determine the kinetics of protein folding including folding rates and possible folding pathways. Yet, these measurements are not able to provide spatial information of protein folding/unfolding. Especially, conformations of denatured states cannot be elaborated in detail. In this study, we apply the method of fluorescence energy transfer with a stopped-flow technique to study global structural changes of the staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) mutant K45C, where lysine 45 is replaced by cysteine, during folding and unfolding. By labeling the thiol group of cysteine with TNB (5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid) as an energy acceptor and the tryptophan at position 140 as a donor, distance changes between the acceptor and the donor during folding and unfolding are measured from the efficiency of energy transfer. Results indicate that the denatured states of SNase are highly compact regardless of how the denatured states (pH-induced or GdmCl-induced) are induced. The range of distance changes between two probes is between 25.6 and 25.4 A while it is 20.4 A for the native state. Furthermore, the folding process consists of three kinetic phases while the unfolding process is a single phase. These observations agree with our previous sequential model: N(0) left arrow over right arrow D(1) left arrow over right arrow D(2) left arrow over right arrow D(3) (Chen et al., J Mol Biol 1991;220:771-778). The efficiency of protein folding may be attributed to initiating the folding process from these compact denatured structures.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cold shock protein, CspA, folds very rapidly (time constant, tau = 4 msec) by an apparent two-state mechanism. However, recent time-resolved infrared (IR) temperature-jump experiments indicate that the folding trajectory of CspA may be more complicated. The sole tryptophan of wild-type CspA (Trp11), which is used to monitor the folding process by fluorescence spectroscopy, is located in an unusual aromatic cluster on the surface of CspA within the nucleic acid binding site. To gain a more global picture of the folding kinetics of CspA and to determine if there are any previously undetected intermediates, we have introduced a second tryptophan at three different surface locations in the protein. The three mutations did not significantly alter the tertiary structure of CspA, although two of the substitutions were found to be slightly stabilizing. Two-state folding, as detected by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy, is preserved in all three mutants. These results indicate that the fast folding of CspA is driven by a concerted mechanism.  相似文献   

To monitor the fast compaction process during protein folding, we have used a stopped-flow small-angle X-ray scattering technique combined with a two-dimensional charge-coupled device-based X-ray detector that makes it possible to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of data dramatically, and measured the kinetic refolding reaction of alpha-lactalbumin. The results clearly show that the radius of gyration and the overall shape of the kinetic folding intermediate of alpha-lactalbumin are the same as those of the molten globule state observed at equilibrium. Thus, the identity between the kinetic folding intermediate and the equilibrium molten globule state is firmly established. The present results also suggest that the folding intermediate is more hydrated than the native state and that the hydrated water molecules are dehydrated when specific side-chain packing is formed during the change from the molten globule to the native state.  相似文献   

Thermal and chemical unfolding studies of the calcium-binding canine lysozyme (CL) by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy show that, upon unfolding in the absence of calcium ions, a very stable equilibrium intermediate state is formed. At room temperature and pH 7.5, for example, a stable molten globule state is attained in 3 M GdnHCl. The existence of such a pure and stable intermediate state allowed us to extend classical stopped-flow fluorescence measurements that describe the transition from the native to the unfolded form, with kinetic experiments that monitor separately the transition from the unfolded to the intermediate state and from the intermediate to the native state, respectively. The overall refolding kinetics of apo-canine lysozyme are characterized by a significant drop in the fluorescence intensity during the dead time, followed by a monoexponential increase of the fluorescence with k = 3.6 s(-1). Furthermore, the results show that, unlike its drastic effect on the stability, Ca(2+)-binding only marginally affects the refolding kinetics. During the refolding process of apo-CL non-native interactions, comparable to those observed in hen egg white lysozyme, are revealed by a substantial quenching of tryptophan fluorescence. The dissection of the refolding process in two distinct steps shows that these non-native interactions only occur in the final stage of the refolding process in which the two domains match to form the native conformation.  相似文献   

To monitor the development of tertiary structural contacts during folding, a unique tryptophan residue was introduced at seven partially buried locations (residues 15, 27, 61, 76, 91, 102 and 121) of a tryptophan-free variant of staphylococcal nuclease (P47G/P117G/H124L/W140H). Thermal unfolding measurements by circular dichroism indicate that the variants are destabilized, but maintain the ability to fold into a native-like structure. For the variants with Trp at positions 15, 27 and 61, the intrinsic fluorescence is significantly quenched in the native state due to close contact with polar side-chains that act as intramolecular quenchers. All other variants exhibit enhanced fluorescence under native conditions consistent with burial of the tryptophan residues in an apolar environment. The kinetics of folding was observed by continuous and stopped-flow fluorescence measurements over refolding times ranging from 100 micros to 10 s. The folding kinetics of all variants is quantitatively described by a mechanism involving a major pathway with a series of intermediate states and a minor parallel channel. The engineered tryptophan residues in the beta-barrel and the N-terminal part of the alpha-helical domain become partially shielded from the solvent at an early stage (<1 ms), indicating that this region undergoes a rapid collapse. For some variants, a major increase in fluorescence coincides with the rate-limiting step of folding on the 100 ms time scale, indicating that these tryptophan residues are buried only during the late stages of folding. Other variants exhibit a transient increase in fluorescence during the 10 ms phase followed by a decrease during the rate-limiting phase. These observations are consistent with burial of these probes in a collapsed, but loosely packed intermediate, followed by the rate-limiting formation of the densely packed native core, which brings the tryptophan residues into close contact with intramolecular quenchers.  相似文献   

We report the application of pulsed oxidative labeling for deciphering the folding mechanism of a membrane protein. SDS-denatured bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was refolded by mixing with bicelles in the presence of free retinal. At various time points (20 ms to 1 day), the protein was exposed to a microsecond ·OH pulse that induces oxidative modifications at solvent-accessible methionine side chains. The extent of labeling was determined by mass spectrometry. These measurements were complemented by stopped-flow spectroscopy. Major time-dependent changes in solvent accessibility were detected for M20 (helix A) and M118 (helix D). Our kinetic data indicate a sequential folding mechanism, consistent with models previously suggested by others on the basis of optical data. Yet, ·OH labeling provides additional structural insights. An initial folding intermediate I(1) gets populated within 20 ms, concomitantly with formation of helix A. Subsequent structural consolidation leads to a transient species I(2). Noncovalent retinal binding to I(2) induces folding of helix D, thereby generating an intermediate I(R). In the absence of retinal, the latter transition does not take place. Hence, formation of helix D depends on retinal binding, whereas this is not the case for helix A. As the cofactor settles deeper into its binding pocket, a final transient species I(R) is generated. This intermediate converts into native BR within minutes by formation of the retinal-K216 Schiff base linkage. The combination of pulsed covalent labeling and optical spectroscopy employed here should also be suitable for exploring the folding mechanisms of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of an individual helix of bacteriorhodopsin have been monitored during folding of the protein into lipid bilayer vesicles. A fluorescence probe was introduced at individual sites throughout helix D of bacteriorhodopsin and the changes in the fluorescence of the label were time-resolved. Partially denatured, labelled bacteriorhodopsin in SDS was folded directly into phosphatidylcholine lipid vesicles. Stopped-flow mixing of the reactants allowed the folding kinetics to be monitored with millisecond time resolution by time-resolving changes in the label fluorescence, intrinsic protein fluorescence as well as in the absorption of the retinal chromophore. Monitoring specific positions on helix D showed that two kinetic phases were altered compared to those determined by monitoring the average protein behaviour. These two phases, of 6.7 s(-1) and 0.33 s(-1), were previously assigned to formation of a key apoprotein intermediate during bacteriorhodopsin folding. The faster 6.7s(-1) phase was missing when time-resolving fluorescence changes of labels attached to the middle of helix D. The amplitude of the 0.33 s(-1) phase increased along the helix, as single labels were attached in turn from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side. An interpretation of these results is that the 6.7 s(-1) phase involves partitioning of helix D within the lipid headgroups of the bilayer vesicle, while the 0.33 s(-1) phase could reflect transmembrane insertion of this helix. In addition, a single site on helix G was monitored during folding. The results indicate that, unlike helix D, the insertion of helix G cannot be differentiated from the average protein behaviour. The data show that, while folding of bacteriorhodopsin from SDS into lipids is a co-operative process, it is nevertheless possible to obtain information on specific regions of a membrane protein during folding in vitro.  相似文献   

Recently we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the folding of the hairpin peptide DTVKLMYKGQPMTFR from staphylococcal nuclease in explicit water. We found that the peptide folds into a hairpin conformation with native and nonnative hydrogen-bonding patterns. In all the folding events observed in the folding of the hairpin peptide, loop formation involving the region YKGQP was an important event. In order to trace the origins of the loop propensity of the sequence YKGQP, we performed MD simulations on the sequence starting from extended, polyproline II and native type I' turn conformations for a total simulation length of 300 ns, using the GROMOS96 force field under constant volume and temperature (NVT) conditions. The free-energy landscape of the peptide YKGQP shows minima corresponding to loop conformation with Tyr and Pro side-chain association, turn and extended conformational forms, with modest free-energy barriers separating the minima. To elucidate the role of Gly in facilitating loop formation, we also performed MD simulations of the mutated peptide YKAQP (Gly --> Ala mutation) under similar conditions starting from polyproline II conformation for 100 ns. Two minima corresponding to bend/turn and extended conformations were observed in the free-energy landscape for the peptide YKAQP. The free-energy barrier between the minima in the free-energy landscape of the peptide YKAQP was also modest. Loop conformation is largely sampled by the YKGQP peptide, while extended conformation is largely sampled by the YKAQP peptide. We also explain why the YKGQP sequence samples type II turn conformation in these simulations, whereas the sequence as part of the hairpin peptide DTVKLMYKGQPMTFR samples type I' turn conformation both in the X-ray crystal structure and in our earlier simulations on the folding of the hairpin peptide. We discuss the implications of our results to the folding of the staphylococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

Langevin dynamics is used with our physics-based united-residue (UNRES) force field to study the folding pathways of the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A (1BDD (alpha; 46 residues)). With 400 trajectories of protein A started from the extended state (to gather meaningful statistics), and simulated for more than 35 ns each, 380 of them folded to the native structure. The simulations were carried out at the optimal folding temperature of protein A with this force field. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first simulation study of protein-folding kinetics with a physics-based force field in which reliable statistics can be gathered. In all the simulations, the C-terminal alpha-helix forms first. The ensemble of the native basin has an average RMSD value of 4 A from the native structure. There is a stable intermediate along the folding pathway, in which the N-terminal alpha-helix is unfolded; this intermediate appears on the way to the native structure in less than one-fourth of the folding pathways, while the remaining ones proceed directly to the native state. Non-native structures persist until the end of the simulations, but the native-like structures dominate. To express the kinetics of protein A folding quantitatively, two observables were used: (i) the average alpha-helix content (averaged over all trajectories within a given time window); and (ii) the fraction of conformations (averaged over all trajectories within a given time window) with Calpha RMSD values from the native structure less than 5 A (fraction of completely folded structures). The alpha-helix content grows quickly with time, and its variation fits well to a single-exponential term, suggesting fast two-state kinetics. On the other hand, the fraction of folded structures changes more slowly with time and fits to a sum of two exponentials, in agreement with the appearance of the intermediate, found when analyzing the folding pathways. This observation demonstrates that different qualitative and quantitative conclusions about folding kinetics can be drawn depending on which observable is monitored.  相似文献   

Although beta-sheets represent a sizable fraction of the secondary structure found in proteins, the forces guiding the formation of beta-sheets are still not well understood. Here we examine the folding of a small, all beta-sheet protein, the E. coli major cold shock protein CspA, using both equilibrium and kinetic methods. The equilibrium denaturation of CspA is reversible and displays a single transition between folded and unfolded states. The kinetic traces of the unfolding and refolding of CspA studied by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy are monoexponential and thus also consistent with a two-state model. In the absence of denaturant, CspA refolds very fast with a time constant of 5 ms. The unfolding of CspA is also rapid, and at urea concentrations above the denaturation midpoint, the rate of unfolding is largely independent of urea concentration. This suggests that the transition state ensemble more closely resembles the native state in terms of solvent accessibility than the denatured state. Based on the model of a compact transition state and on an unusual structural feature of CspA, a solvent-exposed cluster of aromatic side chains, we propose a novel folding mechanism for CspA. We have also investigated the possible complications that may arise from attaching polyhistidine affinity tags to the carboxy and amino termini of CspA.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein Bc-Csp folds very rapidly in a reaction that is well described by a kinetic two-state mechanism without intermediates. We measured the shortening of six intra-protein distances during folding by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) in combination with stopped-flow experiments. Single tryptophan residues were engineered into the protein as the donors, and single 5-(((acetylamino)ethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonate (AEDANS) residues were placed as the acceptors at solvent-exposed sites of Bc-Csp. Their R0 value of about 22 A was well suited for following distance changes during the folding of this protein with a high sensitivity. The mutagenesis and the labeling did not alter the refolding kinetics. The changes in energy transfer during folding were monitored by both donor and acceptor emission and reciprocal effects were found. In two cases the donor-acceptor distances were similar in the unfolded and the folded state and, as a consequence, the kinetic changes in energy transfer upon folding were very small. For four donor/acceptor pairs we found that > or =50% of the increase in energy transfer upon folding occurred prior to the rate-limiting step of folding. This reveals that about half of the shortening of the intra-molecular distances upon folding has occurred already before the rate-limiting step and suggests that the fast two-state folding reaction of Bc-Csp is preceded by a very rapid collapse.  相似文献   

Dai J  Wang X  Feng Y  Fan G  Wang J 《Biopolymers》2004,75(3):229-241
The N-terminal short fragments of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase), SNase20, SNase28, and SNase36, corresponding to the sequence regions, Ala1-Gly20, Ala1-Lys28, and Ala1-Leu36, respectively, as well as an 8-residue peptide (Ala17-Ile18-Asp19-Gly20-Asp21-Thr22-Val23-Lys24) have been synthesized. The conformational states of these fragments were investigated using CD and NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution and in trifluoroethanol (TFE)-H(2)O mixture. SNase20 containing a sequence corresponding to a bent peptide in native SNase shows a transient population of bend-like conformation around Ala12-Thr13-Leu14 in TFE-H(2)O mixture. The sequence region of Ala17-Thr22 of SNase28 displays a localized propensity for turn-like conformation in both aqueous solution and TFE-H(2)O mixture. The conformational ensemble of SNase36 in aqueous solution includes populated turn-like conformations localized in sequence regions Ala17-Thr22 and Tyr27-Gln30. The analysis suggests that these sequence regions, which form the regular secondary structures in native protein, may serve as the folding nucleation sites of SNase fragments of different chain lengths starting from the N-terminal end. Thus, the formation of bend- and turn-like conformations of these sequence regions may be involved in the early folding events of the SNase polypeptide chain in vitro.  相似文献   

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