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Key cellular processes are frequently accompanied by protein-facilitated shape changes in the plasma membrane. N-BAR-domain protein modules generate curvature by means of complex interactions with the membrane surface. The way they assemble and the mechanism by which they operate are largely dependent on their binding density. Although the mechanism at lower densities has recently begun to emerge, how membrane scaffolds form at high densities remains unclear. By combining electron microscopy and multiscale simulations, we show that N-BAR proteins at high densities can transform a lipid vesicle into a 3D tubular network. We show that this process is a consequence of excess adhesive energy combined with the local stiffening of the membrane, which occurs in a narrow range of mechanical properties of both the membrane and the protein. We show that lipid diffusion is significantly reduced by protein binding at this density regime and even more in areas of high Gaussian curvature, indicating a potential effect on molecular transport in cells. Finally, we reveal that the breaking of the bilayer topology is accompanied by the nematic arrangement of the protein on the surface, a structural motif that likely drives the formation of reticular structures in living cells.  相似文献   

Unlike most transmembrane proteins, phospholipids can migrate from one leaflet of the membrane to the other. Because this spontaneous lipid translocation (flip-flop) tends to be very slow, cells facilitate the process with enzymes that catalyze the transmembrane movement and thereby regulate the transbilayer lipid distribution. Nonenzymatic membrane-spanning proteins with unrelated primary functions have also been found to accelerate lipid flip-flop in a nonspecific manner and by various hypothesized mechanisms. Using deuterated phospholipids, we examined the acceleration of flip-flop by gramicidin channels, which have well-defined structures and known functions, features that make them ideal candidates for probing the protein-membrane interactions underlying lipid flip-flop. To study compositionally and isotopically asymmetric proteoliposomes containing gramicidin, we expanded a recently developed protocol for the preparation and characterization of lipid-only asymmetric vesicles. Channel incorporation, conformation, and function were examined with small angle x-ray scattering, circular dichroism, and a stopped-flow spectrofluorometric assay, respectively. As a measure of lipid scrambling, we used differential scanning calorimetry to monitor the effect of gramicidin on the melting transition temperatures of the two bilayer leaflets. The two calorimetric peaks of the individual leaflets merged into a single peak over time, suggestive of scrambling, and the effect of the channel on the transbilayer lipid distribution in both symmetric 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and asymmetric 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine vesicles was quantified from proton NMR measurements. Our results show that gramicidin increases lipid flip-flop in a complex, concentration-dependent manner. To determine the molecular mechanism of the process, we used molecular dynamics simulations and further computational analysis of the trajectories to estimate the extent of membrane deformation. Together, the experimental and computational approaches were found to constitute an effective means for studying the effects of transmembrane proteins on lipid distribution in both symmetric and asymmetric model membranes.  相似文献   

The study of vesicles in suspension is important to understand the complicated dynamics exhibited by cells in in vivo and in vitro. We developed a computer simulation based on the boundary-integral method to model the three dimensional gravity-driven sedimentation of charged vesicles towards a flat surface. The membrane mechanical behavior was modeled using the Helfrich Hamiltonian and near incompressibility of the membrane was enforced via a model which accounts for the thermal fluctuations of the membrane. The simulations were verified and compared to experimental data obtained using suspended vesicles labelled with a fluorescent probe, which allows visualization using fluorescence microscopy and confers the membrane with a negative surface charge. The electrostatic interaction between the vesicle and the surface was modeled using the linear Derjaguin approximation for a low ionic concentration solution. The sedimentation rate as a function of the distance of the vesicle to the surface was determined both experimentally and from the computer simulations. The gap between the vesicle and the surface, as well as the shape of the vesicle at equilibrium were also studied. It was determined that inclusion of the electrostatic interaction is fundamental to accurately predict the sedimentation rate as the vesicle approaches the surface and the size of the gap at equilibrium, we also observed that the presence of charge in the membrane increases its rigidity.  相似文献   

Liposomes are micro-compartments made of lipid bilayer membranes withcharacteristics quite similar to those of biological membranes. To formartificial cell-like structures, we generated liposomes that containedsubunit proteins of cytoskeletons: tubulin or actin. Spherical liposomeswere transformed into bipolar or cell-like shapes by mechanical forcesgenerated by the polymerization of encapsulated subunits of microtubules.Disk- or dumbbell-shaped liposomes were developed by the polymerizationof encapsulated actin. Dynamic processes of morphological transformationsof liposomes were visualized by high intensity dark-field lightmicroscopy.Topological changes, such as fusion and division of membrane vesicles,play an essential role in cellular activities. To investigate themechanism of these processes, we visualized in real time the liposomesundergoing topological transformation. A variety of novel topologicaltransformations were found, including the opening-up of liposomes and thedirect expulsion of inner vesicles.  相似文献   

We measured the effect of intrinsic lipid curvature, J0, on structural properties of asymmetric vesicles made of palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE; J0<0) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC; J00). Electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering were used to determine vesicle size and morphology, and x-ray and neutron scattering, combined with calorimetric experiments and solution NMR, yielded insights into leaflet-specific lipid packing and melting processes. Below the lipid melting temperature we observed strong interleaflet coupling in asymmetric vesicles with POPE inner bilayer leaflets and outer leaflets enriched in POPC. This lipid arrangement manifested itself by lipids melting cooperatively in both leaflets, and a rearrangement of lipid packing in both monolayers. On the other hand, no coupling was observed in vesicles with POPC inner bilayer leaflets and outer leaflets enriched in POPE. In this case, the leaflets melted independently and did not affect each other’s acyl chain packing. Furthermore, we found no evidence for transbilayer structural coupling above the melting temperature of either sample preparation. Our results are consistent with the energetically preferred location of POPE residing in the inner leaflet, where it also resides in natural membranes, most likely causing the coupling of both leaflets. The loss of this coupling in the fluid bilayers is most likely the result of entropic contributions.  相似文献   

Endophilin A1 is a BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) protein abundant in neural synapses that senses and induces membrane curvature, contributing to neck formation in presynaptic endocytic vesicles. To investigate its role in membrane remodeling, we used cryoelectron microscopy to characterize structural changes induced in lipid vesicles by exposure to endophilin. The vesicles convert rapidly to coated tubules whose morphology reflects the local concentration of endophilin. Their diameters and curvature resemble those of synaptic vesicles in situ. Three-dimensional reconstructions of quasicylindrical tubes revealed arrays of BAR dimers, flanked by densities that we equate with amphipathic helices whose folding and membrane insertion were attested by EPR. We also observed the compression of bulbous coated tubes into 70-Å-wide cylindrical micelles, which appear to mimic the penultimate (hemi-fission) stage of endocytosis. Our findings suggest that the adaptability of endophilin-lipid interactions underlies dynamic changes of endocytic membranes.  相似文献   

Urinary exosomes have been proposed as potential diagnostic tools. TNF superfamily cytokines and receptors may be present in exosomes and are expressed by proximal tubular cells. We have now studied the expression of selected TNF superfamily proteins in exosome-like vesicles from cultured human proximal tubular cells and human urine and have identified additional proteins in these vesicles by LC-MS/MS proteomics. Human proximal tubular cells constitutively released exosome-like vesicles that did not contain the TNF superfamily cytokines TRAIL or TWEAK. However, exosome-like vesicles contained osteoprotegerin (OPG), a TNF receptor superfamily protein, as assessed by Western blot, ELISA or selected reaction monitoring by nLC-(QQQ)MS/MS. Twenty-one additional proteins were identified in tubular cell exosome-like vesicles, including one (vitamin D binding protein) that had not been previously reported in exosome-like vesicles. Twelve were extracellular matrix proteins, including the basement membrane proteins type IV collagen, nidogen-1, agrin and fibulin-1. Urine from chronic kidney disease patients contained a higher amount of exosomal protein and exosomal OPG than urine from healthy volunteers. Specifically OPG was increased in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease urinary exosome-like vesicles and expressed by cystic epithelium in vivo. In conclusion, OPG is present in exosome-like vesicles secreted by proximal tubular epithelial cells and isolated from Chronic Kidney Disease urine.  相似文献   


In this work we report the results of experiments performed on vesicles of bipolar lipids extracted from the thermophilic archaeobacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus These results are compared with similar data obtained with synthetic compounds which mimic the structure of natural archaeobacterial lipid molecules.  相似文献   

Lipid asymmetry, the difference in lipid distribution across the lipid bilayer, is one of the most important features of eukaryotic cellular membranes. However, commonly used model membrane vesicles cannot provide control of lipid distribution between inner and outer leaflets. We recently developed methods to prepare asymmetric model membrane vesicles, but facile incorporation of a highly controlled level of cholesterol was not possible. In this study, using hydroxypropyl-α-cyclodextrin based lipid exchange, a simple method was devised to prepare large unilamellar model membrane vesicles that closely resemble mammalian plasma membranes in terms of their lipid composition and asymmetry (sphingomyelin (SM) and/or phosphatidylcholine (PC) outside/phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) inside), and in which cholesterol content can be readily varied between 0 and 50 mol%. We call these model membranes “artificial plasma membrane mimicking” (“PMm”) vesicles. Asymmetry was confirmed by both chemical labeling and measurement of the amount of externally-exposed anionic lipid. These vesicles should be superior and more realistic model membranes for studies of lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interaction in a lipid environment that resembles that of mammalian plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Liposomes have been widely used delivery systems, particularly relevant to the development of cancer therapeutics. Numerous liposome-based drugs are in the clinic or in clinical trials today against multiple tumor types; however, systematic studies of liposome interactions with solid or metastatic tumor nodules are scarce. This study is describing the in vitro interaction between liposomes and avascular human prostate (LNCaP-LN3) tumor spheroids. The ability of fluorescently labelled liposomal delivery systems of varying physicochemical characteristics to penetrate within multicellular tumor spheroids has been investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. A variety of liposome characteristics and experimental parameters were investigated, including lipid bilayer composition, duration of liposome-spheroid interaction, mean liposome size, steric stabilization of liposomes. Electrostatic binding between cationic liposomes and spheroids was very efficient; however, it impeded any significant penetration of the vesicles within deeper layers of the tumor spheroid. Small unilamellar liposomes of neutral surface character did not bind as efficiently but exhibited enhanced penetrative transport capabilities closer to the tumor core. Polymer-coated (sterically stabilised) liposomes exhibited almost no interaction with the spheroid, indicating that their limited diffusion within avascular tissues may be a limiting step for their use against micrometastases. Multicellular tumor spheroids were used as models of solid tumor interstitium relevant to delivery systems able to extravasate from the microcapillaries or as models of prevascularized micrometastases. This study illustrates that interactions between liposomes and other drug delivery systems with multicellular tumor spheroids can offer critically important information with respect to optimizing solid or micrometastatic tumor delivery and targeting strategies.  相似文献   

Characterization of Glutamate Uptake into Synaptic Vesicles   总被引:29,自引:22,他引:7  
Recent evidence indicates that L-glutamate is taken up into synaptic vesicles in an ATP-dependent manner, supporting the notion that synaptic vesicles may be involved in glutamate synaptic transmission. In this study, we further characterized the ATP-dependent vesicular uptake of glutamate. Evidence is provided that a Mg-ATPase, not Ca-ATPase, is responsible for the ATP hydrolysis coupled to the glutamate uptake. The ATP-dependent glutamate uptake was inhibited by agents known to dissipate the electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane of chromaffin granules. Hence, it is suggested that the vesicular uptake of glutamate is driven by electrochemical proton gradients generated by the Mg-ATPase. Of particular interest is the finding that the ATP-dependent glutamate uptake is markedly stimulated by chloride over a physiologically relevant, millimolar concentration range, suggesting an important role of intranerve terminal chloride in the accumulation of glutamate in synaptic vesicles. The vesicular glutamate translocator is highly specific for L-glutamate, and failed to interact with aspartate, its related agents, and most of the glutamate analogs tested. It is proposed that this vesicular translocator plays a crucial role in determining the fate of glutamate as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of amino acids proceeded on or inside lipid vesicles as a model of prebiotic cells in a simulated hydrothermal environment. When the suspension of lipid vesiclestaking up monomeric glycine underwent a sudden temperature dropby traversing from a hot (180 °C) to a cold (0 °C) region repeatedly while circulating through a closedreaction circuit, oligopeptides up to heptaglycine were formed even in the absence of condensing agents.  相似文献   

Liposomes are artificially prepared vesicles consisting of natural and synthetic phospholipids that are widely used as a cell membrane mimicking platform to study protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions3, monitor drug delivery4,5, and encapsulation4. Phospholipids naturally create curved lipid bilayers, distinguishing itself from a micelle.6 Liposomes are traditionally classified by size and number of bilayers, i.e. large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) and multilamellar vesicles (MLVs)7. In particular, the preparation of homogeneous liposomes of various sizes is important for studying membrane curvature that plays a vital role in cell signaling, endo- and exocytosis, membrane fusion, and protein trafficking8. Several groups analyze how proteins are used to modulate processes that involve membrane curvature and thus prepare liposomes of diameters <100 - 400 nm to study their behavior on cell functions3. Others focus on liposome-drug encapsulation, studying liposomes as vehicles to carry and deliver a drug of interest9. Drug encapsulation can be achieved as reported during liposome formation9. Our extrusion step should not affect the encapsulated drug for two reasons, i.e. (1) drug encapsulation should be achieved prior to this step and (2) liposomes should retain their natural biophysical stability, securely carrying the drug in the aqueous core. These research goals further suggest the need for an optimized method to design stable sub-micron lipid vesicles.Nonetheless, the current liposome preparation technologies (sonication10, freeze-and-thaw10, sedimentation) do not allow preparation of liposomes with highly curved surface (i.e. diameter <100 nm) with high consistency and efficiency10,5, which limits the biophysical studies of an emerging field of membrane curvature sensing. Herein, we present a robust preparation method for a variety of biologically relevant liposomes.Manual extrusion using gas-tight syringes and polycarbonate membranes10,5 is a common practice but heterogeneity is often observed when using pore sizes <100 nm due to due to variability of manual pressure applied. We employed a constant pressure-controlled extrusion apparatus to prepare synthetic liposomes whose diameters range between 30 and 400 nm. Dynamic light scattering (DLS)10, electron microscopy11 and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)12 were used to quantify the liposome sizes as described in our protocol, with commercial polystyrene (PS) beads used as a calibration standard. A near linear correlation was observed between the employed pore sizes and the experimentally determined liposomes, indicating high fidelity of our pressure-controlled liposome preparation method. Further, we have shown that this lipid vesicle preparation method is generally applicable, independent of various liposome sizes. Lastly, we have also demonstrated in a time course study that these prepared liposomes were stable for up to 16 hours. A representative nano-sized liposome preparation protocol is demonstrated below.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant with diverse effects on physiology. Recent studies indicate the involvement of extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by neural cells...  相似文献   


The current literature reports that the circulation half-life of PEG-modified vesicles is independent of lipid dose over the range of β4-400 μmol/ kg. The results presented in this paper indicate that PEG-modified vesicles exhibit a dose-dependent circulation half-life at even lower lipid doses. At lipid doses of 2.13, 1.30, 0.50 and 0.16 μmol/kg, the half-life for the blood pool clearance of activity of technetium-99m encapsulated in PEG-coated vesicles was approximately 20, 16, 4, and 2 hr respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in clearance half-life for lipid doses of 2.13 and 1.30 μmol/kg (Kruskal-Wallis Anova, p>0.05). These results suggest that the dose-independent range may be extended down to approximately 1 (μmol/kg but that at lower doses, the circulation half-life is dependent on the lipid dose. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanism of clearance of activity from the circulation and the potential utility of PEG-modified technetium-99m labeled vesicles as blood pool imaging agents for nuclear medicine.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in controlling tubular membrane formations in binary giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) using a simple temperature changing between the homogeneous one-phase region and the two-phase coexistence region. The binary GUV is composed of inverse-cone (bulky hydrocarbon chains and a small headgroup) and cylinder-shaped lipids. When the temperature was set in the two-phase coexistence region, the binary GUV had a spherical shape with solidlike domains. By increasing the temperature to the homogeneous one-phase region, the excess area created by the chain melting of the lipid produced tubes inside the GUV. The tubes had a radius on the micrometer scale and were stable in the one-phase region. When we again decreased the temperature to the two-phase coexisting region, the tubes regressed and the GUVs recovered their phase-separated spherical shape. We infer that the tubular formation was based on the mechanical balance of the vesicle membrane (spontaneous tension) coupled with the asymmetric distribution of the inverse-cone-shaped lipids between the inner and outer leaflets of the vesicle (lipid sorting).  相似文献   

We have succeeded in controlling tubular membrane formations in binary giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) using a simple temperature changing between the homogeneous one-phase region and the two-phase coexistence region. The binary GUV is composed of inverse-cone (bulky hydrocarbon chains and a small headgroup) and cylinder-shaped lipids. When the temperature was set in the two-phase coexistence region, the binary GUV had a spherical shape with solidlike domains. By increasing the temperature to the homogeneous one-phase region, the excess area created by the chain melting of the lipid produced tubes inside the GUV. The tubes had a radius on the micrometer scale and were stable in the one-phase region. When we again decreased the temperature to the two-phase coexisting region, the tubes regressed and the GUVs recovered their phase-separated spherical shape. We infer that the tubular formation was based on the mechanical balance of the vesicle membrane (spontaneous tension) coupled with the asymmetric distribution of the inverse-cone-shaped lipids between the inner and outer leaflets of the vesicle (lipid sorting).  相似文献   

This paper aims at the general mathematical framework for the equilibrium theory of two-component lipid bilayer vesicles. To take into account the influences of the local compositions together with the mean curvature and Gaussian curvature of the membrane surface, a general potential functional is constructed. We introduce two kinds of virtual displacement modes: the normal one and the tangential one. By minimizing the potential functional, the equilibrium differential equations and the boundary conditions of two-component lipid vesicles are derived. Additionally, the geometrical constraint equation and geometrically permissible condition for the two-component lipid vesicles are presented. The physical, mathematical, and biological meanings of the equilibrium differential equations and the geometrical constraint equations are discussed. The influences of physical parameters on the geometrically permissible phase diagrams are predicted. Numerical results can be used to explain recent experiments.  相似文献   

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