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The translocation of Akt, a serine/threonine kinase, to the plasma membrane is a critical step in the Akt activation pathway. It is established that membrane binding of Akt is mediated by direct interactions between its pleckstrin homology domain (PHD) and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3). There is now evidence that Akt activation in many breast cancer cells is also modulated by the calcium-binding protein, calmodulin (CaM). Upon EGF stimulation of breast cancer cells, CaM co-localizes with Akt at the plasma membrane to enhance activation. However, the molecular details of Akt(PHD) interaction with CaM are not known. In this study, we employed NMR, biochemical, and biophysical techniques to characterize CaM binding to Akt(PHD). Our data show that CaM forms a tight complex with the PHD of Akt (dissociation constant = 100 nm). The interaction between CaM and Akt(PHD) is enthalpically driven, and the affinity is greatly dependent on salt concentration, indicating that electrostatic interactions are important for binding. The CaM-binding interface in Akt(PHD) was mapped to two loops adjacent to the PI(3,4,5)P3 binding site, which represents a rare CaM-binding motif and suggests a synergistic relationship between CaM and PI(3,4,5)P3 upon Akt activation. Elucidation of the mechanism by which Akt interacts with CaM will help in understanding the activation mechanism, which may provide insights for new potential targets to control the pathophysiological processes of cell survival.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential melastatin 3 ion channel (TRPM3) belongs to the TRP family of cation-permeable ion channels involved in many important biological functions such as pain transduction, thermosensation, and mechanoregulation. The channel was reported to play an important role in Ca(2+) homeostasis, but its gating mechanisms, functions, and regulation are still under research. Utilizing biophysical and biochemical methods, we characterized two independent domains, Ala-35-Lys-124 and His-291-Gly-382, on the TRPM3 N terminus, responsible for interactions with the Ca(2+)-binding proteins calmodulin (CaM) and S100A1. We identified several positively charged residues within these domains as having a crucial impact on CaM/S100A1 binding. The data also suggest that the interaction is calcium-dependent. We also performed competition assays, which suggested that CaM and S100A1 are able to compete for the same binding sites within the TRPM3 N terminus. This is the first time that such an interaction has been shown for TRP family members.  相似文献   

Inside-out activation of integrins is mediated via the binding of talin and kindlin to integrin β-subunit cytoplasmic tails. The kindlin FERM domain is interrupted by a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain within its F2 subdomain. Here, we present data confirming the importance of the kindlin-1 PH domain for integrin activation and its x-ray crystal structure at a resolution of 2.1 Å revealing a C-terminal second α-helix integral to the domain but found only in the kindlin protein family. An isoform-specific salt bridge occludes the canonical phosphoinositide binding site, but molecular dynamics simulations display transient switching to an alternative open conformer. Molecular docking reveals that the opening of the pocket would enable potential ligands to bind within it. Although lipid overlay assays suggested the PH domain binds inositol monophosphates, surface plasmon resonance demonstrated weak affinities for inositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (Ins(3,4,5)P3; KD ∼100 μm) and no monophosphate binding. Removing the salt bridge by site-directed mutagenesis increases the PH domain affinity for Ins(3,4,5)P3 as measured by surface plasmon resonance and enables it to bind PtdIns(3,5)P2 on a dot-blot. Structural comparison with other PH domains suggests that the phosphate binding pocket in the kindlin-1 PH domain is more occluded than in kindlins-2 and -3 due to its salt bridge. In addition, the apparent affinity for Ins(3,4,5)P3 is affected by the presence of PO4 ions in the buffer. We suggest the physiological ligand of the kindlin-1 PH domain is most likely not an inositol phosphate but another phosphorylated species.  相似文献   

The single transmembrane domain serine/threonine kinase activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB) has been proposed to bind key regulators of skeletal muscle mass development, including the ligands GDF-8 (myostatin) and GDF-11 (BMP-11). Here we provide a detailed kinetic characterization of ActRIIB binding to several low and high affinity ligands using a soluble activin receptor type IIB-Fc chimera (ActRIIB.Fc). We show that both GDF-8 and GDF-11 bind the extracellular domain of ActRIIB with affinities comparable with those of activin A, a known high affinity ActRIIB ligand, whereas BMP-2 and BMP-7 affinities for ActRIIB are at least 100-fold lower. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrate that ActRIIB binds GDF-11 and activin A in different ways such as, for example, substitutions in ActRIIB Leu79 effectively abolish ActRIIB binding to activin A yet not to GDF-11. Native ActRIIB has four isoforms that differ in the length of the C-terminal portion of their extracellular domains. We demonstrate that the C terminus of the ActRIIB extracellular domain is crucial for maintaining biological activity of the ActRIIB.Fc receptor chimera. In addition, we show that glycosylation of ActRIIB is not required for binding to activin A or GDF-11. Together, our findings reveal binding specificity and activity determinants of the ActRIIB receptor that combine to effect specificity in the activation of distinct signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In Schwann cells, connexin 32 (Cx32) can oligomerize to form intracellular gap junction channels facilitating a shorter pathway for metabolite diffusion across the layers of the myelin sheath. The mechanisms of Cx32 intracellular channel regulation have not been clearly defined. However, Ca(2+), pH, and the phosphorylation state can regulate Cx32 gap junction channels, in addition to the direct interaction of protein partners with the carboxyl-terminal (CT) domain. In this study, we used different biophysical methods to determine the structure and characterize the interaction of the Cx32CT domain with the protein partners synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97) and calmodulin (CaM). Our results revealed that the Cx32CT is an intrinsically disordered protein that becomes α-helical upon binding CaM. We identified the GUK domain as the minimal SAP97 region necessary for the Cx32CT interaction. The Cx32CT residues affected by the binding of CaM and the SAP97 GUK domain were determined as well as the dissociation constants for these interactions. We characterized three Cx32CT Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease mutants (R219H, R230C, and F235C) and identified that whereas they all formed functional channels, they all showed reduced binding affinity for SAP97 and CaM. Additionally, we report that in RT4-D6P2T rat schwannoma cells, Cx32 is differentially phosphorylated and exists in a complex with SAP97 and CaM. Our studies support the importance of protein-protein interactions in the regulation of Cx32 gap junction channels and myelin homeostasis.  相似文献   

To survive and replicate within the human host, malaria parasites must invade erythrocytes. Invasion can be mediated by the P. falciparum reticulocyte-binding homologue protein 4 (PfRh4) on the merozoite surface interacting with complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) on the erythrocyte membrane. The PfRh4 attachment site lies within the three N-terminal complement control protein modules (CCPs 1–3) of CR1, which intriguingly also accommodate binding and regulatory sites for the key complement activation-specific proteolytic products, C3b and C4b. One of these regulatory activities is decay-accelerating activity. Although PfRh4 does not impact C3b/C4b binding, it does inhibit this convertase disassociating capability. Here, we have employed ELISA, co-immunoprecipitation, and surface plasmon resonance to demonstrate that CCP 1 contains all the critical residues for PfRh4 interaction. We fine mapped by homologous substitution mutagenesis the PfRh4-binding site on CCP 1 and visualized it with a solution structure of CCPs 1–3 derived by NMR and small angle x-ray scattering. We cross-validated these results by creating an artificial PfRh4-binding site through substitution of putative PfRh4-interacting residues from CCP 1 into their homologous positions within CCP 8; strikingly, this engineered binding site had an ∼30-fold higher affinity for PfRh4 than the native one in CCP 1. These experiments define a candidate site on CR1 by which P. falciparum merozoites gain access to human erythrocytes in a non-sialic acid-dependent pathway of merozoite invasion.  相似文献   

Despite their close phylogenetic relationship, natural intertypic reassortants between influenza A (FluA) and B (FluB) viruses have not been described. Inefficient polymerase assembly of the three polymerase subunits may contribute to this incompatibility, especially because the known protein-protein interaction domains, including the PA-binding domain of PB1, are highly conserved for each virus type. Here we show that substitution of the FluA PA-binding domain (PB1-A1–25) with that of FluB (PB1-B1–25) is accompanied by reduced polymerase activity and viral growth of FluA. Consistent with these findings, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy measurements revealed that PA of FluA exhibits impaired affinity to biotinylated PB1-B1–25 peptides. PA of FluB showed no detectable affinity to biotinylated PB1-A1–25 peptides. Consequently, FluB PB1 harboring the PA-binding domain of FluA (PB1-AB) failed to assemble with PA and PB2 into an active polymerase complex. To regain functionality, we used a single amino acid substitution (T6Y) known to confer binding to PA of both virus types, which restored polymerase complex formation but surprisingly not polymerase activity for FluB. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the conserved virus type-specific PA-binding domains differ in their affinity to PA and thus might contribute to intertypic exclusion of reassortants between FluA and FluB viruses.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a linear acidic polysaccharide, composed of repeating disaccharide units of glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine and modified with sulfate residues at different positions, which plays various roles in development and disease. Here, we chemo-enzymatically synthesized various CS species with defined lengths and defined sulfate compositions, from chondroitin hexasaccharide conjugated with hexamethylenediamine at the reducing ends, using bacterial chondroitin polymerase and recombinant CS sulfotransferases, including chondroitin-4-sulfotransferase 1 (C4ST-1), chondroitin-6-sulfotransferase 1 (C6ST-1), N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfate 6-sulfotransferase (GalNAc4S-6ST), and uronosyl 2-sulfotransferase (UA2ST). Sequential modifications of CS with a series of CS sulfotransferases revealed their distinct features, including their substrate specificities. Reactions with chondroitin polymerase generated non-sulfated chondroitin, and those with C4ST-1 and C6ST-1 generated uniformly sulfated CS containing >95% 4S and 6S units, respectively. GalNAc4S-6ST and UA2ST generated highly sulfated CS possessing ∼90% corresponding disulfated disaccharide units. Sequential reactions with UA2ST and GalNAc4S-6ST generated further highly sulfated CS containing a mixed structure of disulfated units. Surprisingly, sequential reactions with GalNAc4S-6ST and UA2ST generated a novel CS molecule containing ∼29% trisulfated disaccharide units. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance analysis using the CS library and natural CS products modified with biotin at the reducing ends, revealed details of the interactions of CS species with anti-CS antibodies, and with CS-binding molecules such as midkine and pleiotrophin. Chemo-enzymatic synthesis enables the generation of CS chains of the desired lengths, compositions, and distinct structures, and the resulting library will be a useful tool for studies of CS functions.  相似文献   

The Fas receptor is a representative death receptor, and the Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) is a crucial adapter protein needed to support the Fas receptor’s activity. The Fas–FADD interactions constitute an important signaling pathway that ultimately induces apoptosis or programmed cell death in biological systems. The interactions responsible for this cell-death process are governed by the binding process of the Fas ligand to the Fas, followed by the caspase cascade activation. Using a computational approach, the present communication explores certain essential structural aspects of the Fas–FADD death domains and their interfacial interactions.  相似文献   

The GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange of Arf1 is catalyzed by nucleotide exchange factors (GEF), such as Arno, which act through their catalytic Sec7 domain. This exchange is a complex mechanism that undergoes conformational changes and intermediate complex species involving several allosteric partners such as nucleotides, Mg2+, and Sec7 domains. Using a surface plasmon resonance approach, we characterized the kinetic binding parameters for various intermediate complexes. We first confirmed that both GDP and GTP counteract equivalently to the free-nucleotide binary Arf1-Arno complex stability and revealed that Mg2+ potentiates by a factor of 2 the allosteric effect of GDP. Then we explored the uncompetitive inhibitory mechanism of brefeldin A (BFA) that conducts to an abortive pentameric Arf1-Mg2+-GDP-BFA-Sec7 complex. With BFA, the association rate of the abortive complex is drastically reduced by a factor of 42, and by contrast, the 15-fold decrease of the dissociation rate concurs to stabilize the pentameric complex. These specific kinetic signatures have allowed distinguishing the level and nature as well as the fate in real time of formed complexes according to experimental conditions. Thus, we showed that in the presence of GDP, the BFA-resistant Sec7 domain of Arno can also associate to form a pentameric complex, which suggests that the uncompetitive inhibition by BFA and the nucleotide allosteric effect combine to stabilize such abortive complex.  相似文献   

A number of secreted cytokines, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), are attractive targets for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. We have determined the solution structure of mouse IL-6 to assess the functional significance of apparent differences in the receptor interaction sites (IL-6Rα and gp130) suggested by the fairly low degree of sequence similarity with human IL-6. Structure-based sequence alignment of mouse IL-6 and human IL-6 revealed surprising differences in the conservation of the two distinct gp130 binding sites (IIa and IIIa), which suggests a primacy for site III-mediated interactions in driving initial assembly of the IL-6/IL-6Rα/gp130 ternary complex. This is further supported by a series of direct binding experiments, which clearly demonstrate a high affinity IL-6/IL-6Rα-gp130 interaction via site III but only weak binding via site II. Collectively, our findings suggest a pathway for the evolution of the hexameric, IL-6/IL-6Rα/gp130 signaling complex and strategies for therapeutic targeting. We propose that the signaling complex originally involved specific interactions between IL-6 and IL-6Rα (site I) and between the D1 domain of gp130 and IL-6/IL-6Rα (site III), with the later inclusion of interactions between the D2 and D3 domains of gp130 and IL-6/IL-6Rα (site II) through serendipity. It seems likely that IL-6 signaling benefited from the evolution of a multipurpose, nonspecific protein interaction surface on gp130, now known as the cytokine binding homology region (site II contact surface), which fortuitously contributes to stabilization of the IL-6/IL-6Rα/gp130 signaling complex.  相似文献   

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biosensor technology has been successfully used for the detection of various analytes such as proteins, drugs, DNA, and microorganisms. SPR-based immunosensors that coupled with a specific antigen-antibody reaction, have become a promising tool for the quantification of bacteria as it offers sensitive, specific, rapid, and label-free detection. In this paper, we review the important issues in the development of SPR-based immunoassays for bacteria detection, concentrating on instrumentation, surface functionalization, liquid handling, and surface regeneration. In addition, this review touches on the recent advances in SPR biosensing for sensitivity enhancement.  相似文献   

Mutations in otoferlin, a C2 domain-containing ferlin family protein, cause non-syndromic hearing loss in humans (DFNB9 deafness). Furthermore, transmitter secretion of cochlear inner hair cells is compromised in mice lacking otoferlin. In the present study, we show that the C2F domain of otoferlin directly binds calcium (KD = 267 μm) with diminished binding in a pachanga (D1767G) C2F mouse mutation. Calcium was found to differentially regulate binding of otoferlin C2 domains to target SNARE (t-SNARE) proteins and phospholipids. C2D–F domains interact with the syntaxin-1 t-SNARE motif with maximum binding within the range of 20–50 μm Ca2+. At 20 μm Ca2+, the dissociation rate was substantially lower, indicating increased binding (KD = ∼10−9) compared with 0 μm Ca2+ (KD = ∼10−8), suggesting a calcium-mediated stabilization of the C2 domain·t-SNARE complex. C2A and C2B interactions with t-SNAREs were insensitive to calcium. The C2F domain directly binds the t-SNARE SNAP-25 maximally at 100 μm and with reduction at 0 μm Ca2+, a pattern repeated for C2F domain interactions with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. In contrast, C2F did not bind the vesicle SNARE protein synaptobrevin-1 (VAMP-1). Moreover, an antibody targeting otoferlin immunoprecipitated syntaxin-1 and SNAP-25 but not synaptobrevin-1. As opposed to an increase in binding with increased calcium, interactions between otoferlin C2F domain and intramolecular C2 domains occurred in the absence of calcium, consistent with intra-C2 domain interactions forming a “closed” tertiary structure at low calcium that “opens” as calcium increases. These results suggest a direct role for otoferlin in exocytosis and modulation of calcium-dependent membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The activation of pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) by pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzyme (PFL-AE) involves formation of a specific glycyl radical on PFL by the PFL-AE in a reaction requiring S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). Surface plasmon resonance experiments were performed under anaerobic conditions on the oxygen-sensitive PFL-AE to determine the kinetics and equilibrium constant for its interaction with PFL. These experiments show that the interaction is very slow and rate-limited by large conformational changes. A novel AdoMet binding assay was used to accurately determine the equilibrium constants for AdoMet binding to PFL-AE alone and in complex with PFL. The PFL-AE bound AdoMet with the same affinity (∼6 μm) regardless of the presence or absence of PFL. Activation of PFL in the presence of its substrate pyruvate or the analog oxamate resulted in stoichiometric conversion of the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster to the glycyl radical on PFL; however, 3.7-fold less activation was achieved in the absence of these small molecules, demonstrating that pyruvate or oxamate are required for optimal activation. Finally, in vivo concentrations of the entire PFL system were calculated to estimate the amount of bound protein in the cell. PFL, PFL-AE, and AdoMet are essentially fully bound in vivo, whereas electron donor proteins are partially bound.  相似文献   

The three tetratricopeptide repeat domain-containing docking proteins Toc64, OM64, and AtTPR7 reside in the chloroplast, mitochondrion, and endoplasmic reticulum of Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. They are suggested to act during post-translational protein import by association with chaperone-bound preprotein complexes. Here, we performed a detailed biochemical, biophysical, and computational analysis of the interaction between Toc64, OM64, and AtTPR7 and the five cytosolic chaperones HSP70.1, HSP90.1, HSP90.2, HSP90.3, and HSP90.4. We used surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy in combination with Interaction Map® analysis to distinguish between chaperone oligomerization and docking protein-chaperone interactions and to calculate binding affinities for all tested interactions. Complementary to this, we applied pulldown assays as well as microscale thermophoresis as surface immobilization independent techniques. The data revealed that OM64 prefers HSP70 over HSP90, whereas Toc64 binds all chaperones with comparable affinities. We could further show that AtTPR7 is able to bind HSP90 in addition to HSP70. Moreover, differences between the HSP90 isoforms were detected and revealed a weaker binding for HSP90.1 to AtTPR7 and OM64, showing that slight differences in the amino acid composition or structure of the chaperones influence binding to the tetratricopeptide repeat domain. The combinatory approach of several methods provided a powerful toolkit to determine binding affinities of similar interaction partners in a highly quantitative manner.  相似文献   

Numerous in vivo functional studies have indicated that the dimeric extracellular domain (ECD) of the CaSR plays a crucial role in regulating Ca2+ homeostasis by sensing Ca2+ and l-Phe. However, direct interaction of Ca2+ and Phe with the ECD of the receptor and the resultant impact on its structure and associated conformational changes have been hampered by the large size of the ECD, its high degree of glycosylation, and the lack of biophysical methods to monitor weak interactions in solution. In the present study, we purified the glycosylated extracellular domain of calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) (ECD) (residues 20–612), containing either complex or high mannose N-glycan structures depending on the host cell line employed for recombinant expression. Both glycosylated forms of the CaSR ECD were purified as dimers and exhibit similar secondary structures with ∼50% α-helix, ∼20% β-sheet content, and a well buried Trp environment. Using various spectroscopic methods, we have shown that both protein variants bind Ca2+ with a Kd of 3.0–5.0 mm. The local conformational changes of the proteins induced by their interactions with Ca2+ were visualized by NMR with specific 15N Phe-labeled forms of the ECD. Saturation transfer difference NMR approaches demonstrated for the first time a direct interaction between the CaSR ECD and l-Phe. We further demonstrated that l-Phe increases the binding affinity of the CaSR ECD for Ca2+. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which Ca2+ and amino acids regulate the CaSR and may pave the way for exploration of the structural properties of CaSR and other members of family C of the GPCR superfamily.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, plays a key role in the pathogenesis of multiple diseases. Its activity is regulated by thioredoxin (TRX1) but the precise mechanism of this regulation is unclear due to the lack of structural data. Here, we performed biophysical and structural characterization of the TRX1-binding domain of ASK1 (ASK1-TBD) and its complex with reduced TRX1. ASK1-TBD is a monomeric and rigid domain that forms a stable complex with reduced TRX1 with 1:1 molar stoichiometry. The binding interaction does not involve the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. Residues from the catalytic WCGPC motif of TRX1 are essential for complex stability with Trp31 being directly involved in the binding interaction as suggested by time-resolved fluorescence. Small-angle x-ray scattering data reveal a compact and slightly asymmetric shape of ASK1-TBD and suggest reduced TRX1 interacts with this domain through the large binding interface without inducing any dramatic conformational change.  相似文献   

The T-cell receptor (TCR) recognizes peptides bound to major histocompatibility molecules (MHC) and allows T-cells to interrogate the cellular proteome for internal anomalies from the cell surface. The TCR contacts both MHC and peptide in an interaction characterized by weak affinity (KD = 100 nm to 270 μm). We used phage-display to produce a melanoma-specific TCR (α24β17) with a 30,000-fold enhanced binding affinity (KD = 0.6 nm) to aid our exploration of the molecular mechanisms utilized to maintain peptide specificity. Remarkably, although the enhanced affinity was mediated primarily through new TCR-MHC contacts, α24β17 remained acutely sensitive to modifications at every position along the peptide backbone, mimicking the specificity of the wild type TCR. Thermodynamic analyses revealed an important role for solvation in directing peptide specificity. These findings advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that can govern the exquisite peptide specificity characteristic of TCR recognition.  相似文献   

α(2)-Antiplasmin is the physiological inhibitor of plasmin and is unique in the serpin family due to N- and C-terminal extensions beyond its core domain. The C-terminal extension comprises 55 amino acids from Asn-410 to Lys-464, and the lysine residues (Lys-418, Lys-427, Lys-434, Lys-441, Lys-448, and Lys-464) within this region are important in mediating the initial interaction with kringle domains of plasmin. To understand the role of lysine residues within the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin, we systematically and sequentially mutated the C-terminal lysines, studied the effects on the rate of plasmin inhibition, and measured the binding affinity for plasmin via surface plasmon resonance. We determined that the C-terminal lysine (Lys-464) is individually most important in initiating binding to plasmin. Using two independent methods, we also showed that the conserved internal lysine residues play a major role mediating binding of the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin to kringle domains of plasmin and in accelerating the rate of interaction between α(2)-antiplasmin and plasmin. When the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin was removed, the binding affinity for active site-blocked plasmin remained high, suggesting additional exosite interactions between the serpin core and plasmin.  相似文献   

The bone marrow microenvironment provides important signals for the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic and malignant cells. In multiple myeloma, plasma cells are surrounded by stromal cells including osteoblasts. These stromal cells protect multiple myeloma cells from apoptosis induced by chemotherapeutic agents. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble receptor of the cytokine TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), is secreted by osteoblasts and has been implicated in the prevention of cell death induced by TRAIL in malignant cells. Previously, we have designed death receptor-specific TRAIL variants that induce apoptosis exclusively via one of its death receptors. Here, we have studied in detail the interaction between recombinant human (rhTRAIL) variants and OPG. We show that a DR5-specific variant (rhTRAIL D269H/E195R) displays a significantly decreased affinity to OPG. Furthermore, this rhTRAIL variant shows a much higher activity when compared with rhTRAIL WT and retains its effectiveness in inducing cell death in multiple myeloma cell lines, in the presence of OPG secreted by stromal cells. We also demonstrate that stromal cells are largely insensitive to high concentrations of this rhTRAIL variant. In conclusion, rhTRAIL D269H/E195R is a potential therapy for multiple myeloma due to its high effectiveness and diminished binding to OPG.  相似文献   

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