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明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂为温室草莓的授粉行为比较观察   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
蜜蜂和熊蜂都是理想的授粉昆虫,但熊蜂比蜜蜂更适合为温室果菜授粉,主要由于熊蜂和蜜蜂授粉时的活动方式不同。作者对明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂为日光温室草莓授粉时的行为和活动方式进行了比较研究。结果表明,明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂的授粉行为相似,但活动方式不同。明亮熊蜂开始访花的时间(8:00~8:05)比意大利蜜蜂(9:25~9:40)早,停止访花的时间(15:55~16:05)却比意大利蜜蜂(15:20~15:30)晚;开始访花的温度(12~13℃)也比意大利蜜蜂(>15℃)低,意大利蜜蜂在早晨和阴天不访花。明亮熊蜂个体的日活动时间271.43±4.48 s,明显比意大利蜜蜂个体的日活动时间180.00±2.64 s长,差异显著;而采集时间为105.71±1.16 s,显著长于意大利蜜蜂的76.43±3.83 s。明亮熊蜂每分钟平均访花数为8.44±0.44,极显著高于意大利蜜蜂每分钟的平均访花数2.38±0.15;明亮熊蜂访花间隔为3.81±0.42 s,极显著短于意大利蜜蜂的6.0±0.48 s。明亮熊蜂访花具有选择性,每天访早期花平均为55%,意大利蜜蜂则无选择性,每天访早期花平均为34%,二者差异显著;在9:00~12:00明亮熊蜂访早期花平均为75%,意大利蜜蜂访早期花则仅为31%。熊蜂在花间和花簇间活动频繁,平均移动距离为5.2 m;而意大利蜜蜂很少在花簇间移动,平均移动距离只有1.1 m。据此得出明亮熊蜂为日光温室草莓授粉的活动特性优越于意大利蜜蜂,从而产生更高的授粉效益。  相似文献   

意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica和小峰熊蜂Bombus hypocrita是我国设施农业中的两种主要授粉昆虫, 二者的传粉方式和传粉效率因不同作物而各有不同。为了选用最理想的蜂种为温室作物授粉, 提高作物的授粉效率, 我们于2008-2010年连续3年在北京的温室桃园进行了意大利蜜蜂和小峰熊蜂的传粉行为及其影响因素的研究。结果表明, 两种蜂的日活动规律不同, 和意大利蜜蜂相比, 小峰熊蜂的活动起点温度低、 日工作时间长、 单花访问时间长, 采集蜂在温室内距离蜂巢不同距离之间扩散比较均匀。而意大利蜜蜂采集蜂的数量随授粉半径的增大而明显减少。温室内环境因子对两种蜂传粉活动的影响基本一致, 温度对两种蜂的传粉活动影响最大, 其次是湿度、 单花花蜜浓度和光照强度, 而单花花蜜体积对蜂活动无明显影响。本研究认为对于温室桃授粉应优先选用授粉性能稳定的小峰熊蜂, 并且适当调节温室内环境条件, 以提高其授粉效率。  相似文献   

Propolis is a gummy material produced by honey bees to protect their hives and currently has drawn the attention of researchers due to its broad clinical use. It has been reported, based only on observations, that honey bees also collect other non-vegetation substances such as paint or asphalt/tar to make propolis. Therefore, propolis samples were collected from bee hives in Riyadh and Al-Bahah, a natural area, Saudi Arabia to determine their compositional characteristics and possible sources of the neutral organic compounds. The samples were extracted with hexane and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that the major compounds were n-alkanes, n-alkenes, methyl n-alkanoates, long chain wax esters, triterpenoids and hopanes. The n-alkanes (ranging from C17 to C40) were significant with relative concentrations varying from 23.8 to 56.8% (mean = 44.9+9.4%) of the total extracts. Their odd carbon preference index (CPI) ranged from 3.6 to 7.7, with a maximum concentration at heptacosane indicating inputs from higher plant vegetation wax. The relative concentrations of the n-alkenes varied from 23.8 to 41.19% (mean = 35.6+5.1%), with CPI = 12.4-31.4, range from C25 to C35 and maximum at tritriacontane. Methyl n-alkanoates, ranged from C12 to C26 as acids, with concentrations from 3.11 to 33.2% (mean = 9.6+9.5%). Long chain wax esters and triterpenoids were minor. The main triterpenoids were α- and β-amyrins, amyrones and amyryl acetates. The presence of hopanes in some total extracts (up to 12.5%) indicated that the bees also collected petroleum derivatives from vicinal asphalt and used that as an additional ingredient to make propolis. Therefore, caution should be taken when considering the chemical compositions of propolis as potential sources of natural products for biological and pharmacological applications. Moreover, beekeepers should be aware of the proper source of propolis in the flight range of their bee colonies.  相似文献   

The response threshold model is a potential mechanism for task allocation in social insects, and it assumes that workers vary in the levels of task stimuli to which they respond. Furthermore, response thresholds of individual workers may change over time through self-reinforcement (experience), such that workers become more sensitive to task stimuli. However, in addition to self-reinforcement, aging is another process that occurs through time. Distinguishing whether response thresholds change within workers due to self-reinforcement or aging may give insight into the flexibility of this task allocation mechanism. Using a ventilation paradigm, we manipulated workers of Bombus impatiens to have either repeated or lack of exposures to increases in nest air temperature, thereby allowing us to manipulate experience and thus self-reinforcement. Nest air temperature was the task stimulus, and ventilation (fanning) was the behavioral response. We found that ventilation response thresholds do not decrease either with age or experience in workers of B. impatiens, contrary to what has been reported for B. terrestris workers (Weidenmüller, 2004). Instead, we found high levels of intra-individual variation in response thresholds. Our results also show that workers with lower average response thresholds respond to heating events with higher probability than those with higher ventilation thresholds. These results provide insight into the role of the response threshold framework for task allocation; we also discuss how response probabilities may play a role in task allocation among workers.  相似文献   

Heterostyly functions as an outcrossing mechanism facilitating accurate pollen transfer from anthers to stigmas of particular heights as a result of the behavior of specialist pollinators. However, heterostylous plants are also visited by generalist pollinators, which may affect the plant–pollinator mutualism. Eichhornia crassipes is a tristylous invasive species, with only the mid- and long-styled morphs (M and L) found in China. We recorded flower-visiting insects in Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Nanning in South China. We hand-pollinated the two morphs to determine their compatibility. In addition, by allowing controlled insect pollination in artificial isoplethically monomorphic and bimorphic populations, we undertook a detailed analysis of pollen deposition between the floral morphs, and fruit and seed set. Ranked by relative abundance, the flower-visiting insects were: Apis mellifera, A. cerana, Lasioglossum sp. and Eristalis arvorum. Hand pollination showed that both the M and L morphs were self-compatible, but the former was probably more so than the latter. Intra-morph pollen transfer by A. mellifera within a population was significantly greater than legitimate pollen transfer between populations, suggesting that the pollen exchange between populations was limited. Seed set of the L morph was significantly greater than that of the M morph in monomorphic populations, indicating intra-morph pollen deposition in the former was higher than in the latter. The results showed that A. mellifera was the major pollinator in South China and able to pollinate E. crassipes legitimately and to promote its fruit and seed set, even though high levels of intra-morph pollination occurred.  相似文献   

Sperm are exposed to substantially different environments during their life history, such as seminal fluid or the female sexual tract, but remarkably little information is currently available about whether and how much sperm composition and function alters in these different environments. Here, we used the honeybee Apis mellifera and quantified differences in the abundance and activity of sperm proteins sampled either from ejaculates or from the female’s sperm storage organ. We find that stored and ejaculated sperm contain the same set of proteins but that the abundance of specific proteins differed substantially between ejaculated and stored sperm. Most proteins with a significant change in abundance are related to sperm energy metabolism. Enzymatic assays performed for a subset of these proteins indicate that specific protein activities differ between stored and ejaculated sperm and are typically higher in ejaculated compared to stored sperm. We provide evidence that the cellular machinery of sperm is plastic and differs between sperm within the ejaculate and within the female’s storage organ. Future work will be required to test whether these changes are a consequence of active adaptation or sperm senescence and whether they alter sperm performance indifferent chemical environments or impact on the cost of sperm storage by the female.However, these changes can be expected to influence sperm performance and therefore determine sperm viability or sperm competitiveness for storage or egg fertilization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method for the rapid and sensitive analysis of juvenile hormone III (JH III) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in queen larvae and drone pupae samples was presented. Ultrasound-assisted extraction provided a significant shortening of the leaching time for the extraction of JH III and 20E and satisfactory sensitivity as compared to the conventional shake extraction procedure. After extraction, determination was carried out by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) operating in electrospray ionization positive ion mode via multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) without any clean-up step prior to analysis. A linear gradient consisting of (A) water containing 0.1% formic acid and (B) acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid, and a ZORBAX SB-Aq column (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 3.5 μm) were employed to obtain the best resolution of the target analytes. The method was validated for linearity, limit of quantification, recovery, matrix effects, precision and stability. Drone pupae samples were found to contain 20E at concentrations of 18.0 ± 0.1 ng/g (mean ± SD) and JH III was detected at concentrations of 0.20 ± 0.06 ng/g (mean ± SD) in queen larvae samples. This validated method provided some practical information for the actual content of JH III and 20E in queen larvae and drone pupae samples.  相似文献   

Generalist foraging behavior among stingless bees is accepted but untested, as well as the subsidiary hypothesis of floral preferences in the genus Melipona. Here we analyzed those hypotheses comparing the use of floral sources of pollen, through paired analyses of pollen samples from different colonies of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, in three areas of the Atlantic Forest Domain, in Northern Brazil. From August, 2004 to January, 2005, monthly samples of pollen were collected at the entrance of twelve colonies of M. scutellaris. In two places, four colonies of M. scutellaris were compared with four colonies of africanized Apis mellifera L. The main pollen sources chosen by the colonies of M. scutellaris were flowers of the following plant families, in decreasing order of importance: Myrtaceae, Mimosaceae, Anacardiaceae, Sapindaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Fabaceae. Productive pollen sources of Asteraceae, Arecaceae e Rubiaceae were heavily exploited by the colonies of A. mellifera and discharged by the colonies of M.scutellaris. Often, both species shared the main productive pollen sources, as the flowers of Myrtaceae and Mimosaceae. On the other hand, no pollen sources were heavily exploited altogether by both of them, as a rule. In different places and periods, the colonies of M. scutellaris presented high intra-specific similarity and they formed distinct clusters apart from A. mellifera. Therefore, the selection of pollen sources by colonies was species dependent. The paired comparisons refute the hypothesis of random flower exploitation by colonies and give support to the subsidiary hypothesis of selectivity or floral preferences by M.scutellaris.  相似文献   

In the fully activated hypopharyngeal gland of the worker honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera : Apidae), there were numerous electron-dense secretion granules, large secretion masses, free ribosomes, and arrays of endoplasmic reticulum. Injection of juvenile hormone into the honeybee caused crystallization of the secretion granules. After 1 and 7 days following the injection, both free and attached ribosomes were depleted from the cytoplasm. The depletion of ribosomes from the cytoplasm of the hypopharyngeal gland cells was observed only in honeybees infected by Nosema apis after injection of juvenile hormone. The appearance of an increasing number of lysosome-like bodies in the cytoplasm suggests that juvenile hormone activates the lysozymes, which leads to the degeneration of the hypopharyngeal glands.  相似文献   

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