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Though our knowledge of the molecular details of the circadian clock has advanced rapidly, the functional elements of the photoperiodic clock remain largely unknown. As a first step to approach this issue, we report here the sequences and expression patterns of period (per), timeless (tim), cycle (cyc) and cryptochrome (cry) mRNAs in the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the genes in S. crassipalpis show high similarity to homologous genes in other insects that have been investigated. S. crassipalpis TIM has a unique C-terminus that contains a poly Q region. A diel rhythmicity of per and tim mRNA abundance was detected in the adult heads (peak during scotophase), while cry and cyc mRNA abundance remained fairly constant throughout. The abundance of cyc mRNA was quite low when compared to per, tim and cry mRNA. Rearing temperature affected the amount of per and tim mRNAs: abundance of per mRNA increased at 20 °C when compared to 25 °C, but that of tim mRNA decreased. Photoperiod influenced the expression patterns of per and tim mRNA: the peak of per mRNA expression shifted in concert with onset of the scotophase, while a shift in tim mRNA expression was less pronounced. The amplitude of tim mRNA was severely dampened under long daylength, but that of per mRNA was not affected. These distinct patterns of expression suggest that this information could be used to determine photoperiodic responses such as diapause.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In seeds with deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, warm and cold stratification are required to break dormancy of the radicle and shoot, respectively. Although the shoot remains inside the seed all winter, little is known about its growth and morphological development prior to emergence in spring. The aims of the present study were to determine the temperature requirements for radicle and shoot emergence in seeds of Viburnum betulifolium and V. parvifolium and to monitor growth of the epicotyl, plumule and cotyledons in root-emerged seeds.


Fresh and pre-treated seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium were incubated under various temperature regimes and monitored for radicle and shoot emergence. Growth of the epicotyl and cotyledons at different stages was observed with dissecting and scanning electron microscopes.

Key Results

The optimum temperature for radicle emergence of seeds of both species, either kept continuously at a single regime or exposed to a sequence of regimes, was 20/10 °C. GA3 had no effect on radicle emergence. Cold stratification (5 °C) was required for shoot emergence. The shoot apical meristem in fresh seeds did not form a bulge until the embryo had grown to the critical length for radicle emergence. After radicle emergence, the epicotyl–plumule and cotyledons grew slowly at 5 and 20/10 °C, and the first pair of true leaves was initiated. However, the shoot emerged only from seeds that received cold stratification.


Seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, C1bB (root)–C3 (epicotyl). Warm stratification was required to break the first part of physiological dormancy (PD), thereby allowing embryo growth and subsequently radicle emergence. Although cold stratification was not required for differentiation of the epicotyl–plumule, it was required to break the second part of PD, thereby allowing the shoot to emerge in spring.  相似文献   

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) has not changed over 121 million years. There may be unknown special strategy for the survival. Gingko litter inhibited the growth of weed species ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.). The inhibition was greater with the litter of the close position than that of the far position from the gingko tree. A phytotoxic substance, 2-hydroxy-6-(10-hydroxypentadec-11-enyl)benzoic acid (HHPEBA) was isolated in the litter. HHPEBA concentration was greater in the litter of the close position than that of the far position from the tree. HHPEBA inhibited the ryegrass growth at concentrations greater than 3 μM. HHPEBA was estimated to be able to cause 47–62% of the observed growth inhibition of ryegrass by the gingko litter. Therefore, HHPEBA may contribute to the inhibitory effect caused by ginkgo litter and may provide a competitive advantage for gingko to survive through the growth inhibition of the neighboring plants.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The presence of fruit has been widely reported to act as an inhibitor of flowering in fruit trees. This study is an investigation into the effect of fruit load on flowering of ‘Moncada’ mandarin and on the expression of putative orthologues of genes involved in flowering pathways to provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying alternate bearing in citrus.


The relationship between fruit load and flowering intensity was examined first. Defruiting experiments were further conducted to demonstrate the causal effect of fruit removal upon flowering. Finally, the activity of flowering-related genes was investigated to determine the extent to which their seasonal expression is affected by fruit yield.

Key Results

First observations and defruiting experiments indicated a significant inverse relationship between preceding fruit load and flowering intensity. Moreover, data indicated that when fruit remained on the tree from November onwards, a dramatic inhibition of flowering occurred the following spring. The study of the expression pattern of flowering-genes of on (fully loaded) and off (without fruits) trees revealed that homologues of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), SUPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1), APETALA1 (AP1) and LEAFY (LFY) were negatively affected by fruit load. Thus, CiFT expression showed a progressive increase in leaves from off trees through the study period, the highest differences found from December onwards (10-fold). Whereas differences in the relative expression of SOC1 only reached significance from September to mid-December, CsAP1 expression was constantly higher in those trees through the whole study period. Significant variations in CsLFY expression only were found in late February (close to 20 %). On the other hand, the expression of the homologues of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) did not appear to be related to fruit load.


These results suggest for the first time that fruit inhibits flowering by repressing CiFT and SOC1 expression in leaves of alternate-bearing citrus. Fruit also reduces CsAP1 expression in leaves, and the significant increase in leaf CsLFY expression from off trees in late February was associated with the onset of floral differentiation.  相似文献   

Michel Sartori 《ZooKeys》2014,(420):19-39
Three species belonging to the genus Thalerosphyrus Eaton, 1881 are reported from Java and Sumatra. The nymphs of Th. determinatus (Walker, 1853) from Java, Th. sinuosus (Navás, 1933) from Java and Sumatra and Th. lamuriensis Sartori, 2014 from Sumatra are redescribed. The egg morphology of the three species is also presented for the first time. A key to the nymphs is proposed. General considerations on the composition of the genus Thalerosphyrus in the Oriental Realm are given. The distribution of the genus is greatly expended, and currently ranges over the Himalaya and Sumbawa in the Sunda Islands.  相似文献   

The tentpole is a unique structure of the female gametophyte in Ginkgo biloba; however, its exact functions in the reproductive process are unclear. In the present study, we used semi-thin sectioning and electron microscopy to study the structure and function of the tentpole during fertilization in G. biloba. The tentpole was always initiated between two or more deeply immersed archegonia. Before fertilization, the tentpole had developed into a column-like structure, protruding toward the archegonial chamber; cells at the periphery of tentpole were loosely ranged, and abundant lipid droplets and starch grains were accumulated in the tentpole cells. After fertilization, the tentpole degenerated, and some membranous debris was overlaid on its surface. In addition, there were significant decreases in the lipids and starch grains. These results suggested that the tentpole led to the degeneration of the megaspore membrane and then supported the pliable apex of the nucellar tissues. Importantly, the tentpole also contributed to supplying nutrition for fertilization and embryo development.  相似文献   

Chybicki IJ  Oleksa A  Burczyk J 《Heredity》2011,107(6):589-600
Habitat fragmentation can have severe genetic consequences for trees, such as increased inbreeding and decreased effective population size. In effect, local populations suffer from reduction of genetic variation, and thus loss of adaptive capacity, which consequently increases their risk of extinction. In Europe, Taxus baccata is among a number of tree species experiencing strong habitat fragmentation. However, there is little empirical data on the population genetic consequences of fragmentation for this species. This study aimed to characterize local genetic structure in two natural remnants of English yew in Poland based on both amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers. We introduced a Bayesian approach that estimates the average inbreeding coefficient using AFLP (dominant) markers. Results showed that, in spite of high dispersal potential (bird-mediated seed dispersal and wind-mediated pollen dispersal), English yew populations show strong kinship structure, with a spatial extent of 50–100 m, depending on the population. The estimated inbreeding levels ranged from 0.016 to 0.063, depending on the population and marker used. Several patterns were evident: (1) AFLP markers showed stronger kinship structure than SSRs; (2) AFLP markers provided higher inbreeding estimates than SSRs; and (3) kinship structure and inbreeding were more pronounced in denser populations regardless of the marker used. Our results suggest that, because both kinship structure and (bi-parental) inbreeding exist in populations of English yew, gene dispersal can be fairly limited in this species. Furthermore, at a local scale, gene dispersal intensity can be more limited in a dense population.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The order Piperales has the highest diversity of growth forms among the earliest angiosperm lineages, including trees, shrubs, climbers and herbs. However, within the perianth-bearing Piperales (Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Prosopanche, Thottea and Aristolochia), climbing species only occur in the most species-rich genus Aristolochia. This study traces anatomical and morphological traits among these lineages, to detect trends in growth form evolution and developmental processes.


Transverse stem sections of different developmental stages of representatives of Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Thottea and Aristolochia were compared and anatomical traits were linked to growth form evolution. Biomechanical properties of representative climbers were determined in three-point bending tests and are discussed based on the anatomical observations. Growth form evolution of the perianth-bearing Piperales was reconstructed by ancestral character state reconstruction using Mesquite.

Key Results

While species of Asarum and Saruma are exclusively herbaceous, species of the remaining genera show a higher diversity of growth habit and anatomy. This growth form diversity is accompanied by a more complex stem anatomy and appropriate biomechanical properties. The ancestral growth form of the perianth-bearing Piperales is reconstructed with either a shrub-like or herbaceous character state, while the following three backbone nodes in the reconstruction show a shrub-like character state. Accordingly, the climbing habit most probably evolved in the ancestor of Aristolochia.


Since the ancestor of the perianth-bearing Piperales has been reconstructed with a herb- or shrub-like habit, it is proposed that the climbing habit is a derived growth form, which evolved with the diversification of Aristolochia, and might have been a key feature for its diversification. Observed anatomical synapomorphies, such as the perivascular fibres in Lactoris, Thottea and Aristolochia, support the phylogenetic relationship of several lineages within the perianth-bearing Piperales. In addition, the hypothesis that the vegetative organs of the holoparasitic Hydnoraceae are most probably rhizomes is confirmed.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Despite a recent new classification, a stable phylogeny for the cycads has been elusive, particularly regarding resolution of Bowenia, Stangeria and Dioon. In this study, five single-copy nuclear genes (SCNGs) are applied to the phylogeny of the order Cycadales. The specific aim is to evaluate several gene tree–species tree reconciliation approaches for developing an accurate phylogeny of the order, to contrast them with concatenated parsimony analysis and to resolve the erstwhile problematic phylogenetic position of these three genera.


DNA sequences of five SCNGs were obtained for 20 cycad species representing all ten genera of Cycadales. These were analysed with parsimony, maximum likelihood (ML) and three Bayesian methods of gene tree–species tree reconciliation, using Cycas as the outgroup. A calibrated date estimation was developed with Bayesian methods, and biogeographic analysis was also conducted.

Key Results

Concatenated parsimony, ML and three species tree inference methods resolve exactly the same tree topology with high support at most nodes. Dioon and Bowenia are the first and second branches of Cycadales after Cycas, respectively, followed by an encephalartoid clade (MacrozamiaLepidozamiaEncephalartos), which is sister to a zamioid clade, of which Ceratozamia is the first branch, and in which Stangeria is sister to Microcycas and Zamia.


A single, well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis of the generic relationships of the Cycadales is presented. However, massive extinction events inferred from the fossil record that eliminated broader ancestral distributions within Zamiaceae compromise accurate optimization of ancestral biogeographical areas for that hypothesis. While major lineages of Cycadales are ancient, crown ages of all modern genera are no older than 12 million years, supporting a recent hypothesis of mostly Miocene radiations. This phylogeny can contribute to an accurate infrafamilial classification of Zamiaceae.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Seed persistence in the soil under field conditions is an important issue for the maintenance of local plant populations and the restoration of plant communities, increasingly so in the light of rapidly changing land use and climate change. Whereas processes important for dispersal in space are well known, knowledge of processes governing dispersal in time is still limited. Data for morphological seed traits such as size have given contradictory results for prediction of soil seed persistence or cover only a few species. There have been few experimental studies on the role of germination traits in determining soil seed persistence, while none has studied their predictive value consistently across species. Delayed germination, as well as light requirements for germination, have been suggested to contribute to the formation of persistent seed banks. Moreover, diurnally fluctuating temperatures can influence the timing of germination and are therefore linked to seed bank persistence.


The role of germination speed measured by T50 (days to germination of 50 % of all germinated seeds), light requirement and reaction to diurnally fluctuating temperatures in determining seed persistence in the soil was evaluated using an experimental comparative data set of 25 annual cereal weed species.

Key Results

It is shown that light requirements and slow germination are important features to maintain seeds ungerminated just after entering the soil, and hence influence survival of seeds in the soil. However, the detection of low diurnally fluctuating temperatures enhances soil seed bank persistence by limiting germination. Our data further suggest that the effect of diurnally fluctuating temperatures, as measured on seeds after dispersal and dry storage, is increasingly important to prevent fatal germination after longer burial periods.


These results underline the functional role of delayed germination and light for survival of seeds in the soil and hence their importance for shaping the first part of the seed decay curve. Our analyses highlight the detection of diurnally fluctuating temperatures as a third mechanism to achieve higher soil seed persistence after burial which interacts strongly with season. We therefore advocate focusing future research on mechanisms that favour soil seed persistence after longer burial times and moving from studies of morphological features to exploration of germination traits such as reaction to diurnally fluctuating temperatures.  相似文献   

何昌文  朱丽  沈珊  张威威 《广西植物》2018,38(2):202-209
bHLH转录因子在植物的生长发育、胁迫应答和次生代谢中具有重要的调控作用。该研究通过PCR技术从银杏(Ginkgo biloba)叶中分离得到了一个bHLH基因的cDNA序列,并将其命名为GbbHLH91。序列分析结果显示扩增的GbbHLH91基因cDNA序列长度为1 425 bp,开放阅读框是1 065 bp,编码354个氨基酸,分子量为40.1 kDa,等电点为8.20。系统进化分析结果显示,从用于进化树构建的bHLH蛋白质聚类情况来看,银杏GbbHLH91蛋白与裸子植物油松(Pinus tabuliformis)bHLH蛋白亲缘关系最近,且与被子植物无油樟(Amborella trichopoda)bHLH蛋白相似性达到60%,表明该基因在进化过程中相对比较保守。实时荧光定量PCR分析发现银杏bHLH91基因在银杏的各个组织中均有表达,其中在银杏叶中表达量最高,在根和茎中基因的表达量次之,在银杏雌花和果中表达量较少,在雄花中的表达水平最低;GbbHLH91基因在不同发育时期的银杏叶片中,表达量也存在一定的差异,其中在4月中旬该基因的表达水平达到最高,而后随着叶片的生长发育,该基因的表达水平呈现下降趋势。该研究结果为进一步验证GbbHLH91基因的功能奠定了前期基础。  相似文献   

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