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Meiotic recombination, an essential aspect of sexual reproduction, is initiated by programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs are catalyzed by the widely-conserved Spo11 enzyme; however, the activity of Spo11 is regulated by additional factors that are poorly conserved through evolution. To expand our understanding of meiotic regulation, we have characterized a novel gene, dsb-1, that is specifically required for meiotic DSB formation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. DSB-1 localizes to chromosomes during early meiotic prophase, coincident with the timing of DSB formation. DSB-1 also promotes normal protein levels and chromosome localization of DSB-2, a paralogous protein that plays a related role in initiating recombination. Mutations that disrupt crossover formation result in prolonged DSB-1 association with chromosomes, suggesting that nuclei may remain in a DSB-permissive state. Extended DSB-1 localization is seen even in mutants with defects in early recombination steps, including spo-11, suggesting that the absence of crossover precursors triggers the extension. Strikingly, failure to form a crossover precursor on a single chromosome pair is sufficient to extend the localization of DSB-1 on all chromosomes in the same nucleus. Based on these observations we propose a model for crossover assurance that acts through DSB-1 to maintain a DSB-permissive state until all chromosome pairs acquire crossover precursors. This work identifies a novel component of the DSB machinery in C. elegans, and sheds light on an important pathway that regulates DSB formation for crossover assurance.  相似文献   

Cell cycle control is modified at meiosis compared to mitosis, because two divisions follow a single DNA replication event. Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) promote progression through both meiosis and mitosis, and a central regulator of their activity is the APC/C (Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome) that is especially required for exit from mitosis. We have shown previously that OSD1 is involved in entry into both meiosis I and meiosis II in Arabidopsis thaliana; however, the molecular mechanism by which OSD1 controls these transitions has remained unclear. Here we show that OSD1 promotes meiotic progression through APC/C inhibition. Next, we explored the functional relationships between OSD1 and the genes known to control meiotic cell cycle transitions in Arabidopsis. Like osd1, cyca1;2/tam mutation leads to a premature exit from meiosis after the first division, while tdm mutants perform an aberrant third meiotic division after normal meiosis I and II. Remarkably, while tdm is epistatic to tam, osd1 is epistatic to tdm. We further show that the expression of a non-destructible CYCA1;2/TAM provokes, like tdm, the entry into a third meiotic division. Finally, we show that CYCA1;2/TAM forms an active complex with CDKA;1 that can phosphorylate OSD1 in vitro. We thus propose that a functional network composed of OSD1, CYCA1;2/TAM, and TDM controls three key steps of meiotic progression, in which OSD1 is a meiotic APC/C inhibitor.  相似文献   

The oocyte-to-embryo transition transforms a differentiated germ cell into a totipotent zygote capable of somatic development. In C. elegans, several oocyte proteins, including the meiotic katanin subunit MEI-1 and the oocyte maturation protein OMA-1, must be degraded during this transition . Degradation of MEI-1 and OMA-1 requires the dual-specificity YAK-1-related (DYRK) kinase MBK-2 . Here, we demonstrate that MBK-2 directly phosphorylates MEI-1 and OMA-1 in vitro and that this activity is essential for degradation in vivo. Phosphorylation of MEI-1 by MBK-2 reaches maximal levels after the meiotic divisions, immediately preceding MEI-1 degradation. MEI-1 phosphorylation and degradation still occur in spe-9 eggs, which undergo meiotic maturation and exit in the absence of fertilization . In contrast, MEI-1 phosphorylation and degradation are blocked in cell-cycle mutants that arrest during the meiotic divisions, and are accelerated in wee-1.3(RNAi) oocytes, which prematurely enter meiotic M phase (A. Golden, personal communication). A GFP:MBK-2 fusion relocalizes from the cortex to the cytoplasm during the meiotic divisions, and this relocalization also depends on cell-cycle progression. Our findings suggest that regulators of meiotic M phase activate a remodeling program, independently of fertilization, to prepare eggs for embryogenesis.  相似文献   

An approach combining genetic, proteomic, computational, and physiological analysis was used to define a protein network that regulates fat storage in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). A computational analysis of this network shows that it is not scale-free, and is best approximated by the Watts-Strogatz model, which generates “small-world” networks with high clustering and short path lengths. The network is also modular, containing energy level sensing proteins that connect to four output processes: autophagy, fatty acid synthesis, mRNA processing, and MAP kinase signaling. The importance of each protein to network function is dependent on its Katz centrality score, which is related both to the protein’s position within a module and to the module’s relationship to the network as a whole. The network is also divisible into subnetworks that span modular boundaries and regulate different aspects of fat metabolism. We used a combination of genetics and pharmacology to simultaneously block output from multiple network nodes. The phenotypic results of this blockage define patterns of communication among distant network nodes, and these patterns are consistent with the Watts-Strogatz model.  相似文献   


Pch2 is a widely conserved protein that is required in baker's yeast for the organization of meiotic chromosome axes into specific domains. We provide four lines of evidence suggesting that it regulates the formation and distribution of crossover events required to promote chromosome segregation at Meiosis I. First, pch2Δ mutants display wild-type crossover levels on a small (III) chromosome, but increased levels on larger (VII, VIII, XV) chromosomes. Second, pch2Δ mutants show defects in crossover interference. Third, crossovers observed in pch2Δ require both Msh4-Msh5 and Mms4-Mus81 functions. Lastly, the pch2Δ mutation decreases spore viability and disrupts crossover interference in spo11 hypomorph strains that have reduced levels of meiosis-induced double-strand breaks. Based on these and previous observations, we propose a model in which Pch2 functions at an early step in crossover control to ensure that every homolog pair receives an obligate crossover.  相似文献   

Secretory vesicles are localized in specific compartments within neurosecretory cells. These are different pools in which vesicles are in various states of releasability. The transit of vesicles between compartments is controlled and regulated by Ca2+, scinderin and the cortical F-actin network. Cortical F-actin disassembly is produced by the filament severing activity of scinderin. This Ca2+-dependent activity of scinderin together with its Ca2+-independent actin nucleating activity, control cortical F-actin dynamics during the secretory cycle. A good understanding of the interaction of actin with scinderin and of the role of this protein in secretion has been provided by the analysis of the molecular structure of scinderin together with the use of recombinant proteins corresponding to its different domains.  相似文献   

During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and recombine via repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs are formed in the context of chromatin loops, which are anchored to the proteinaceous axial element (AE). The AE later serves as a framework to assemble the synaptonemal complex (SC) that provides a transient but tight connection between homologous chromosomes. Here, we showed that DESYNAPTIC2 (DSY2), a coiled-coil protein, mediates DSB formation and is directly involved in SC assembly in maize (Zea mays). The dsy2 mutant exhibits homologous pairing defects, leading to sterility. Analyses revealed that DSB formation and the number of RADIATION SENSITIVE51 (RAD51) foci are largely reduced, and synapsis is completely abolished in dsy2 meiocytes. Super-resolution structured illumination microscopy showed that DSY2 is located on the AE and forms a distinct alternating pattern with the HORMA-domain protein ASYNAPTIC1 (ASY1). In the dsy2 mutant, localization of ASY1 is affected, and loading of the central element ZIPPER1 (ZYP1) is disrupted. Yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments further demonstrated that ZYP1 interacts with DSY2 but does not interact with ASY1. Therefore, DSY2, an AE protein, not only mediates DSB formation but also bridges the AE and central element of SC during meiosis.  相似文献   

The mau-8(qm57) mutation inhibits the function of GPB-2, a heterotrimeric G protein beta subunit, and profoundly affects behavior through the Galphaq/Galphao signaling network in C. elegans. mau-8 encodes a nematode Phosducin-like Protein (PhLP), and the qm57 mutation leads to the loss of a predicted phosphorylation site in the C-terminal domain of PhLP that binds the Gbetagamma surface implicated in membrane interactions. In developing embryos, MAU-8/PhLP localizes to the cortical region, concentrates at the centrosomes of mitotic cells and remains associated with the germline blastomere. In adult animals, MAU-8/PhLP is ubiquitously expressed in somatic tissues and germline cells. MAU-8/PhLP interacts with the PAR-5/14.3.3 protein and with the Gbeta subunit GPB-1. In mau-8 mutants, the disruption of MAU-8/PhLP stabilizes the association of GPB-1 with the microtubules of centrosomes. Our results indicate that MAU-8/PhLP modulates G protein signaling, stability and subcellular location to regulate various physiological functions, and they suggest that MAU-8 might not be limited to the Galphaq/Galphao network.  相似文献   

Mutations in tcl-2 cause defects in the specification of the fates of the descendants of the TL and TR blast cells, whose polarity is regulated by lin-44/Wnt and lin-17/frizzled, during Caenorhabditis elegans development. In wild-type animals, POP-1/TCF/LEF, is asymmetrically distributed to the T cell daughters, resulting in a higher level of POP-1 in the nucleus of the anterior daughter. The POP-1 asymmetric distribution is controlled by lin-44 and lin-17. However, in tcl-2 mutants, POP-1 is equally distributed to T cell daughters as is observed in lin-17 mutants, indicating that, like lin-17, tcl-2 functions upstream of pop-1. In addition, tcl-2 mutations cause defects in the development of the gonad and the specification of fate of the posterior daughter of the P12 cell, both of which are controlled by the Wnt pathway. Double mutant analyses indicate that tcl-2 can act synergistically with the Wnt pathway to control gonad development as well as P12 descendant cell fate specification. tcl-2 encodes a novel protein. A functional tcl-2::gfp construct was weakly expressed in the nuclei of the T cell and its descendants. Our results suggest that tcl-2 functions with Wnt pathways to control T cell fate specification, gonad development, and P12 cell fate specification.  相似文献   

LINC complexes are evolutionarily conserved nuclear envelope bridges, composed of SUN (Sad-1/UNC-84) and KASH (Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne/homology) domain proteins. They are crucial for nuclear positioning and nuclear shape determination, and also mediate nuclear envelope (NE) attachment of meiotic telomeres, essential for driving homolog synapsis and recombination. In mice, SUN1 and SUN2 are the only SUN domain proteins expressed during meiosis, sharing their localization with meiosis-specific KASH5. Recent studies have shown that loss of SUN1 severely interferes with meiotic processes. Absence of SUN1 provokes defective telomere attachment and causes infertility. Here, we report that meiotic telomere attachment is not entirely lost in mice deficient for SUN1, but numerous telomeres are still attached to the NE through SUN2/KASH5-LINC complexes. In Sun1−/− meiocytes attached telomeres retained the capacity to form bouquet-like clusters. Furthermore, we could detect significant numbers of late meiotic recombination events in Sun1−/− mice. Together, this indicates that even in the absence of SUN1 telomere attachment and their movement within the nuclear envelope per se can be functional.  相似文献   

Activation of caspases is an integral part of the apoptotic cell death program. Collectively, these proteases target hundreds of substrates, leading to the hypothesis that apoptosis is “death by a thousand cuts”. Recent work, however, has demonstrated that caspase cleavage of only a subset of these substrates directs apoptosis in the cell. One such example is C. elegans CNT-1, which is cleaved by CED-3 to generate a truncated form, tCNT-1, that acquires a potent phosphoinositide-binding activity and translocates to the plasma membrane where it inactivates AKT survival signaling. We report here that ACAP2, a homolog of C. elegans CNT-1, has a pro-apoptotic function and an identical phosphoinositide-binding pattern to that of tCNT-1, despite not being an apparent target of caspase cleavage. We show that knockdown of ACAP2 blocks apoptosis in cancer cells in response to the chemotherapeutic antimetabolite 5-fluorouracil and that ACAP2 expression is down-regulated in some esophageal cancers, leukemias and lymphomas. These results suggest that ACAP2 is a functional homolog of C. elegans CNT-1 and its inactivation or downregulation in human cells may contribute to cancer development.The caspases (cysteine aspartic acid proteases) are a class of proteases with diverse roles in cellular physiology including differentiation, inflammation and cell death.1–3 Caspases play a critical role in apoptosis, where they collectively target hundreds of proteins. One prevailing view is that caspases drive apoptosis through a mass action effect due to hundreds of proteolytic cleavage events that lead to cellular disassembly and cell death.4 Recent studies, however, suggest that proteolysis of most substrates may simply be a bystander effect and that caspase cleavage of key proteins controlling a few specific cellular processes is what functionally drives apoptosis.5 Although much of the work to date has focused on factors acting upstream of caspase activation, it is becoming increasingly clear that events downstream of this commitment step are also tightly regulated and critically important for apoptosis. Presently, there is evidence of requirements for caspase-mediated control of the BCL2 family of anti-apoptotic proteins, mitochondrial elimination, chromosome fragmentation, phosphatidylserine externalization, and, as we have recently reported, inactivation of the AKT survival signaling pathway in programmed cell death (6-10 Therefore, a more thorough understanding of physiologically relevant caspase targets will increase our understanding of apoptosis in the context of animal development and disease.

Table 1

Human homologues of functional caspase targets in C. elegans. A summary of identified caspase substrates and caspase downstream events important for cell death execution in C. elegans and humans
Functional Caspase Targets
C. elegansHumanDownstream Events
CED-9BCL2Inactivation of apoptosis inhibitors
DRP-1DRP1aMitochondrial elimination
DCR-1DFF40/45#Chromosome fragmentation
CED-8XKR8PS externalization
CNT-1ACAP2Inactivation of AKT signaling
Open in a separate window*Roles of DRP1 and FIS1 in apoptosis related mitochondrial elimination have not been extensively tested.#Proteins have similar functions but are not homologous  相似文献   

Cell junctions are essential to maintain polarity and tissue integrity. Epithelial cell junctions are composed of distinct sub-compartments that together ensure the strong adhesion between neighboring cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans epithelia, the apical junction (CeAJ) forms a single electron-dense structure, but at the molecular level it is composed of two sub-compartments that function redundantly and localize independently as two distinct but adjacent circumferential rings on the lateral plasma membrane. While investigating the role of the multi PDZ-domain containing protein MAGI-1 during C. elegans epidermal morphogenesis, we found that MAGI-1 localizes apical to both the Cadherin/Catenin (CCC) and AJM-1/DLG-1 (DAC) containing sub-domains. Removal of MAGI-1 function causes a loss of junctional compartmentalization along the lateral membrane and reduces the overall robustness of cell-cell adhesion mediated by either type of cell junctions. Our results suggest that MAGI-1 functions as an “organizer” that ensures the correct segregation of different cell adhesion complexes into distinct domains along the lateral plasma membrane. Thus, the formation of stable junctions requires the proper distribution of the CCC and DAC adhesion protein complexes along the lateral plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A major challenge in understanding energy balance is deciphering the neural and molecular circuits that govern behavioral, physiological, and metabolic responses of animals to fluctuating environmental conditions. The neurally expressed TGF-β ligand DAF-7 functions as a gauge of environmental conditions to modulate energy balance in C. elegans. We show that daf-7 signaling regulates fat metabolism and feeding behavior through a compact neural circuit that allows for integration of multiple inputs and the flexibility for differential regulation of outputs. In daf-7 mutants, perception of depleting food resources causes fat accumulation despite reduced feeding rate. This fat accumulation is mediated, in part, through neural metabotropic glutamate signaling and upregulation of peripheral endogenous biosynthetic pathways that direct energetic resources into fat reservoirs. Thus, neural perception of adverse environmental conditions can promote fat accumulation without a concomitant increase in feeding rate.  相似文献   

LIM domain-containing proteins contribute to cell fate determination, the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, and remodeling of the cell cytoskeleton. These proteins can be found in the cell nucleus, cytoplasm, or both. Whether and how cytoplasmic LIM proteins contribute to the cellular response to extracellular stimuli is an area of active investigation. We have identified and characterized a new LIM protein, Ajuba. Although predominantly a cytosolic protein, in contrast to other like proteins, it did not localize to sites of cellular adhesion to extracellular matrix or interact with the actin cytoskeleton. Removal of the pre-LIM domain of Ajuba, including a putative nuclear export signal, led to an accumulation of the LIM domains in the cell nucleus. The pre-LIM domain contains two putative proline-rich SH3 recognition motifs. Ajuba specifically associated with Grb2 in vitro and in vivo. The interaction between these proteins was mediated by either SH3 domain of Grb2 and the N-terminal proline-rich pre-LIM domain of Ajuba. In fibroblasts expressing Ajuba mitogen-activated protein kinase activity persisted despite serum starvation and upon serum stimulation generated levels fivefold higher than that seen in control cells. Finally, when Ajuba was expressed in fully developed Xenopus oocytes, it promoted meiotic maturation in a Grb2- and Ras-dependent manner.  相似文献   

We describe the molecular characterization of zyg-9, a maternally acting gene essential for microtubule organization and function in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Defects in zyg-9 mutants suggest that the zyg-9 product functions in the organization of the meiotic spindle and the formation of long microtubules. One-cell zyg-9 embryos exhibit both meiotic and mitotic spindle defects. Meiotic spindles are disorganized, pronuclear migration fails, and the mitotic apparatus forms at the posterior, orients incorrectly, and contains unusually short microtubules. We find that zyg-9 encodes a component of the meiotic and mitotic spindle poles. In addition to the strong staining of spindle poles, we consistently detect staining in the region of the kinetochore microtubules at metaphase and early anaphase in mitotic spindles. The ZYG-9 signal at the mitotic centrosomes is not reduced by nocodazole treatment, indicating that ZYG-9 localization to the mitotic centrosomes is not dependent upon long astral microtubules. Interestingly, in embryos lacking an organized meiotic spindle, produced either by nocodazole treatment or mutations in the mei-1 gene, ZYG-9 forms a halo around the meiotic chromosomes. The protein sequence shows partial similarity to a small set of proteins that also localize to spindle poles, suggesting a common activity of the proteins.  相似文献   

Schaefer AM  Hadwiger GD  Nonet ML 《Neuron》2000,26(2):345-356
Little is known of mechanisms regulating presynaptic differentiation. We identified rpm-1 in a screen for mutants with defects in patterning of a presynaptic marker at certain interneuronal synapses. The predicted RPM-1 protein contains zinc binding, RCC1, and other conserved motifs. In rpm-1 mutants, mechanosensory neurons fail to accumulate tagged vesicles, retract synaptic branches, and ectopically extend axons. Some motor neurons branch and overgrow; others show altered synaptic organization. Expression of RPM-1 in the presynaptic mechanosensory neurons is sufficient to rescue phenotypes in these cells. Certain rpm-1 phenotypes are temperature sensitive, revealing that RPM-1 function can be bypassed by maintaining mutants at the permissive temperature at stages commensurate with synapse formation in wild-type animals. These results indicate that RPM-1 functions cell autonomously during synaptogenesis to regulate neuronal morphology.  相似文献   

Boxem M  Tsai CW  Zhang Y  Saito RM  Liu JO 《FEBS letters》2004,576(1-2):245-250
We have investigated the physiological function of type 2 methionine aminopeptidases (MetAP2) using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model system. A homolog of human MetAP2 was found in the C. elegans genome, which we termed MAP-2. MAP-2 protein displayed methionine aminopeptidase activity and was sensitive to inhibition by fumagillin. Downregulation of map-2 expression by RNAi led to sterility, resulting from a defect in germ cell proliferation. These observations suggest that MAP-2 is essential for germ cell development in C. elegans and that this ubiquitous enzyme may play important roles in a tissue specific manner.  相似文献   

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