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The scombrids (tunas, bonitos, Spanish mackerels and mackerels) sustain some of the most important fisheries in the world and their sustainable management depends on better understanding of their life history strategies. Here, we first assemble life history information on maximum size, growth, longevity, maturity, fecundity and spawning duration and interval for all scombrid species. Second we characterize their life history patterns and trait co-variation and evaluate how many principal axes of trait variation underlie scombrid life history strategies. Most of their life history variation can be explained along three axes or dimensions: size, speed, and reproductive schedule. Body size governs the first axis ranking species along a small-large continuum. The second axis was mostly influenced by time-related traits, such as longevity, growth rates, spawning duration, time between spawning events, ranking species along a slow-fast continuum of life histories. Scombrid species with the slowest life histories such as Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus and Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus tend to inhabit more temperate waters while species with faster life histories such as yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares and short mackerel Rastrelliger brachysoma are typically found in more tropical waters. The third axis comprises the negative relationship between number of eggs produced at length of maturity and rate in gain of fecundity with size describing the schedule of reproductive allocation which reflects a fundamental trade-off between reproduction and growth. Finally, in addition we show that the life history strategies of scombrids conform more closely to the Periodic and Opportunistic strategists within the triangular model of fish life histories.  相似文献   

Life history trade-offs are ubiquitous in nature. Life history theory posits that these trade-offs arise from individuals having limited resources to allocate toward all vital functions, such as survival, growth and reproduction. These trade-offs position most species along a slow-fast life history continuum, where individuals with slow life histories often have higher survival at the cost of delayed reproduction and individuals with fast life histories often live faster and die younger. However, these trade-offs are sometimes less obvious for invasive species. Here, we constructed age-based population models to compare life history strategies and trade-offs between the noninvasive, native mustard white and invasive, exotic cabbage white (Pieris spp.) butterflies. We found that the cabbage white has faster larval growth and higher fecundity at younger ages, suggesting it has a fast life history compared to the mustard white. However, cabbage white also has higher adult survival at younger ages, suggesting that it experiences weaker trade-offs among vital rates than its native counterpart. Our study illustrates the importance of demographic studies in evaluating life history strategies among congener species with different population histories, and emphasizes the many advantages experienced by invasive species in their novel environments.  相似文献   

We analyze, with an augmented data base, patterns of covariation of the three primary demographic parameters (age at maturity, fecundity, adult survival, all measured in the same unit of time) in lizards. This also constitutes a first attempt to use all three of these parameters for this group of species. We attempt to place these analyses in the framework of recent theories on life history evolution (Ferrière and Clobert, 1992; Charnov, 1993). Life history data were collected from the literature and from our original work, and a composite phylogeny was assembled, based on a variety of published sources. Using a phylogenetically based statistical method (independent contrasts), the allometric (log-log) relationship of fecundity (and of clutch size) in relation to snout-vent length was found to differ significantly between the two major clades of extant lizards, Iguania (43 species in our data set) and Scleroglossa (47 species). We therefore emphasize analyses done separately for the two clades. Without removing correlations with body size, the relationships between fecundity and survival, and between fecundity and age at maturity, were also found to differ between clades, which differs from Charnov's (1993) predictions. When correlations with body size were removed statistically, however, the two clades did not differ significantly in these relationships. In a principal components analysis (PCA) of the three demographic variables plus snout-vent length, the first axis explained the majority (53–57%) of variation in both clades, while the second axis explained 27–31% of the variation and loaded mainly on fecundity. In a PCA of size-adjusted demographic variables residuals (from log-log regressions on snout-vent length), the first axis explained 66–68% of the variation and was clearly interpretable as the classical “slow-fast” continuum, which has been described in birds and mammals. The PCA of residuals did not provide clear evidence of additional significant patterns of covariation. However, the rate of evolution of mortality (size-corrected), but not of fecundity or age at maturity, differed significantly between clades. Furthermore, fecundity and age at maturity, both corrected for variation in adult mortality (in addition to body size), were still significantly related, indicating the existence of other patterns of variation in these life history traits. In other words, the ratios between age at maturity and adult mortality, or between fecundity and adult mortality, were not found to be invariant, because the variation not accounted for by these ratios was significantly associated with variation in another variable. This result contradicts the prediction of Charnov (1993), and suggests the existence of other directions of evolution in these life history traits.  相似文献   

Survival and fecundity are basic components of demography and therefore have a strong influence on population dynamics. These two key parameters and their relationship are crucial to understand the evolution of life histories. It remains, however, to be empirically established how life span, fecundity, and population dynamics are linked in different organism groups. We conducted a comparative study based on demographic data sets of 55 populations of 23 perennial herbs for which structured demographic models and among-year natural variation in demographic attributes were available. Life span (from 4 to 128 yr old), estimated by using an algorithm, was inversely correlated with the deviance of the population growth rate from equilibrium as well as with among-year population fluctuations. Temporal variability was greater for short-lived species than for the long-lived ones because fecundity was more variable than survival and relatively more important for population dynamics for the short-lived species. The relationship between life span and population stability suggests that selection for longevity may have played an important role in the life history evolution of plants because of its ability to buffer temporal fluctuations in population size.  相似文献   

Environmentally induced variation in survival and fecundity generates demographic fluctuations that affect population growth rate. However, a general pattern of the comparative influence of variation in fecundity and juvenile survival on elephant population dynamics has not been investigated at a broad scale. We evaluated the relative importance of conception, gestation, first year survival and subsequent survivorship for controlling demographic variation by exploring the relationship between past environmental conditions determined by integrated normalized difference vegetation index (INDVI) and the shape of age distributions at 17 sites across Africa. We showed that, generally, INDVI during gestation best explained anomalies in age structure. However, in areas with low mean annual rainfall, INDVI during the first year of life was critical. The results challenge Eberhardt's paradigm for population analysis that suggests that populations respond to limited resource availability through a sequential decrease in juvenile survival, reproductive rate and adult survival. Contrastingly, elephants appear to respond first through a reduction in reproductive rate. We conclude that this discrepancy is likely due to the evolutionary significance of extremely large body size – an adaptation that increases survival rate but decreases reproductive potential. Other megaherbivores may respond similarly to resource limitation due to similarities in population dynamics. Knowing how vital rates vary with changing environmental conditions will permit better forecasts of the trajectories of megaherbivore populations.  相似文献   

In stochastic environments, a change in a demographic parameter can influence the population growth rate directly or via a resulting impact on age structure. Stochastic elasticity of the long‐run stochastic growth rate λs to a demographic parameter offers a suitable way to measure the overall demographic response because it includes both the direct effect of changing the demographic parameter and its indirect effect through changes in the age structure. From 25 mammalian populations with contrasting life histories, we investigated how pace of life and population growth rate influence the demographic responses (measured as the relative contributions of the direct and indirect components of stochastic elasticity on λs). We found that in short‐lived species, the change in population structure resulting from an increase in yearling survival leads to an additional increase in λs, whereas in long‐lived species, the same change in population structure leads to a decrease. Short‐lived species thus display a boom‐bust life history strategy contrary to long‐lived species, for which the long lifespan dampens the demographic consequences of changing age structure. Irrespective of the species’ life history strategy, the change in population age structure resulting from an increase in adult survival leads to an additional increase in λs due to an increase of the proportion of mature individuals in the population. On the contrary, a change in population age structure resulting from an increase of reproductive performance leads to a decrease in λs that is due to the increase of the proportion of immature individuals in the population. Our comparative analysis of stochastic elasticity patterns in mammals shows the existence of different demographic responses to changes in age structure between short‐ and long‐lived species, which improves our understanding of population dynamics in variable environments in relation to the species‐specific pace of life.  相似文献   

One of the principal factors that have reduced grizzly bear populations has been the creation of human access into grizzly bear habitat by roads built for resource extraction. Past studies have documented mortality and distributional changes of bears relative to roads but none have attempted to estimate the direct demographic impact of roads in terms of both survival rates, reproductive rates, and the interaction of reproductive state of female bears with survival rate. We applied a combination of survival and reproductive models to estimate demographic parameters for threatened grizzly bear populations in Alberta. Instead of attempting to estimate mean trend we explored factors which caused biological and spatial variation in population trend. We found that sex and age class survival was related to road density with subadult bears being most vulnerable to road-based mortality. A multi-state reproduction model found that females accompanied by cubs of the year and/or yearling cubs had lower survival rates compared to females with two year olds or no cubs. A demographic model found strong spatial gradients in population trend based upon road density. Threshold road densities needed to ensure population stability were estimated to further refine targets for population recovery of grizzly bears in Alberta. Models that considered lowered survival of females with dependant offspring resulted in lower road density thresholds to ensure stable bear populations. Our results demonstrate likely spatial variation in population trend and provide an example how demographic analysis can be used to refine and direct conservation measures for threatened species.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, the spread and densification of woodlands and shrublands subsequent to rural depopulation is a critical issue for the conservation of open-habitat plant species. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of forest management to reduce the negative impact of forest closure on the persistence of a protected herbaceous perennial species Paeonia officinalis. Using demographic surveys from 2003 to 2008 in a woodland, open and managed habitat clear-cutted for the aim of our study, we assessed the effect of forest opening on plant performance and population dynamics. In addition, we performed a shading experiment on reproductive plants to mimic canopy closure and study its impact on plant growth and fecundity. Based on quadrat surveys and matrix models, we showed that forest cutting induced a rapid increase in plant performance and population asymptotic growth rate. Indeed, within 2 years, plant size, flower, seed and ovule numbers as well as the plant stage distribution, asymptotic growth rates and elasticity patterns shifted from values similar to those in the woodland habitat to values similar to those in the open habitat. Similarly, artificially shaded reproductive plants regressed within 2 years towards the vegetative stage. For perennial plants which have a stage in their life-cycle which allows for individual survival under unfavourable conditions such as the vegetative stage for P. officinalis, such demographic plasticity may be fundamental for their long-term persistence in temporally heterogeneous environments. Our study highlights the need to mix an experimental approach with a mid-term demographic survey in order to design efficient conservation management strategies for declining populations of rare species.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors contributing to variation in demographic parameters and their influences on population growth is fundamental to effective conservation of small populations, but this information is often not available. Among shorebirds, population growth is generally most sensitive to changes in adult survival so understanding the factors affecting this vital rate is important. We used a long-term mark–resight dataset and Program MARK to examine the effect of management actions, initiated to improve nesting productivity, on adult survival in a threatened population of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in Oregon, USA. Apparent adult survival averaged 0.71 ± 0.01 (SE), but increased from 1990 to 2014. This increase coincided with a decline in use of protective nest exclosures, but initiation of lethal nest predator management. The unexpected apparent benefit to adult survival of removal of nest predators and the negative effect of protective nest exclosures highlight the importance of understanding how management practices at one life cycle stage may have unintended consequences at other life stages. Our 25-year analysis adds to our knowledge of an intensively managed, threatened species at the northern limit of its range, but, more importantly, knowledge of the negative effect of exclosure use and the positive effect of predator management on adult survival can help inform conservation of less well-studied species with similar life histories.  相似文献   

Variation in life history and demography across a species' range informs researchers about regional adaptations and affects whether managers can borrow information from other populations in decision-making. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a long-lived game species whose continued persistence depends on management of harvest and removal of habituated bears that come into conflict with humans. Understanding the demography of black bears guides efforts at management and conservation, yet detailed knowledge of many populations is typically lacking. I performed a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of black bear demographic studies across the geographic range of the species to explore how vital rates vary across the range, what information they give us about population growth, and whether managers can justify borrowing information from other studies to inform management decisions. Cub, yearling, and adult survival and fecundity varied between eastern and western North America, whereas subadult survival did not show geographic structuring. Adult survival and fecundity appeared to trade off, with higher survival in the western portions of bears' range and higher fecundity in the east. Although adult survival had the highest elasticity, differences in reproduction drove differences in population growth rate. Mean population growth rate was higher in the east (0.99; 95% credible interval [CrI]: 0.96, 1.03) than the west (0.97; 95%CrI: 0.93, 1.01). Despite declining trends in the west, 34% of the distribution of population growth rate was >1, compared to 55% in the east. Further work needs to be done to address the cause of the apparent trade-off between adult survival and fecundity and explore how the estimated growth rates are likely to affect population status of black bears. Because population growth rates are close to 1 and small deviations could impact whether a population is considered increasing or decreasing, managers need to employ caution in borrowing vital rates from other populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Host plants used by phytophagous insects can have significant consequences on demography parameters, overall lifetime fitness and their subsequent population dynamics. Here, we conduct a comparative demographic study between the specialist Zeugodacus cucumis (French) and generalist Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) to determine whether the host plants used by these fly species play any role in their overall lifetime fitness and explains current host use patterns. These two fly species are pests within the north-eastern region of Australia and we further aimed to use complete life-history data to determine the population parameters and models that would help identify the sensitive life-history stage that could be targeted for effective field management. Eggs collected from laboratory-reared flies were inoculated into organically grown fruits of both the primary and alternate host plant cultivars of both fly species. The proportion surviving each life stage from egg through to adult and fecundity were monitored for all cohorts from the different plant cultivars. Complete stage-base life-tables for cohorts of each fly species developing from each fruit cultivar were constructed, and the key demographic parameters and population models were analysed using PopTools matrix model programme. Our results showed that the host used by each fly species had significant consequences on fly demographic parameters and hence their overall lifetime fitness. The generalist B. tryoni was able to compensate for the fitness loss experienced at the pre-adult stage by having adults with higher fecundity, but this was not the case for the specialist Z. cucumis. Stage-base population models revealed that the population growth rate of both species was highly sensitive at the adult reproductive stage, indicating that manipulating probability of survival at this life stage would effectively manage populations of these pest species. This study provides the empirical evidence of undertaking complete life history demography studies of phytophagous insects to accurately understand their lifetime fitness consequences of using a certain host, their observed host use patterns, and overall population dynamics. We suggest that any efforts to manage dacine fruit fly pest population should consider life-history consequences of host use.  相似文献   

Temporal environmental variation has profound influences on population dynamics and community structure. Examination of functional traits that influence resource uptake and allocation can illuminate how co-occurring species translate environmental variation into different demographic outcomes, yet few studies have considered interspecific differences in trait plasticity. We experimentally manipulated soil moisture to test the hypothesis that differences in morphological plasticity contribute to species differences in demographic response to unpredictable precipitation in Sonoran Desert winter annual plants. We compared plasticity of leaf traits and biomass allocation between Pectocarya recurvata (Boraginaceae) and Stylocline micropoides (Asteraceae), co-occurring species that differ in long-term demographic patterns. The species with highly variable population dynamics, Stylocline, had striking increases in leaf area and root biomass in response to an experimental increase in soil moisture. In contrast, the species with buffered long-term population dynamics, Pectocarya, did not differ in leaf morphology or biomass allocation between soil moisture treatments. Regardless of water treatment, Pectocarya had earlier reproductive phenology and greater fecundity than Stylocline, suggesting that differences in the timing of the phenological transitions from vegetative to reproductive growth may affect species' responses to precipitation pulses. Combining long-term observations with experimental manipulations provides a window into the functional underpinnings and demographic consequences of trait plasticity.  相似文献   

The application of uniform conservation schemes often fails to account for small-scale spatial variation in the drivers of population decline. Demographic comparisons of imperilled populations across locations are therefore crucial for successful conservation, but progress is hampered by lack of long-term data from more than a single population. The recent large-scale decline of eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) in the Baltic Sea is ideal for determining to what extent mechanisms underlying population decline can be extrapolated over larger areas. We utilized stochastic demographic methods incorporating both environmental and sampling variation to assess small-scale spatial and temporal variation in the population dynamics of eiders at Söderskär (eastern range-margin) and Tvärminne (core breeding area), situated 130 km apart. The stochastic growth rate models accurately predicted the observed differences in the rate of decline between sites and time periods. At Söderskär, established breeder survival had by far the greatest elasticity, whereas elasticity was more evenly distributed among vital rates at Tvärminne. Although the study sites showed the single largest difference in fecundity, stochastic life table response experiment analyses revealed that reduced adult female survival at Tvärminne mainly determined the observed difference in growth rates between sites. In contrast, reduced fecundity primarily differentiated the past population increase from the present population decline at Söderskär. Our results demonstrate that different mechanisms may be associated with population decline across adjacent geographic locations, and indicate that dispersal of first-time breeders may be important for population dynamics. Safeguarding adult female survival and/or fecundity should be prioritized in management efforts.  相似文献   

Population structure and life history strategies are determinants of how populations respond to stressor-induced impairments in organism-level responses. Effects on population growth rate were modeled using seven theoretical constructs that represented the life history strategies and elasticity patterns of a broad range of species. Simulations of low to high ranges of simultaneous reductions in survival and reproduction were conducted and results indicated that stressor impacts on population growth rate were a function of population characteristics and the magnitude of the stress. Species that had high reproductive elasticity had greater population-level impacts than species with high survival elasticity for the same organism-level effects. Perturbation simulations were performed to assess the extinction risk in two species with similar elasticity patterns but different life history strategies: mysid shrimp, Americamysis bahia, and the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, which can be related to classical K- and r-strategists, respectively. Deterministic extinction risk was greater for the K-strategist, which indicated that population level risks were dependent on life history strategies, and toxicity values (e.g., LC50s) should be interpreted with caution. Ecological risk assessments should consider both population structure and life history strategy of an ecological receptor, in addition to the intrinsic sensitivity of the species to contaminant stressors.  相似文献   

Abstract Using a metapopulation model, we study how local extinctions, limited population life span, and local demographic disequilibrium affect the evolution of the reproductive effort in a species with overlapping generations but no senescence. We show that in a metapopulation with saturation of all sites and an infinite deme maximal life span (no succession), local extinctions simply constitute an additional source of extrinsic mortality. When either the hypothesis of an infinite deme maximal life span or the saturation hypothesis is relaxed, nontrivial predictions arise. in particular, we find interactions between the evolutionarily stable reproductive effort strategy and the demographic dynamics in the metapopulation. We predict that larger reproductive effort may be selected for in habitats of poorer productivity, contrary to what would be predicted in a single population. Also, we predict that higher dispersal rates should favor selection for lower reproductive efforts. However, metapopulation parameters that favor high dispersal rates also favor larger reproductive efforts. Conflicting selection pressures in the metapopulation also allow maintaining evolutionarily stable polymorphism between a low and high reproductive effort for particular trade-offs between survival and fecundity.  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic parameters such as survival and reproductive success are critical for guiding management efforts focused on species of conservation concern. Unfortunately, reliable demographic parameters are difficult to obtain for any species, but especially for rare or endangered species. Here we derived estimates of adult survival and recruitment in a community of Hawaiian forest birds, including eight native species (of which three are endangered) and two introduced species at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai?i. Integrated population models (IPM) were used to link mark–recapture data (1994–1999) with long‐term population surveys (1987–2008). To our knowledge, this is the first time that IPM have been used to characterize demographic parameters of a whole avian community, and provides important insights into the life history strategies of the community. The demographic data were used to test two hypotheses: 1) arthropod specialists, such as the ‘Akiapōlā‘au Hemignathus munroi, are ‘slower’ species characterized by a greater relative contribution of adult survival to population growth, i.e. lower fecundity and increased adult survival; and 2) a species’ susceptibility to environmental change, as reflected by its conservation status, can be predicted by its life history traits. We found that all species were characterized by a similar population growth rate around one, independently of conservation status, origin (native vs non‐native), feeding guild, or life history strategy (as measured by ‘slowness’), which suggested that the community had reached an equilibrium. However, such stable dynamics were achieved differently across feeding guilds, as demonstrated by a significant increase of adult survival and a significant decrease of recruitment along a gradient of increased insectivory, in support of hypothesis 1. Supporting our second hypothesis, we found that slower species were more vulnerable species at the global scale than faster ones. The possible causes and conservation implications of these patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Demographic stochasticity is important in determining extinction risks of small populations, but it is largely unknown how its effect depends on the life histories of species. We modeled effects of demographic stochasticity on extinction risk in a broad range of generalized life histories, using matrix models and branching processes. Extinction risks of life histories varied greatly in their sensitivity to demographic stochasticity. Comparing life histories, extinction risk generally increased with increasing fecundity and decreased with higher ages of maturation. Effects of adult survival depended on age of maturation. At lower ages of maturation, extinction risk peaked at intermediate levels of adult survival, but it increased along with adult survival at higher ages of maturation. These differences were largely explained by differences in sensitivities of population growth to perturbations of life-history traits. Juvenile survival rate contributed most to total demographic variance in the majority of life histories. Our general results confirmed earlier findings, suggesting that empirical patterns can be explained by a relatively simple model. Thus, basic life-history information can be used to assign life-history-specific sensitivity to demographic stochasticity. This is of great value when assessing the vulnerability of small populations.  相似文献   

Quantification and understanding of demographic variation across intra- and inter-annual temporal scales can benefit from the development of theoretical models of evolution and applied conservation of species. We used long-term survey data for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) collected at the northern and southern extent of its geographic range to develop matrix population models which would allow investigation of intra- and inter-annual patterns in bobwhite population dynamics. We first evaluated intra-annual patterns in the importance of a seasonal demographic rate to asymptotic population growth rate with prospective perturbation analysis (elasticity analysis). We then conducted retrospective analysis (life table response experiments) of inter-annual patterns in the contribution of observed changes in demography to the observed change in population growth rate. Survival in the earliest age class during the nonbreeding season had the greatest potential influence in both the northern and southern populations. Examination of inter-annual variation in demography indicated that variation in nonbreeding season survival in the earliest age class contributed the most to observed changes in population growth rate in the northern population. In contrast, changes in fertility in the earliest age class in the southern population had the greatest influence on changes in population growth rate. Prospective elasticity analyses highlight the similarities in bobwhite demography throughout different parts of its geographic range, while retrospective life table response experiments revealed important patterns in the temporal differences of bobwhite life history at the northern and southern extent of its geographic range.  相似文献   

A central goal of evolutionary ecology is to understand the factors that select for particular life history strategies, such as delaying reproduction. For example, environmental variation and reproductive costs to survival and growth often select for reproductive delays in semelparous and iteroparous species. In this study, we examine how variation in reproductive cost, which we define as a reduction to growth, survival, or future reproduction after a reproductive event, may select for reproductive delay in an iteroparous Neotropical milkweed with no obvious reproductive season. We analyzed demographic data collected every 3 months for 3 years from four populations of Asclepias curassavica in Monteverde, Costa Rica. We detected costs of flowering to survival and growth that varied in magnitude between our 12 transition periods without a seasonal pattern. The populations also exhibited temporal variation in reproductive payoffs measured as seedling establishment. We incorporated these reproductive costs into demographic projection models, which predicted a delayed flowering strategy only when we included temporal variation in costs and payoffs. Temporal variation in reproductive costs and payoffs is an important selective force in the evolution of delayed flowering in iteroparous species. Further, a lack of predictable seasonal pattern to reproductive costs and payoffs may contribute to the lack of seasonal reproductive patterns observed in our study species and other Neotropical species.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints can be determinant key factors conditioning predator life history evolution. Prey seems to have conditioned life history evolution in their ladybird predator, with the predators of aphids apparently presenting faster development, greater fecundity and shorter longevity than species preying on coccids. However a rigorous comparison has never been done. We hypothesize that aphids and coccids differ by their developmental rate, abundance, and distribution in the field, which act as ecological constraints promoting life history evolution in ladybird predators. Field data reveal that aphids are ephemeral resources available in the form of large colonies randomly distributed in the habitat whereas coccids form smaller colonies that tend to be aggregated in space and available for longer periods. A comparison in laboratory conditions of two predatory species belonging to the tribe Scymnini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) show that the aphidophagous species lives at a faster pace than the coccidophagous: it develops faster, matures earlier, is more fecund, has a shorter reproductive life-span and allocate proportionally more fat in its gonads relative to soma. This indicates that the life histories of aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird predators appear to have evolved in response to particular patterns of prey availability in time and space. Under the light of these results, the existence of a slow-fast continuum in ladybirds is briefly addressed.  相似文献   

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