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Erwinia amylovora causes the economically important disease fire blight that affects rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple. Here we report the complete genome sequence and annotation of strain ATCC 49946. The analysis of the sequence and its comparison with sequenced genomes of closely related enterobacteria revealed signs of pathoadaptation to rosaceous hosts.Erwinia amylovora, a plant-associated member of the Enterobacteriaceae, causes fire blight, a devastating disease of rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple (6). The complete genome of Ea273 (ATCC 49946), a virulent strain isolated from an infected apple tree in New York State, was sequenced. Total DNA was extracted and prepared in pMAQ1 shotgun libraries. The complete shotgun sequence was obtained by using dye terminator chemistry in ABI 3730 automated sequencers and contains 88,457 reads (11.12-fold coverage), yielding a theoretical coverage of the genome of 99.99%. The sequence was assembled, finished, and annotated as described previously (1, 5), using Artemis (4) to collate data and facilitate annotation.The genome of E. amylovora consists of a circular chromosome of 3,805,874 bp and two plasmids, AMYP1 (28,243 bp) and AMYP2 (71,487 bp). Coding regions in the chromosome account for 85.1% of the total sequence, with 3,483 identified coding sequences (CDS). Two hundred fifty-four (7%) of the CDSs do not have any matches in current NCBI databases; 114 (3.3%) correspond to conserved hypothetical proteins. Forty-nine CDSs (1.4%) are similar to genes from mobile elements such as integrases, transposases, and bacteriophages, and 110 CDSs (3.2%) were classified as pseudogenes due to interruptions or truncations of the CDSs. The remaining 2,956 annotated CDSs include among other categories genes involved in biosynthesis of the cellular envelope and modifications of surface proteins (299 CDSs [11%]) and genes involved in signal transduction and regulation (228 CDSs [8%]). Seven rRNA operons and 78 tRNA sequences were identified in the chromosome; two new clusters were identified (AMY1550-1575 and AMY2648-2676) that resemble the T3SS-encoding SSR-1 island of Sodalis glossinidius (2), and four clusters that contain genes for biosynthesis of flagella, which based on their location might be regulated independently.The smaller plasmid, AMYP1, had been reported as pEA29 (3); its sequence is nearly identical to the one reported here. The larger plasmid, AMYP2, renamed pEA72 for consistency in nomenclature, contains 87 predicted CDSs, with two predicted mobile-element-related CDSs and one pseudogene. Among the CDSs with annotated functions are a cluster of genes (AMYP2_49 to AMYP2_62) that encode a putative type IV fimbrial system (pil genes).The genome of E. amylovora is only 3.8 Mb long, whereas most free-living enterobacteria, including plant pathogens, have genomes of 4.5 Mb to 5.5 Mb. Comparison of the genome of Ea273 with the sequenced genomes of 15 closely related enterobacteria identified 21 lineage-specific regions, which might be considered genomic islands. E. amylovora has many more predicted pseudogenes, relative to other enterobacteria with similar lifestyles. Given its size and the preponderance of pseudogenes, genome reduction may have occurred via mutational inactivation and subsequent deletion with the following consequences: E. amylovora has fewer genes involved in anaerobic respiration and fermentation than are found in typical related enterobacteria; this likely result in a reduced capacity to live in anaerobic environments.The genome sequence of E. amylovora has revealed clear signs of pathoadaptation to the rosaceous plant environment. For example, T3SS-related proteins are present that are more similar to proteins of other plant pathogens than to proteins of closely related enterobacteria. These include type III effectors, homologous to those of plant-pathogenic pseudomonads, which confer virulence to E. amylovora in plants, and a sorbitol-metabolizing cluster that may confer a competitive advantage for survival in rosaceous plants. The reduced genome size and erosion or loss of genes involved in anaerobic respiration and nitrate assimilation are remarkable, relative to other plant- and animal-pathogenic members of the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

H Shin  JH Lee  Y Choi  S Ryu 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(16):4438-4439
Cronobacter sakazakii is an emerging pathogen associated with several outbreaks of food-borne illness in premature infants. To characterize its physiology and pathogenicity at the molecular level, C. sakazakii ES15 was isolated and its genome was completely sequenced and analyzed. Here, the results are announced and major findings from its annotation data are reported.  相似文献   

Finegoldia magna (formerly Peptostreptococcus magnus), a memberof the Gram-positive anaerobic cocci (GPAC), is a commensalbacterium colonizing human skin and mucous membranes. Moreover,it is also recognized as an opportunistic pathogen responsiblefor various infectious diseases. Here, we report the completegenome sequence of F. magna ATCC 29328. The genome consistsof a 1 797 577 bp circular chromosome and an 189 163bp plasmid (pPEP1). The metabolic maps constructed based onthe genome information confirmed that most F. magna strainscannot ferment most sugars, except fructose, and have variousaminopeptidase activities. Three homologs of albumin-bindingprotein, a known virulence factor useful for antiphagocytosis,are encoded on the chromosome, and one albumin-binding proteinhomolog is encoded on the plasmid. A unique feature of the genomeis that F. magna encodes many sortase genes, of which substratesmay be involved in bacterial pathogenesis, such as antiphagocytosisand adherence to the host cell. The plasmid pPEP1 encodes sevensortase and seven substrate genes, whereas the chromosome encodesfour sortase and 19 substrate genes. These plasmid-encoded sortasesmay play important roles in the pathogenesis of F. magna byenriching the variety of cell wall anchored surface proteins.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages of the C3 morphotype, characterized by very long heads that exceed their width several times, are extremely rare among the Podoviridae family members and constitute only 0.5% of over 5,500 phages that have been examined by the electron microscope (H. W. Ackermann, Arch. Virol. 152:227-243, 2007; H. W. Ackermann, Arch. Virol. 146:843-857, 2001). To date, among those phages proven to be C3, only coliphage phiEco32, Lactococcus phage KSY1, Vibrio phage 71A-6, and Salmonella enterica phage 7-11, but no avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) bacteriophages, have been completely sequenced (A. Chopin, H. Deveau, S. D. Ehrlich, S. Moineau, and M. C. Chopin, Virology 365:1-9, 2007; S. A. Khan, et al., Mol. Cell Probes 15:61-69, 2001; A. M. Kropinski, E. J. Lingohr, H. W. Ackermann, Arch. Virol. 156:149-151, 2011; D. Savalia, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 377:774-789, 2008) and are available in public databases. We isolated a bacteriophage from a scale duck market in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, named NJ01, that infects APEC. Sequence and morphological analyses revealed that phage NJ01 is a C3-like bacteriophage and belongs to the Podoviridae family. Here, we announce the complete genome sequence of phage NJ01 and submit the results of our analysis.  相似文献   

Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain A8 was isolated from soil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls. It can use 2-chlorobenzoate and 2,5-dichlorobenzoate as sole sources of carbon and energy. This property makes it a good starting microorganism for further development toward a bioremediation tool. The genome of A. xylosoxidans consists of a 7-Mb chromosome and two large plasmids (98 kb and 248 kb). Besides genes for the utilization of xenobiotic organic substrates, it contains genes associated with pathogenesis, toxin production, and resistance. Here, we report the complete genome sequence.  相似文献   

Microbacterium yannicii is a Gram-positive, aerobic, yellow-pigmented, rod-shaped, nonmotile, oxidase-negative, and catalase-positive bacterium isolated on Columbia colistin-nalidixic acid (CNA) agar with 5% sheep blood from the sputum of a cystic fibrosis patient. The present study reports the draft genome of a Microbacterium yannicii strain.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Candida vulturna is a new member of the Candida haemulonii species complex that recently received much attention as it includes the emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen Candida...  相似文献   



The anaerobic spirochete Brachyspira pilosicoli colonizes the large intestine of various species of birds and mammals, including humans. It causes “intestinal spirochetosis”, a condition characterized by mild colitis, diarrhea and reduced growth. This study aimed to sequence and analyse the bacterial genome to investigate the genetic basis of its specialized ecology and virulence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The genome of B. pilosicoli 95/1000 was sequenced, assembled and compared with that of the pathogenic Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and a near-complete sequence of Brachyspira murdochii. The B. pilosicoli genome was circular, composed of 2,586,443 bp with a 27.9 mol% G+C content, and encoded 2,338 genes. The three Brachyspira species shared 1,087 genes and showed evidence of extensive genome rearrangements. Despite minor differences in predicted protein functional groups, the species had many similar features including core metabolic pathways. Genes distinguishing B. pilosicoli from B. hyodysenteriae included those for a previously undescribed bacteriophage that may be useful for genetic manipulation, for a glycine reductase complex allowing use of glycine whilst protecting from oxidative stress, and for aconitase and related enzymes in the incomplete TCA cycle, allowing glutamate synthesis and function of the cycle during oxidative stress. B. pilosicoli had substantially fewer methyl-accepting chemotaxis genes than B. hyodysenteriae and hence these species are likely to have different chemotactic responses that may help to explain their different host range and colonization sites. B. pilosicoli lacked the gene for a new putative hemolysin identified in B. hyodysenteriae WA1. Both B. pilosicoli and B. murdochii lacked the rfbBADC gene cluster found on the B. hyodysenteriae plasmid, and hence were predicted to have different lipooligosaccharide structures. Overall, B. pilosicoli 95/1000 had a variety of genes potentially contributing to virulence.


The availability of the complete genome sequence of B. pilosicoli 95/1000 will facilitate functional genomics studies aimed at elucidating host-pathogen interactions and virulence.  相似文献   

We determined the genome sequence of the type strain of Helicobacter canadensis, an emerging human pathogen with diverse animal reservoirs. Potential virulence determinants carried by the genome include systems for N-linked glycosylation and capsular export. A protein-based phylogenetic analysis places H. canadensis close to Wolinella succinogenes.Helicobacter canadensis is an emerging pathogen that has been isolated from four Canadian patients with diarrhea and an Australian patient with bacteremia (3, 10). Wild geese have been identified as a reservoir in Europe (12, 13), while in China, the organism has been isolated from the feces of wild rodents (5). H. canadensis has also been isolated from laboratory rabbits (11) and from Guinea fowl in France (8). Atypical isolates have been obtained from swine feces from The Netherlands and Denmark (6). To shed light on the virulence and colonization factors of H. canadensis and to reassess its phylogenetic status, we performed whole-genome sequencing of the type strain, H. canadensis strain MIT 98-5491/NCTC 13241.Single- and paired-end whole-genome shotgun sequencing was performed using 454 pyrosequencing technology, supplemented by Solexa sequencing. An initial assembly of the 454 single-end and paired-end data was created using a Newbler assembler (Roche), generating four scaffolds with an average size of 402 kb. The genome sequence was completed using a combination of BLASTX searches and analysis of the Solexa data, followed by confirmatory PCRs, PCR-assisted contig extension (1), and combinatorial PCR, with conventional and long-PCR protocols. Annotation was performed using GenDB (7).The genome of H. canadensis NCTC 13241 consists of a single circular chromosome 1,623,845 bp in length, with a G+C content of 34%. There are 1,535 protein-coding sequences (CDSs), 40 transfer RNAs, and three rRNA loci.Although phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences place H. canadensis in the genus Helicobacter (3), analysis of 23S rRNA sequences supports a clade containing H. canadensis and Wolinella succinogenes (2). Our own phylogenetic analysis using a concatenation of 482 conserved CDSs from the H. canadensis genome and related genomes provides strong support for a W. succinogenes/H. canadensis clade (data not shown), suggesting that the current taxonomy should be reevaluated.One hundred seventeen CDSs from H. canadensis have no detectable ortholog in eight other genome-sequenced epsilonproteobacteria. We found only one contiguous region of difference longer than 10 genes (ROD1; HCAN_0630-HCAN_0663). Most CDSs in ROD1 are of unknown function, although, curiously, the region carries three versions of asparagine synthetase and contains six homopolymeric tracts. A second region of difference (ROD2; HCAN_0479-HCAN_0496) shows homology to HHGI1, a pathogenicity island from Helicobacter hepaticus strain ATCC 51449 that contributes to virulence in H. hepaticus (4).The H. canadensis NCTC 13241 genome contains 29 potentially phase-variable genes with homopolymeric tracts, including several genes that, by homology, might be implicated in virulence, e.g., an immunoglobulin A protease (HCAN_0234) and two homologues of the vacuolating cytotoxin from Helicobacter pylori (HCAN_0457 and HCAN_714). The genome contains a capsular polysaccharide export locus similar to that in Campylobacter jejuni (9). Also, like C. jejuni, H. canadensis possesses genes encoding an N-linked glycosylation pathway, including two copies of PglB (HCAN_0729 and HCAN_0930).  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (HP-PRRS) emerged in China in 2006, and HP-PRRS virus (HP-PRRSV) has evolved continuously. Here, the complete genomic sequence of a novel HP-PRRSV field strain, JX, is reported. The present finding will contribute to further studies focusing on the evolutionary mechanism of PRRSV.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci and commonly found as part of the human skin flora. It is a significant cause of catheter-related bacteremia and also causes serious infections like native valve endocarditis in previously healthy individuals. We report the complete genome sequence of this medically important bacterium.Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) commonly colonizing the human skin and mucosal membranes. While the genus Staphylococcus contains 48 named species currently, only a few species, notably S. aureus, are coagulase positive. Thus, the phenotypic characteristic is routinely tested in the medical microbiological laboratory for rapid differentiation of the highly pathogenic S. aureus from the other staphylococci. Among the CoNS, only a few species are known to cause human disease, usually in the form of opportunistic infections only (6). However, S. lugdunensis is an important exception (3). Besides causing catheter-related bacteremia similar to other CoNS, it causes a variety of severe nosocomial and community-acquired infections, including native valve endocarditis, a devastating and potentially fatal disease that can affect previously healthy individuals. Another unusual feature are the susceptibilities of S. lugdunensis isolates to multiple antimicrobial agents even when the incidence of multiple-drug-resistant CoNS and S. aureus occurrences are increasing in both hospital and community settings (4, 5).The genome sequence of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 was determined by high-throughput sequencing performed on a GS FLX system (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), with approximately 45-fold coverage of the genome. This clinical strain was previously isolated from the culture of pus from a skin swab. Genome assembly was performed using the Newbler assembler, resulting in 30 large contigs (>500 bp in size). The contigs were then ordered and oriented into one scaffold using OSLay (11). The genome-finishing strategy for S. lugdunensis was similar to that employed for our previously sequenced Laribacter hongkongensis genome (12). Briefly, gap closures were performed by genomic PCR followed by DNA sequencing of amplification products on an ABI 3130xl sequencer (Applied Biosystems, CA). The finished sequence was validated by genome macrorestriction analysis using multiple rare-cutting enzymes and visualization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Protein coding regions were predicted with Glimmer3 (2), and automatic genome annotation was performed on the RAST server (1). Additionally, annotation of tRNA and transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) genes was performed using tRNAScan-SE (10) and ARAGORN (9). Identification of rRNA genes was performed using RNAmmer (8).The genome of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 consists of a circular 2,658,366-bp chromosome with G+C content of 33.87%, similar to those of other staphylococci. No plasmids are present in the sequenced strain. The genome contains 61 tRNA genes for all amino acids and 2,489 predicted protein-coding genes. Eight putative genomic islands were identified, and one actually consists of a pair of duplicated 32-kb genomic regions. Similar to Staphylococcus saprophyticus (7), but different from the other staphylococci, the genome contains 6 rRNA operons, one of them having the unusual organization 5S-16S-23S-5S.With the availability of the present genome sequence, S. lugdunensis now joins other staphylococcal species with human pathogenic potential, like S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, and S. saprophyticus, to have at least one reference genome available. Further in-depth analysis will be necessary to fully elucidate the genomic differences that may explain the variation in virulence of the staphylococcal species.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica FTNF002-00 strain was originally obtained from the first known clinical case of bacteremic F. tularensis pneumonia in Southern Europe isolated from an immunocompetent individual. The FTNF002-00 complete genome contains the RD23 deletion and represents a type strain for a clonal population from the first epidemic tularemia outbreak in Spain between 1997–1998. Here, we present the complete sequence analysis of the FTNF002-00 genome. The complete genome sequence of FTNF002-00 revealed several large as well as small genomic differences with respect to two other published complete genome sequences of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains, LVS and OSU18. The FTNF002-00 genome shares >99.9% sequence similarity with LVS and OSU18, and is also ∼5 MB smaller by comparison. The overall organization of the FTNF002-00 genome is remarkably identical to those of LVS and OSU18, except for a single 3.9 kb inversion in FTNF002-00. Twelve regions of difference ranging from 0.1–1.5 kb and forty-two small insertions and deletions were identified in a comparative analysis of FTNF002-00, LVS, and OSU18 genomes. Two small deletions appear to inactivate two genes in FTNF002-00 causing them to become pseudogenes; the intact genes encode a protein of unknown function and a drug:H+ antiporter. In addition, we identified ninety-nine proteins in FTNF002-00 containing amino acid mutations compared to LVS and OSU18. Several non-conserved amino acid replacements were identified, one of which occurs in the virulence-associated intracellular growth locus subunit D protein. Many of these changes in FTNF002-00 are likely the consequence of direct selection that increases the fitness of this subsp. holarctica clone within its endemic population. Our complete genome sequence analyses lay the foundation for experimental testing of these possibilities.  相似文献   

G Xie  Z Cui  Z Tao  H Qiu  H Liu  M Ibrahim  B Zhu  G Jin  G Sun  A Almoneafy  B Li 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(19):5479-5480
Pseudomonas fuscovaginae is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing bacterial sheath brown rot of cereal crops. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of P. fuscovaginae CB98818, originally isolated from a diseased rice plant in China. The draft genome will aid in epidemiological studies, comparative genomics, and quarantine of this broad-host-range pathogen.  相似文献   

Achromobacter species are increasingly isolated from the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients and often a chronic infection is established. How Achromobacter sp. adapts to the human host remains uncharacterised. By comparing longitudinally collected isolates of Achromobacter sp. isolated from five CF patients, we have investigated the within-host evolution of clonal lineages. The majority of identified mutations were isolate-specific suggesting co-evolution of several subpopulations from the original infecting isolate. The largest proportion of mutated genes were involved in the general metabolism of the bacterium, but genes involved in virulence and antimicrobial resistance were also affected. A number of virulence genes required for initiation of acute infection were selected against, e.g. genes of the type I and type III secretion systems and genes related to pilus and flagellum formation or function. Six antimicrobial resistance genes or their regulatory genes were mutated, including large deletions affecting the repressor genes of an RND-family efflux pump and a beta-lactamase. Convergent evolution was observed for five genes that were all implicated in bacterial virulence. Characterisation of genes involved in adaptation of Achromobacter to the human host is required for understanding the pathogen-host interaction and facilitate design of future therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

<正>Enterococci bacteria are important in environmental,food and clinical microbiology.Enterococcus faecium is a nosocomial pathogen that causes bacteremia,endocarditis and other infections.It is among the most prevalent organisms encountered in hospital-associated infections accounting for approximately 12%of nosocomial infections in the USA(Linden and Miller,1999).However,certain strains of E.faecium are not only non-pathogenic but also have beneficial  相似文献   

B Li  Y Shi  M Ibrahim  H Liu  C Shan  Y Wang  M Kube  GL Xie  G Sun 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(16):4452-4453
Dickeya zeae is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing soft rot diseases in a wide range of economically important crops. Here we present the draft genome sequence of strain ZJU1202, which is the causal agent of rice foot rot in China. The draft genome will contribute to epidemiological and comparative genomic studies and the quarantine of this devastating phytopathogen.  相似文献   

WLL-1株博卡病毒(Bocavirus)全基因组序列分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
儿童下呼吸道感染已成为当前儿科发病率最高的一种疾病,而病毒是小儿下呼吸道感染的重要原因。临床上有相当比例的小儿下呼吸道感染病因未能作出明确的实验室诊断,给临床诊断与治疗带来了较大的困难。小儿下呼吸道感染可以由不同病毒引起,其中包括呼吸道合胞病毒、流感病毒、腺  相似文献   

社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)属于啮齿目(Rodentia)、鼠科(Muridae)、白腹鼠属(Niviventer),关于该物种的分子系统学研究极少。为获取社鼠线粒体基因组全序列,提取其基因组总DNA,参照近缘物种线粒体基因组全序列设计34对特异性引物,利用PCR扩增全部片段后进行测序,之后对其基因组组成及结构特点进行了初步分析。结果表明,社鼠线粒体基因组全序列长16 281 bp(GenBank收录号:KJ152220),包含22个tRNA基因、13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因和1个非编码控制区;基因组核苷酸组成为34.0%A、28.6%T、24.9%C、12.5%G。将所得序列与社鼠近缘物种(川西白腹鼠、小家鼠、褐家鼠)的线粒体全基因组进行比较,结果显示,四个物种的线粒体基因组虽然在基因组大小、部分tRNA二级结构、部分蛋白质编码基因的起始或终止密码子及控制区长度和碱基组成上有差异,但基因组结构和序列特征方面都具有较高的相似性。四个物种线粒体全基因组间的遗传距离显示,社鼠与川西白腹鼠距离最近,而与小家鼠距离最远。该研究为利用线粒体全基因组信息进行啮齿类分子系统学研究提供了有价值的资料。  相似文献   

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