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The composition and seasonal distribution of airborne pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, has been studied between June 2001 and December 2003 using the Rotorod sampler (model 40). The results show that the main pollen types during this period were Cupressaceae, Fraxinus, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Pinus, Urticaceae, Ulmus, Olea and Styphnolobium. The highest concentrations occurred from August to December (end of winter and spring), accounting for 80% of the total annual pollen count. The greatest diversity was found in the spring, with the major of pollen coming from short-flowering plant types, such as Populus, Acer, Platanus, Juglans, Tamarix, Ailanthus and Typha. The potential sources of pollen from woody ornamental species are Cupressus sempervirens, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. whereas those from herbaceous species are the Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, which are found within the city and also in the surrounding natural vegetation, and the Urticaceae, which are only present in the city. Marked annual differences were noted during the study period. The increase in 2002 may have been due to the abundant rainfall that occurred prior to the spring season, which would have favored the vegetative stage and flower development of plants. The decrease in pollen concentration in 2003 was mainly due to low rainfall throughout the year.  相似文献   

Biofilms and microbial mats cover the tidal flats of the central zone of the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina), creating extensive layers. The objective of this study was to characterize the microphytobenthic communities in these biofilms and mats from sediment cores taken in March, June, September and December 2010. Microorganisms were identified and enumerated by microscopy, and their biomass (chlorophyll a, biovolume) quantified at two different stations in the lower supratidal zone, located ~210 m apart from each other (namely S1 and S2). Additionally, the colloidal carbohydrates produced by these microbial communities were quantified, together with physical parameters such as temperature, granulometry, moisture and organic matter content of the sediment layers that comprise a typical epibenthic mat. On the other hand, changes in biomass and colloidal carbohydrate content were studied through a half-tidal cycle (7 h). There were significant seasonal differences in microphytobenthic biovolume (P < 0.001) with a considerably lower biomass in summer, but no significant differences in microalgal biovolume between stations (P = 0.454). Cyanobacterial biomass (largely composed of the filamentous Microcoleus chthonoplastes) was dominant on all dates at both stations, followed by pennate diatoms. Chlorophyll a and colloidal carbohydrate contents in sediment presented a similar pattern to that of microalgal biovolume; with a 5-fold variation in chlorophyll a for S1 between consecutive sampling events on September and December. There were significant differences between sampling dates in colloidal carbohydrates (P < 0.001) with the lowest values recorded during fall and winter; conversely there were no significant differences between stations (P = 0.324). Silt was the dominant sediment fraction at S1 while sand dominated throughout the uppermost 20 mm at S2. Chlorophyll a contents did not show significant differences throughout a half-tidal cycle, likely the product of vertical migration along the section sampled. Conversely, the content of colloidal carbohydrates varied 5-fold, showing a significant (P < 0.001) and steady increase with time of exposure to air and pointing to the rapid metabolic rates of the community. In conclusion, the microphytobenthic community of the Bahía Blanca estuary presented marked seasonality in its biological parameters and overall physiognomy, also showing elevated metabolic rates when subject to tidal fluctuations.  相似文献   

Hoffmeyer  Mónica S. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):303-308
The abundance and species composition of Copepoda with respect to other mesozooplanktonic groups were studied at the harbour of Ingeniero White in the inner zone of the Bahfa Blanca estuary, between July 1990 and August 1991. Maximal copepod abundances of 4.7 × 10 m–3 and 4.9 × 10 m–3 were observed in January 1991 and May 1991, respectively. Minimal abundances of 6 m–3 were found in June 1990. Acartia tonsa was present throughout the year with high dominance in summer-autumn (December to May). Eurytemora affinis was present from July to October 1990 (first pulse) and from July to September 1991 (second pulse). Euterpina acutifrons was most abundant during spring 1990, whereas Paracalanus parvus was most abundant during winter-spring (July–October) 1990 and April–May 1991. The rest of the copepods were observed during winter and spring 1990 and July–August 1991. Calanoides carinatus and Labidocera fluviatilis, both species from the outer estuarine waters, were only found on two sampling dates. The proportion of meroplanktonic forms was high in certain months of the annual period considered. Differences between the copepod seasonal succession studied here and those observed during several years in the 1980's are discussed.  相似文献   

Estimates of age and growth of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Jenyns,1842) were made by analysing fish from commercial catches in Bahía Blanca estuary (39° LS). A total of 823 fish caught by fishing fleets operating in the estuary were collected between February 1997 and January 1998. Age was determined via scale reading and growth estimation parameters using von Bertalanffys equation. Annulus formation occurred in August. The age for the total population, which ranged from 7.7 to 87.5 cm TL was 0–7. Age ranged from 0 to 6 years (21.5–71.9 cm TL) in males and from 0 to 7 years (24.9–87.5 cm TL) in females. Length–weight relationships were W(g)=0.0093 L(cm) exp. 3.03 for the total population, W(g)=0.0147 L(cm) exp. 2.91 for females, and W(g)=0.0168 L(cm) exp. 2.87 for males, respectively. As from age three, females were longer and heavier than males. The growth parameters estimated for the total population, for females and for males were L=83.29, 79.66, and 46.11 cm, respectively; k values were 0.18, 0.23, and 0.92, respectively, and t0 values were –1.87; –1.54, and –0.62, respectively. Similarly to other flounders,P. orbignyanus is a typical inhabitant of estuaries and coastal regions. Adults stay in the study area mainly during spring and summer, they go outside or offshore during the spawning period and then they return to the estuary for feeding and recovering.  相似文献   

Gymnodinium bloom events are of concern, since they produce toxins, which have unfavorable consequences to marine ecosystems, human health and the economy. This report describes the physico-chemical conditions that were present during the algal bloom event on May 2010 in Bahía Manzanillo and Bahía Santiago, Colima, Mexico. For this, seawater nutrient analysis, phytoplankton counts, identification, and toxicity tests were undertaken. Nutrients in seawater were determined using colorimetric techniques, the higher concentrations (8.88 microM DIN, 0.78 microM PO4 and 24.34 microM SiO2) were related with upwelling waters that promoted the algal bloom that began after registering the year lowest sea-surface temperature, favoring the rapid growth of G. catenatum (up to 1.02 x 10(7) cells/L). Phytoplankton counting was carried out using sedimentation chambers and cells enumerated on appropriated area. The bloom persisted in the bays for approximately two weeks and was associated with toxicity (determined with HPLC) in local oysters (1525.8 microg STXeq/100g), and in phytoplankton (10.9 pg STXeq/cells) samples. Strong variations in cell toxicity (1.4 to 10.9pg STXeq/cells), most likely reflected the availability of inorganic nutrients. The toxin profile of the phytoplankton samples consisted of 11 toxins and resembled those recorded for several strains of G. catenatum isolated from other coastal areas of Mexico.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the feeding habits of the juvenile striped weakfish, Cynoscion guatucupa Cuvier, from Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. C. guatucupa is one of the most important regional fishing resources although in the last 10 years landings have greatly decreased. The year class strength of fish as well as stock size and yield are determined during the early life stages. Knowledge about the diet of young C. guatucupa may therefore contribute to our better understanding of the influence that the changes occurring in the biota of the estuary exert on the abundance fluctuations of this species. To this end, we investigated the ontogenetic and seasonal dietary changes of C. guatucupa between 1.00 and 12.99 cm total length (age 0+), and we related them to changes in habitat use and prey selection. Two dietary shifts were found during ontogeny. The first shift, at approximately 4 cm total length, involved a change from demersal-pelagic prey (mysid shrimps) to demersal-benthic prey (Peisos petrunkevitchi Burkenroad). The second shift, at approximately 8 cm total length, involved a progressive increase in ichthyophagy (mainly an increase consumption of the Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita Hubbs & Marini). Seasonal dietary changes were also found. They evidenced the changes in the availability of organisms. In autumn, the chaetognath Sagitta friderici Ritter-Zahoni, P. petrunkevitchi, and E. anchoita were the dominant prey items; in winter, the copepod Labidocera fluviatilis Dahl along with S. friderici, mysids, and P. petrunkevitchi constituted the majority of the diet; and, in summer, mysids were the most important prey item consumed. Selectivity data showed that whereas some prey items, such as the copepods Acartia tonsa Dana and Paracalanus parvus (Claus) and S. friderici, were consistently negatively selected by all size classes throughout the year, other prey items, such as fish larvae, mysids, and P. petrunkevitchi,were selected in one season and avoided in another. Additional dietary seasonal differences observed in our research indicate that the limited food supply and the low water temperatures are limiting factors for winter juveniles in BahÕa Blanca estuary. These factors may also directly influence the more-than-10 cm total length seaward migration of large numbers of C. guatucupa that is registered at the end of every autumn.  相似文献   

The pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus, is a predatory fish that supports important fisheries and could substantially impact prey populations around the temperate northern hemisphere. Consumption of prey by pike is most readily estimated using the energy budget to calculate food intake indirectly using estimates of growth rate and metabolism. Resting metabolic rate, R s, is a particularly important component of such calculations. Here, the available estimates of R s are reviewed and compared. Scaling coefficients for variation with body mass are consistent between the two studies in which they have been derived (0.81, 0.82). However, the effect of temperature on R s markedly varies among studies (Q 10 from 1.73 to 4.80). There is substantial variation in R s (twofold to fourfold) among studies when temperature and fish size are accounted for. This variation is shown to have a large effect on energy budget calculations of energy intake and to be sufficient to account for imbalances in published budgets. These effects depend on age of pike and season; in one energy budget model, a 50% reduction in R s resulted in decrease of 19–42% in estimated energy intake of pike. Potential causes of among-study variation in R s are discussed and it is recommended that standard techniques by applied in the future to differentiate between genuine biological variation among populations and experimental factors. Guest editors: J. M. Farrell, C. Skov, M. Mingelbier, T. Margenau & J. E. Cooper International Pike Symposium: Merging Knowledge of Ecology, Biology, and Management for a Circumpolar Species  相似文献   

Specimens of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Jenyns, 1842) were collected in Bahía Blanca estuary between February 1997 and January 1998, and their feeding habits were examined in relation to season and size class. The stomach contents of 823 specimens, ranging from 70 to 875 mm total length, were analysed. Their diet included organisms from 17 taxa. The highest vacuity index values were found during autumn and winter. The stomach fullness index indicated that flounders increased their feeding activity between October and March, reaching a highest point in February and decreasing after February. Fish were the primary prey item in frequency, number and weight, followed by crustaceans, such as shrimps and crabs. A seasonal and size class variation was detected in the diet. During summer all-size flounders consumed mainly fish. In autumn, for all-size classes the main food were fish and crustaceans even though fish were dominant in terms of biomass. In spring, crustaceans (mysids Arthromysis magellanica (Cunningham), shrimps Artemesia longinaris Bate, and prawns Pleoticus muelleri (Bate)) were the dominant prey in terms of number and biomass for flounders ≤ 450 mm TL. Size classes larger than 451 mm TL fed on crustaceans and fish though the most important prey item in terms of biomass was fish. In Bahía Blanca estuary,P. orbignyanus evidenced mainly an ichthyophagou – carcinophagous diet. The results collected from the present study lead to conclude that P. orbignyanus shows, in this region, a clear preference for fish.  相似文献   

Olea europaea is one of the most prevalent aeroallergens causing allergenic reactions in the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of meteorological factors on the pollen season of Olea europaea L. The aerobiological analysis was performed over an 11-year period in the city. Sampling was carried out with a Rotorod model 40 volumetric impact sampler. The pollen season started in the middle of October and showed the highest values between 16 October and 24 November. A marked difference was noted over the years of this study, especially in 2005 and 2008, due to a significant decrease in the precipitation during the months prior flowering and high temperatures during the pollen season. A decreasing trend of pollen index during the study period coincided with a reduction in the precipitation from June to October (winter and spring). As expected, the air temperature prior to the onset of flowering is of great importance in determining the start of the pollen season.  相似文献   

Large populations of the living benthic foraminifera Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg 1840) are reported for the first time from marsh and intertidal mud flat sediments of the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina). Maximum abundance of living specimens was recorded in shallow intertidal environments. The species was previously recorded from many European and North American shallow-water coastal settings, but has not been documented from Argentina. Comparative faunal assemblage analysis from dated core sample material from within the Bahía Blanca estuary shows that the species has not been present for at least the last 8,200 years. This supports the hypothesis that the species has been accidentally introduced outside its natural range as a probable result of ballast water and/or shipping activities. This study is the first report of a successful invasion of non-indigenous benthic foraminifera to the South Atlantic coast of Argentina. The introduction of nonnative foraminiferal species provides new evidence that human-mediated breaching of biogeographic barriers, will ultimately result in the biotic homogenization of foraminiferal intertidal faunal assemblages.  相似文献   

Diversity and abundance of benthic macrofauna associated to Thalassia testudinum were studied at Ensenada de Reyes, Mochima Bay, in the northeastern coast of Venezuela. Samples were taken monthly in six stations, three at 1 m in depth and three at 6 m, between December 1992 and February 1994, using a quadrat of 0.25 m2 for collecting plants and sediment; each sample was washed with seawater through a 1 mm sieve. The specimens were fixed in 6% formaldehyde. A total of 1722 organisms (6 888 ind x m2) and 127 species of macroinvertebrates were collected. Mollusks dominated with 53 species, followed by polychaetes (40), crustaceans (18) and echinoderms (8). Remaining groups were represented by 1-2 species. The highest abundance was in October (214 specimens), and the lowest in December 1993 (79 specimens). Specific richness was between 47 species in October and 18 in May 1993. Mean species diversity was 2.79-1.36 bits/ind. There were differences (ANOVA p<0.01) in number of specimens at the two depths but not throughout the 15 month study period (p>0.05). There were more specimens and species at the lowest depth and in stations with higher Thalassia testudinum biomass.  相似文献   

We present the results of a floristic study of intertidal species of Gelidiaceae collected in ten localities in the Bahía de Banderas region. The study area is within an extensive overlapping transitional zone between the tropical and subtropical regions of the Mexican Pacific coast. Species of the genera Gelidium and Pterocladia were found, G. microdentatum and G. pusillum being the most abundant and widely distributed in the Bay. The local and Mexican Pacific distribution for each species is given. The number of species found in this study is compared with the numbers reported in the literature for the Mexican Pacific.  相似文献   

BackgroundMycotic keratitis by moulds (MKM) is an important cause for corneal blindness and usually carries an unfavorable prognosis.AimsThis study describes the risk factors and demographic and microbiological features of all MKM cases in Santa Lucía Ophthalmology Hospital during a period of 6 years.MethodsA prospective study was performed for all MKM cases diagnosed between October 2007 and September 2013.ResultsAmong 157 diagnosed cases, direct microscopic examination and culture were positive in 97 and 96% of the cases respectively. MKM represents 17% of all microbiologically confirmed corneal abscesses. No significant differences were detected in annual MKM frequencies across the study period, suggesting that MKM incidence remains constant over time. A male-to-female ratio was observed (2.8:1); the most affected age groups ranged from 31 to 40 years old (males) and 61–70 years old (females). The most frequent predisposing factor was trauma (40%) followed by the use of contact lenses (9%), herpetic abscesses (5%) and diabetes (4%). The predominant genera were Fusarium (66%), Aspergillus (10%), Curvularia (6%) and Alternaria (4%). The most frequent agent was Fusarium solani species complex (52%). More than two-thirds of the cases were produced by only 3 species or complexes. However, at least 29 different species were detected in the remaining cases. This is the first report of Pholiota sp. as causative agent of human MKM.ConclusionsArgentina lacks extensive epidemiological and clinical data on MKM. This six-year study performed in Argentina is a first step leading to a better understanding of MKM epidemiology in our country.  相似文献   

To evaluate echinoderm distribution, abundance and density a double 50 m transect, with a side observation range of 2.5 m was used at each of 11 stations (bimonthly samplings, Aug. 1997-Febr. 1998). In Bahía de Loreto the Phylum Echinodermata consists of 26 taxa. The greatest mean abundance by transect and mean densities in order of importance for Echinoidea were: Echinometra vanbrunti (94.1 +/- 52.9 ind, 0.25 ind/m2), Centrostephanus coronatus (38.15 +/- 9.15 ind, 0.06 ind/m2), Tripneustes depressus (28.68 +/- 6.86 ind, 0.039 ind/m2), Eucidaris thouarsii (10.66 +/- 3.37 ind, 0.025 ind/m2) and Diadema mexicanum (11.75 +/- 4.92 ind, 0.023 ind/m2); for Asteroidea were: Phataria unifascialis, Mithrodia bradleyi and Acanthaster planci. Asteroidea was the dominant class with 12 species, followed by Echinoidea with ten and Holothuroidea was represented by four species.  相似文献   

The objective is to describe an outbreak of Trichophyton simii in a Cebus apella monkey colony in Argentine. During summer, alopecic zones appeared on dorsal regions from head to base of the tail of the animals. The hair and skin of nine animals were streaked onto Sabouraud dextrose with cloramphenicol and incubated at 25 degrees C. By the 10th day, white, filamentous colonies, which turned pale pink, developed from simples of four animals. Microscopical examinations were carried out and, because of colony and macroconidia morphology, were classified as Trichopyton simii. Although infection with T. simii is considered a zoonosis, we did not find human cases.  相似文献   

Human metapneumovirus, which belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family and has been classified as a member of the Pneumovirus genus, is genetically and clinically similar to other family members such as human respiratory syncytial virus. A total of 1146 nasopharyngeal aspirates from pediatric patients with moderate and severe acute lower respiratory tract infections, hospitalized at the Ricardo Gutierrez Childreńs Hospital (Buenos Aires, Argentina), were tested by real time RT-PCR for human metapneumovirus. Results showed that 168 (14.65%) were positive. Thirty-six of these 168 samples were randomly selected to characterize positive cases molecularly. The phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of the G and F genes showed that genotypes A2 and B2 cocirculated during 2009 and 2010 and that only genotype A2 circulated in 2011 in Argentina. Genotype A2 prevailed during the study period, a fact supported by a higher effective population size (Neτ) and higher diversity as compared to that of genotype B2 (10.9% (SE 1.3%) vs. 1.7% (SE 0.4%), respectively). The phylogeographic analysis of the G protein gene sequences showed that this virus has no geographical restrictions and can travel globally harbored in hosts. The selection pressure analysis of the F protein showed that although this protein has regions with polymorphisms, it has vast structural and functional constraints. In addition, the predicted B-linear epitopes and the sites recognized by previously described monoclonal antibodies were conserved in all Argentine sequences. This points out this protein as a potential candidate to be the target of future humanized antibodies or vaccines.  相似文献   

The zooplankton community structure, including copepods, euphausiids, chaetognaths, and decapod larvae, was monitored during six circadian cycles using Bongo net (500 microns mesh net) samples from Bahía Magdalena, on the southwest coast of Baja California, México. Samples were obtained during three oceanographic surveys (March, July, and December 1996) to describe the changes in the zooplankton community structure throughout the main mouth of Bahía Magdalena. The zooplankton community structure showed strong changes with a close relation to environmental conditions. During March, a well-mixed water column with low temperature and salinity indicated an influence of the California Current water and local upwelling processes. During July, temperature increased and a wide salinity range was recorded. The stratification of the water column was intense during summer, enhancing the thermocline. The highest temperatures and salinity were recorded in December, related to the presence of the Costa Rica Coastal Current (CRCC). The thermocline deepened as water temperature increased. A typical temperate community structure with low specific richness dominated by Calanus pacificus, Nyctiphanes simplex, and Acartia clausi and high zooplankton biomass (average 9.3 and 5.5 ml 1000 m-3 respectively) during March and July shifted to a more complex tropical community structure with a low zooplankton biomass in December (average 0.37 ml 1000 m-3). The mouth of Bahía Magdalena has a vigorous exchange of water caused by tidal currents. The zooplankton community structure was not significantly different between the central part of Bahía Magdalena and the continental shelf outside the bay for all months. The results suggest a more dynamic inside-outside interaction of zooplankton assemblages than first thought.  相似文献   

The epilithic algae distribution along a pH gradient and the relationship between the chemical gradient and biomass development were studied in Río Agrio, a naturally acidic river located in Patagonia (Argentina). The epilithic community was monitored during the summer of three consecutive years in sites located above and below the entrance of tributaries. The epilithic community showed differences between sites based on the chemical composition of the water and the precipitates that appear on the streambed of the river. The lowest biomass, diversity, and number of species were found at the most extreme part of the river in terms of pH (ca. 2) and element concentrations. Euglena mutabilis was the dominant species in this section of the river. As pH increased (ca. 3), the community changed to be dominated by filamentous green algae (Ulothrix spp., Mougeotia sp., Klebsormidium sp.) showing luxuriant growths in terms of biomass. With the inflow of a neutral tributary, the pH of Río Agrio increased above 3, and the precipitates of orange-red iron hydroxides appeared. The algal community was not affected by these precipitates or the low P concentrations, along the next 30 km of river downstream from this site. The apparent physical stress that the precipitates impose on algae is in fact a dynamic reservoir of P because diel cycle of Fe could be promoting precipitation and redissolution processes that binds and releases P from these precipitates. Where the pH increased above 6, precipitates of aluminum hydroxides appeared. At this site, the epilithic biomass and density decreased, some algae species changed, but the diversity and the number of species in general remained consistent with the upstream values. The physical stress of the Al precipitates on the algae is added to the chemical stress that represents the sequestering of P in these precipitates that are not redissolved, resulting P a limiting nutrient for algae growth.  相似文献   

Nearly 230 species of biting midges have been recorded or described from Argentina; 38 of them are known from the Buenos Aires province and only one is cited from Martín García Island. This paper presents the results raised from six collecting trips which took place on the island during spring 2005, summer 2006 and autumn 2009. Diverse sampling sites including permanent and temporary aquatic environments were chosen, most of the ten sampling sites were ponds of diverse origin, some of these environments were covered with floating vegetation as Lemna gibba, Lemna minuscule, Salvinia biloba, Salvinia minima, Azolla filiculoides, Limnobium laevigatum, Pistia stratiotes, Spirodela intermedia, Wolffiella oblonga and Wolffia columbiana. Other sites were placed in urban and suburban areas. Adults were collected with sweep nets at sunrise and sunset and with light traps at intervals of four to five hours at night, depending on electricity availability on the island. Larvae and pupae were collected with different implements depending on characteristics of each surveyed aquatic habitat. In free standing water, they were captured with small sieves or hand pipettes and micropipettes, flotation techniques were utilized for sampling vegetated areas, free and rooted floating hydrophytes were extracted for removing insects among them. Thirteen species of Ceratopogonidae were collected, three of Atrichopogon Kieffer, three of Forcipomyia Meigen, two of Dasyhelea Kieffer, four of Culicoides Latreille, and one of Bezzia Kieffer, all representing new records from the island.  相似文献   

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