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Analysis of the genome sequence of Caulobacter crescentus predicts 67 TonB-dependent outer membrane proteins. To demonstrate that among them are proteins that transport nutrients other than chelated Fe(3+) and vitamin B(12)-the substrates hitherto known to be transported by TonB-dependent transporters-the outer membrane protein profile of cells grown on different substrates was determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Maltose induced the synthesis of a hitherto unknown 99.5-kDa protein, designated here as MalA, encoded by the cc2287 genomic locus. MalA mediated growth on maltodextrins and transported [(14)C]maltodextrins from [(14)C]maltose to [(14)C]maltopentaose. [(14)C]maltose transport showed biphasic kinetics, with a fast initial rate and a slower second rate. The initial transport had a K(d) of 0.2 microM, while the second transport had a K(d) of 5 microM. It is proposed that the fast rate reflects binding to MalA and the second rate reflects transport into the cells. Energy depletion of cells by 100 microM carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone abolished maltose binding and transport. Deletion of the malA gene diminished maltose transport to 1% of the wild-type malA strain and impaired transport of the larger maltodextrins. The malA mutant was unable to grow on maltodextrins larger than maltotetraose. Deletion of two C. crescentus genes homologous to the exbB exbD genes of Escherichia coli abolished [(14)C]maltodextrin binding and transport and growth on maltodextrins larger than maltotetraose. These mutants also showed impaired growth on Fe(3+)-rhodotorulate as the sole iron source, which provided evidence of energy-coupled transport. Unexpectedly, a deletion mutant of a tonB homolog transported maltose at the wild-type rate and grew on all maltodextrins tested. Since Fe(3+)-rhodotorulate served as an iron source for the tonB mutant, an additional gene encoding a protein with a TonB function is postulated. Permeation of maltose and maltotriose through the outer membrane of the C. crescentus malA mutant was slower than permeation through the outer membrane of an E. coli lamB mutant, which suggests a low porin activity in C. crescentus. The pores of the C. crescentus porins are slightly larger than those of E. coli K-12, since maltotetraose supported growth of the C. crescentus malA mutant but failed to support growth of the E. coli lamB mutant. The data are consistent with the proposal that binding of maltodextrins to MalA requires energy and MalA actively transports maltodextrins with K(d) values 1,000-fold smaller than those for the LamB porin and 100-fold larger than those for the vitamin B(12) and ferric siderophore outer membrane transporters. MalA is the first example of an outer membrane protein for which an ExbB/ExbD-dependent transport of a nutrient other than iron and vitamin B(12) has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the outer membrane of Caulobacter crescentus was purified and analyzed. Two distinct strains of the species, NA 1000 and CB2A, were examined; despite differences in other membrane-related polysaccharides, the two gave similar LPS composition profiles. The LPS was the equivalent of the rough LPS described for other bacteria in that it lacked the ladder of polysaccharide-containing species that results from addition of variable amounts of a repeated sequence of sugars, as detected by gel electrophoresis in smooth LPS strains. The purified LPS contained two definable regions: (i) an oligosaccharide region, consisting of an inner core of three residues of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate, two residues of alpha-L-glycero-D-mannoheptose, and one alpha-D-glycero-D-mannoheptose unit and an outer core region containing one residue each of alpha-D-mannose, alpha-D-galactose, and alpha-D-glucose, with the glucose likely phosphorylated and (ii) a region equivalent to the lipid A region of the archetype, consisting primarily of an esterified fatty acid, 3-OH-dodecanoate. The lipid A-like region was resistant to conclusive analysis; in particular, although a variety of analytical methods were used, no amino sugars were detected, as is found in the lipid A of the LPS of most bacteria.  相似文献   

The murein and membrane protein compositions of Caulobacter crescentus strains CB13B1a and CB15 have been characterized, and the influence on cell envelope constituents of culture conditions which affect morphogenesis have been studied. Amino acid and sugar analysis of murein sacculi revealed a simple A1gamma murein configuration typical of gram-negative bacteria. The membranes of C. crescentus had low levels of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate relative to enteric bacteria, in addition to the absence of lipid A components (Shapiro et al., Science 173:884-892, 1971; Chow and Schmidt, J. Gen. Microbiol, 83:369-373, 1974). Nevertheless, C. crescentus membranes could be fractionated into inner and outer membrane components by sucrose density gradient centrifugation procedures developed for Escherichia coli. The proteins of the outer membrane were distributed between three major (I, II, and III) and two minor (IV and V) protein classes. Class I proteins were greater than or equal to 74,000 daltons and constituted the primary proteins of the outer membrane. Class I proteins were separated into approximately 50 polypeptides by two dimensional gel electrophoresis; the protein composition of thi s class was affected by culture conditions in both CB13B1a and CB15. Class II (47,000 to 39,000 daltons) and III (20,000 to 11,500 daltons) proteins differed in each strain in composition and response to culture conditions.  相似文献   

Transport of RsaA, the crystalline S-layer subunit protein of Caulobacter crescentus, is mediated by a type I secretion mechanism. Two proteins have been identified that play the role of the outer membrane protein (OMP) component in the RsaA secretion machinery. The genes rsaF(a) and rsaF(b) were identified by similarity to the Escherichia coli hemolysin secretion OMP TolC by using the C. crescentus genome sequence. The rsaF(a) gene is located several kilobases downstream of the other transporter genes, while rsaF(b) is completely unlinked. An rsaF(a) knockout had approximately 56% secretion compared to wild-type levels, while the rsaF(b) knockout reduced secretion levels to approximately 79%. When expression of both proteins was eliminated, there was no RsaA secretion, but a residual level of approximately 9% remained inside the cell, suggesting posttranslational autoregulation. Complementation with either of the individual rsaF genes by use of a multicopy vector, which resulted in 8- to 10-fold overexpression of the proteins, did not restore RsaA secretion to wild-type levels, indicating that both rsaF genes were required for full-level secretion. However, overexpression of rsaF(a) (with normal rsaF(b) levels) in concert with overexpression of rsaA resulted in a 28% increase in RsaA secretion, indicating a potential for significantly increasing expression levels of an already highly expressing type I secretion system. This is the only known example of type I secretion requiring two OMPs to assemble a fully functional system.  相似文献   

Efforts to characterize proteins found in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria have been steadily increasing due to the promise of expanding our understanding of fundamental bacterial processes such as cell adhesion or cell wall biogenesis as well as the promise of finding potential vaccine- or drug-targets for virulent bacteria. We have developed a mass spectrometry-compatible experimental strategy that resulted in increased coverage of the OM proteome of a model organism, Caulobacter crescentus. The specificity of the OM enrichment step was improved by using detergent solubilization of the protein pellet, low-density cell culture conditions, and a surface-layer deficient cell line. Additionally, efficient gel-assisted digestion, high-resolution RP/RP-MS/MS, and rigorous bioinformatic analysis led to the identification of 234 proteins using strict identification criteria (≥ two unique peptides per protein; peptide false discovery rate <2%). Eighty-four of the detected proteins were predicted to localize to the OM or extracellular space. These results represent ~70% coverage of the predicted OM/extracellular proteome of C. crescentus. This analytical approach, which considers important experimental variables not previously explored in published OM protein studies, can be applied to other OM proteomic endeavors "as is" or with slight modification and should improve the large-scale study of this especially challenging subproteome.  相似文献   

Although reversible phosphorylation on tyrosine residues regulates the activity of many eukaryotic proteins, there are few examples of this type of regulation in bacteria. We have identified the first essential tyrosine phosphatase homolog in a bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus CtpA. ctpA mutants with altered active-site residues are nonviable, and depletion of CtpA yields chains of cells with blebbed outer membranes, linked by unresolved peptidoglycan. CtpA overexpression reduces cell curvature in a manner similar to deleting the intermediate filament protein crescentin, but it does not disrupt crescentin localization or membrane attachment. Although it has no obvious signal sequence or transmembrane-spanning domains, CtpA associates with the Caulobacter inner membrane. Immunolocalization experiments suggest that CtpA accumulates at the division site during the last quarter of the cell cycle. We propose that CtpA dephosphorylates one or more proteins involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis or remodeling, which in turn affect cell separation, cell envelope integrity, and vibrioid morphology.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus, a Gram-negative alpha-purple proteobacterium, is an oligotroph that lives in aquatic environments dilute in nutrients. This bacterium divides asymmetrically. Part of this asymmetric cell division involves the formation of a prosthecum at one pole, referred to as the stalk, which replaces the flagellum of the motile swarmer cell. Little is known about the synthesis or function of the stalk. The stalk is an extension of the cell membranes and peptidoglycan layer, and stalk elongation is stimulated by phosphate starvation. In this study, we have taken advantage of two-dimensional gel (2D gel) electro-phoresis as well as the fully sequenced genome of Caulobacter to study the proteome of the stalk. We modified a stalk-shedding mutant strain of Caulobacter crescentus to increase the yield of stalk material shed and performed 2D gel electrophoresis of purified stalks and cellular fractions. Comparison of the stalk 2D gel with the 2D gels of cell membrane and soluble fractions showed that the stalk is mostly free of cytoplasmic proteins and has a profile very similar to that of the cell membrane. Of the 172 proteins on a stalk 2D gel, we report the identification of 64 spots, corresponding to 39 different proteins present in the stalk of Caulobacter. The identifications include several TonB-dependent receptors, two OmpA family proteins, a dipeptidase, GlpQ, two alkaline phosphatases, 3-phytase, a putative TolC protein and 11 proteins of unknown function. These identifications are consistent with the hypothesis that the stalk plays a role in nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

To identify the outer membrane protein component of the Caulobacter crescentus CB2 surface-layer export machinery we used the Serratia marcescens LipD protein to find homologs in the CB2 genome. From two homologous sequences found, one encodes a putative OMP with a predicted molecular mass of 57.5 kDa, termed Omp58 (formerly RsaF). Comparison of membrane protein profiles revealed a protein with an appropriate molecular mass present in wild-type, but not CB2 omp58::kanamycin, a mutant strain with an inactivated omp58 gene. Disruption of omp58 did not affect surface-layer production, suggesting that Omp58 is not involved in surface-layer protein secretion and, thus, may not be the outer membrane protein component of the C. crescentus surface-layer export system.  相似文献   

Murein hydrolases of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Caulobacter crescentus was found to exhibit a similar autolytic response to a variety of factors affecting the structure of the cell envelope and interfering with murein synthesis as several other species of bacteria. Autolysis was accompanied by the hydrolysis of murein with the release of soluble degradation products. Several murein hydrolases with different bond specificity were found and except for the absence of DD-carboxypeptidase and LD-carboxypeptidase activities the make-up of these enzymes resembled that of the well studied bacterium Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The pattern of phospholipid synthesis during the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus has been determined. Although the phospholipid composition of swarmer and stalked cells was indistinguishable in continuously labeled cultures if the two cell types were pulse-labeled for a short time period, marked differences in the pattern of phospholipid synthesis were detected. Pulse-labeled swarmer cells exhibited a higher proportion of phosphatidic acid and a lower proportion of phosphatidylglycerol. In addition, minor phospholipids were detected in the swarmer cells that were not detected in stalked cells. Stalked cells that developed directly from swarmer cells showed that same phospholipid profile as the swarmer cells. The switch to the second phospholipid profile was observed to occur at the predivisional cell stage. Because cell division then yielded a swarmer cell with a different phospholipid profile than its sibling stalked cell, the cell division process may trigger a mechanism which alters the pattern of phospholipid synthesis.  相似文献   

Attempts at protein profiling in the alkaline pH region using isoelectric focusing have often proved difficult, greatly limiting the scope of proteome analysis. We investigated several parameters using custom pH 8-11 immobilized pH gradients to separate a Caulobacter crescentus membrane preparation. These included sample application, quenching endoosomotic flow and gel matrix composition. Among these factors, the sample application position was the predominant parameter to affect two-dimensional gel quality. Separated proteins were silver stained and profiled using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The use of a prototype MALDI-Q-Tof mass spectrometer assisted identification of several proteins by providing highly informative peptide fragmentation data from the sample digests. Thirty-two unique alkaline proteins were identified in this study, which complements our previously described C. crescentus membrane proteome. Our experiments point towards new options for proteomic researchers aiming to both extend the scope of analysis, and simplify methods of identifying proteins with high confidence.  相似文献   

Copper cations play fundamental roles in biological systems, such as protein folding and stabilization, or enzymatic reactions. Although copper is essential to the cell, it can become cytotoxic if present in too high concentration. Organisms have therefore developed specific regulation mechanisms towards copper. This is the case of the Pco system present in the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, which is composed of two proteins: a soluble periplasmic protein PcoA and an outer membrane protein PcoB. PcoA oxidizes Cu+ to Cu2+, whereas PcoB is thought to be an efflux pump for Cu2+. While the PcoA protein has already been studied, very little is known about the structure and function of PcoB. In the present work, PcoB has been overexpressed in high yield in E. coli strains and successfully refolded by the SDS-cosolvent method. Binding to divalent cations has also been studied using several spectroscopic techniques. In addition, a three-dimensional structure model of PcoB, experimentally supported by circular dichroism, has been constructed, showing a β-barrel conformation with a N-terminal disordered chain. This peculiar intrinsic disorder property has also been confirmed by various bioinformatic tools.  相似文献   

Stalkless mutants of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A Fukuda  H Iba    Y Okada 《Journal of bacteriology》1977,131(1):280-287
A stalk, a single falgellum, several pili, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) phage receptors are polar surface structures expressed at a defined time in the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. When mutants were isolated as DNA phage phiCbK-resistant or ribonucleic acid (RNA) phage phiCp2-resistant, as well as nonmotile, strains, 5 out of 30 such mutant isolates were found not to possess stalks, but did possess inactive flagella. These stalkless mutants were resistant simultaneously to both DNA and RNA phages and did not possess pili and DNA pendent stalkless mutants. All motile revertants simultaneously regained the capacity to form stalks and susceptibility to DNA and RNA phages. It is suggested that a single mutation pleiotropically affects stalk formation, flagella motility, and coordinate polar morphogenesis of pili and DNA phage receptors. The stalkless mutants grew at a generation time similar to that of the wild-type strain at 30 degrees C. Cell size and morphology of a stalkless mutant, C. crescentus CB13 pdr-819, were also similar to those of the wild-type strain, except for the absence of a stalk. In addition, the CB13 pdr-819 predivisional cells were partitioned into smaller and larger portions, indicating asymmetrical cell division, as in the wild-type strain. From these results, it is suggested that swarmer cells undergo transition to cells of a stalked-cell nature without stalk formation and that the cell cycle of the stalkless mutant proceeds in an ordered sequence similar to that defining the wild-type cell cycle.  相似文献   

The aquatic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus divides asymmetrically to a flagellated swarmer cell and a cell with a stalk. At the end of the stalk is an adhesive organelle known as the holdfast, which the stalked cell uses to attach to a solid surface. Often there are two or more cells with their stalks attached to the same holdfast. By analyzing the fluctuations in the stalk angle for a pair of cells attached to a single holdfast, we determine the elastic stiffness of the holdfast. We model the holdfast as three torsional springs in series and find that the effective torsional spring constant for the holdfast is of the order of (10(-17)-10(-18)) Nm, with unequal spring constants. The asymmetry suggests the sequence in which the cells attach to each other, and in some cases suggests that strong crosslinks form between the stalks as they make a shared holdfast.  相似文献   

The internal membranes of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Synthesis and Structure of Caulobacter crescentus Flagella   总被引:30,自引:27,他引:3  
During the normal cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus, flagella are released into the culture fluid as swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells. The released flagellum is composed of a filament, hook, and rod. The molecular weight of purified flagellin (subunit of flagella filament) is 25,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The formation of a flagellum opposite the stalk has been observed by microscope during the differentiation of a stalked cell in preparation for cell division. By pulsing synchronized cultures with (14)C-amino acids it has been demonstrated that the synthesis of flagellin occurs approximately 30 to 40 min before cell division. Flagellin, therefore, is synthesized at a discrete time in the cell cycle and is assembled into flagella at a specific site on the cell. A mutant of C. crescentus that fails to synthesize flagellin has been isolated.  相似文献   

Summary A recombination-deficient (Rec-) strain of Caulobacter crescentus has been isolated from a collection of mutants sensitive to ultraviolet irradiation. The Rec- mutant fails to give recombinants following Cr30-mediated generalized transduction or following RP4-mediated conjugation. The recombination frequency in the Rec- strain is at least 5000-fold lower than in the wild type strains. The Rec- mutant is indistinguishable from wild type in terms of morphology, growth rate, viability, and phage sensitivities, differing only in properties known to be associated with recA-type mutations in other organisms: recombination frequency, ultraviolet sensitivity, and Weigle reactivation. The map location of the rec-526 allele has not been identified, but rec-526 can be cotransferred with the fla-169 mutation by RP4-mediated conjugation at low frequency. This apparent linkage has been used to move the rec mutation to other strains. The Rec- mutant resembles recA strains of other organisms and provides a healthy strain severely deficient in recombination for use in complementation and cloning studies involving C. crescentus.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cytoskeleton consists of three main types of filaments: actin microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments (IFs). Actin and tubulin-like proteins are also found in bacteria where they perform diverse cytoskeletal functions. IFs, however, are considered to be a characteristic constituent of metazoan cells only, where they (among other functions) are involved in determination and maintenance of cell shape and cellular integrity. Surprisingly, a coiled coil-rich protein called crescentin was recently shown to play a key role in determining the complex curved and helical cell shapes of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, and to exhibit several characteristic properties of animal IF proteins. First, the arrangement of the coiled coil domains of crescentin closely resembles the tripartite molecular architecture of IF proteins. Second, crescentin also possesses the defining biochemical property of IF proteins to assemble into 10-nm-wide filaments in vitro without cofactors. Furthermore, crescentin forms a higher-order helical structure in vivo, which is localized asymmetrically along the concave side of the cell. In close association with the cell membrane, the crescentin structure promotes the helical growth of the cell and thereby determines a curved or a helical shape, depending on the length of the cell. The unexpected finding of an IF-like element in a bacterium raises several interesting questions concerning, for example, the molecular mechanisms whereby complex and asymmetric cell shapes are generated by different bacteria, or the functional and evolutionary relatedness of crescentin to animal IF proteins.  相似文献   

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