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When the rhizosphere is starved of nitrogen, the soil bacteria Rhizobium are able to infect legume roots and invade root nodules, where they can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Nod boxes, the nod gene promoters located on the rhizobial symbiotic plasmid, are activated by means of flavonoids present in the legume root exudates, leading to the synthesis of lipochitooligomers: the Nod factors. Several recent works pointed out the importance of rhizobial surface polysaccharides in establishing the highly specific symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes. Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) exhibit specific active roles in the later stages of the nodulation processes, such as the penetration of the infection thread into the cortical cells or the setting up of the nitrogen-fixing phenotype. The study reported here concerns the structural modifications affecting surface (lipo)polysaccharides when Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234 strains are grown with nod gene induction under nitrogen starvation. In the absence of induction, NGR234 only produces fast-migrating LPSs. When cultured in the presence of flavonoids, the same strain produces large quantities of a high-molecular-weight rhamnose-rich lipopolysaccharide (RLPS). Because the synthesis of this compound seems to be coded by the symbiotic plasmid under direct or indirect gene induction by flavonoids, this RLPS is thought to be biologically relevant.  相似文献   

Specificity in legume-Rhizobium symbiosis depends on plant and rhizobial genes. As our objective was to study broad host-range determinants of rhizobia, we sought a legume and a Rhizobium with the lowest possible specificity. By inoculating 12 different legumes with a heterogenous collection of 35 fast-growing rhizobia, we found Rhizobium sp. NGR234 to be the Rhizobium and Vigna unguiculata to be the plant with the lowest specificities. Transfer of cloned fragments of the Sym-plasmid pNGR234a into heterologous rhizobia, screening for extension of host-range of the transconjugants to include V. unguiculata, and restriction mapping of the Hsn- and overlapping clones, proved that there were at least three distinct Hsn-regions (HsnI, II, and III) on pNGR234a. HsnI is located next to nodD, HsnII is linked to nifKDH and HsnIII to nodC. In addition to nodulation of Vigna, HsnI conferred upon the transconjugants the ability to nodulate Glycine max, Macroptilium atropurpureum and Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. All three Hsn-regions, when transferred to the appropriate recipients, induced root-hair-curling on M. atropurpureum. Hsn-region III was able to complement a mutation in the host-range gene nodH of R. meliloti strain 2011. Homology to nod-box-sequences could be shown only for the sub-clones containing HsnII and HsnIII, thus suggesting different regulation mechanisms for HsnI and HsnII/III.  相似文献   

Populations of genetically identical Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234 cells differ significantly in their expression profiles of autoinducer (AI)-dependent and AI-independent genes. Promoter fusions of the NGR234 AI synthase genes traI and ngrI showed high levels of phenotypic heterogeneity during growth in TY medium on a single-cell level. However, adding very high concentrations of N-(3-oxooctanoyl-)-l-homoserine lactone resulted in a more homogeneous expression profile. Similarly, the lack of internally synthesized AIs in the background of the NGR234-ΔtraI or the NGR234-ΔngrI mutant resulted in a highly homogenous expression of the corresponding promoter fusions in the population. Expression studies with reporter fusions of the promoter regions of the quorum-quenching genes dlhR and qsdR1 and the type IV pilus gene cluster located on pNGR234b suggested that factors other than AI molecules affect NGR234 phenotypic heterogeneity. Further studies with root exudates and developing Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings provide the first evidence that plant root exudates have strong effects on the heterogeneity of AI synthase and quorum-quenching genes in NGR234. Therefore, plant-released octopine appears to play a key role in modulation of heterogeneous gene expression.  相似文献   

A genomic library of Sinorhizobium sp. strain NGR234 was introduced into Escherichia coli LS5218, a strain with a constitutively active pathway for acetoacetate degradation, and clones that confer the ability to utilize D-3-hydroxybutyrate as a sole carbon source were isolated. Subcloning experiments identified a 2.3 kb EcoRI fragment that retained complementing ability, and an ORF that appeared orthologous with known bdhA genes was located within this fragment. The deduced NGR234 BdhA amino acid sequence revealed 91% identity to the Sinorhizobium meliloti BdhA. Site-directed insertion mutagenesis was performed by introduction of a OmegaSmSp cassette at a unique EcoRV site within the bdhA coding region. A NGR234 bdhA mutant, NGRPA2, was generated by homogenotization, utilizing the sacB gene-based lethal selection procedure. This mutant was devoid of D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity, and was unable to grow on D-3-hydroxybutyrate as sole carbon source. NGRPA2 exhibited symbiotic defects on Leucaena but not on Vigna, Macroptilium or Tephrosia host plants. Furthermore, the D-3-hydroxybutyrate utilization phenotype of NGRPA2 was suppressed by presence of plasmid-encoded multiple copies of the S. meliloti acsA2 gene. The glpK-bdhA-xdhA gene organization and the bdhA-xdhA operon arrangement observed in S. meliloti are also conserved in NGR234.  相似文献   

Bacterial genomes are usually partitioned in several replicons, which are dynamic structures prone to mutation and genomic rearrangements, thus contributing to genome evolution. Nevertheless, much remains to be learned about the origins and dynamics of the formation of bacterial alternative genomic states and their possible biological consequences. To address these issues, we have studied the dynamics of the genome architecture in Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 and analyzed its biological significance. NGR234 genome consists of three replicons: the symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a (536,165 bp), the megaplasmid pNGR234b (>2,000 kb), and the chromosome (>3,700 kb). Here we report that genome analyses of cell siblings showed the occurrence of large-scale DNA rearrangements consisting of cointegrations and excisions between the three replicons. As a result, four new genomic architectures have emerged. Three consisted of the cointegrates between two replicons: chromosome-pNGR234a, chromosome-pNGR234b, and pNGR234a-pNGR234b. The other consisted of a cointegrate of the three replicons (chromosome-pNGR234a-pNGR234b). Cointegration and excision of pNGR234a with either the chromosome or pNGR234b were studied and found to proceed via a Campbell-type mechanism, mediated by insertion sequence elements. We provide evidence showing that changes in the genome architecture did not alter the growth and symbiotic proficiency of Rhizobium derivatives.  相似文献   

Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 is a unique alphaproteobacterium (order Rhizobiales) that forms nitrogen-fixing nodules with more legumes than any other microsymbiont. Since we have previously described the complete genome sequence of NGR234, we now report on a genome-wide functional analysis of the genes and enzymes involved in autoinducer I hydrolysis in this microbe. Altogether we identified five cosmid clones that repeatedly gave a positive result in our function-based approach for the detection of autoinducer I hydrolase genes. Of these five cosmid clones, two were located on pNGR234b and three were on cNGR234. Subcloning and in vitro mutagenesis in combination with BLAST analyses identified the corresponding open reading frames (ORFs) of all cosmid clones: dlhR, qsdR1, qsdR2, aldR, and hitR-hydR. Analyses of recombinant DlhR and QsdR1 proteins by using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) demonstrate that these enzymes function as acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) lactonases. Furthermore, we showed that these enzymes inhibited biofilm formation and other quorum-sensing-dependent processes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Chromobacterium violaceum, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Finally, our experimental data suggest that competitive colonization of roots in the rhizospheres of cowpea plants is affected by DlhR and QsdR1.  相似文献   

Early growth, nodule development, and nitrogen fixation by two cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), one large-seeded (Vita 3; 146.0 ± 0.9 milligrams seed dry weight, 4.1 ± 0.2 milligrams seed N), the other small-seeded (Caloona; 57.5 ± 2.5 milligrams seed dry weight, 1.8 ± 0.1 milligrams seed N), were compared under conditions of sand culture with nutrient solution free of combined N. The seed stocks used had been obtained from plants uniformly labeled with 15N, thus enabling changes with time in distribution of cotyledon and fixed N among plant parts to be measured by isotope dilution. Caloona, but not Vita 3, showed physiological symptoms of `N hunger,' i.e. transient loss of chlorophyll (visible yellowing) and N from the first-formed unifoliolate leaves at or around the onset of symbiotic functioning and N2 fixation. The smaller-seeded Caloona showed higher early nitrogenase activity than the larger-seeded Vita 3 and by 28 days had fixed 6.6 milligrams of N per milligram of seed N [mg N · (mg seed N)−1] versus only 3.5 mg N · (mg seed N)−1 in Vita 3. Both cultivars lost around 30% of their initial seed N at germination, mostly as fallen cotyledons. Abscised cotyledons of Caloona contained 1.21 ± 0.17% N; those of Vita 3 contained 2.61 ± 0.37% N. When compared on the basis of cotyledon N available for seedling growth, Caloona was shown to have fixed 10.6 mg N · (mg seed N)−1 and Vita 3 only 5.3 mg N · (mg seed N)−1. Most of the cotyledon N withdrawn from the unifoliolate leaf pair of Caloona during `N-hunger' was committed to early nodule growth and, in total, 20 to 25% of the cotyledon N resource of this cultivar was ultimately invested in establishment of symbiosis compared with only 7% in Vita 3.  相似文献   

We report that the smb20752 gene of the alfalfa symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti is a novel symbiotic gene required for full N2‐fixation. Deletion of smb20752 resulted in lower nitrogenase activity and smaller nodules without impacting overall nodule morphology. Orthologs of smb20752 were present in all alpha and beta rhizobia, including the ngr_b20860 gene of Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234. A ngr_b20860 mutant formed Fix? determinate nodules that developed normally to a late stage of the symbiosis on the host plants Macroptilium atropurpureum and Vigna unguiculata. However an early symbiotic defect was evident during symbiosis with Leucaena leucocephala, producing Fix? indeterminate nodules. The smb20752 and ngr_b20860 genes encode putative 3‐hydroxyisobutyryl‐CoA (HIB‐CoA) hydrolases. HIB‐CoA hydrolases are required for l ‐valine catabolism and appear to prevent the accumulation of toxic metabolic intermediates, particularly methacrylyl‐CoA. Evidence presented here and elsewhere (Curson et al., 2014 , PLoS ONE 9:e97660) demonstrated that Smb20752 and NGR_b20860 can also prevent metabolic toxicity, are required for l ‐valine metabolism, and play an undefined role in 3‐hydroxybutyrate catabolism. We present evidence that the symbiotic defect of the HIB‐CoA hydrolase mutants is independent of the inability to catabolize l ‐valine and suggest it relates to the toxicity resulting from metabolism of other compounds possibly related to 3‐hydroxybutyric acid.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens use type III secretion systems (TTSSs) to deliver virulence factors into eukaryotic cells. These effectors perturb host-defence responses, especially signal transduction pathways. A functional TTSS was identified in the symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium sp. NGR234. NopL (formerly y4xL) of NGR234 is a putative symbiotic effector that modulates nodulation in legumes. To test whether NopL could interact with plant proteins, in vitro phosphorylation experiments were performed using recombinant nopL protein purified from Escherichia coli as well as protein extracts from Lotus japonicus and tobacco plants. NopL serves as a substrate for plant protein kinases as well as purified protein kinase A. Phosphorylation of NopL was inhibited by the Ser/Thr kinase inhibitor K252a as well as by PD98059, a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase inhibitor. It thus seems likely that, after delivery into the plant cell, NopL modulates MAP kinase pathways.  相似文献   

Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 produces large amounts of acidic exopolysaccharide. Mutants that fail to synthesize this exopolysaccharide are also unable to nodulate the host plant Leucaena leucocephala. A hybrid strain of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 containing exo genes from Rhizobium meliloti was constructed. The background genetics and nod genes of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 are retained, but the cluster of genes involved in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis was deleted. These exo genes were replaced with genes required for the synthesis of succinoglycan exopolysaccharide from R. meliloti. As a result of the genetic manipulation, the ability of these hybrids to synthesize exopolysaccharide was restored, but the structure was that of succinoglycan and not that of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. The replacement genes were contained on a cosmid which encoded the entire known R. meliloti exo gene cluster, with the exception of exoB. Cosmids containing smaller portions of this exo gene cluster did not restore exopolysaccharide production. The presence of succinoglycan was indicated by staining with the fluorescent dye Calcofluor, proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and monosaccharide analysis. Although an NGR234 exoY mutant containing the R. meliloti exo genes produced multimers of the succinoglycan repeat unit, as does the wild-type R. meliloti, the deletion mutant of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 containing the R. meliloti exo genes produced only the monomer. The deletion mutant therefore appeared to lack a function that affects the multiplicity of succinoglycan produced in the Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 background. Although these hybrid strains produced succinoglycan, they were still able to induce the development of an organized nodule structure on L. leucocephala. The resulting nodules did not fix nitrogen, but they did contain infection threads and bacteroids within plant cells. This clearly demonstrated that a heterologous acidic exopolysaccharide structure was sufficient to enable nodule development to proceed beyond the developmental barrier imposed on mutants of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 that are unable to synthesize any acidic exopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

A broad-host-range endosymbiont, Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234 is a component of several legume-symbiont model systems; however, there is little structural information on the cell surface glycoconjugates. NGR234 cells in free-living culture produce a major rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS, lacking O-chain) and a minor smooth LPS (containing O-chain), and the structure of the lipid A components was investigated by chemical analyses, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy of the underivatized lipids A. The lipid A from rough LPS is heterogeneous and consists of six major bisphosphorylated species that differ in acylation. Pentaacyl species (52%) are acylated at positions 2, 3, 2', and 3', and tetraacyl species (46%) lack an acyl group at C-3 of the proximal glucosamine. In contrast to Rhizobium etli and Rhizobium leguminosarum, the NGR234 lipid A contains a bisphosphorylated beta-(1' --> 6)-glucosamine disaccharide, typical of enterobacterial lipid A. However, NGR234 lipid A retains the unusual acylation pattern of R. etli lipid A, including the presence of a distal, amide-linked acyloxyacyl residue containing a long chain fatty acid (LCFA) (e.g. 29-hydroxytriacontanoate) attached as the secondary fatty acid. As in R. etli, a 4-carbon fatty acid, beta-hydroxybutyrate, is esterified to (omega - 1) of the LCFA forming an acyloxyacyl residue at that location. The NGR234 lipid A lacks all other ester-linked acyloxyacyl residues and shows extensive heterogeneity of the amide-linked fatty acids. The N-acyl heterogeneity, including unsaturation, is localized mainly to the proximal glucosamine. The lipid A from smooth LPS contains unique triacyl species (20%) that lack ester-linked fatty acids but retain bisphosphorylation and the LCFA-acyloxyacyl moiety. The unusual structural features shared with R. etli/R. leguminosarum lipid A may be essential for symbiosis.  相似文献   

Rhizobium meliloti SU47 and Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 produce distinct exopolysaccharides that have some similarities in structure. R. meliloti has a narrow host range, whereas Rhizobium strain NGR234 has a very broad host range. In cross-species complementation and hybridization experiments, we found that several of the genes required for the production of the two polysaccharides were functionally interchangeable and similar in evolutionary origin. NGR234 exoC and exoY corresponded to R. meliloti exoB and exoF, respectively. NGR234 exoD was found to be an operon that included genes equivalent to exoM, exoA, and exoL in R. meliloti. Complementation of R. meliloti exoP, -N, and -G by NGR234 R'3222 indicated that additional equivalent genes remain to be found on the R-prime. We were not able to complement NGR234 exoB with R. meliloti DNA. In addition to functional and evolutionary equivalence of individual genes, the general organization of the exo regions was similar between the two species. It is likely that the same ancestral genes were used in the evolution of both exopolysaccharide biosynthetic pathways and probably of pathways in other species as well.  相似文献   

C(4)-dicarboxylic acids appear to be metabolized via the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in N(2)-fixing bacteria (bacteroids) within legume nodules. In Sinorhizobium meliloti bacteroids from alfalfa, NAD(+)-malic enzyme (DME) is required for N(2) fixation, and this activity is thought to be required for the anaplerotic synthesis of pyruvate. In contrast, in the pea symbiont Rhizobium leguminosarum, pyruvate synthesis occurs via either DME or a pathway catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) and pyruvate kinase (PYK). Here we report that dme mutants of the broad-host-range Sinorhizobium sp. strain NGR234 formed nodules whose level of N(2) fixation varied from 27 to 83% (plant dry weight) of the wild-type level, depending on the host plant inoculated. NGR234 bacteroids had significant PCK activity, and while single pckA and single dme mutants fixed N(2) at reduced rates, a pckA dme double mutant had no N(2)-fixing activity (Fix(-)). Thus, NGR234 bacteroids appear to synthesize pyruvate from TCA cycle intermediates via DME or PCK pathways. These NGR234 data, together with other reports, suggested that the completely Fix(-) phenotype of S. meliloti dme mutants may be specific to the alfalfa-S. meliloti symbiosis. We therefore examined the ME-like genes azc3656 and azc0119 from Azorhizobium caulinodans, as azc3656 mutants were previously shown to form Fix(-) nodules on the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata. We found that purified AZC3656 protein is an NAD(P)(+)-malic enzyme whose activity is inhibited by acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and stimulated by succinate and fumarate. Thus, whereas DME is required for symbiotic N(2) fixation in A. caulinodans and S. meliloti, in other rhizobia this activity can be bypassed via another pathway(s).  相似文献   

BacA of Sinorhizobium meliloti plays an essential role in the establishment of nitrogen-fixing symbioses with Medicago plants, where it is involved in peptide import and in the addition of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) to lipid A of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We investigated the role of BacA in Rhizobium species strain NGR234 by mutating the bacA gene. In the NGR234 bacA mutant, peptide import was impaired, but no effect on VLCFA addition was observed. More importantly, the symbiotic ability of the mutant was comparable to that of the wild type for a variety of legume species. Concurrently, an acpXL mutant of NGR234 was created and assayed. In rhizobia, AcpXL is a dedicated acyl carrier protein necessary for the addition of VLCFA to lipid A. LPS extracted from the NGR234 mutant lacked VLCFA, and this mutant was severely impaired in the ability to form functional nodules with the majority of legumes tested. Our work demonstrates the importance of VLCFA in the NGR234-legume symbiosis and also shows that the necessity of BacA for bacteroid differentiation is restricted to specific legume-Rhizobium interactions.  相似文献   

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